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1.However,It was in war          they found their greatest use.(  )

分析 然而,他们是在战争中发现的他们的巨大用途.

解答 答案:D.
分析句子结构可知,本句如果去掉it was和所填的空,将in war移到句末,仍然构成一个完整的句子,由此可知,此处为强调句型,强调的是地点状语;故选D.

点评 强调句的基本句型:It is/was+被强调的句子成分+that/who+句子的其他成分.
It was Doctor Smith that (who) gave us a lecture last week.上周给我们讲课的正是史密斯博士.
It was last summer that my daughter learned to swim.正是去年夏天我女儿学习游泳了.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

11.All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.That saying holds true not only for you and me,but also for some of the most powerful and influential people in the world,such as the presidents of the United States.
But how do American presidents spend their vacation time?Let's take a look!
Franklin D.Roosevelt,considered one of the greatest presidents in American history,had limited vacation options because of his polio(小儿麻痹症).He began visiting Warm Springs,Georgia in 1924 for its curative waters and later built a 2,000 acre polio treatment center nearby.He liked to cruise the Potomacon his yacht(游艇) and three times as president returned to his beloved Canadian island of Campobello,with which he fell in love as a kid.
Former President Bill Clinton,however,was never much good at vacationing.His staff had to practically force him to go on vacation his first year in office; his idea of relaxing was reading four good books simultaneously(同时) while enjoying a cigar (chewed,not smoked).He could also lose himself in a game of golf,where his somewhat flexible interpretation of the rules could at times drive his partners crazy.
Obama's predecessor(前任) also knows how to relax.Fishing is in the Bush family DNA:for blue sharks off the coast of Maine or anything with fins,almost anywhere else.George W.Bush also relaxed as president by jogging and clearing brush on his Texas ranch.Since leaving office,he has become an active mountain biker and,more recently,has taken up painting.
Obama tends to take a winter break in Hawaii,where he was born and raised,and a summer vacation in Martha's Vineyard,off the southern coast of Cape Cod,Massachusetts.In between,he plays basketball every couple of weeks and has been known to do some skeet shooting at Camp David.Obama's favorite pastime,no matter the location,has become easy to spot:golf.
71.What's the passage mainly about?A
A.US presidents on holiday
B.Relationship between work and play.
C.Famous US presidents
D.Suggestions on spending holidays.
72.What's the main reason for Franklin choose to spend his holidays in the spring or on his yacht?B
A.Personal interests
B.Physical disability.
C.Tidal current
D.Official arrangement.
73.What's special when Bill Clinton was playing golf?C
A.He could often be the top player
B.He could often be the bottom player.
C.He did not often respect the rules
D.He usually showed good team spirit.
74.From Paragraph 5,we may infer thatD.
A.the Bush family were mostly fishermen.
B.the Bush family like to fish only near Maine.
C.father of George W.Bush likes to work on farm.
D.father of George W.Bush also loves fishing.
75.In the last paragraph,many of Obama's hobbies are mentioned EXCEPTA.
A.sailing            B.playing basketball   C.shooting         D.golfing.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

12.No one knowsexactly(exact) how the earth began,as it happened so long ago.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

9.As soon as he came back from abroad,he _______ his father's business.(  )
A.took overB.took upC.took inD.took on


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

16.With the public environmental consciousness strengthened,products makers are competing to make their products green-friendly in order to_______ the public.(  )
A.watch outB.appeal toC.account forD.crowd in


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

What troubles the police these days is that some driversignore the speed limit.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

13.When I was a baby,I entertained you and made you laugh.Whenever I was"bad",you'd shake your finger at me and ask:"How could you?"-but then you'd give up,and roll me over for a belly scratch and I believed that life could not be any more perfect.
My housetraining was a long process,because you were terribly busy,but we worked on that together.We went for long walks,runs in the park and car rides.We stopped for ice cream.I took long naps in the sun waiting for you to come home at the end of the day.
Gradually,you began spending more time at work and on your career,and more time searching for a human mate.Eventually,you fell in love.She,now your wife,is not a dog person,but I still welcomed her into our home.I was happy because you were happy.Then the human babies came along and I shared your excitement,I was fascinated by their pinkness,how they smelled,and I wanted to mother them too.Your wife was afraid I would bite them.But nevertheless,as they began to grow,I became their friend.
Now,you have a new job in another city and you and they will be moving to an apartment that does not allow pets.You've made the right decision for your"family",but there was a time when I was your only family.
I was excited about the car ride until we arrived at the dog pound.It smelled of dogs and cats,of fear,of hopelessness.You filled out the paperwork and said:"I know you will find a good home for her."They shrugged and gave you a pained look.The children were in tears as they waved me goodbye.And"How could you?"were the only three words that swept over my mind.
Is it better to live with hope or without hope?At first,whenever anyone passed my pen,I rushed to the front,hoping it was you,that you had changed your mind and that this was all a bad dream!
My beloved master,I will wait for you forever.I hope you receive more faithfulness from your family than you showed to me.

