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【题目】When I was in my third year at university, my roommates were American footballers, so I decided to join them. I remember seeing them in front of me wearing pads (防护垫), and thinking they were going to kill me. I got tackled (阻截) so hard that I was frightened. But then I realized it was just physical contact. I’ve been addicted since.

The fundamental aim of the game is to score by running with the ball into, or receiving the ball inside the opposition’s end zone. Every player on the field has a set responsibility. I’m a running back. My job is using my speed, strength and skill to carry the ball and keep running until either I score or I get put down. And it does hurt.

I’ve broken two fingers and hurt my shoulder, but the worst was when I trapped the ligaments (韧带) in the back of my leg. I had to take a year out. But none of that put me off- all I could think was how I was going to come back stronger. Besides training with the team, I now have my gym routine to get fitter, faster and stronger.

Although people think American football is aggressive, there’s much more to it. Every team has its own playbook, outlining everyone’s role in different scenes. My playbook was 73 pages long. Words can’t describe how it feels when it all comes together on the field.

American football has changed my life for the better. I’ve learned time management, how to take responsibility for my action, and how much I treasure being part of a team. Within the four lines of the field, it is physical. Emotions run high. If you’re on the opposing team, you are my enemy. But once the game is done, we’re like a big family.

1The author’s body parts were hurt EXCEPT .

A. his arm B. his shoulder

C. his leg D. his finger

2What can we infer (推断) from the text?

A. The author was very delighted when first playing.

B. The author has benefited more than suffering from the sport.

C. The author began to play at the beginning of his university life.

D. Playing American football is very popular among university students.

3How does the author find his playing American football?

A. Relaxing. B. Challenging.

C. Boring. D. Rewarding.

4The passage is manly about .

A. the rules of playing American football

B. how painful it is to play the sport

C. how the sport has changed the author’s life

D. the reason for the author's playing American football







1细节理解题根据第三段的第一句I’ve broken two fingers and hurt my shoulder, but the worst was when I trapped the ligaments (韧带) in the back of my leg.可知作者受伤的部位有finger,shoulder以及leg。故没有受伤的是arm。故选A。

2推理判断题。根据最后一段的内容American football has changed my life for the better. I’ve learned time management, how to take responsibility for my action, and how much I treasure being part of a team.(美式足球让我的生活变的更好。我学会了时间管理、如何为我的行为负责以及多么珍惜自己作为团队的一员。可知虽然作者因为足球运动受了一些伤,但是获益更多。故选B。

3推理判断题。根据最后一段的内容American football has changed my life for the better. I’ve learned time management, how to take responsibility for my action, and how much I treasure being part of a team.(美式足球让我的生活变的更好。我学会了时间管理、如何为我的行为负责以及多么珍惜自己作为团队的一员。)可知,作者认为他加入美式足球是值得的。故选D。

4主旨大意题。通读全文可知,文章介绍作者加入美式足球队以及从这种运动中学到的东西让他变得更好。结合最后一段的内容American football has changed my life for the better.可知文章主要说的是这种运动如何改变作者的生活。故选C。






1. What is the best title for/of the passage?

2. What can be inferred from the passage?

3. What does the author mainly tell us about in the text?

4. What is mainly discussed in the article/passage/text? 做答这类问题时,将阅读重点放在首尾部分,中间部分则可采用略读或扫读的方式,一是省时间,二则目标明确,正确率自然也相应提高了。如本文的第4小题,由题干The passage is manly about .可知这里考查了本文的主旨。根据主旨大意题的解题技巧A,通读全文根据文章结尾部分—American football has changed my life for the better. 可知文章主要说的是这种运动如何改变作者的生活。可选出答案为C。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】The Internet 1 (become) part of young people’s life already. A report shows that 38% of students often use the Internet . Most of them get 2 (use) information on the Internet 3use the Internet to help their studies. But many students don’t use it 4a good way. Some play games too much, some visit websites that5shouldn’t look at. So bad things may happen6students spend too much time on the Internet.

