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注意:1. 每空一词。

2. 填错任何一个词(包括词的形式)便失去句子的本意,所以此题不给分。


Do you really______ ______ ______ ______this passage in English?


We have a lot of work to do, so we must_____ ______ ______ ______our valuable time.


My cousins are waiting for us there. I ______ ______ ______ ______see them.

4.Athough he is old, the man is still energetic.

Old ______ ______ ______, the man is still energetic.


We decided to answer violence with violence.______ ______ ______ ______ ______we didn’t like violence.

6.The house is a little small. My grandparents lived in the house ten years ago.

The house ______ ______ my grandparents lived ten years ago is a little small.


There ______ ______ ______ ______ our class is sure to win the basketball match.


We Chinese love Diaoyu Island  which ______ ______ China.



1. have some difficulty(trouble/ problems) reading

2.make good(full) use of

3.can hardly/not wait to

4.as he is

5.As a matter of fact

6.in which

7.is no doubt that

8.belongs to



1.have some difficulty(trouble/ problems) reading固定结构:做某事有困难。

2.make good(full) use of固定结构:充分利用;注意该短语="make" full use of…

3.can hardly/not wait to 固定词组:迫不及待做某事;注意这里可以使用半否定词hardly.

4.as he is 该句型是一个倒装句,表示的让步状语从句的意思,

5.As a matter of fact 固定词组:事实上,实际上;

6.in which 本句是一个定语从句,先行词the house,定语从句的句子很完整,故使用关系副词where,本句中的where="in" which.

7.is no doubt that 固定句型:There is no doubt that…毫无疑问…

8.belongs to 固定短语:属于;注意该短语没有被动语态,也没有进行时的形式。





科目:高中英语 来源:福建省2009-2010学年度高一下学期期中考试试卷(英语) 题型:其他题



V 根据提示完成下列句子。(每小题1分,共10分)

1. 众所周知吸烟对身体健康危害很大。

As is known to us, smoking ________________________________________________.

2. 至于那一大笔钱, 我也不知该如何处理。

______________________________________, I don’t know how to deal with it.

3. 任何人不得再实验室里抽烟

Nobody is ________________________________________________________.

4. 这个话题我不觉得乏味,正相反,我觉得它很有趣。

The topic doesn’t seem boring to me; ______________________, I think it’s very


5. 我们应该想办法防止有害气体的蔓延。

We should find some ways to _____________________________________.

6. 水对于生命的发展会起关键作用,这一点在当时并不明显

It was not obvious at that time that water was to be _______________________.

7. 吃饭时擤鼻涕是不礼貌的。

_________________________________________ to blow your nose at dinner.

8. 他的话铭刻在我的记忆里。

His words ____________________ themselves ________ my memory.

9. 母亲有一种使客人感到宾至如归的能力。(gift)

Mother always _____________________________ making guests feel at home.

10. 依我看,你没有做错任何事

_________________________________________, you’ve done nothing wrong.



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:



    V 根据提示完成下列句子。(每小题1分,共10分)

   1. 众所周知吸烟对身体健康危害很大。

   As is known to us, smoking ________________________________________________.

   2. 至于那一大笔钱, 我也不知该如何处理。

      ______________________________________, I don’t know how to deal with it.

   3. 任何人不得再实验室里抽烟

      Nobody is ________________________________________________________.

   4. 这个话题我不觉得乏味,正相反,我觉得它很有趣。

     The topic doesn’t seem boring to me; ______________________, I think it’s very


   5. 我们应该想办法防止有害气体的蔓延。

       We should find some ways to _____________________________________.

   6. 水对于生命的发展会起关键作用,这一点在当时并不明显

  It was not obvious at that time that water was to be _______________________.

   7. 吃饭时擤鼻涕是不礼貌的。

      _________________________________________ to blow your nose at dinner.

   8. 他的话铭刻在我的记忆里。

      His words ____________________ themselves ________ my memory.

   9. 母亲有一种使客人感到宾至如归的能力。(gift)

      Mother always _____________________________ making guests feel at home.

  10. 依我看,你没有做错任何事

      _________________________________________, you’ve done nothing wrong.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:



 注意:1. 每空一词。

       2. 填错任何一个词(包括词的形式)便失去句子的本意,所以此题不给分。

96.______ ______ ______ ______(曾经有一段时间)when a deep blue sky,the song of the birds,moonlight and flowers could never have kept me spellbound.

97.As we know,there is______ ______ ______ ______(不止一个男孩) in our class coming from the other cites in our province.

98.With a compass you’ll always know you are going ______ ______ ______ ______(朝正确的方向).

99.But the one million people of the city,who thought little of the events,______ ______ ______ ______ (和往常一样熟睡)that night.

100.______ ______ ______ ______ ______(只是那时我们决定)to answer violence with violence.

101.______ ______ ______ ______ ______(能够证明)China has more people than any other country in the world.

102.The design of the amber room was ______ ______ ______ ______(以一种奇特的风格),popular in those days.

103.No other countries could join in the ancient Olympic Games,______ ______ ______(奴隶也不能)or women.

104.______ ______ ______ ______(在。。。的帮助下)my electronic brain which never forgets anything,using my intelligence is what I am all about.

105.She is one of the women who______ ______ ______ ______(掌管;负责)the computer company.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1.She was ______________ (沮丧) to learn that she had failed the course.

2. We must fit the expedition out with the best ____________ (设备).

3. Tomorrow will be quite ___________ (合适的).

4. The girl got into a p_________ when she heard the frightening news.

5. __________ __________ ____________ (不管) all his efforts he failed.

6. He felt he had to make up his mind on every step instead of __________ _________ (冒险).

7. Tom can be really difficult to deal with at times ___________ __________ (即使) he is a nice person in general.

8. _____________ _____________ (每当) you ____________ _____________ (想要) smoking a cigarette, remind yourself that you are a non-smoker.

