精英家教网 > 高中英语 > 题目详情
9."Yes,I'll be ready at nine in the morning.Goodbye,dear,and thanks again."It had not been an easy telephone call for Mrs.Robson to make.Her daughter had been very kind,of course,and had immediately agreed to pick her up and drive her to the station,but Mrs.Robson hated to admit that she needed help.Since her husband had died ten years before,she had prided herself on her independence.She had continued to live in their little house,alone.
    On the evening,however,she was standing at her living room window,staring out at the SOLD notice in the small front garden.Her feelings were mixed.Of course,she was sad at the thought of leaving the house,as it was full of so many memories.But at the same time she was looking forward to spending her last years near the sea,back in the little seaside town where she had been born.With the money from the sale of the house,she had bought a little flat there.She turned from the living room window,and looked round at the walls.There was a small fish tank,with two goldfish in it.When asked why,here husband used to say,"It's nice to have something alive in the room."Since he had passed away,she had always kept some goldfish,had always had"something alive in the room".
    The next morning,as her train was pulling out of the station,Mrs.Robson called to her daughter,"Kate,you won't forget to collect the goldfish,will you?The children will love them.It's …"
"I know,"Kate interrupted gently."It's nice to have something alive in the room."
51.According to the passage,we know that Mrs.RobsonC.
A.was tried of living alone
B.was not liked by her daughter
C.did not like asking people for help
D.did not want to be visited by her daughter
52.Mrs.Robson was going toD.
A.be in hospital                B.live with her daughter
C.travel abroad alone           D.move to her hometown
53.The feelings of Mrs.Robson on her last night in the house wereA.
A.sad and hopeful               B.regretful and excited
C.sad and regretful             D.excited and hopeful
54.From the last two paragraphs we can know that Mrs.RobsonB.
A.enjoyed keeping pets at home
B.missed her husband very much
C.had the same hobby with her husband
D.was worried about her daughter's bad memory.

分析 文章向我们描述了一位即将回到出生地的老人的纠结之情.

解答 51:C推理题.根据第一段倒数第2行she had always been proud of her independence可知她喜欢独立,也就是不喜欢被别人帮助.
52:D细节题.根据第2段4,5行spending her last years near the sea,back in the little seaside town where she had been born..
54:B推理题.."It's nice to have something alive in the room."很高兴有活着在房间里.

点评 本文讲述了一位即将回到出生地的老人的纠结之情的一个故事,题目涉及多道细节理解题,做题时结合原文和题目有针对性的找出相关语句进行仔细分析,结合选项选出正确答案.推理判断题也是要在抓住关键句子的基础上合理的分析才能得出正确答案,切忌胡乱猜测,一定要做到有理有据.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

19.When the well-known pianist Kong Xiangdong first made it big in the city in the early 1990s,he was called the"piano prince."His smart looks and passionate(激昂的)music won the hearts of many women fans.Now the"prince"has revealed his new look-with hair shaved(剃O光) off."It is very environmentally friendly,"Kong said,smiling."I never need to use shampoo or a hair dryer!"The real reason for the change is that Kong started to lose his hair.
But when he talks about his early piano training,Kong speaks of"bitterness"and"hardship."He says"A pianist has no childhood at all.I didn't understand the games other children played."
Kong's mother-Lin Youling,who had a great interest in piano-provided him with a keyboard painted on paper.It was on this soundless"instrument"that he began his piano career,at the age of 5.His mother put the"keyboard"in the kitchen and asked Kong to practice on it every day.Kong had to vocalize the notes."My interest in music declined quickly because the silent′keyboard'made practice very boring,"he said.
When he was 7,Kong's mother borrowed enough money to buy a second-hand piano for him.She almost spent all her savings on the instrument,so it was a real fortune.It was not a good quality piano and the keys were yellow and old,"like an old woman's teeth."Kong used this"old granny"piano for 10years.It stimulated his real passion for learning music because he was fascinated(着迷的) by the beautiful sound of a real piano after years at the paper keyboard.He has kept the old piano to remind him of those days.
Practice is the only path to success.Knowing that,Kong was a hard-working student at school,where he wore out several keyboards on musical exercises.
58.Why did Kong Xiangdong shaved off his hair?B
A.Because his fans like it.
B.Because his hair started to lose.
C.Because it is very friendly to environment.
D.Because he never used shampoo or a hair dryer.
59.The underlined word"declined"in paragraph3means"A"
A.droped         B.enlarged          C.landed           D.raised
60.Why did Kong Xiangdong call his piano"old granny"for 10years in paragraph4?B
A.Because it was of good quality.
B.Because it was of bad quality with yellow and old keys.
C.Because it used to be played by an old woman before.
D.Because it almost took all of his mother's money to buy it.
61.What do we know about Xiangdong in this passage?D
A.He first made his big success in the city in 1990.
B.He began his piano career,at the age of 7.
C.Kong was not a hard-working student at school
D.He hardly had time to play games when he was a child.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

