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ABC News anchor (节目主持人) Peter Jennings died on Aug.7, 2005 at home in New York after a brief battle with lung cancer. ABC News anchors said they hope if anything good can be taken from Jennings’ death, it is a great awareness of the dangers of smoking.

  “I want to give a message,” Barbara Walters said. “If you have kids who are smoking, tell them that we lost Peter.”

  Lung cancer is the worst killer in America, taking more lives each year than any other cancer, according to the America Cancer Society. About 160,440 Americans die each year of cancer, making up 28 percent of all cancer deaths. More than 87 percent of lung cancers are smoking related.

  Dr. Derek Raghavan, director of the Cleveland Clinic’s Taussing Cancer Center, said that once a person stops smoking, he starts getting better. Three to five years after quitting, the possibility of getting lung cancer is reduced by half.

  Warning signs of lung cancer can also be mixed with symptoms connected with long-term smoking. The three main warning signs are an increase of coughing that doesn’t clear up, coughing up blood and sharp chest pains.

  People with those symptoms should see a doctor. Raghavan said there have been promising developments in the treatment of lung cancer, including uses of radiation and surgery and drugs. “But the fact is that stopping smoking is the most important thing we can do,” Raghavan said. “There is no treatment that even comes close.”

1. Anchor Peter Jennings died of lung cancer which was possibly caused by _____.

  A. his bad eating habit     B. overmuch work C. long-term smoking  D. the old age

2. The first paragraph mentioned Peter Jennings’ death in order to _____.

  A. make him the main character of the passage.

  B. warn the smokers of the danger of smoking

  C. introduce the topic to be talked about

  D. make him better-known than before

3. The underlined word “quitting” in the fourth paragraph probably refers to _____.

  A. doing more exercise             B. giving up smoking

  C. getting over lung cancer   D. staying in hospital

4. To fight against lung cancer, what matters much to smokers is _____.

  A. to receive the treatment of lung cancerB. to do exercise regularly

  C. to see a doctor in time   D. to stop smoking



科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年黑龙江省大庆铁人中学高二下学期第一次检测英语试卷(带解析) 题型:完型填空

On Sunday morning, January 29, the call woke me up. It was the president of ABC News. “Lee, Bob has been __41__ in Iraq,” he said, choosing his words __42__. “He’s alive but he may have taken shrapnel (炮弹碎片) to the brain.”
When I saw Bob in the hospital, nothing could have __43__ me. He was unconscious. His __44__ was swollen to the size of a rugby ball and a piece of his skull was missing. All sorts of __45__ were coming out of his body. His left eye looked like a dead fish. I tried to __46__ myself that he didn’t look that bad, that this was the __47__ and that he’d only get better from here.
There were many months of treatment __48__. Every morning I would head over to the hospital and check on Bob. In the __49__ that a mother uses with her baby I would __50__ to him. I let him know about the kids. I told him stories about us and some of our best __51__ together. I brought music and had home movies for Bob to hear.
One day when I pushed open the door as usual, I __52__. Bob was sitting up in bed, a huge smile on his face. He saw me and __53__ his hands in the air. “Hey, sweetie,” he said, “where have you been?” I tried to speak but no words came out. This was so much more than I’d wanted and prayed for, __54__ I couldn’t really believe it. My husband was __55__ and he was calling me. Half of me wanted to shout in __56__ and gratitude and half of me wanted to __57__ everything, how I’d been there day after day for months. I __58__ to him.
Bob was __59__. He had the best medical treatment possible and the finest doctors. But the most important thing __60__ to be the love that held us close.

A.hidden B.caught C.disturbedD.wounded
A.seriously B.carefully C.actively D.freely
A.pleasedB.damaged C.preparedD.choked
A.arm B.headC.legD.hand
A.tools B.clothesC.weapons D.tubes
A.convince B.accept C.suggest D.imagine
A.bestB.worst C.least D.most
A.then B.ever C.before D.ahead
A.name B.sound C.voiceD.air
A.talkB.shout C.pointD.refer
A.dreams B.memories C.thoughts D.secrets
A.froze B.cried C.failed D.left
A.held B.found C.lifted D.seized
A.that B.but C.which D.and
A.off B.up C.down D.back
A.anger B.reliefC.faith D.detail
A.forget B.follow C.explain D.check
A.waved B.walked C.moved D.ran
A.fortunate B.patient C.generous D.powerful
A.turned up B.turned out C.took up D.took out


