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  Rapidly warming climate is likely to seriously change crop yields in the tropics and subtropics by the end of this century and, without adaptation, will leave half the world's population facing serious food shortages, according to a study to be published on Friday in Science Magazine.

  The population of this equatorial(赤道的)belt is among the poorest on Earth and is growing faster than anywhere else, the study said.

  ''The stresses on global food production from temperature alone are going to be huge, and that doesn't take into account water supplies stressed by the higher temperatures,” David Battisti, lead author of the study, said.

  Battisti, a professor at the University of Washington, cooperated with Rosamond Naylor, director of Stanford University's Program on Food Security and the Environment, to examine the influence of climate change on the world's food security.

  By combining direct observations with data from 23 global climate models that contributed to a Nobel Prize-winning research in 2007, Battisti and Naylor determined that there is greater than a 90 percent probability that by 2100 the lowest growing-season temperatures in the tropics and subtropics will be higher than any temperatures recorded there to date

  In the tropics, the higher temperatures can be expected to cut yields of the primary food crops, maize(玉米)and rice by 20 to 40 percent, the researchers said.

  The serious climate issues will not be limited to the tropics, the scientists conclude.As an example, they cite record temperatures that struck Western Europe in June, July and August of 2003.The summer-long heat wave in France and Italy cut wheat yields and fodder(饲料)production by one-third.


The direct result of the rapidly warming climate will be ________

[  ]


food shortages


the change of weather


a drop of crop yields


fast rising of sea water


According to David Battisti, ________

[  ]


the temperature change is the only stress on global food production


both the temperature change and the lack of water supplies are big problems


water supplies stressed by the higher temperatures are even more serious


it's lucky that water supplies haven't been stressed yet at present


Paragraph 5 tells us the following information EXCEPT that ________

[  ]


Battisti and Naylor were the Nobel Prize winners in 2007


the result comes from the direct observations and data from 23 global climate models


data from 23 global climate models was a great help to Battisti and Naylor's research


the temperature in the tropics and subtropics will last till 2100


The underlined phrase “to date” probably means“________”.

[  ]


so far


in history


up to then


at any time


We can infer from the text that ________

[  ]


the serious climate issues will influence any place of the world


Western Europe will suffer the most in crop yields


half of the population of the world will starve to death by 2100


warming climate will not affect other places except the tropics and Europe


科目:高中英语 来源:2004全国各省市高考模拟试题汇编(天利38套)·英语 题型:050



  LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA - Can a star basketball player also be a star hip - hop singer? If you ask Shaquille O'Neal and some of his NBA fellows, they'll say “Sure”.

  In the NBA, hip - hop music is as common as the jump shot. Hip - hop is similar to rap (说唱) music and is especially popular with young African Americans. This music is played before basketball games during halftime. Many of the players, like Shaquille O'Neal of the Los Angeles Lakers, write rap rhymes when they travel on airplanes from one city to another.

  The NBA has a closer connection to hip-hop than any other sports league. This is partly because of the large number of African-American players, but also because the basketball league just loves hip-hop. Every February, the NBA invites popular rap singers to perform at its All-Star weekend.

  When they play basketball, some of the younger stars even try to look like hip - hop singers. Like rap stars, they don't smile in photographs and videos. They try to trouble the players on the other team by looking tough (凶). “Hip-hop is just part of many players' culture,” says Kerry Kittles on the New Jersey Nets team. “All of us grew up listening to rap and Playing basketball, and the rappers grew up doing the same thing. A lot of players want to be rappers, and a lot of rappers would like to be players.”

  Master P is a famous rap star who wants to be a basketball player. The Charlotte Hornets and the Toronto Raptors have invited him to their training camps. They enjoy listening to his music, but many people think that he is not good enough at basketball to be on an NBA team.

  Shaquille O'Neal, whose nickname is Shaq, is the greatest example of an NBA player who became a rapper. He has made four successful rap albums. One of his rap songs, “It Was All a Dream,” tells how he felt when he became successful.

1.Why don't some younger players try to smile or look friendly in photos?

[  ]

A.They try to trouble the players on the other team.

B.They try to look like hip - hop singers.

C.They try to be successful in their playing.

D.They try to pretend being famous.

2.The song “It was all a dream” expresses ________.

[  ]

A.O'Neal's feelings when he became a success

B.a player's interest in rap music

C.people's wish to become a player

D.people's dream to be a rapper

3.The best title of the text is “________”.

[  ]

A.The NBA All - Star Weekend in America

B.A Successful PlayerO'Neal

C.Basketball Stars Become Hip - Hop Singers

D.Popular Music and Sports in U. S

4.What do you know about the Charlotte Hornets and the Toronto Raptors?

[  ]

A.They are famous basketball players.