20.According to the school rules,no student           go out of school without the permission of the teachers.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

17.On May 23,1989,Stefania Follini came out from a cave at Carlsbad,New Mexico.She hadn't seen the sun for eighteen and a half weeks.Stefania was in a research program,and the scientists in the program were studying body rhythms.In this experiment Stefania had spent 130days in a cave,30feet in depth.
During her time in the cave,Stefania had been completely alone except for two white mice.Her living place had been very comfortable,but there had been nothing to tell her the time.She'd had no clocks or watches,no television or radio.There had been no natural light and the temperature had always been kept at 21℃.
The results were very interesting.Stefania had been in the cave for over four months,but she thought she had been there for only two.Her body clock had changed.She hadn't kept to a 24-hour day.She had stayed awake for 20-25hours and then had slept for 10hours.She had eaten fewer meals and had lost 171bs in weight as a result!She had also become rather depressed.
How had she spent her time in the cave?As part of the experiment she'd done some physical and mental tests.She'd recorded her daily activities and the results of the tests on a computer.This computer had been specially programmed for the project.Whenever she was free,she'd played cards,read books and listened to music.She'd also learned French from tapes.
The experiment showed that our body clocks are affected by light and temperature.For example,the pattern of day and night makes us wake up and go to sleep.However,people are affected in different ways.Some people wake up naturally at 5:00am,but others don't start to wake up till 9:00or 10:00am.This affects the whole daily rhythm.As a result,the early risers are at their best in the late morning.The late risers,on the other hand,are tired during the day and only come to life in the afternoon or evening!

59.Stefania stayed in the cave for a long time becauseB.
A.she needed to record her life
B.she was part of a research program.
C.she wanted to experience loneliness
D.she was asked to do research on mice
60.What is the cause for the change of Stefania's body clock?C
A.Eating fewer meals.
B.Having more hours of sleep.
C.Getting no natural light.
D.Lacking physical exercise.
61.The text is most probably taken fromA.
A.A news story.
B.A novel.
C.A pet magazine.
D.A travel guide.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

4."BANG!"the door caused a reverberation (回声).It was just standing there,with father standing on one side,and I on the other side.
    We were both in great anger."Never set foot in this house again!"stormed father.With tears welling up in my eyes,I rushed out of the flat and ran along the street.
   The street lights were shining,causing a rather sad feeling.I wandered aimlessly.
     A young father who held a child in his arms walked past me.I felt as if I saw my childhood from another space:happy and carefree.
      But now …I don't know whether it is because I have grown up or because dad is getting old.We differ in our ways of thinking.He always put his opinions and codes (模式)of behavior on me.Whenever I do something wrong,he never admits it.We are just like two people coming from two different worlds.It feels like there is an iron door between us that can never be opened.
    I wandered the streets,without a destination in mind.My heart was frozen on this hot summer night.As I walked on there were fewer and fewer people on the streets,until I had only the street lights to keep me company.When I finally reached the high-rise apartment block in which I lived,I saw that the light was still on.
      I thought to myself:"Is father waiting for me,or is he still angry with me?"
    In fact,it was nothing.Perhaps,dad was throwing away some of his old stamps.Perhaps he thought they were useless.I never had the courage to tell him that I liked collecting stamps.I can't stand his outrageous(蛮横的)words:"I can't throw you away,let alone these old papers?"
      All the lights were off except father's.
     Dad was always like this.Maybe he didn't know how to express himself.After shouting at me,he never showed any mercy or any moments of regret.After an argument he has the habit of creeping up in my sleep and then tucking me underneath the covers.
     This was how he always was.He has been a leader for so long that telling everyone else what to do has become his second nature.
    The light was still on."Am I wrong?"I whispered,maybe…With the key in hand,I was as nervous as I had ever been.At last,I decided to open the door.As soon as I opened the door tears ran down my cheeks.I suddenly realized that the iron door that I had imagined between us did not exist at all.Love-it is second to none.
72.Which is the best order of the following according to what happened in the passage?B
a.I opened the door and entered the house.
b.Sadly I ran out into the street.
c.I reached the place where I lived and saw my house still brightly lit.
d.I thought of my father's kindness towards me.
e.I walked about in the street without any aim.
A.b,e,d,c,a        B.b,e,c,d,a       C.b,e,a,c,d        D.b,e,c,a,d
73.What made the writer think of his childhood?C
A.The sight of the street lights.
B.The sight of the empty street.
C.The sight of a father with a child in his arms.
D.The sight of light in his own house.
74.Why do you think the father often shouts at his son?D
A.perhaps the father is getting older and older.
B.perhaps the son has already grown up.
C.perhaps they never agree with each other.
D.perhaps the father has got used to doing that.
75.What conclusion can you come to after reading the passage?A
A.The father is actually kind to his son.
B.The father treats his son in an unfair way.
C.The father is neither kind nor cruel to his son.
D.The father is always finding fault with his son.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

