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3. 格林先生要你马上去他的办公室见他。

 Mr. Green asked you to see him in his office


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

  If you drop a feather and a hammer ( 铁锤) , which do you think will hit the ground first?

  On his last moon walk in 1971,Apollo 15's Commander David Scott did his final 21 for the television cameras. Scott was re-creating an experiment  22 by the astronomer Galileo in 1590.

  If you guess that the 23 would hit the ground first,you' re not alone. When Galileo was a boy,everyone 24 that heavier things fell faster. A rock twice as heavy as a potato should fall twice as fast. That's what they 25 in school.

  But Galileo wasn’ t so 26 . So he decided to 27 it. He dropped balls of different 28 from towers and timed how long they took to get to the ground. And he discovered 29 amazing — dropped things fall at the same rate,no matter how 30 they are.

  Why? Falling objects fall 31  the pull of gravity between the object and Earth. And the tremendous (巨大的) force of Earth's gravity is the same whether it's 32 on a feather or a hammer.

  But wait,you say — feathers do fall more 33 than hammers. That's quite true,on Earth — but the 34 is air,not gravity. Air pushes against light feathers enough to hold them up,but it isn't 35 enough to hold up a heavy hammer. This pushing of air 36 people for a long time.

  The moon has no 37 to slow a falling object. But it does have gravity. The moon's gravity is 38than Earth's,since the,moon is smaller. But it's still strong enough for dropping things.

  And sure enough,when Scott let the hammer and the feather drop,they hit the ground 一 exactly 39.

 “Galileo was 40 in his findings/' Scott broadcast. .

21. A. practice   B. interview

   C. experiment   D. flight

22. A. ignored   B. given up

   C. reported   D. thought up

23. A. feather   B. hammer   C. camera   D. rock

24. A. doubted   B. believed

   C. denied   D. forgot

25. A. taught   B. lost   C. learned   D. recorded

26. A. sure   B. sad   C. nervous   D. lucky

27. A. imagine   B. design

   C. name   D. test

28. A. sizes   B. shapes   C. colors   D. weights

29. A. anything   B. nothing

   C. something   D. everything

30. A. soft   B. heavy   C. long   D. beautiful

31. A. instead of   B. because of

   C. in case of   D. in spite of

32. A. depending   B. focusing

   C. pulling   D. relying

33. A. gently   B. steadily

   C. slowly   D. naturally

34. A. reason   B. problem

   C. goal   D. winner

35. A. good   B. big    C. clean   D. strong

36. A. informed   B. fooled

   C. reminded   D. persuaded

37. A. energy   B. time   C. life   D. air

38. A. greater   B. older   C. weaker   D. severer

39. A. alone   B. together

   C. silently   D. loudly

40. A. brave   B. curious

   C. correct   D. humorous


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

I .根据语境,从方框中选择恰当的单词填空,有的需要变换形式。


1. You’re just asking for if you don’t give them the money.

2. The number of flying on planes in the country has increased (增长)by 35 percent in the past six years.

3. Mary Mike on the head with a book by accident.

4. 一I’11 see you the train.

—Thank you.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

4. Whenever Maty reads an interesting story,she can't keep it to and wants to share it with her friends.

   A. she   B. her

    C. hers   D. herself      (2015 河南)


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

3. —Should I take Mary to see the doctor?(补全否定答语)

—No, .


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

2. —You decided to go to Qingdao on vacation?

一Yeah!We made the d yesterday.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

4. Bob and Dale both want to be great mountain (climb) .


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

() 30. When I arrived at home,I saw him the 2015 FI VB Volleyball Women's World Cup.

   A. watch   B. watching   C. watched   D. to watch 


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

4. We have difficulty in r money. Can you give us some ideas?