科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年福建省福州外国语学校高一上学期期中考试英语试卷(带解析) 题型:阅读理解

In 1961 Obama was born in Hawaii, US. His father was an African and his mother was a white American. He grew up in Indonesia and Hawaii.
When Obama was 10 years old, he was one of the only three black students at his school in Hawaii. He felt very different from most other students. White girls wanted to touch his hair. A white boy even asked him what his father was.
“I lied to them that my father was a Kenyan prince. But I kept asking myself who I am," said Obama.
However, 37 years later, the boy made history. Obama became the first black president in US history.
Obama's unusual background made him wonder who he was. He once turned to alcohol to help forget this question.
With the help of his friends, Obama finally turned his life around at college. His hard work made him a star at Harvard. Later, he became the third black senator (参议员)in US history.
"Obama's success has made Martin Luther King's dream come true. That is: A man should not be judged by the colour of his skin, but by the content of his character," wrote ABC news.
【小题1】Obama was born in _______.

【小题2】Which of the following is TURE according to the passage?
A.Obama's parents are both African
B.Obama was the first black senator in US history
C.Obama was once very depressed (压抑)because of his unusual background.
D.No other black students were in the school where Obama studied when he was ten.
【小题3】Obama became the first black president in US history when he was ______.
【小题4】From the passage we can learn that ______________.
A.Obama's father is a Kenyan prince.
B.Obama was a star in Harvard because he drank a lot
C.We should judge a person by what he did when he was young
D.Obama's success owes to his hard work


科目:高中英语 来源:2015届江苏省宿迁市高二上学期期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Almost everyone is afraid of something --- snakes, heights, public speaking and so on.

         It is normal and can even be helpful to experience fear sometimes. In dangerous situations, fear can keep our bodies alert (警醒的) so that we can act quickly to protect ourselves.

         But for some people, fear develops into a “phobia”, which is a strong and unreasonable fear of something. For example, the majority of us feel a little scared when looking down from a tall building. But people with height phobia may have trouble breathing, feel dizzy or turn down a great job just because the company is on the 20th floor.

         Phobias can prevent you from living a normal life. “People with spider phobia would stay out of their home or dormitory room for days if they thought a spider was present,” Katherina Hauner, a researcher at Northwestern University, US, told ABC news. This is why scientists have been trying to find a cure for this disease.

         Since fear comes from experience --- from what we are told, what we see others experience and what happens to us --- some scientists think if they can “rewrite” these unpleasant memories, they might be able to help people overcome their phobias.

         In a study by Hauner and other scientists, participants with spider phobia were asked to first touch a spider with a paintbrush. Seeing that it was not actually dangerous, they then tried touching it while wearing a glove. Finally, they could hold it with their hands.

         Certain medicine has also been found to be helpful. Back in 2010, researchers at the University of Hiroshima, Japan, injected (注射) a special medicine into a fish --- who was afraid of light --- to turn off the fear center in its brain. From then on, the fish no longer feared light.

         While the search for solutions to phobias is making great progress, it’s an open question whether getting rid of fear is good. Some people want to use these methods to make soldiers fight harder in wars by taking away their sense of fear. Dave Smithson of the charity Anxiety UK thinks that’s a bad idea. “It’s fear that prevents us from doing crazy things,” he says. “There’s a name for people who don’t have fear of consequences: psychopaths (精神变态者).

1.The main point of the article is to ___________.

A. show us what kind of role fear plays in our lives

B. discuss if it is good to try to get rid of fear

C. inform us of fear and phobia

D. discuss scientific studies related to fear

2.How does the writer make the meaning of “phobia” clear?

A. By making comparisons.                                     B. By giving examples.

C. By giving data in numbers.                               D. By giving descriptions.

3.Which of the following shows the progress scientists have made in finding solutions to phobia?

A. New medicine can shut off fear centers in animal brains whenever needed.

B. They can use phobias to keep our bodies alert so that we can protect ourselves.

C. They can now reduce the pain which is connected with phobia.

D. They have succeeded in helping some people ignore memories related to phobia.

4.Which of the following would Dave Smithson probably agree with?