14.Group-buying in China
Modeled after US hot website Groupon.com,group buying websites are now popular in China.These websites use the power of group buying to get competitive discounts (打折)for a daily deal on some best stuff to do,see,eat and buy in the cities across China.Discounts are available within just one click.Zhao lei,a software engineer in Beijing,loves the one-hour lunch break at noon,as it is the best time for him to check"today′s special"at his favorite group buying websites.Sometimes he searches for great deals at directory sites devoted to the new shopping space.Zhao spends around 800yuan($117.65)on group buying every month,mostly to buy food coupons (优惠劵)for eating at some nice restaurants and occasionally to find something fun to do."I love group buying.In addition to the competitive discounts it offers,it helps me get something fun,exciting and new,and such surprises give me a reason to try something new,"he said.When he finds a really good bargain,he will send the link to friends or colleagues through MSN,QQ,or e-mail,or share the information at some social networking websites.In doing so,he often gets a certain cut off the price.At some sites,buyers are invited to leave notes about what they want to buy and the website will consider it if similar applications(申请)reach a certain number.That is how Zuo got her digital camera after waiting for two months."It is cool.I want to buy a new digitgal camera for my trip to Switzerland this winter,but I never expected such cheap prices!"Zuo said.

28.We can learn from the passage thatD.
A.China is the first country to start group buying
B.the price of group buying depends on the market
C.you can′t get the best you need through group buying
D.group buying is becoming popular in China
29.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?C
A.Zhao Lei has to spend about 800yuan on group buying per month.
B.Zhao Lei never surfs at other directory sites for group buying.
C.Zhao Lei finds it easy to do group buying.
D.Zhao Lei can′t buy food coupons to eat at a nice restaurant.
30.What is the passage mainly about?B
A.Zhao Lei′s online purchasing life.
B.Group buying
C.The US hot websites
D.A new digital camera
31.Zhao Lei succeeded in getting a certain cut off the price byC.
A.bargaining face to face
B.discussing with the sellers
C.providing the link to others
D.inviting others to talk about the price.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:完形填空

1.1.The telephone rang in the police station at Richmond,California,US."(1)Dstation?A train for Santa Fe collided (相撞) a(2)B(at the McDonald Street Crossing.Please come here at once.With an ambulance(救护车),too.A man is badly wounded,"said a(n)(3)Bvoice of a young woman.
"OK.We'll come soon.Please stay there and wait."Replied the policeman.
Within a minute,a police car and an ambulance(4)Coff.Soon they got to the crossing,but only to find everything was(5)D.No collision,no wounded man.
"What a dirty(6)C!"said the policeman angrily."We must find out that mischievous (恶作剧)(7)Cand…"
They had not been able to say anything about a(8)Dwhen they heard the whistle of a train was nearing them quickly.All of a sudden,a truck appeared.It came(9)Btowards them,too.When it was passing the crossing,it suddenly(10)Bto move on.Right then and there,before the eyes of all the people present,the train collided with the truck heavily and struck it dozens of metres away.
When Randolph Bruce,the driver,was helped out of the damaged truck,he was badly wounded just as the young woman had foretold (预言) on the phone.As he was taken to hospital in time,he was(11)Aat last.Later the police did whatever they could to(12)Athe woman who had(13)Bthem,but failed.
It is really(14)Bthat a prophecy(预言) should agree with the fact so(15)C.



