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16.假如你是李华,你的笔友Mike 从媒体上得知前段时间全国多地包括宁波等地出现雾霾,非常担心,写E-mail询问有关情况,请你回复.回复应包括以下要点:
1.实况描述        2.影响和成因      3.生活启示
注意:1.词数:100-120词. E-mail的开头与结尾已给出,不计入总词数.
2.生词:雾霾 haze
Dear Mike,
Thank you very much for your concern. 

Li Hua.

分析 本文是书信类提纲作文,根据所提供的材料信息,写一封信.告知笔友Mike前段时间全国多地包括宁波等地出现雾霾的相关情况.
写作要点:1实况描述.; 2.影响和成因;3.生活启示;
重要短语:blanketed with(到处都是…),thank sb very much for sth(因…而感谢某人),as a result(所以),be crowded with (充满 …),have problems with(有…问题),contribute to(促成…),protect our environment(保护环境),push on…(,奋力向前…),achieve…(取得…),at the cost of…(以…为代价).
1.Many people,especially children and seniors,even found it difficult to breathe.
2.As a result,local hospitals were crowded with people who had problems with their noses and lungs.
1.To make a significant change,we really have to do more to protect our environment.
 此处是由不定式"to do"作目的状语,主句为"we really have to do more to protect our environment".
2.①To live a better life,we have to push on with the economy,②but it would be meaningless③if we had to achieve it at the cost of our breathing air.
 ①此处是由不定式"to do"作目的状语,主句为"we have to push on with the economy".
③此处是由连词"if"引导的条件状语从句,主句为"it would be meaningless".

解答 Dear Mike,
Thank you very much for your concern.Recently many places in China including Ningbo were blanketed with thick yellow haze.Everything around disappeared from our sight.Some highways were closed.Traffic jams were commonly seen in the streets.Many people,especially children and seniors,even found it difficult to breathe.【高分句型一】(实况描述)
As a result,local hospitals were crowded with people who had problems with their noses and lungs.【高分句型二】Part of the cause was the dry weather,but the severely damaged environment contributed a lot to this nightmare.(影响和成因)
To make a significant change,we really have to do more to protect our environment.【高分句型三】To live a better life,we have to push on with the economy,but it would be meaningless if we had to achieve it at the cost of our breathing air.【高分句型四】(生活启示)                                                                
                                                Li Hua

点评 提纲作文在写作时要注意内容是否包含了所有要点.写作时注意准确运用时态,上下文意思连贯,符合逻辑关系,尽量使用自己熟悉的单词句式,同时也要注意使用高级词汇和高级句型使文章显得更有档次,平时需注意积累短语和重要句型.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

5."Have you ever been out on a boat and felt it lifted up by a wave?Or have you jumped in the water and felt the rush of energy as waves came over you?"asked Jamie Taylor of the Wave Energy Group at the University of Edinburgh."There is certainly a lot of energy in waves,"he said.Scientists are working to use that energy to make electricity.Most waves are created when winds blow across the ocean."The wind starts out by making little ripples (涟漪),but if they keep on blowing,those ripples get bigger and bigger and turn into waves,"Taylor said."Waves are one of nature's ways of picking up energy and then sending it off on a journey."
When waves come toward the shore,people can set up dams to block the water and send it
through a large wheel called a turbine (涡轮机).The turbine can then power an electrical generator(发电机) to produce electricity.
"The resource is huge,"said Janet Swain of the World Watch Institute."We will never run out of wave power."Besides,wave energy does not create the same pollution as other energy sources,such as oil or coal.Oceans cover three-quarters of the Earth's surface-that would make wave power seem ideal for creating energy throughout the world,though there are some weak points yet to overcome.
Swain said that wave power still costs too much money.She also said that its effects on sea animals are still unknown.What is more,wave power could affect fishing and boat traffic.
Traditional sources of energy like oil and gas may someday run out."Demand for energy to
power our TVs and computers,drive our cars,and heat and cool our homes is rising rapidly throughout the world,"Swain said.In the future when you turn on a light,an ocean wave could be providing the electricity!
8.The writer uses the two questions at the beginning of the passage toB.
A.test the readers'knowledge about waves
B.draw the readers'attention to the topic
C.show Jamie Taylor's importance
D.invite the readers to answer them
9.The underlined phrase"picking up"(paragraph 1)is closest in meaning toC.
A.starting again  
B.speeding up    
10.We can make better use of wave energy if weC.
A.shorten its journey to thousands of homes
B.build more small power stations on the oceans
C.reduce the cost of turning it into electric power
D.quicken the steps of producing electricity
11.It can be inferred that some day we might not worry aboutC.
A.air pollution        
B.our boat traffic
C.our power supply        
D.our supply of sea fish.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