A. There is nothing to fear except fear itself.    

B. We should not let fear affect our decisions.

C. Fear is not a completely bad thing.

D. Without fear, everyone would be brave.



科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年山东省高三第二次模拟考试英语卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

 Marry me! During the "Idol" finale, season 5 singer Ace Young proposed live to season 3 runner up Diana DeGarrno. She was genuinely surprised in one sense but the two have bonded closely since they met on Broadway during a production of“Hair." The first true“ldol' couple (though others have dated) have already set a wedding date on June  l  of 2013,

    Ten years and still relevant. Season one winner Kelly Clarkson has survived a decade in the brutal music business with her dignity intact and enough chart-topping songs to generate a greatest hits album at the tender age of 30. Her career is as strong as ever. She sang the “Star Spangled Banner” at the Super Bowl. Her song “Stronger” was a No. I hit.  She was a mentor on an ABC summer series“Duets.” She became engaged to Reba McEntire's stepson in November. All in all, life is good for Clarkson and we as“Idol" fans couldn't be more proud.

     Keep calm and Carrie on! Season four victor Carrie Underwood has now sold more albums than any other "Idol" with about 14 million to date. Her current album “Blown Away” has generated two top two hits in 2012: “Good Girl” and the title track. That makes 15 consecutive top 2 hits on the Billboard country chart over seven years dating back to "Jesus, Take the Wheel." She hosted the CMAs for a fifth year with Brad Paisley. Last month, she landed a role as lead in a remake of“The Sound of Music.” She toured to sold-out crowds again, hitting Gwinnett Arena earlier this month, where she thankecl "Idol" for getting her to where she's at, something, she certainly no longer needs to do but still does. Class act, that lady.

1.What may the ldol probably be?

A. A popular Ainerican singer                     B. A American year figure of

C. A popular American programme                 D. A famous American avenue

2.Who hit Gwinnett Arena of the following?

A. Carrie Underwood                            B. Kelly Clarkson

C. Ace Yong                                   D. Diana DeGarmo

3. Who was the Idol winner of ten years ago?

A. Reba McEntire                               B. Kelly Clarkson

C. Carrie Underwood                            D. Not mentioned

4.In which year was the Idol first held according, to the text?

A. In 2012          B. In 2007           C.ln 2008          D.In 2002

5.Where can we probably read the news?

A. In business section                            B. In advertisement section

C. In sports section                             D. In entertainment section



科目:高中英语 来源:2014届广东汕头潮师高级中学高二下学期期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Mary Jean Price Walls graduated second in her class in 1950.She had high hopes when she applied to a local college,Southwest Missouri State College.But after sending off her application,she spent months waiting for a reply.It never came.

Worse than simply being denied admission(拒绝接收),the school didn’t reply to her at all.It wasn’t a matter of her school records,but of her skin color:Wallsis African American,and in those days,that fact alone closed a lot of doors. “I was sad and I was hurt,”Walls told ABC News.“I did not expect the skin color would affect my application.I thought I could go to university like other students.”

Four years later,the government declared that all schools should not discriminate against(歧视)African Americans— but it was too late for Walls.She’d moved on with her life, becoming a wife and a mother,and working as an elevator operator.She retired last year,at the age of 77.

She stayed quiet about the unfairness she’d faced in Missouri State.Her son,Terry,went through school records and found that she’d been the first black student to ever apply to the college.Today,four percent of the Southwest Missouri State College body is African American—including Terry.

Although it’s too late for Missouri State to change the past,the school is awarding Walls with an honorary degree(荣誉学位)from the school.While she knows it’s too late for herto change the course of her own life with the degree,it’s a chance for her to show her family that Missouri State has changed in the last 60 years,and there’s not a single door closed to them anymore.

1.Walls couldn’t enter the local college because________.

A.her examination performance is too bad

B.girls were not allowed to go to college

C.she was an African?American student

D.her parents had no enough money to support her

2.Before she was denied Walls thought that________.

A.her application would be accepted as others’

B.it was hard to become a college student

C.it was impossible for her to be admitted

D.she could be the best student in her college

3.What can we know about Walls’s son?

A.He helped his mother get the honorary degree.

B.He is a good student who teachers like best.

C.He was admitted by the college once his mother applied to.

D.He wants to be a government official who can help his mother.

4.What can we infer from the passage?

A.Walls did not fight for her right to education.

B.The college did not receive Walls’s application.

C.Walls got a good job after she received the degree.

D.The government gave Walls some money for the wrongs.

5.Walls’s honorary degree suggests that________.

A.she could change her life with the degree

B.her dream of going to college has come true

C.she has been leading a happy life with her family

D.great changes have taken place in Missouri State