51.Who tells this story?B
A.A baby.B.A dog.C.A dog's owner.D.A dog trainer
52.Why did the dog's owner take"I"to the pound?C
A.He had a newborn baby.B.His wife did not like the dog.
C.He was moving into a new building.D.He thought the dog too troublesome.
53.Which is true about the dog when it lived at the pound?B
A.It hoped to have another owner.B.It was missing its former owner.
C.It did not trust humans any more.D.It was excited about the pound.
54.What is the theme of the story?D
A.Be ready for changes.B.Never expect too much.
C.Never complain about your life.D.Be faithful to those who love you.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

10.Who is smarter?A human being or artificial intelligence?
The question swept the world last week when a Google-developed program called AlphaGo defeated the world top player,South Korean Lee Se-del,4-1.
So,what comes next?
Some people have been arguing that artificial intelligence,or AI in short,will be a bad thing for humans.In an interview with the BBC in 2014,UK scientist Stephen Hawking warned that"the development of full artificial intelligence could mean the end of the human race."
So are we really about to live in the world shown in the Terminator movies?
"Not quite,"answered The Economist.After all,it's not hard to get a computer program to remember and produce facts.What is hard is getting computers to use their knowledge in everyday situations.
"We think that,for the human being,things like sight and balance(视觉平衡),are natural and ordinary in our life."Thomas Edison,founder of Motion Figures,a company that is bringing AI to boys,told the newspaper."But for a robot,to walk up and down just like human beings requires various decisions to be made every second,and it's really difficult to do."
As The Economist put it,"We have a long way to go before AI can truly begin to be similar to the human brain,even though the technology can be great."
Meanwhile,John Markoff of The New York Times said that researchers should build artificial intelligence to make people more effective.
"Our fate is in our own hands,"he wrote."Since technology depends on the values of its creators,we can make human choices that use technology to improve the world."
32.What was the result of the match?D
A.Lee Se-del won AlphaGo 4-1.
B.Neither side won the match.
C.Google program beat AlphaGo.
D.Lee Se-del was defeated.
33.What does Thomas Edison possibly mean in his remarks?C
A.AI can make various decisions quickly.
B.AI would take the place of human beings.
C.It's very hard for AI to beat the human brain.
D.AI does better than humans in sight and balance.
34.Who believes much has to be done to improve AI?A
A.The Economist.
B.John Markoff.
C.The New York Times.
D.Stephen Hawking.
35.What does the underlined part in the last paragraph imply?C
A.AI will improve the world completely.
B.AI may bring disasters to human beings.
C.AI is in the control of human beings.
D.AI will make our future out of control.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

5.Having a dental fear(开科恐惧症 )is a common problem.Learning to overcome your fear  of the dentist is possible with a Intle determination ancl guidance.It is worthwhile to overcome the issue as healthy teeth might help you be healthy physically and spiritually.
Aclnutting you have a fear is the first step in overcoming dental fear.When you acknowledge your fear,you can start the process.Dentistry has come a long way over the years.The anesthetics (麻醉) are improved,the t.echniques are of higher quality and dental offices have a better understanding of these issues you are concemed about and all these can help you overcome it.
Speak to family and friends about your fear.Be open and honest about your issues and gel feedhack from them regarding their dental experiences.You can contact your local Dental Society and express your conc:erns.Another good approach is to simply call dental offices and get useful information f'rom the f'ront office staff.
First visit
Most dental ofiices schedule your first visit by a dental assistant.This gives you a chance to ease into the situation.Do not hesitate to express your fear and hesitation.Pay attention to what the assistant says.It can be very useful ancl it can gentl}r guide you to a new attitude towards dentists.
Relaxation techniques
There are many things you can do to relax yourself.Slow,steady,deep breathes are keys to relax properly.Another aid in relaxation is to bring your iPad to play some relaxing music while you are in the dental chair.Music is a wonderful tool to use and is a helpful  distraction(分心).
Facing your fear and making the first dental appointment are necessary for your health.Ignoring your dental health because of your fear will only worsen the issues and cause you to have serious clental problems.

24.We can learn from the first paragraph thatC.
A.few people might have the clental fear
B.it's impossible to overcome the dental fear
C.lt's meaningful to overcome the dental fear
D.it's not necessary to pay attention to dental health
25.You can start the process of overcoming dental fear afterB.
A.making an appointment with a good dentist
B.admitting your dental fear
C.learning something about dental health
D.asking adwic:e from other people
26.What should you do when you first visit a dentist?D
A.Avoid telling your fear and hesitation.
B.Avoid shovwing any attitude towards the dentists.
C.Ask someone to accompany you.
D.Listen carefully to the assistant's advice.
27.In tlie last paragraph the author wants to express thatB.
A.dental fear can be overcome easily
B.one must be brave enough to face the dental fear
C.it's quite difficult to be honest
D.fear is a natural thing that everyone might have.

