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16."The Book That Can't Wait"is a great new idea that seeks to strengthen bonds between first time writers and their readers by getting their books read quickly.
Argentinean independent publishers Eterna Cadencia are publishing a collection of short stories by new South American authors using special ink that slowly disappears once it comes in contact with sun and air,completely vanishing within 2months after the book has been opened.This makes for an interesting approach to motivating book buyers to read books more quickly,giving first-time authors the attention they need to survive.
"The Book That Can't Wait"tackles an important problem for new authors:How to get readers.The creative independent publishers teamed up with DRAFTFCB in the city of Buenos Aires to develop this project.
"Books are very patient objects.We buy them,and then they wait for us to read them.Days,months,even years.That's OK for books,but not for new authors.If people don't read their first book,they'll never make it to a second,"says the project coordinator Tito Santana.
That's why Etema Cadencia,which also runs its own bookstore,has decided to create something different to launch its new authors into the market.It presented its first"The Book That Can't Wait"for the critics and the press last month.The invention is a success.Hundreds of people came to the bookstore to pick up a copy.To help spread the word,they gave away the first edition to customers for free.The very same day it was released,the publishing house claimed that it received thousands of requests for more copies of the book.So it will print a new edition later this month to satisfy the demand.And the best result?This time they have the guarantee that their new authors will be read.The company plans to use the book as a platform for other titles,because they believe there is a lot of literature out there that doesn't deserve to wait on the shelf.And these books won't wait at all.

31.The main purpose of publishing"The Book That Can't Wait"is toD.
A.sell more books
B.make it fun to read
C.invent a new kind of book
D.get new authors'books read quickly
32.The DRAFTFCB mentioned in Paragraph 3is most probablyA.
A.an organization involved in the project
B.a new South American author
C.an independent bookstore
D.an area of Buenos Aires
33.By saying"Books are very patient objects"in Paragraph 4,Tito Santana actually meansC.
A.books never know when you read them
B.books must be read very carefully
C.books can usually be read at any time
D.books can sometimes have emotions
34.What can we learn from the passage?B
A.Light and air can make the books disappear within two months.
B.The approach has only been applied to works of some new authors.
C.Books printed using the new technology have been best-sellers.
D.The company will publish all its books in the future using the new ink.
35.What is the author's attitude towards this new kind of book?A
A.Approving.  B.Doubtful.  C.Uninterested.  D.Opposed.

分析 本文是一篇说明文.主要说明了来自阿根廷书商'Eterna Cadencia‘的创意""The Book That Can't Wait"","不能等的书"能鞭策人们尽快阅读,让读者读得更快,进而得到许多新读者.书的内容都是一些南美的短篇小说集,使用一种特殊的墨水遇到空气和阳光在打开2小说后就会完全消失,从而激励购书者快速地阅读.书可以在任何时候都能读,为了把新作者写的作品推出市场,这种方法是比较好的.

解答 31.D   细节理解题.根据第二段中的"This makes for an interesting approach to motivating book buyers to read books more quickly",出这种书的目的是让读者读得更快,进而得到新的读者,故选D.
32.A   细节理解题.根据第三段中的"in the city of Buenos Aires to develop this project."可知,这是一个参与这个项目的组织,故选A.
33.C   细节理解题.根据第四段中的"We buy them,and then they wait for us to read them.Days,months,even years.That's OK for books"可知,书可以在任何时候都能读,故选C. 
34.B   推理判断题.根据第五段中的"has decided to create something different to launch its new authors into the market.It presented its first"The Book That Can't Wait"for the critics and the press last month."可知,这种方法适合于新作者写的作品,故选B.
35.A   推理判断题.根据第四段中的"That's OK for books,but not for new authors.If people don't read their first book,they'll never make it to a second,"says the project coordinator Tito Santana."可知,作者多于这种做法是赞成的,故选A.

点评 解答细节理解题时,一个常用的方法就是运用定位法,即根据题干和选项中的关键词从原文中找到相关的句子,与选项进行比较从而确定答案;推理判断题既要求学生透过文章表面文字信息推测文章隐含意思,又要求学生对作者的态度、意图及文章细节的发展作正确的推理判断,力求从作者的角度去考虑,不要固守自己的看法或观点.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

11.Don't be ________by products promising to make you lose weight quickly.(  )
A.taken offB.taken outC.taken awayD.taken in


