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86.We need to pack up our things in these______(手提箱)very quickly.

87.These new settlers enriched the English language and especially its______(词汇量).

88.Wang Wei is very______(可信赖的)and I knew I didn’t need to encourage her.

89.______(砖块)covered the ground like red autumn leaves.

90.Gandi fought for his country to be free from the UK______(和平).

91.In less than two days 100,000 pieces of the amber room were put inside twenty-seven ______(木头)boxes.

92.To make a good decision,we need a lot of exact______(证据).

93.A sporting event will be______(广告)on TV tomorrow morning.

94.I am now truly filled with______(幸福) that I am a devoted friend and helper of the human race.

95.Look,the small boy is______(拖)the floors carefully.

86.suitcases                      87.vocabulary

88.reliable                       89.Bricks 

90.peacefully                     91.wooden

92.evidence                      93.advertised

94.happiness                     95.mopping


科目:高中英语 来源:河北省模拟题 题型:填空题

1. He was s _____ (挑选)to play for England.
2. After claiming your_____  (行李),you can go to the Arrival Hall.
3. Knowing other people' s shortcomings can help us avoid _____ (使尴尬)them.
4. Things went _____ (顺利地).
5. When he was a child, my grandpa suffered a lot from p_____. He had no money even to buy shoes.
6. It was an _____ (惊讶的)performance for such a young pianist. He did play very well, you know.
7. She received many presents on her _____ (四十)birthday.
8. The film star was given a warm welcome on her _____  (到达).
9. If you keep _____ (打断)with silly questions, I shall go out of my senses.
10. Mary showed her gold medal _____ (自豪地)to everyone in her class.

