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     Bob Richard shares with us a moving story about a skinny young boy who loved football with all his heart. 
     Practice   1   practice he eagerly gave everything he had. But being half the   2   of other boys, he got
absolutely nowhere. At all the games, this   3   athlete sat on the bench and   4   ever played. This teenager lived
alone with his father. Even though the son was always on the   5  , his father was always in the stands   6  . He
never missed a game.
     The young man was still the   7   of the class when he entered high school. But his father continued to
encourage him. The young man loved football and decided to hang in there. He was   8   to try his best at every
practice, and perhaps he'd get to play when be became a(n)   9  . All through high school he never missed a
practice or a game, but he  10  a bench warmer all four years. His  11  father was always in the stands, always
with words of  12  for him.
     When the young man went to college, he decided to  13  for the football team as a walk-on (临时队员).
Everyone was sure he could never make the cut, but he did.  14  admitted that he kept him on the roster (候选
名单) because he always put his  15  into every practice, and at the same time, provided the other members with
the  16  they badly needed.
     His father shared his happiness and was sent season  17  for all the college games. This persistent young
athlete never missed practice during his years at college, but he never got to play in a game.
     It was the end of his senior football season, and as he ran  18  onto the practice field shortly before the big
play-off game, the coach met him with a telegram. The young man read the telegram and he became deathly
      19  hard. "My father died this morning," in deep sorrow he murmured to the coach.
     "Coach, please let me play. I've just got to play today," said the young man.
     He looked at the coach with tears in his eyes, and said, "Well, you knew my dad died, but did you know that
my dad was blind?" The young man swallowed harder, "Dad came to all my games, but today was  20  he could
see me play, and I wanted to show him I could do it!"
(     )1. A. after         
(     )2. A. body          
(     )3. A. grateful      
(     )4. A. really        
(     )5. A. side          
(     )6. A. watching      
(     )7. A. smallest      
(     )8. A. engaged       
(     )9. A. student       
(     )10. A. remained     
(     )11. A. reliable     
(     )12. A. agreement    
(     )13. A. try out      
(     )14. A. The boy      
(     )15. A. head and hand
(     )16. A. spirit       
(     )17. A. schedules    
(     )18. A. quickly      
(     )19. A. Crying       
(     )20. A. the only time
B. in            
B. height        
B. hopeful       
B. mostly        
B. bench         
B. accompanying  
B. hardest       
B. concerned     
B. senior        
B. kept          
B. kind          
B. sympathy      
B. turn out      
B. The school    
B. heart and soul
B. membership    
B. arrangements  
B. deadly        
B. Thinking      
B. the first time
C. for             
C. weight          
C. helpful         
C. hardly          
C. way             
C. participating   
C. highest         
C. determined      
C. athlete         
C. stayed          
C. faithful        
C. comment         
C. go out          
C. The coach       
C. thought and mind  
C. friendship      
C. tickets         
C. properly        
C. Hiding          
C. the last time   
D. by            
D. size          
D. wonderful     
D. probably      
D. ground        
D. cheering      
D. shortest      
D. forced        
D. player        
D. seated        
D. responsible   
D. encouragement       
D. let out       
D. The master    
D. ear and eye   
D. practice      
D. invitations   
D. hurriedly     
D. Swallowing    
D. the right time
1-5: A D B C B   6-10: D A C B A   11-15: C D A C B   16-20: A C D D B

科目:高中英语 来源:广东省模拟题 题型:阅读理解

     Lie Yu Kou (Lie Zi) was showing Bo Hun Wu Ren his archery(射箭) skill. He   1   the bow to its
full extent, had a cup of water   2   on his elbow, and released the arrow. As soon as the first arrow
flew off, a second one was wound up. The moment the second one was winged, a third was ready,
and all of them lodged in the same place. During all this time, his   3   was as still as a statue.
After his performance, Lie Zi asked Bo Hun Wu Ren: "What do you think of my archery skill?"
     Bo Hun Wu Ren laughed: "This is still only a(an)   4   shot, not quite the perfect shot yet. Let's
climb up the mountain and stand on the   5   overhanging the abyss(深渊). We'll see if you can   6   an
     Wu Ren then led Lie Zi up to a place eight hundred feet above a deep valley. Wu Ren turned his   7  
to the edge of the cliff,   8   moving his feet until he was standing with his heels extending over the edge,
and   9   Lie Zi to join him. Lie Zi was so   10   that he threw himself down on the ground, sweating
from head to toe.
     Bo Hun Wu Ren raised the bow and shot the arrows from his bow, with no   11   missed. Then he
looked at Lie Zi and said   12  . " The best archer can look up at the blue   13  , down at the nether
(地下的) world and to the eight poles of the earth but still keep 14  . Here on this mountain, you're
already   15  , so your chances of hitting your mark are very slim".
(     )1. A. drew        
(     )2. A. fastened    
(     )3. A. head        
(     )4. A. excellent  
(     )5. A. border      
(     )6. A. aim        
(     )7. A. back      
(     )8. A. proudly    
(     )9. A. persuaded  
(     )10. A. determined
(     )11. A. arrow      
(     )12. A. friendly  
(     )13. A. aims      
(     )14. A. positive  
(     )15. A. in panic  
B. dragged      
B. fixed        
B. body        
B. skillful    
B. top        
B. draw      
B. face        
B. clumsily    
B. begged    
B. terrified    
B. target      
B. warmly      
B. rainbows    
B. silent    
B. in despair  
C. reached      
C. balanced      
C. hand          
C. normal        
C. summit        
C. shoot        
C. arrow        
C. quickly      
C. invited      
C. worried      
C. bow          
C. coolly      
C. stars      
C. calm        
C. out of breath
D. shot            
D. added          
D. shoulder        
D. imperfect      
D. cliff          
D. launch          
D. eyes            
D. slowly          
D. suggested      
D. anxious        
D. bird            
D. happily        
D. skies          
D. active          
D. out of mind    