B.They are famous basketball teams.

C.They are well - known hip - hop singers.

D.They are two training camps.


科目:高中英语 来源:学习高手必修四英语北师版 北师版 题型:050


  His teacher thought he was dumb(愚笨的).Talent spotters(星探)thought he was ugly.But Jay Chou, 24, is now one of Asia’s hottest pop stars.

  Last week he had the honour of being the first Asian male singer to make the cover of Time, a popular magazine based in the US.He has won more than 30 entertainment awards over the past two years.

  Chou released(发行)his first album Jay in November 2000,and with two follow up albums-Fantasy and Eight Dimensions- his music has come to rule the Asian pop world.

  The entertainment industry has nicknamed him “a small heavenly king”.But Chou says, he is not a king, at least he wasn’t before he shot to stardom.As a boy, he was called “stupid”.His high school English teacher said young Chou had a learning disability.“He had very few facial expressions(面部表情).I thought he was dumb.”

  Chou did poorly at maths, science and English.But his mother noticed the quiet, shy boy was sensitive to music:when he heard western pop music, he seemed to vibrate(摇摆).So she took Chou to a piano school at four years old.He practiced all the time, focusing on the keys the way other children focus on ice-cream.At the end of the high school, he failed his exams and didn’t go to university.

  In a show he was seen playing the piano by a major Taiwanese entertainer, Jacky Wu.The 18-year-old Chou became a contract(签约)song writer for Wu’s music studio.There he spent one and a half years writing songs for famed artists such as a Valen Hsu and Coco Lee.

  He proved that he could be more than a songwriter.His catchy tunes have mainstreamed(成为主流)rap and R&B in the Mando-pop world(华语音乐).And his success proves that the music still matters more than looks and image.


Which of the following is NOT true?

[  ]


Jay Chou was thought to be clever when he was a boy.


Jay Chou is now one of Asia’s hottest pop stars.


Now Chou is nicknamed “a small heavenly king”.


Chou did poorly at maths, science and English in high school.


Chou’s teacher thought he was dumb because ________.

[  ]


he was ugly


he liked music


he had learning disability and he had very few facial expressions


he didn’t pass the exam


From the passage we can learn that ________.

[  ]


Jay Chou thinks he is the King of Asian pop


Jay Chou was hard working at practicing playing piano although he did poorly at his studies


Time is a popular magazine based in the UK


Jay Chou had written songs for famed artists for two years before he became a famous singer himself


The underlined expression “shot to stardom” means ________.

[  ]


fire a gun


throw a ball in a game


became famous


damage or wound by shooting


The author wrote the passage mainly to ________.

[  ]


tell us something about Jay Chou


tell us the new album of Jay Chou


tell us Chou is the first Asian male singer to make the cover of Time


tell us Jay Chou is a very successful singer


科目:高中英语 来源:训练必修四英语北师版 北师版 题型:050


  His teacher thought he was dumb(愚笨的).Talent spotters(星探)thought he was ugly.But Jay Chou,24, is now one of Asia’s hottest pop stars.

  Last week he had the honour of being the first Asian male singer to make the cover of Time, a popular magazine based in the US.He has won more than 30 entertainment awards over the past two years.

  Chou released(发行)his first album Jay in November 2000, and with two follow up albums-Fantasy and Eight Dimensions-his music has come to rule the Asian pop world.

  The entertainment industry has nicknamed him “a small heavenly king”.But Chou says, he is not a king, at least he wasn’t before he shot to stardom.As a boy, he was called “stupid”.His high school English teacher said young Chou had a learning disability.“He had very few facial expressions(面部表情).I thought he was dumb.”

  Chou did poorly at maths, science and English.But his mother noticed the quiet, shy boy was sensitive to music; when he heard western pop music, he seemed to vibrate(摇摆).So she took Chou to a piano school at four years old.He practiced all the time, focusing on the keys the way other children focus on ice-cream.At the end of the high school, he failed his exams and didn’t go to university.

  In a show he was seen playing the piano by a major Taiwanese entertainer, Jacky Wu.The 18 year old Chou became a contract(签约)song writer for Wu’s music studio.There he spent one and a half years writing songs for famed artists such as a Valen Hsu and Coco Lee.

  He proved that he could be more than a songwriter.His catchy tunes have mainstreamed(成为主流)rap and R&B in the Mando pop world(华语音乐).And his success proves that the music still matters more than looks and image.


Which of the following is NOT true?

[  ]


Jay Chou was thought to be clever when he was a boy.


Jay Chou is now one of Asia’s hottest pop stars.


Now Chou is nicknamed “a small heavenly king”.


Chou did poorly at maths, science and English in high school.


Chou’s teacher thought he was dumb because ________.