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

12.I had my doubts about hiring Stevie at my truckstop diner.He had Down syndrome(唐氏综合症),and I wasn't sure how my truker customers would react to him.
I shouldn't have worried.Stevie took pride in doing his job exactly right,and you had to love how hard he tried to please each person he met.The truckers loved him.
Over time,we learned that he lived with his mother,a widow(寡妇) who was disabled after repeated surgeries(手术) for cancer.They didn't have much money to live on.
Then for the first morning in three years,Steve missed work.He was getting a new valve(心脏瓣膜) or something put in his heart.His social worker said that this wasn't unexpected,and there was a good chance he would come through the surgery and be back at work in a few months.
The staff were excited later that morning when they heard he was out of surgery,in recovery and doing fine.Frannie,my head waitress,did a little dance.
Belle Ringer,one of our regular trucker customers,grinned(咧嘴而笑)."OK,Frannie,what was that all about?"he asked."We just got word that Stevie is out of surgery and going to be okay,"she replied."But I don't know how he and his mom are going to pay all the bills."Belle Ringer nodded thoughtfully,and Frannie hurried off to wait on the rest of her tables.
Stevie was thinner and paler when he came back to work,but couldn't stop grinning as he came in.I led him and his mother toward the back of the room.
We stopped in front of a bit table.Its surface was covered with coffee cups,saucers and dinner plates,all sitting on folded paper napkins (餐巾).
"First thing you have to do,Steve,is clean up this mess,"I said.I tried to sound stern.
Stevie looked at me.And then at his mother,then pulled out one of the napkins.It had"something for Stevie"printed on the outside.As he picked it up,two 10billsfellontothetable.Steviestaredatallthenapkinsbeneaththetableware,eachwithhisnameonit.Iturnedtohismother."There'smorethan10,000in cash and checks on that table,all from truckers and trucking companies that heard about your problems."
While everybody else was busy shaking hands and hugging each other,Stevie,with a big smile on his face,was busy clearing all the cups and dishes from the table.Best worker I ever hired.
24.How did the author feel when he first hired Stevie?C
A.He was afraid that Stevie would not work hard.
B.He was confident that his customers would love Stevie.
C.He wasn't sure if Stevie would get on well with the truckers.
D.He was worried that Stevie would often have to ask for leave for physical checkups.
25.When Frannie learned that Stevie was out of surgery and going to be okay,sheB.
A.passed on the good news to all the truckers in the diner
B.felt excited but also worried if he could afford the bills
C.wanted to invite the other staff to visit him in the hospital
D.tried to persuade Belle Ringer to donate some money for Stevie
26.The first day Stevie came back to work,B.
A.the author asked him to clean up all the mess at the truckstop
B.the staff prepared a great surprise for him
C.he was still weak and not in a good mood
D.many truckers came to welcome him back
27.The underlined word"stern"in Paragraph 9is closest in meaning toA.
A.strict      B.angry      C.cheerful       D.surprised.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

4._____ their house in England,they also have a villa in Germany.(  )
A.Except forB.Apart fromC.Rather thanD.Instead of


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

11.In Singapore,people _____ eating or drinking on the subway can be fined up to 500Singapore dollars.(  )
A.having caughtB.catchingC.caughtD.catch


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

1.WHY do we sometimes struggle with moral dilemmas?Why is it a crime to take certain drugs but it's acceptable to take others?Why is it wrong to create human embryos (胚胎) to cure diseases suffered by millions?Often,we follow rules that bring little benefit and can even be positively harmful.But the rules are not set in stone,so there is nothing to stop us getting rid of those that don't work and putting better ones in their place.Now an experiment suggests that morality isn't entirely about benefits to individuals.We also tend to make and obey arbitrary moral rules,probably as a way of promoting social consolidation (巩固).
A classic psychology experiment called"trolley (电车) experiment"suggests that our minds have two moral systems,and they don't always agree.In the trolley experiment,participants are told that an out-of-control trolley could kill five people on the tracks.They must decide whether to turn it onto a second track with only one person on it.Almost everyone does it,sacrificing one to save five.But if instead you have to push one person off a bridge onto the track to stop the trolley,most people say no.That suggests most of us have a strict rule against killing people directly,even for the greater good.
How are such rules formed?Although people with morality appear to rule out the act of killing in the bridge experiment,most moral behavior in animals appears focused on outcomes-the death of an individual,say-rather than the death of the majority.When an animal experiences harm to help a relative,biologists view this as increasing the chances that the animal's genes will survive.Many psychologists think that human moral rules are an extension of this"kin (亲族) selection".
Kurzban of the University of Pennsylvania did the experiment further.Kurzban's team gave volunteers changes of the bridge situation.Volunteers were asked what they would do and whether their actions were morally right.85% of them said it would be morally wrong to push one person off to save five,whether these people are brothers or strangers,confirming the idea that there is a rule against killing.However,despite thinking it wrong,28% said they would still push a stranger off to save five,while 47% said they would push a brother off to save five brothers."They're more likely to do this'less moral1 thing if it's to save a relative,"Kurzban says,suggesting kin selection is at work as well as the basic"moral rule"against killing.The experiment shows we have at least two parallel systems for deciding right and wrong:one that says some actions,like killing,are bad,and another that tells us to protect kin.So how is this helpful?
Science has made great steps in explaining morality.No longer is it seen as something handed down from on high.Sacrificing yourself so as to protect your kin,for example,can benefit your family genes.Social consolidation demands we have rules,regardless of what they are,to help settle disputes quickly and peacefully.

