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17.First,reading books (61)is(be) fun.You can always keep yourself  (62)interested(interest) and it can help you have an enjoyable time if you like reading.This is especially useful when the weather is bad.It is a(n) (63)relaxing (relax) hobby too.
Next,you can read a book anywhere:in a car,on a plane,in bed-even in the bath.(64)What you need is a book!Reading is a convenient hobby as it is easy to stop and start again.
Another good reason for reading books is(65)thatit is useful.If you read as a hobby you (66)will get(get) better and better at it.This means that you will read faster and become(67)better(good) at understanding what you read.As your reading improves,you will probably find your schoolwork becomes much easier.Many school subjects depend (68)on good reading and,as you read you learn more and more.
Good readers are most likely to be good (69)writers(write),too.They are usually good at (70)spelling (spell) as well,and have more things to write about.Reading books is really a wonderful hobby.

分析 文章讲述了读书的好处.读书不限地点和时间,想读就读.读书还可以帮助我们更好的理解知识,读的多就会提高写作能力.真是一个好习惯.

解答 答案:61.is;考查主谓一致.句中reading books是动名词短语作主语,谓语动词要用单数;句意表达的是客观事实,要用一般现在时态. 
64.What;考查连词.句中you need作句子的主语,是一个主语从句;从句中need缺少宾语,且句意表达的是事情,要用what来连接. 
65.that;考查连词.句中it is useful作系动词的表语,是一个表语从句;从句表达的是客观事实,要用that来连接,且不可省略. 
66.will get;考查时态.句意表达的是假设,要用一般将来时态.
68.on;考查动词短语.depend on取决于,依赖于. 
70.spelling;考查短语搭配.be good at doing sth擅长做某事.

点评 语法填空题是考查学生的语言运用能力.解题时,要在理解文章的基础上,灵活运用语法知识,如词性,时态,名词单复数,连接词,代词,冠词等判断空白处应填写的内容.答完后,还要通读全文,核对所填单词形式是否正确,是否符合语境.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

7.When you're surfing the Internet on your laptop from your dorm or home,do you know your personal details are being gathered secretly?And would you be surprised to know the information may be sold cheaply to advertisers and marketers?
According to an investigation by The Wall Street Journal,all it takes is a tiny file in a computer-a single code consisting of a long series of numbers and letter-to record the computer user's age,gender,location,favorite movies and hobbies.
The newspaper reports that Lotame Solutions Inc.,a New York company,uses sophisticated software called a'"beacon"to capture what people are typing on a website.
Lotame packages the data into profiles (个人资料) about individuals,only without their names,and sells the profiles to companies seeking customers.Such data may be sold for a few dollars.
The Wall Street Journal survey discovered that spying on Internet users is one of the fastest-growing businesses on the Internet.
The"cookie",a tiny text file put on your PC by websites or marketing firms,which might be used to remember your preferences for one site or to track you across many sites,is already old news.There are new and more complex tools such as"beacons"which scan in real time what people are doing on a webpage.'These beacons instantly assess the Internet user's location,income,shopping interests and even medical conditions.
Millions of Internet users around the world also face great threats.Their private,sensitive,personal and business information is being gathered and sold without their knowledge.
Companies insist that the information they gather is anonymous (匿名的) and the data is used harmlessly.But the technology has grown so powerful that even some of the biggest websites in the US don't know that they were.installing (安装) intrusive (侵入的) files on visitors'computers.These include MSN.com and Yahoo.com.
Next time you visit a webpage and find an ad banner advertising something you've been planning to buy,don't be amazed that your computer can read your mind.
57.The purpose of the passage is toA.
    A.show how your private information is let out when surfing the Internet
    B.introduce a very tiny file in your computer-a single code
    C.tells you about the ways of protecting your privacy on the Internet
    D.introduce the sophisticated software called a"beacon"
58.Why do people want computer users'personal information via the Internet?B
    A.Because they haven't realized the function of the tiny file.
    B.Because they want to use the information to make some money.
    C.Because the cookies in computers encourage them to do so.
    D.Because they know it's harmless if they get anonymous information,
59.It can be inferred from the passage thatB.
    A.Internet users around the world will not face threats,for the data is used harmlessly
    B.when you surf the Internet,your personal details may be let out without knowledge
    C.your computer is so smart that sometimes it can really read your mind
    D.MSN.com uses software to capture what people are typing on a website
60.According to the passage,a"beacon"C.
    A.is a tiny text file put on your PC by websites
    B.is not more complex than the"cookie"
    C.can assess Internet users'location,income and other personal data
    D.is the software that can package the data into personal profiles.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

