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When I was an elementary school student aging ten, I took part in a singing competition in our city. It was my first time to be in a singing competition. In the day of the competition, I was asked to enter into a studio room, which there was only one person and a piano. The man asked me  sing in front of the microphone, following his piano playing. My mother was waiting for me outside the studio. I thought that I sang better at the time. So when I finished and walked out the studio, my mother asked, ¡°What happened to your voices? Why couldn¡¯t we hear you?¡± Then, I realized that I forget to switch on the microphone.

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¡¾Ð¡Ìâ9¡¿ we---I  
¡¾Ð¡Ìâ10¡¿ forget----forgot

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One day I deeply felt the deep mother love surrounding me. I went to home for lunch quickly after school, because there would be a exam in the afternoon and I had expected to return to school early to prepare for the exam. And when I got home, the lunch was not ready yet. I felt very happy. When two dishes were seen, I found neither I liked. I ran out of my house angry and walked on the street for a while. Then I walk to school. When I got into the classroom, one classmates told me that my mother had brought my lunch box here. After opened the box, I found my favorite food inside. My eyes were filling with tears.


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John was visiting he 90-year-old grandpa, who lived in the country. In the first morning of the visit, John grandpa prepared a breakfast of bacon and eggs. John noticed some dirt on his plate, and asks, ¡°Are these plate clean?¡± His grandpa replied, ¡°They¡¯re as cleaner as cold water can get them. Just go ahead and finish your meal.¡± For lunch, Grandpa made hamburgers. Again, John has found the plates were dirty, but he asked the same question. Without looking up, his grandpa gave same answer. Later, as John was left, his grandpa¡¯s dog started to growl(ÅØÏø), and wouldn¡¯t let him pass. Grandpa shouted at the dog, ¡°Cold Water, go lie down!¡±


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An old man has been waiting at the bus stop. After a few minutes, the bus arrived but did not stop. The man who thought it would stop a bit far so he started running after the bus. Fortunately, the bus never stopped. The man kept follow the bus until he realized that he arrived home. The man was so happy that he could save a bit money. He happily told his wife, ¡°Honey, today I ran after the buses until arriving home. I didn¡¯t have to pay the fee. ¡°Surprisingly, the wife blamed his husband,¡± Do you know how many you could save, if you ran after a taxi ? ¡±


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I love camping. It¡¯s my favorite way to spend the summer vacation. Last year, my family and I went camping in the countryside. It was one of the most excited experiences I had ever had. We slept in a tent and had a long walk every day. We cooked over a fire and the food tasted well. During a whole week, I saw lovely mountain views or breathed fresh air. At night, I heard gentle wind to blow in the trees, and I felt such peaceful. It doesn¡¯t cost many to camp, and I believe it¡¯s the best way to get close nature and enjoy its beauty.


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I used to feeling pressured to do well in exams. I was such afraid of falling behind that I kept thinking about studying every minute of the day. The pressure makes me out of breath.

To my disappointed, the more worried I was about my studies, the less effective I became. Later, I realized I just took pressure too serious. So I tried taking things easy by taking part in various activity out of class, enjoying music and even daydreaming about fun things. To my delight, this worked! Gradually£¬I became more anxious about exams and began to take pleasure in my studies. Pressure cannot avoided.

What counts is how to deal with properly, but above all, how to turn it into pleasure or challenge.