6.When you want to go shopping,decide how much money you can spend on new clothes,Think about the kind of clothes you really need.Then look for those clothes you really need.Then look for those clothes on sale.
There are labels(标签) inside all new clothes.The labels tell you how to take care of your clothes.The label for a shirt may tell you to wash it in warm water.A sweater label may tell you to wash in cold water.The label on a coat may say"dry clean only",for washing may ruin this coat.If you do as the directions(说明)on the label,you can keep your clothes looking their best for a long time.
Many clothes today must be dry cleaned.Dry cleaning is expensive.When buying new clothes,check to see if they will need to be dry cleaned.You will save money if you buy clothes that can be washed.
You can save money if you buy clothes that are well-made.Well-made clothes last longer.They look good even after they have been washed many times.Clothes that cost more money are not necessarily better made.They do not always fit better.Sometimes less expensive clothes look and fit better than more expensive clothes.
44.If you want to save money,you had better buy clothes thatD.
A.don't fit you 
B.don't last long
C.need to be dry cleaned
D.can be washed
45.The labels inside the clothes tell youA.
A.how to keep the clothes looking their best
B.how to save money
C.whether the clothes fit you or not
D.where to get the clothes dry cleaned
46.We learn from the passage that cheaper clothesD.
A.are always worse made
B.must be dry cleaned
C.can not be washed
D.can sometimes fit you better
47.The best title for the passage should beC.
A.Buy Less Expensive Clothes
B.Taking Enough Money When Shopping
C.Being a Clever Clothes Shopper
D.Choosing the Labels inside New Clothes.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

4.When I saw a big handmade signboard"Welcome Yuxin"at the airport,I knew I had found a caring family in the USA.
My host mom had already decorated (装饰) my room for me.There was a doll on one side of the room,and a bookcase full of books on the other because they had heard I loved reading.Mom had also prepared a keyboard for me,since she knew that I played the piano.
My life in the family did not go so well at first.Because I am the only child in my family in China,I was not used to having two younger kids around me shouting all the time.
Mom had a serious talk with me about this problem on a Sunday afternoon.She told me,"You can't just come home from school every day,go to your room and do your homework.You need to be part of this family.You need to play with my kids for at least an hour."This rule was very boring at first.However,the more time I spent with the kids,the more I grew to love them.We played games and read books together.I even taught them Chinese.Thanks to Mom's rule about playing with the kids,I began to feel like I was really part of the family.
Mom also asked me to live a healthier life.She got up early every morning to go running.On weekends,she took the whole family to visit parks or go camping.I did not like sports much when I was back home,but now I love to join all kinds of sports.
With my American family,I found joy and laughter.I learned to live with energy and optimism (乐观) thanks to the care and responsibility of my loving American parents.