8.He had a lot of friends,but none of_________ could lend him any money.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

5.__________ her way through the excited crowd in the bookstore,the woman writer is
surrounded by a group of admirers.(  )
A.To makeB.Having madeC.To be madeD.Making


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

12.American popular music is played all over the world.People of all ages in all countries enjoy(61)listening (listen) to it.The reasons for (62)itspopularity are its fast pace and rhythmic beat.The music has many origins in the United States.Country music,(63)coming(come) from the rural areas in the southern United States,is one source.Many people appreciate this music because of the emotions(64)expressed(express) by country music songs.
A second origin of American popular music si the blues.It described mostly sad feelings(65)reflecting (reflect) the difficult lives of American blacks.It is usually played and sung by black musicians,but it is popular with all Americans.
Rock music is a newer form of music.This music style was known (66)as rock and roll in the 1950's.Since then there (67)have been (be) many forms of rock music,hard rock,soft rock,punk rock,disco music and others.Many(68)performers(perform) of popular rock music are young musicians.
People hear these songs (69)sung (sing) in their original English or sometimes translated to other languages.The words may differ(70)but/yet  the enjoyment of the music is universal.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

4.Please do not sign your name.Mark the responses that most nearly reflect your teaching practices.This is one way to reflect your practices and how much you got out of it.Keep one copy and give one to your tutor(s).
0=never   1=rarely     2=sometimes (1-2x/week)
3=moderately(3x/week) 4=often(4x/week)             5=daily
DEVELOPMENT APPROPRIATENESS:I provide opportunities for students to use literacy for their own purposes using previous knowledge,developmentally appropriate strategies and world experiences012345
EVIRONMENT:I use flexible grouping,e.g.pairs,small groups of different levels,small needs-based groups,and working alone.012345
KNOWLEDGE CONSTRUCTION:I provide opportunities for students to interpret literary and informational texts before,during and after reading or listening by talking,writing,enacting,drawing,etc.012345
ASSESSMENT OF LEARNING:I assess students'use of literacy strategies using this information to measure student progress and refocus my own teaching.012345
DEMONSTRATION OF STRATEGIES:I read aloud to students and write in front of them,using literary and informational texts.012345
READING STRATEGIES:I instruct students to read strategically,e.g.to reflect,predict,decode,question,connect,retell,summarize,map,etc.012345
WRITING STRATEGIES:I provide opportunities for students to work through the writing processes alone and with others,e.g.thinking about purposes and audiences,prewriting,drafting,revising,editing and publishing.012345
SELF-SELECTION:I provide time for the self-selection of books for independent reading in the classroom,and for book sharing.012345
DEVELOPING MEANING:I provide clear targets to students to develop higher levels of learning,e.g.What does it mean?Why do I need to know it?How will I use it?012345
EXTENTION OF LEARNING:I provide opportunities and activities for students to learn more about topics of their choice through problem-based learning assignments,etc.012345
BUILDING SUCCESS:I structure lessons/activities that provide opportunities for all students to experience success.012345
70.According to the passage,who most probably mark the responses in the form?B
A.Professional tutors.
B.Language teachers.
C.Personal physician.
D.Psychological therapist.
71.According to the passage,which frequency degree would you choose if you carry out the practice in the form not at all often?B
72.Mr.Kent bears EXTENTION OF LEARNING idea in mind,he quite often tends toD.
 A.always set groups to encourage students to work out something by putting heads together
 B.prepare grade-level materials for teaching
 C.develop students reading skills during pre-while-and-post-reading stage
 D.provide students with extra learning materials to further their study
73.Mrs.Grace likes to share her version of tasks outcome in class,which could be labeledC.
A.ASSESSMENT OF LEARNING                        