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

18.Three men were travelling across the desert when their car broke down.There were no other traffics,so their only hope was to walk.
Before they set off,they looked around in the car for useful things to take with them.One of the men took a bottle of whisky.Another took an umbrella.The third unscrewed a door from the car and carried that.
After they had been walking for almost a day,they came across a camel caravan travelling towards them.
"Let's try to join the caravan,"one of the men said."It's going the wrong way but we'll be safer than if we keep on alone across the desert."
The other s agreed,so they asked the leader of the caravan for permission to join it.
"You can join the caravan only if you answer three questions,"he said.He pointed to the first man's bottle."What is that and why are you carrying it?"he asked.
"It's a bottle of whisky.I decided to carry it with me so that if I feel miserable and want to give up,I can get drunk,cheer myself up and then keep on walking."
"Very sensible,"the leader of the caravan said.Then he pointed to the next man and his umbrella.
"It hasn't rained in the desert for many years,"he said."Why are you carrying an umbrella?"
"I don't want to get heat exhaustion,"he replied."The umbrella will give me shade from the sun."
"Very sensible,"the leader of the caravan said.He pointed to the third man and his car door."And why are you carrying a car door?"he asked him.
"I thought that if I got too hot I could open the window and let some air in,"he explained.

41.What happened to the three men's car?C
A.It fell over a cliff.
B.It had an accident.
C.It stopped and wouldn't start again.
D.They exchanged it for another one.
42.Each of the men tookD.
A.something to eat
B.something to drink
C.something to keep the rain off
D.something to use on their walk
43.They decided toA.
A.travel with the caravan
B.buy a caravan
C.rent the caravan
D.put the caravan together
44.They asked the leader of the caravanA.
A.if they could join the caravan
B.how to get out of the desert
C.how to avoid heat exhaustion
D.where he kept his umbrella
45.The third man's reason for carrying a car door wasC.
A.long-winded    B.clever
C.silly          D.sensible.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

19.Sixteen-year-old Maria was waiting in line at the airport in Santo Domingo.She was leaving her native country to join her sister in the United States.She spoke English very well.Though she was very happy she could go abroad,she was feeling sad at leaving her family and friends.As she was thinking all about this,she suddenly heard the airline employee asking her to pick up her luggage and put it on the scales(称).Maria pulled and pulled.The bag was too heavy and she just couldn't lift it up.The man behind her got very impatient.He,too,was waiting to check in his luggage.
"What's wrong with this girl?"He said,"Why doesn't she hurry up?"He moved forward and placed his bag on the counter,hoping to check in first.He was in a hurry to get a good seat.
  Maria was very angry,but she was very polite.And in her best English she said,"Why are you so upset?There are enough seats for everyone on the plane.If you are in such a hurry,why can't you give me a hand with my luggage?"
  The man was surprised to hear Maria speak English.He quickly picked up her luggage and stepped back.Everyone was looking at him with disapproval.
81.Maria's story happenedD.
A.when she was leaving America  
B.on her way back to Santo Domingo
C.before she left the USA        
D.when she arrived at the airport
82.You believe that the work of the airline employee mentioned in the story is toCat the airport.
A.help carry people's luggage  
B.ask people to pick up the luggage
C.check people's luggage    
D.take care of people's luggage
83."Why are you so upset?"Maria said to the man.She wanted to tell him that he should not beC.
A.surprised  B.sad  C.unhappy  D.sorry
84."Everyone was looking at him with disapproval."This sentence means that the people around feltD.
A.worried about Maria         
B.worried about the man
C.sorry for Maria's manners    
D.sorry for the man's manners
85.The author mentioned Maria's age at the beginning of the story in order to show thatA.
A.she was young but behaved properly
B.she would not have left home alone
C.everyone around her was wrong
D.it was not good that nobody offered to help her.