7 is important for students to use the Internet properly. Now we have a textbook, 8uses many examples to teach students some good ways to use the Internet. It gives useful 9 (advise).

Some students also make friends on the Internet. But if you want to have a face-to-face 10 (meet) with your online friends, let your parents know and meet in a proper place.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:



1. 告诉他大部分同学考试前都紧张,要有正确态度;

2. 平时努力学习,做好准备,不要太在意结果;

3. 考前适当运动,如散步等;

4. 充分的睡眠有助于发挥,睡前洗个热水澡、喝杯热牛奶有助于睡眠;

Dear Li Wei

Glad to hear from you. You say you have some problems in overcoming the pressure of exams. Don’t worry. Let me give you some advice.









Wu Peng


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

As kids, my friends and I spent a lot of time out in the woods,"The woods" was our part-time address, destination,purpose,and excuse.If I went to a friend's house and found him not at home,his mother might say, "Oh,he's out in the woods,"with a tone of airy acceptance.It's similar to the tone people sometimes use nowadays to tell me that someone I'm looking for is on the golf course or at the gym,or even "away from his desk."For us ten-year-olds,"being out in the woods" was just an excuse to do whatever we feel like for a while.
We sometimes told ourselves that what we were doing in the woods was exploring.Exploring was a more popular idea back then than it is today.History seemed to be mostly about explorers.Our explorations,though,seemed to have less system than the historic kind: something usually came up along the way.Say we stayed in the woods, throwing rocks,shooting frogs,picking blackberries,digging in what we were briefly persuaded was an Italian burial mound.
Often we got "lost" and had to climb a tree to find out where we were.If you read a story in which someone does that successfully,be skeptical: the topmost branches are usually too skinny to hold weight,and we could never climb high enough to see anything except other trees.There were four or five trees that we visited regularly—tall beeches,easy to climb and comfortable to sit in.
It was in a tree,too,that our days of fooling around in the woods came to an end.By then some of us had reached seventh grade and had begun the rough ride of adolescence.In March,the month when we usually took to the woods again after winter,two friends and I set out to go exploring.We climbed a tree,and all of a sudden it occurred to all three of us at the same time that we really were rather big to be up in a tree.Soon there would be the spring dances on Friday evenings in the high school cafeteria.
(1)The author and his fiends were often out in the woods to.
A.spend their free time
B.play gold and other sports
C.avoid doing their schoolwork
D.keep away from their parents
(2)What can we infer from Paragraph 2?
A.The activities in the woods were well planned.
B.Human history is not the result of exploration.
C.Exploration should be a systematic activity.
D.The author explored in the woods aimlessly.
(3)How does the author feel about his childhood?
A.Happy but short.
B.Lonely but memorable.
C.Boring and meaningless.
D.Long and unforgettable.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

One day, Nick invited his friends to supper.He was cooking some delicious food in the kitchen. Suddenly, he (find) that he had run out of salt.So Nick called to his son,“Go to the village and buy some salt,but pay a fair price for it: neither too much too little.”
His son looked surprised. “I can understand why I shouldn't pay too much.Father,but if I can pay less, not save a bit of money?”
“That would be a very (reason) thing to do in a big city,but it could destroy a small village like ours,”Nick said.
Nick's guests, had heard their conversation, asked why they should not buy salt more cheaply if they could. Nick replied,"The only reason a man would sell salt a lower price would be that he was desperate for money. And anyone who took advantage of that situation would be showing a lack of respect me sweat and struggle of the man who worked very hard to produce it."
"But such a small thing couldn't (possible) destroy a village."
“In the beginning, there was only very small amount of unfairness in the world,but everyone added a little, always (think) that it was only small and not very important,and look where we have ended up today.”


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


Photographer wanted

Take creative and innovative pictures for our monthly magazine. bachelor's degree in photography or closely related field is necessary. Also, at least 2 years of previous experience in related areas is required, Knowledge of publishing is desirable. Candidates must be familiar with current trends in visual and graphic technologies of photography, and a working knowledge of international economics.