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

11.Thomas Sterns Eliot was born in St.Louis,Missouri,on September 26,1888.He was raised in a family that had distinguished(区别) Americans since colonial days.At 18years old,T.S.Eliot entered Harvard,and after graduating he went abroad.Then he taught in a boys'school briefly before spending eight years in Lioyds Bank in London.
T.S.Eliot inspired the musical Cats in the 1980s from his well-known book Old Possum's Book of Cats.He also wrote The Love Song of J.Alfred Prufock in 1915.After 1915,T.S.Eliot wrote such poems as Portrait of a Lady.
The Waste Land appeared in 1922.It was considered by many to be his most challenging work.In 1927Thomas Stems Eliot became a British subject(国民)and was confirmed in the Church of England.
His essays.For Lancelot Andrew(1928)and his poetry,Four Quarters (1943)increasingly reflected this association with a traditional culture.The Rock (1934),his first drama,was a pageant play.This was followed by Murder in the Cathedral (1935),a play dealing with the assassination of Archbishop(主教)Thomas a Becket,who was later praised.
In 1948,King George VI bestowed(授予)the order of Merit on T.S.Eliot,and in that same year he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature.On January 4,1965Thomas Sterns Eliot died at the age of 76.Another one of his poems I enjoy is Aunt Helen.

59.Where did the inspiration of Cats come from?C
A.Thomas Sterns Eliot.B.The animal cat.
C.Old Possum's Book of Cats.D.King George VI.
60.How many works written by T.S.Eliot are mentioned in the passage?C
61.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?D
A.Thomas Sterns Eliot only wrote poems in his life.
B.Eliot won the Nobel Prize because King George VI bestowed the order of Merit on him.
C.Thomas Sterns Eliot spent eight years in London.
D.Thomas Sterns Eliot was once a teacher in a school.
62.What does the underlined word"assassination"mean?A


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

8.In the evening,usually I look at some documents I bring back from the office _________ I can be ready for the next day's work.(  )
A.even ifB.untilC.soD.so that


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:信息匹配

9.How to Teach Kids to Respect Others
When teaching kids to respect others,you must know how to respect others yourself.(36)BYou must know how to,and consistently use the skill.In this way your teaching will become more effective.
So,the very first and most important tool in teaching kids to respect others is to respect others yourself.Always show respect to people,and always show respect to the kids you're trying to teach.(37)D.There is no need to conduct your life by keeping company with people who are disrespectful to you or your family.There are plenty of people in the world.Sometimes you may become emotional,angry or upset over the words or actions of others.It can be difficult to avoid,but if you want to teach kids to respect others,you must respect others as well.
Children learn by example.Children will automatically do what they are taught,but teaching doesn't come through words alone.(38)G.
Another important factor to keep in mind is to listen carefully to what they say.You've had children,so now it's your job to raise them the best you can.(39)ADo not yell.Do not roll your eyes and never hit them.If you engage in any of this type of behavior with your children,they will learn that this behavior is acceptable.
Always make children feel like they are the most important thing in the world to you.(40)E
Nothing is more important than giving your children undivided(全部的) attention when they need it.So make them feel like they are No.1 and they will learn so much just to respect others.They will learn compassion,listening skills,and how to choose friends who are good for them.

A.When your children speak,listen carefully.
B.This is the key to teaching anyone anything.
C.Giving them a reward can help them behave well.
D.If people are disrespectful to you,simply walk away.
E.When children feel like you care,they will learn how to care as well.
F.Parents can find pleasure from turning their children into responsible adults.
G.They watch how adults around them act and they learn to act that way as well.

