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1.She didn't run off the stage.__________,she finished the performance with a smile on her face.(  )
A.HoweverB.InsteadC.OtherwiseD.As a result

分析 她没有逃离舞台.相反,她面带微笑地完成了表演.

解答 答案是B.本题考查副词词义辨析;however然而; instead相反,反而;otherwise否则,要不然;as a result因此;本题中"didn't run off the stage"和"finished the performance"是相反的动作,故答案选择B.

点评 本题考查副词辨析,要在理解各副词含义的基础上结合语境做出判断.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

11.Until last summer I had a very comfortable life:winter vacations skiing and summer cruises(乘船游览).My parents spent a lot of money on a private school,so they could get me into a competitive middle school.Everything was about tomorrow,next year,my graduation.We never had to worry about today.
Before last summer I never thought much about the people in the world who live day to day,every day,whose lives are controlled by poverty and hunger.Then I enrolled in a two-week intensive program.We lived in a"Tribal Village,"in a hot,dry open grassland in Arkansas,a state of the south-central United States.I am a tribal member in Mozambique,a country of southeast Africa.Every meal,I make the fire for my family,and feel the flames lick up my nostrils as I blow to keep the fuel alive.I cook mush with vegetables.This is all my family is ever given.
I feed the hen and three rabbits their dinner.I grow attached to the rabbits,even though I know I shouldn't.I name them.I'm not getting enough to eat; it's time to decide whether or not to kill the rabbits.I feel pain but it's a privileged child's pain because I know I will soon be eating again.That's not true for a lot of other children around the world.
Growing up comfortably in the U.S.,I've never had to worry about my dinner,and even though this whole process was only a simulation,it changed my life.Now I believe in doing whatever I can to help find practical ways to defeat hunger.
So I've become president of Roots and Shoots,a group working to improve local environments for people and animals.I'm also working to create a program at my high school called the"Safe Passage"trip to help young people in the Guatemala City dump.And I've got plans to do more.
I'm often thinking of laboring in the hot sun and the millions who still do.Now,I try to live for today and stop worrying so much about the future.When I eat or feel full,I am grateful for this fortunate life and want to extend the same feeling to others.
I believe in offering help to those who need it.
61.What is true about the author before last summer?D
A.Her life was under great pressure
B.She had to worry about her dinner
C.She didn't have to worry about the future
D.Her life was well-planned.
62.We can learn from the second paragraph thatB.
A.the author raised some rabbits as pets
B.the author had a very difficult life in the"Tribal Village"
C.the author took part in a two-week program in Africa
D.the author never thought about poor people after the program
63.The author feels pain becauseA.
A.she doesn't want to kill the rabbits               
B.she is not getting enough to eat
C.she is a privileged child                   
D.she can't go back to her regular life
64.What does the underlined word"simulation"in the fourth paragraph probably mean?
A.Reality          B.Imitation                C.Imagination          D.Experience
65.What influence did the author's experience in the"Tribal Village"have on her?
A.It has made her life more comfortable.
B.It taught her to be grateful to her parents.
C.It gave birth to a belief in helping others.
D.It inspired her to start two groups to help others.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

12.Dear Reader:
    I receive many letters from children and can't answer them all.Now,I'll try to answer the questions that are commonly asked.
    Where did I get the idea for Stuart Little and for Charlotte's Web?Well,many years ago I went to bed one night in a railway sleeping car and dreamed about a tiny boy who acted like a mouse.That's how the story of Stuart Little got started.As for Charlotte's Web,one day when I was on my way to feed the pig,I began feeling sorry for the pig because,like most pigs,he has to die.So I started thinking of ways to save a pig's life.I had been watching a big grey spider(蜘蛛) at her work and was impressed by how clever she was.Gradually I worked the spider into the story.Three years after I started writing it,it was published.
    Sometimes I'm asked how old I was when starting to write,and what made me write.I started early-as soon as I could spell.I don't know why I enjoyed writing,but I think children often find pleasure in trying to set their thoughts down on paper,either in words or in pictures,but I was not good at drawing.
    Are my stories true?No,they are made-up.In real life,a family doesn't have a child who looks like a mouse,and a spider doesn't spin (编织) words in her web.But real life is only one kind of life-there is also the life of the imagination.And I like to think there is some truth in my stories-truth about the way people and animals feel and think and act.
    Yours sincerely,
50.What is E.B.White?B
A.a traveller       B.Writer           C.farmer           D.painter
51.How long did it take the writer to finish Charlotte's Web?C
A.1 year             B.2 years          C.3 years      D.4 years
52.What can be inferred from the passage?B
A.Stuart Little is about a real mouse seen in a sleeping car.
B.Something in real life can give the writer ideas of writing.
C.Children show interest in writing thoughts down on paper.
D.The writer thinks there is no truth in imaginary stories.
53.What are the readers interested in according to the passage?A
A.when to start writing stories        
B.the spiders in his stories    
C.when to write more stories           
D.the writer's family.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

9.She _____ concerts every day since last week.(  )
A.was performingB.has performed
C.has been performingD.had performed


