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1 . Doctors say it's too to carry out an opera- tion on him now because he is weak.

   A. wise   B. active   C. risky   D. comfortable

1. C

1. C解析:句意:医生说现在对他进行手术太危险了,因为他身体虚弱。

risky意为“危 险的;冒险的”,符合句意。

wise意为“明智 的”;active意为“积极的;活跃的”;comfort-able意为“舒服的”。

题目来源:2016年周测月考直通高考高中英语必修4外研版 > 周测月考卷1 Module 1综合测试


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

  A shopping center in Brazil is growing vegetables on its rooftop using waste collected from the mall's restaurants. The garden is on the roof of the Eldorado shopping center in Sao Paolo. Workers there use trash(垃圾) from the restaurants to create compost(堆肥) for the garden. Compost is used to improve the soil of the garden. A spokesman for the mall says that the waste from 10 ,000 meals served each day in its food court goes into the compost.

   Workers grow different kinds of fhiits and vegetables on the rooftop garden,including tomatoes,lettuce and eggplant. The fruits and vegetables grown there provide free food for the employees. Mall officials also hope to reduce the amount of waste that would end up in a garbage dump. This,they hope,will reduce carbon gases entering the atmosphere.

   Cicero Evangelista leads the waste recycling effort. He says about 400 kilograms of organic waste are created every day from the mair s'food court.

   He says ,“We weigh the material and add enzymes that remove bacteria,reduce humidity (湿度) and accelerate decomposition(分解). This is how we turn organic waste into organic compost."

   Officials at the shopping center want to save as much waste as possible. So,they held workshops for employees to learn how to best collect waste from their stores. Neide Lopes is a food court worker. She says it is helpful to put in the extra work.

   “The program is active and creative,and they distribute the produce among us,so it's very good. It is a way of reducing waste,and we receive food that we don't have to pay for,and that's the best part!” 

   Mall employees say the project reuses waste food to make food and reduces the shopping center's carbon footprint(碳排放量) at the same time.

28. The food court of the Eldorado shopping center.

   A. is on the rooftop

   B. is far from the garbage dump

   C. leads to the setup of the garden

   D. mainly offers take-away service 

29. The produce of the garden is .

   A. for self-use   B. mostly fruits

   C. for sale   D. rich in enzymes

30. According to Cicero Evangelista, .

   A. officials are not very supportive of the program

   B. the organic waste is not made full use of

   C. producing organic compost is not so simple

   D. workshops for employees are ineffective

31. What's the best title for the text?

   A. A new way of making compost

   B. An environmentally friendly lifestyle

   C. Compost is being widely used in Brazilian gardens

   D. Mall in Brazil uses compost to reduce carbon footprint


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   Mattie celebrated her 6th birthday earlier this month. She decided to give up 61.

(receive) presents from her friends for her birthday,and instead help those 62.need.

   “We were talking about Mattie's birthday cake and she said that she wanted a big birthday cake 63. no one was hungry at her party,” her mother said “She asked if it was OK 64. (give) food to other people.”

   For her party,Mattie's friends 65.(arrive) with gifts,but the packages weren't filled with toys,but cans and boxes of food. Mattie,with some help,took the 66. (donate) of food to a food bank,67. food is collected and then given to the people who need it.

   Mattie was not the only child who 68. (recent) decided to give back to their community for their birthday. Mattie's best friend,Eliana,celebrated her 5th birthday in February and decided that she wanted to give back as well.

   “It's a blessing to have kids who 69. (be) willing to do things for others,”

Eliana’s father said. “I'm 70. (hope) that it will continue over time."


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   Imagine you are a kid living in America in 1920,and your parents are too busy to cook dinner. Instead,they serve you something they are sure is just as healthy as chicken and vegetables: a chocolate bar.36 However,as recently as the 1940s,many Americans believed that candy was as nutritious as an entire meal. Today,we understand that some foods are better for us than others. You probably know that the oatmeal(燕麦粥) and fruit you wisely ate for breakfast were packed with vitamins and other nutrients. You probably know as well that those chewy candies hidden in your drawer are little more than sugar. 37

   Back in the early 1900s,the science of nutrition — the study of how foods affect the body — was new. 38 But the importance of vitamins was not well understood. Many scientists believed that candy was just as healthful as steak and potatoes or fish and broccoli. 39 Ads for Milky Way suggested that each bar contained a glass of milk (not true) . There was even a popular candy bar called Chicken Dinner (which,thankfully,did not contain chicken) .

   Today,we know the dangers of eating too much sugar. We also have laws that prohibit companies from creating advertisements that lie about products.

40 But most of us understand it's best left for dessert.

   A. It sounds a little crazy now.

   B. We still love candy,of course.

   C. They are still made in a Boston factory.

   D. People knew that food provided energy.

   E. Candy companies wanted people to believe this too.

   F. Even little kids understand that eating too much sugar is unhealthy.

   G. Candy makers have continued to produce new kinds of candies to delight us.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

6. We waited more than half an hour for Margret,but we had to leave without her.

   A. therefore   B. fortunately

   C. afterwards   D. eventually


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

13. I'm sure cars by solar energy will be popular in the near future.

   A. pressed   B. controlled

   C. powered   D. pushed


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

8. —Fellows, attention for a moment,will you?


   A. pay   B. paid   C. to pay   D. paying


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


15. What are the two speakers talking about?

   A. Their stay in England.

   B. A kind of humour.

   C. How to change into swimming costume.

16. What does Mr. Bean do to make people laugh?

   A. He does everyday activities in a funny way.

   B. He often walks with the help of a funny stick.

   C. He always changes his clothes on the beach.

17. Who is Mr. Bean?

   A. The man. B. The woman's father.

   C. A character in a film.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:



增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧) ,并在其下面写出该加的词。

删除:把多余的词用斜线(\) 划掉。

注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

    2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起) 不计分。

   I had a really frustrating day on yesterday. I wanted do some research,but I couldn't get online. I try everything I could think of,but I couldn't solve the problem. So I had to ringing the helpline. I waited for ages listening to really annoying musics before someone picked up a phone. Luckily,the man was actual really nice and helped me find the problem. There's a little switch for the Internet connection on the side of his laptop,and it had somehow got shut off. I didn't even know it was here!I switched it on but everything was fine.I felt so stupid for wasting a whole morning.

