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— Lily , do you have an umbrella ?It is raining outside. —Yes ,but it’s _____.         
A.small one    B.small umbrella  C. only a small one  D.that one      


科目:高中英语 来源:2007年梅州市第一次高考模拟试题 题型:050


  Once upon a time there was a good old woman who lived in a little house.She had in her garden a bed of beautiful lilies.

One night she was woken by the sounds of sweet singing and of babies laughing.She looked out of the window.The sounds seemed to come from the lily bed, but she could see nothing.On the following night she was again woken up by sweet singing and babies

laughing.She walked softly to her garden.The moon was shining brightly on the lily bed, and the flowers were swaying from side to side.The old woman looked closely and she saw, standing by each lily, a little Fairy mother who was singing and rocking the flower like a cradle, while in each lily trumpet lay a little Fairy baby laughing and playing.

  The good old woman went quietly back to her house, and from that time on she never picked a lily, nor did she allow her neighbors to touch the flowers.

  The day came when the good old woman died, and the lily-bed was torn up, other plants were planted there, but they all withered(凋谢),and from that time on nothing would grow there.But the good old woman’s grave grew beautiful, for the Fairies sang above it, and kept it green; while on the grave and all around it there sprang up lilies, tulips, violets, and other lovely flowers of spring.


What happened when the old woman woke up one night?

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She looked inside her room closely.


She tried to find what disturbed her sleep.


She searched the lily bed for something.


She went out trying to find something.


We know from the text that the noise ________.

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was made by small babies who were singing and laughing


was made by newborn babies who were sleeping in the cradle


was from the Fairy babies who were lying inside the lily flowers


was from a baby someone had left on the lily bed


The women did not allow her neighbors to touch the lily flowers ________.

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to protect Fairy lilies


to show that she didn’t like the lilies any more


to show that she wanted to grow more lilies


to show that she knew how to raise lilies


Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the text?

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After the good old woman died, nobody looked after the flowers.


After the good old woman’s death, all the lilies withered due to sorrow.


On the good old woman’s death, her neighbors tore up the lily-bed.


When the good old woman died, she didn’t let out the secret of the lily flowers.


The best title for this passage could be ________.

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The Fairy lilies


The kind old woman


The old woman and the Fairy lilies


The story of a kind woman


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

AWhen I was a stay-at-home mom, there were times I wished I could buy some beautiful flowers, but the money that they would cost was needed in the home. When I walked into town with the family, my youngest daughter, Lily, would always carry a flower stem(花梗). That’s how she got the nickname “Stick Girl”.

One day when we passed the flower lady with Lily, the flower lady smiled at her and said, “Come here. I have something for you.” She handed her a beautiful flower. Lily dropped the stem and held on to that flower until we came back home. We placed it in water and enjoyed the beauty of that flower along with the feelings of warmth and kindness from the flower lady.

My neighbors would run to her to get a bouquet of flowers whenever they wanted to, and I used to give directions(为人指路) using the flower lady. I would say, “Walk for three blocks. You’ll see the flower lady. Turn right at that street.”

My mom visits me each year. On her first summer visit this year, she looked at me and asked, “Where’s the flower lady?”

I had no idea. The flower lady had been an icon(偶像) for me for 16 years, but now she wasn’t there any more.

I went on a search and soon found her in another spot, at the Harbor Loop. I was glad to see her and I had to tell her that she was missed!

I have a garden which I admire very much now. Every time I see those bright colors when I come home after a day of work, I remember the generosity of a dear old lady whom I only know as the flower lady.

56. When the flower lady gave Lily a flower, Lily _____.

A. accepted it happily

B. paid for it and walked home quickly

        C. accepted it and forgot that other people were laughing at her

        D. felt sorry for not being able to pay for it

57. Why did the author give directions using the flower lady?

        A. Because the flower lady used to give her daughter many flowers.

        B. Because she felt grateful for the flower lady’s generosity and warmth.      

C. Because her neighbors usually bought flowers from the flower lady.

D. Because the flower lady ran the flower shop with her and her mother.

58. From the passage, we know that _____.

A. it was the flower lady who taught the author how to grow flowers

        B. the author didn’t know the flower lady’s address or name

        C. the flower lady used to sell flowers in one place all the time

        D. the flower lady might keep on offering the author flowers

59. What’s the best title for the passage?

        A. The Stick Girl    B. Beautiful Flowers    C. The Flower Lady     D. Buying Flowers


科目:高中英语 来源:2015届福建省高一入学教育考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Last Sunday, Mr. Green asked Lily    she had written to her mother    .

A.that; yesterday

B.that; the day before

C.whether; yesterday

D.whether; the day before



科目:高中英语 来源:湖南省湘潭地区2009-2010学年度高一下学期期末联考试题(英语) 题型:单项填空

—What did you say to Lily just now? She looked so happy.

—I praised her new hair style, saying, "______."

A.you look younger and more beautiful

B.she is more beautiful and younger

C.you looked more beautiful and younger

D.she was more beautiful and younger



科目:高中英语 来源:20102011学年辽宁省抚顺市六校联合体高一下期末考试英语题 题型:单项填空

---Did you enjoy staying with your good friend last week,Lily?

---Yes, I______ with him for a long time.

    A. haven’t stayed     B. didn’t stay    C. wouldn’t stay  D. hadn’t stayed