71.The passage is mainly aboutD.
A.the cultural differences Yuxin experienced in America
B.how Yuxin learned to get along with younger kids in America
C.various difficulties Yuxin met in America
D.how much Yuxin's caring host family in America changed her
72.From Paragraph 2,we can see thatC.
A.the host mom was good at decorating room
B.Yuxin was fond of American dolls
C.the host mom tried hard to make Yuxin feel at home
D.Yuxin kept busy with a lot of hobbies
73.What led Yuxin to feel like she was really part of the family?C
A.Yuxin's talks with her host parents.
B.Having to join in sports with the family.
C.The host mom's rule about playing with the kids.
D.Enjoying weekends with the host family all the time.
74.What can we infer from the passage?A
A.The host mom cared about Yuxin's overall development.
B.The host family's two children didn't like Yuxin at all.
C.Yuxin didn't notice what the host family did for her.
D.Yuxin's life went very smoothly from the beginning.
75.How did the host mom influence Yuxin gradually?B
A.By words and force.           B.By words and actions.
C.By force and behavior.        D.By humor and rudeness.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

11.On June 26,2009,Michael Jackson saved me.
On that afternoon,I played with my six-year-old peers(同伴) in Heather Peters'backyard.I was enjoying my cake,when Heather asked me where my sleeping bag was.Only then did I know this party was a sleepover.The word"sleep-over"to a six-year-old bed-wetter is like what"cancer"means to an adult.But what if I told them I was a bed-wetter?At least with cancer,people gather at your bedside instead of running from it.
I thought of a way to escape.I would explain that I needed my mother's permission to spend the nights.But as I called my Mom,Heather stood beside me to listen.She gave permission!Then I would be sleeping in the same living room as the other girls.I didn't bring my own nightdress,so Mrs.Peters offered me Heather's nightdress.
As the other girls fell into their sweet dreams,I tried to stay awake."Do I need to go again?I'll stay up to go one more time…","If I…,I'll be embarrassed….".Of course,I finally fell asleep.
The next morning,I was the first to wake up.I was warm!I lay in bed frightened and it seemed like hours before the other girls started to wake up.I did the only thing I could do---I pretended that the bed-wetting didn't happen.I got up,took off Heather's nightdress and changed into my clothes like the other girls.
Mrs.Peters walked into the room,and before she could say anything,she stepped right onto the pile of my wet nightdress.My heart stopped as I watched her face burn red."WHO DID THIS?"She screamed,with a look so frightening.Should I answer?And that was when it happened---Mr.Peters came in and grabbed his wife,"Michael Jackson died!"
The news of the King's death shocked Mrs.Peters,and I got away with it.I got home without the other girls knowing what had happened.

63.The author had to spend the night at Peter's becauseD.
A.she enjoyed her cake there
B.her mother asked her to do so
C.the famous singer Michael Jackson died that night
D.she and her friends were having a sleepover party
64.Mrs.Peters got angry becauseA.
A.she found the wet nightdress
B.Michael Jackson passed away
C.her husband was rude to her
D.all the girls slept at her house
65.From the story,we know Mrs.Peters wasB.
A.a crazy woman            B.a fan of Michael Jackson
C.a woman for perfection   D.a woman who hated to wash nightdress
66.The passage is mainly aboutA.
A.an embarrassing childhood incident
B.an adventure experience
C.a friendship between two girls
D.an unfriendly hostess.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