55.Our moral dilemmas lie in the fact that moral rulesC.
A.can hardly be changed once set                    
B.are against individual benefits
C.can be harmful as well as beneficial            
D.are promoting social consolidation
56.Paragraph Two tells us thatD
A.we should have only one moral system        
B.killing one to save five is a good choice
C.we have to push one person off a bridge      
D.killing people directly can't be accepted
57.The underlined word rule out has the closest meaning toA
A.reject         B.admit        C.control         D.doubt
58.Which action agrees with"kin selection"?B
A.A father choosing his daughter as a.government official.
B.A deer staying behind its group when hunted by tigers.
C.Two baby monkeys fighting for their mother's feeding.
D.A dog killing a wolf to save its master's sleeping baby.
59.Kurzban's experiment suggests thatD
A.most volunteers are against the idea of killing brothers   
B.most people would push a stranger off to save five
C.less moral'thing is right and should be accepted
D.two moral systems that we have seem in conflict
60.According to the passage,the rules of morality are,under some circumstances,D
A.scientific         B.reasonable       C.harmful       D.flexible.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

8.Languages keeps developing,and English is no exception.It is a language that embraces new words that may be cool today bill gone tomorrow.
     There are,however,some words and phrases that have stood the test of time.OK.which has become the international standard for expressing agreement,is a good example.
     But why is this rather odd expression so popular and so useful when we could use any number of other words to say the same thing?-
     Writing in The Times,Alien Metcalf,author of OK:.The Improbable Story of America's Greatest Word,writes:"What OK provided that the others did not was neutrality(中性),a way to express agreement without having to offer an opinion."
     For example,if someone asks you"Shall we go for a walk after lunch?"you can simply respond"OK".There you go-no extra opinions.Just straight,plain old OK.
     So just where did this rather curious expression come from?The origins of OK have been widely disputed.Some people have guessed that OK was the name of a person or a product.
     Speakers of many different languages have had their say on this question,keen to claim the term as their own..
     Writing an article for London's Metro newspaper,Metcalf states;"0 arid K are present in every language of the world,as expressions that can be abbreviated(缩写) OK."For example; French-"o qu-oui","yes indeed"; German-"Ohne Korrektur","without correction needed"; and in Latin or Greek,"Olla kalla"."all good".
     But,does it sound a little too informal with this popular little expression?
     Apparently not.
     In a speech where he stated that his election would not be a radical (激进的) result to all problems.President Obama said:"…?even though I am president…,AI-Qaida is still a threat and that we cannot pretend somehow that because Barack Hussein Obama got elected as president,suddenly everything's going to be OK,"he said.
     So,there you go,straight from the president.It's OK to say OK,and thanks to the expression's widespread usage across the world,you can be understood anywhere.
41.What is the article mainly about?B
A.The origin of OK.
B.Popularity of OK across the world.
C.A debate over the usage of OK.
D.The development of the English language.
42.According to Alien Metcalf,OK differs from other terms to express agreement in thatC.
A.it is easiest to say
B.it is the most commonly used
C.it doesn't involve emotion           
D.it is the most informal and casual
43.The underlined word"disputed"in Paragraph 6 probably meansD,
A.understood       B.agreed       C.believed         D.argued
44.Using the example of Obama,the author intends to show thatA
A.OK is widely used even on formal occasions
B.Obama likes to use'OK when he speaks
C.there is still a long way to go to defeat AI-Qaida
D.the use of OK is encouraged in formal speech and in documents.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:完形填空

5.In 1883,a creative engineer,John Roebling,was inspired to build a splendid bridge connecting New York with Long Island.However,experts throughout the world thought that this was (16)A.Even so,Roebling could not   (17)C the idea in his mind.After much discussion,he  (18)D  convince his son Washington,an up-and-coming engineer,that the bridge in fact could be built.They hired their   (19)B  and began to build their dream bridge.
Only a few months  (20)C  the project was underway a tragic on-site accident killed John Roebling and  (21)A  injured his son,leaving him brain-damaged and unable to move or  (22)D.Surely now the project would have to be  (23)B.Though Washington Roebling lay in his hospital bed,he was not  (24)A  and his mind remained as  (25)A  as it was before the accident.Suddenly an idea   (26)D him.All he could move was one finger,so he  (27)C the arm of his wife with that finger,(28)C  to her that he wanted her to call the engineers again.Then he used the same method of tapping her arm to tell the engineers what to do.For 13years Washington tapped out his  (29)B with one finger until the bridge was  (30)C completed.
Perhaps this is one of the best examples of never-say-die attitude that  (31)A a terrible physical disability and achieves an impossible (32)D.Often when we face difficulties in our daily lives,our problems seem very small  (33)C  what many others have to face.The Brooklyn Bridge shows us that even the most   (34)B dream can be realized with  (35)A no matter what the chances are.

18.A.attempted toB.sought toC.failed toD.managed to
33.A.combined withB.separated fromC.compared toD.concerned about


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

6._____ to our dream universities,we should devote all our time to our lessons.(  )
A.To be admittedB.AdmittedC.AdmittingD.To admit