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

16.Our senior high school has _____ students as my junior high school.(  )
A.as twiceB.twice manyC.twice many asD.twice as many


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

6.Do you really want to go on to higher education?
    This is the first question you must ask yourself and it is the most important at this major crossroads of your life.Many can advise you,but you alone face the consequences of this fundamental decision.
    Stop.Think about it.Be honest with yourself and be realistic.Do you want higher education because you really feel you will benefit from it-or are you drifting towards it in response to the expectations of your parents and friends?Conversely,are you being put off higher education by other people's prejudices?
    Don't commit yourself to any form of full-time higher education if you are not interested in any of the numerous courses available.Higher education is most uncomfortable and unsatisfying for those who have little interest in the subject they have chosen to study.
    It can be an advantage to have a clear idea about the kind of career you eventually want,because then you can choose a course most likely to equip you for your future.
    Don't worry if you have no ideas about a future career; but do find out what are the career implications of your choice of course.Broad prospects(前景)will be open to you whatever course you follow,provided you do well and have the right personal qualities.Don'ttypecast typecast typecast yourself or allow anyone else to do so.This particularly applies to girls.Girls are still subject to prejudices about courses which lead to careers traditionally labeled as"man's work".This is almost always unjustifiable and women are now working in all sorts of former male"preserves".
    Competition for places will be tougher in future but the total available will still be very large.
    Seek advice from your careers teacher,careers officer and parents--but it is you who must decide whether or not you want to go on to higher education.
42.You attitude towards going to higher education is most important becauseC
A.this is the moment in your life when you have to decide your future
B.the wrong attitude is likely to have very serious consequences
C.you will be the one affected by any decision you make
D.it is a time when you can get plenty of advice
43.A decision to continue studying should depend onA
A.the advantages you believe you will have from doing so
B.the career you are hoping to take up
C.advice from experienced people
D.family considerations
44.What advice is given about your future career plans?A
A.You should be aware of the career prospects of the course you take.
B.These must be definite before deciding on study subjects.
C.They should not influence your choice of study subjects.
D.Any course can prepare you for a suitable career.
45.If you"typecast"yourself,youD   
A.study only the subjects you are good at
B.are prepared to adopt any course of study
C.are influenced by your own personal interests
D.accept other people's views about what you should study.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

13.-Bob!How's your project?I heard you started it last Friday,right?
-Oh!I           for it.But I haven't decided when to do it.(  )
A.have preparedB.had prepared
C.have been preparingD.was preparing


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

10.The first of the 2015Nobel Prizes has been announced.Sweden's Nobel Prize committee says the Nobel Prize for medicine will go to scientists from Ireland,Japan and China.William Campbell from Ireland and Satoshi Omura from Japan share the prize for their discovery of the drug avermectin(阿维菌素).The Nobel committee praised their work on what is called a"novel therapy."The treatment fights infections caused by roundworm parasites.The prize for medicine is also going to Chinese researcher Tu Youyou.She discovered artemisinin(青蒿素).Artemisinin is a drug that has sharply lowered the number of people who die from malaria.The committee said the discoveries had given the world powerful new ways to fight two powerful diseases.It is said those diseases affect hundreds of millions of people every year.The committee added that,"The consequences in terms of improved human health and reduced suffering are immeasurable"Ms.Tu is the chief professor at the China Academy of Traditional Medicine.She is also the first Chinese citizen to be awarded the Nobel Prize in medicine.Mr.Campbell currently works as a researcher at Drew University in New Jersey.Mr.Omura has two doctorate degrees----one in pharmaceutical science,the other in chemistry.He is a professor at Hitasato University in Japan.Doctors are now using avermectin to treat river blindness and lymphatic filariasis(淋巴丝虫病).Mr.Omura told the Associated Press that the drug resulted from a substance(物质) taken from a microbe(微生物)was found on a golf course near Tokyo.The researcher said he always carried a plastic bag so he could collect soil samples.When asked if he likes to play golf,he smiled and said,"Yes".A member of the Nobel committee,also spoke with the AP that the award for Tu Youyou is the result of a major change in the way China performs scientific research.He says China has invested a lot of money in such research.This member adds that the work of the three scientists can help end the health risk of diseases affecting 3.4billion people.I am Anna Matteo.VOA's Fern Robinson reported this story from Washington.

21.Where is probably the passage taken from?C
A.A newspaper         B.An advertisement
C.A radio program     D.A fashion magazine
22.Which of the following is NOT TRUE?B
A.Scientists from Ireland,Japan and China won the 2015Nobel Prizes in medicine
B.Tu Youyou is the first Chinese to be awarded the Nobel Prize
C.Both William Campbell and Satoshi Omura discover the drug avermection
D.Ms.Tu is a professor at the China Academy of Traditional Medicine.
23.What does the committee think of these two discoveries?D
A.These two discoveries are immeasurable in cost.
B.The committee believe the two discoveries can fight all powerful diseases.
C.They believe all three countries need to invest money in medical research
D.These two discoveries can improve human health and reduce people's pain.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

11.---I heard that there are a few seats left for tonight's show.
---Really?I was under the impression ______ they were sold out a long time ago.(  )