1.There's no shortage of web sites offering deals-everything from daily deals to members-only private sales.But when it comes to real jaw-dropping deals,there's one company that seems to have figured out a way to really deliver.
The company is called Quibids and they auction(拍卖)the hottest,in-demand electronics like Apple ipads and ipods,as well as other items like gift cards from the top retailers(零售商).Unlike other sites,the prices people pay are nowhere near retail.How low are the prices?
33.84foranewAppleipad32GB(retail 600)
22.10foranewNikonD90DigitalSLRCamera(retail 1070)
Our first reaction on seeing these prices was disbelief.After all,how could Quibids possibly afford to sell these items for so little----surely they must be losing a lot of money.
That's where its unique business model comes into play.You see,for every bid a buyer places for an item on Quibids,the company collects a small fee from the bidder.The fee to bid is only about 60 cents,but based on the volume of sales and bids,the company is able to collect enough to make up for the ridiculous prices the items sell for.
But best of all,participating in the Quibids auction is incredibly fun.Because each bid costs a little to place,shoppers can strategize when to place their bids.Each auction has a strict time limit.When you place your bid,the system adds a little time to the auction to see if any other bids come in.If you have the winning bid when the clock runs out----you win the item for that price.
But the best part of Quibids may be the"Buy-It-Now"feature.This allows bidders who did not win an auction to still buy the product they want and apply the cost of the bids they placed as a discount on the regular product price.So you still get the item and the bids you placed previously in the auction don't cost you anything!
46.According to the passage,the success of Quibids mainly lies inA.
A.how its buying and selling is conducted                  
B.the change in people's shopping model   
C.the quality of the goods and service
D.their willingness to risk losing money
47.It can be inferred from the passage thatB.
A.other retailers will be out of business                  
B.winning a bid is not just a matter of luck
C.Quibids only sell popular electronics
D.the prices on Quibids are the lowest    
48.A buyer who bid twice for a 20 MP4cangetonefrom"Buy-It-Now"forD
A.21.2            B.20            C.19.4           D.18.8          
49.Which might be the most suitable title for the passage?A
A.Buy Products for Next to Nothing     
B.How to Buy New Must-have Electronics   
C.The Most Successful Shopping Website 
D.Tips on Shopping Online.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:书面表达

8.你的名字叫陈雷,你需要给在加拿大的朋友Tony 写一封e-mail,告诉他你的姑姑陈芳将去他所在的城市旅游,带去他想要的那幅中国画,同时询问他是否可以接机.信中还需说明:
Dear Tony,
How are you doing?
Looking forward to your reply.
Yours,Chen Lei.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

5.Mara Chagall
Marc Chagall was born on July 7,1887in Vitebsk,Russia In 1932he moved to France.His painting styles are Expressionism and Cubism(立体主义),In his paintings,he often painted violinists because he played the violin so did his uncle.He was also famous for his paintings of Russian-Jewish villages.
Salvador Dali
Salvador Dali was born in Spain in 1904.When he was a child,he showed strange behavior and often interrupted his class in school As he got older,he started to paint pictures that came from his dreams.His dreams and his paintings were scary and unreal.Salvador Dali drew everyday items,but changed them in  odd ways.For example,one of his paintings is of melting clocks.
Leonardo Da Vinci
In 1452,Leonardo Da Vinci was born in Italia.He lived in the Renaissance,when everyone was interested in art Even if Da Vinci was a great artist,he became famous because of all the other things he could do.He was a sculptor,a scientist,an inventor,a musician,and a mathematician.When he was 20,he helped his teacher finish a painting called The Baptism of Christ.When he was 30,he moved to Milan where he painted most of his pictures.Da Vinci's paintings were done in the Realist style.
Paul Klee
Paul Klee was born in Switzerland in  1887.He loved cats.He had at least 8,926works of art In these works of art,he used  simple lines and strong colors.He also used simple shapes to make  important parts of the painting.Klee painted in  many styles,but a lot of them were in the Primitive (早期的艺术家)and Surrealist(超现实主义)styles.

46.Why did Marc Chagall often paint violinists?C
A.Because his uncle encouraged  him to do so.
B.Because he wanted to appeal to the public.
C.Because he loved playing violin very much.
D.Because Russian-Jewish villagers liked violin.
47.The under Line d word"odd"in Paragraph 2most probably means"A"
A.strange       B.beautiful        C.scary          D.ugly
48.What can we know about Leonardo Da Vinci?B
A.He liked art more than music.
B.He had a broad interest besides art
C.The Baptism of Christ is his good work
D.His paintings were all based on real stories.
49.According to the passage,we can infer thatD
A.Salvador Dali was too foolish to study
B.all of Marc Chagall's works are about violinists
C.strong colors are used in every Paul Klee's painting
D.Paul Klee's paintings are mostly from simple shapes.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

6.They may start as a group of high-school students,____ practising their music in someone's house is the first step to fame.(  )
A.for whomB.to themC.for whichD.from them