Send resume by September 13 to Brock Peterson, Monthly Atlantic Economist, 225 Nelson Avenue, Toronto, ON V9ZIM2 or brockpeterson@month lyatlantic.Com.

To: Brock Peterson< brockpeterson@ monthlyatlanticcom>

From: Sandy Gob< Sandyg@ HomeCanada.ca>

Sent: Sept. 12,05:45 PM

Dear Mr Peterson,

I am writing in response to your job advertisement for a photographer posted in the August 21 issue of the Monthly Atlantic Economist. I think I am highly qualified for this position. As you can see from my attle hed resume, I have the appropriate academic background including a Boston College degree in photography and professional credentials(证明书)such as working as a photographer Cambridge for over 3 years. I will be moving to Toronto on September 18, so I can start working from the time you want.

Please feel free to contact me at your earliest convenience. I would also be happy to supply references and/ or a collection of my works.


Sandy Goh

1Where is Brock Peterson working?

A. At a graphics design firm.

B. At a photograph firm.

C. At a magazine.

D. At a discount store.

2By what time must applications be sent to Brock Peterson?

A. August 21.

B. September 12.

C. September 13.

D. September 18.

3Why does Saindy Goh mention Cambridge?

A. She once did work there.

B. She graduated from a college there.

C. She will move from there to Toronto soon.

D. She met Brock Peterson at a conference there.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Mike had many bookmarks (书签). He had ______ them over the years. He was ______ and weak and would celebrate his 80th birthday.

Trying to figure out what to buy Mike was a(n)______ task as he desired very little. He loved to ______, and had many books. But, to buy him a book seemed impossible ______ I did not know what books he had. So, when I found a special custom bookmark, I thought it was ______; it might be different from what he had collected.

The custom bookmark had the following ______ written on it: To live is to function. When Mike opened the ______, he smiled. Then he told me it was ______ by Oliver Wendell Holmes. It was just part of Mr. Holmes’______. He then went and got a newspaper clipping (剪报) that had Mr. Holmes’ words written in his nineties.

I felt ______. At 80 years old he immediately ______ the author of the saying on the bookmark. To my greater ______, he even had the newspaper clipping. Mike then told me he read these ______ words by Mr. Holmes every year on his birthday. He said, “The words ______ me that no matter how old you are, there is a reason why you arc here. And, you need to have ______ no matter what your age.”

As I left Mike’s house, I thought how ______ those words are. I ______ some people who were much ______ than Mike but achieved so little. Mike was at 80, still setting his goals, still aiming to ______ himself and to help others! What a great man!

1A. collected B. sold C. examined D. made

2A. humorous B. successful C. old D. busy

3A. pleasant B. difficult C. simple D. important

4A. swim B. write C. talk D. read

5A. though B. and C. as D. but

6A. cheap B. perfect C. useful D. real

7A. saying B. story C. joke D. note

8A. book B. pocket C. door D. present

9A. discovered B. passed C. written D. appreciated

10A. life B. words C. roles D. advice

11A. amazed B. happy C. worried D. excited

12A. liked B. affected C. guessed D. recognized

13A. knowledge B. surprise C. delight D. mind

14A. soft B. secret C. great D. foreign

15A. tell B. promise C. warn D. ask

16A. abilities B. friends C. ideas D. goals

17A. clear B. native C. true D. short

18A. depended on B. thought of C. picked up D. played with

19A. younger B. older C. richer D. wiser

20A. express B. help C. improve D. follow


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


联系方式:Tel-13912345678; Email-12345678@qq.com

注意: 1. 可适当增加细节,使结构完整 2. 词数120左右
词汇:学生会主席 president of Students' Union


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1. 表示感谢;2. 礼貌但委婉地拒绝她的邀请并解释原因;3. 邀请她来中国玩。

注意:1. 字数100左右;2. 可以适当增加细节,以使文章行文连贯。

Dear Mary,