[  ]


he was ugly


he liked music


he had learning disability and he had very few facial expressions


he didn’t pass the exam


From the passage we can learn that ________.

[  ]


Jay Chou thinks he is the king of Asian pop


Jay Chou was hard working at practicing playing piano although he did poorly at his studies


Time is a popular magazine based in the UK


Jay Chou had written songs for famed artists for two years before he became a famous singer himself


The underlined expression “shot to stardom” means ________.

[  ]


fire a gun


throw a ball in a game


became famous


damage or wound by shooting


The author wrote the passage mainly to ________.

[  ]


tell us something about Jay Chou


tell us the new album of Jay Chou


tell us Chou is the first Asian male singer to make the cover of Time?


tell us Jay Chou is a very successful singer


科目:高中英语 来源:四川省南山中学2011-2012学年高一上学期12月月考英语试题 题型:050


  Every five minutes my children ask me for the “latest thing”.They tell me that all their friends have it already and they can’t live without it.Our house is full of Games Boys, Play Station CDs and a million other “latest things”.

  But, the one “latest thing” we have refused to buy is a mobile phone.Our twelve-year-old son wants one, and we’ve said “no”.He says he’ll only use it for texting and he really needs it for emergencies.

  We don’t want him to have a mobile phone, because it may be bad for children’s health.Unfortunately, when I say, “ As your father, I don't want you to have a mobile phone, because you might get a brain tumour(肿瘤), ” he tells me that he doesn’t mind.

  Why do twelve-year-old boys only want things that are bad for them? We’ve already told him that he can’t listen to rap music-the words are disgusting(使人反感的).And I’ve said no to beer with his meals.Right now, I’m saying no to everything.

  Then a few weeks ago he asked for something called a BB gun.He says everybody’s got one.Of course they have.He shows me a website full of them and tells me it only fires plastic pellets(小子弹).Finally, I say yes.I can’t believe I’ve said no to phones and yes to guns.

  In October, our son becomes a teenager, and I pray that research will find that mobile phones are safe…even better, that young people may become less moody-and more interested in personal hygiene(卫生).

  Until then, I’m saying no.(281words)


Why do the children want “latest things” so much?

[  ]


“Latest things” are fun to play with.


“Latest things” are easy to play with.


They want to keep up with other children.


They want to show off the latest things to others.


We can infer from the passage that the father ________.

[  ]


can’t afford a mobile phone for his children.


hates his children very much.


cares about his children’s health very much.


only has one daughter


Which of the following is NOT the reaon why the father said yes to buy a BB gun for his son?

[  ]


Many other children have one.


The father wants to satisfy his son.


The father thinks that his son can’t live without the gun.


The father is told the gun is safe for children to play with.


What does “then” in the last paragraph refer to?

[  ]


When mobile phones prove to be safe.


When my son is twelve years old.


After my son gets a BB gun.


After my son becomes a teenager.


科目:高中英语 来源:黑龙江省绥棱县第一中学2011-2012学年高二上学期期末英语试题 题型:050


  If you are above the age of 40 then there are chances you would not know much about Snap Music.But if that is the case, then ask your daughter or son, and perhaps, they’d even perform it for you.Indeed, Snap Music is one of the cool hip hop rap styles that support hip hop music.In simple words, Snap Music is the music to which you “snap(捻着手指发劈啪声)your fingers and move with the rhythm.This may seem relatively easy, but sure enough, it has its share of uniqueness which makes it stand apart.

  The theoretical and technical characteristics of Snap Music are slow-paced beats, regular and timed snapping of fingers, which created pleasing rhythms.Often as rappers rap, they get the audience clapping or snapping along with them.

  Snap Music was from Atlanta.It gradually made its way to the other parts of America.It is generally believed that Snap was inspired by Crunk Music and it is Atlanta’s Crunk style.But they are quite different.While Crunk has high energy, Snap has an unhurried feel to it.An occasional whistle or a polyrhythmic(多节奏的)combination can he heard; this is done to improve the feeling of the music.It is also said that the music was made for the club-crowd and at first was meant for dance lovers; but as the form developed, it turned out to be rather slow.

  There is a wide audience for this type of music.Here, this type of hip hop music is often simple with not much depth or story.But then again, how many rap songs have depths and story these days? So, if you are a teenager or a young adult, you might just enjoy the change that Snap offers.


We can learn from the text that US Snap Music ________.

[  ]


is well known for its fast beats


is most popular in Atlanta


is very similar to Crunk Music


has changed in the development process


Which of the following is NOT the characteristic of Snap Music?

[  ]


simple stories


high energy




diverse rhythms


The text is written to ________.

[  ]


advise people to enjoy Snap Music


explain why people like Snap Music


teach teenagers to perform Snap Music


give a brief introduction to Snap Music

