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2.I can't believe what he says because he is _______ changing his mind..(  )

分析 我不相信他说的话,因为他总是改变主意.

解答 答案D.考查副词辨析.A定期地;B稳定地;C突然地;D持续地,总是.根据语境判断D选项正确,因为他不断地改主意才不能相信他,句意:我不能相信他说的话,因为他总是改变主意.

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科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:解答题

12.[1]The fact that cigarette smoking is dangerous to your health is hardly new information.Cigarette smoking is the single most preventable cause of disease and early death in the United States.So why do so many teens continue to smoke?There are lots of reasons,you usually start for one reason or another and then it is really hard to quit.
[2]Nicotine acts in the brain where it can help develop feelings of pleasure,and pleasure feels good!It also will work as an appetite suppressant(抑制剂) for many people; other people believe it relieves stress.This may help explain why it is hard __________.
[3]Experimental smoking usually begins the habit.Next comes occasional cigarette smoking at parties,on weekends,with friends or when trying to lose weight.This is the most dangerous stage,because it usually leads to an addictive stage,when teens become regular smokers. People who start smoking before the age of 21 have the hardest time quitting.
[4]There is no safe amount of smoking.Every cigarette causes some harm to the body.Once smoke touches the lips,it begins to attack living tissues,and it continues its attack wherever it goes.Cigarette smokers have less ability to carry oxygen to the rest of the body and this is why smokers have less endurance(耐力) when running or participating in sports.
[5]Smokers also get wrinkles at an earlier age.The smoke changes the elasticity(弹性) of the skin and fine lines appear around the eyes and mouth.Your clothes and hair will smell from smoke and pretty soon you can no longer smell it.Kissing a smoker is like kissing an ashtray(烟灰缸).
[6]There is no right way to quit smoking,but surely you can do it!
[7]If you are thinking about smoking,the only way to avoid getting addicted to cigarettes is never to start in the first place.
76.What should teens do according to the advice in the article?(no more than 15 words)Teens should either stop or not/never start smoking.
77.Which sentence in the text is the closest in meaning to the following one?The fact that cigarette smoking is dangerous to your health is hardly new information.
It's already known that smoking is likely to cause illness.
78.Fill in the blank in Para 2 with proper words.(no more than 5 words)for smokers to stop/(for people) to stop smoking
79.What bad effects does smoking have besides harming health?(no more than 20 words)Smokers also get wrinkles at an earlier age and their clothes and hair get smelly.
80.Translate the underlined sentence in Para 3 into Chinese.因为这个阶段会导致青少年上瘾,从而成为正式烟民,所以这是最危险的时期..


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

13.She liked the novel so much that she _________her homework and began to read it.(  )
A.took overB.set asideC.set outD.turned down


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

10.The church _______ over 100years ago is the symbol of the city.(  )
A.dates back toB.dating fromC.dated fromD.dating back


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

17.A1l horses are animals,_______ not all animals are horses.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

7.He said that a new stadiuin____in our city next year.(  )
A.would buildB.would be buildC.will buildD.will be build


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

14.Your words made Jane angry yesterday,so youought to have apologizedto her then.( ought )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

11.Mr.Smith doesn't like all that empty talk between Susan and Joan,which he thinks will definitely get them ________.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

12.iPad Air First Impression:What's in a Name?

"The next generation iPad:thinner,lighter,more powerful than ever before,and it's new in so many ways that it deserves a new name,"Apple's Phil Schiller said onstage this morning as he displayed the company's latest tablet.
Of course,the new name still has the word iPad in it---it's called the iPad Air.But what is Apple's point?The Air isn't just like the old iPads.
And that's certainly true in a few respects (方面).The tablet has a whole new design,with rounder and shinier edges.I actually said out loud,"Wow,that is really light"when I first picked it up.
It's unexpectedly light.Because the screen looks the same as the former models,and the rest of the tablet also looks similar when it is sitting on a table,you don't expect it to weigh just one pound when you pick it up.
As soon as you lift it,though,you also realize the 0.29-inch thick tablet is much more comfortable to hold.It's even possible to hold in one hand,but because of the width and length of the screen,it can still be awkward.Most people will still prefer to hold it with two hands,or place it in their lap.
The Air also has the new speedy 64-bit A7processor(处理器)and new wireless technology,yet promises the same 10hours of battery life and a lot more in stand-by time.
But in another respect,the Air is still very much like the older iPads.The tablet runs iOS 7,which was updated for the iPad 2and up last month.The improved Safari web experience and Control Center all improve the big-screen experience,and new iLife and iWork apps make the tablet much more than just a consumption device (消费品).
Yet at its core,the way the iPad Air works is not different from the former versions of iPads,and some software features( 特征,特色) included on new tablets are starting to have Apple's feature set.
What's more,the iPad will continue to provide more and better apps in its App Store,which is where Windows 8and even Android can't match.
So,no,the iPad Air isn't a totally new iPad,but that might not matter.It's the apps combined with beautiful hardware engineering that will allow the iPad to lead the tablet market,new name or not.
53.Why did Apple's Phil Schiller say that the new iPad deserves a new name?A
A.Because it has been improved in many respects.
B.Because it has the new speedy 64-bit A7processor.
C.Because it is much thinner and lighter with a new design.
D.Because its battery promises a lot more in stand-by time.
54.Which of the following is right?D
A.The Air works quite differently from the older iPads.
B.The tablet runs a totally different iSO system.
C.The Air is nothing but a consumption device.
D.The iPad Air isn't a totally new iPad.
55.What can we infer from the passage?A
A.The iPad Air will continue to lead the tablet market.
B.The iPad Air will sell better than any other former iPads.
C.People will throw away their older iPad and buy an iPad Air.
D.Apple will fail to provide more and better Apps in its Apple Store.

