精英家教网 > 高中英语 > 题目详情
4.---Would you mind if I turned off the light?
---____________.(  )
A.Yes,go aheadB.No,please don't
C.Go ahead,pleaseD.Certainly,do as you please

分析 ---你介意我把灯关了吗?

解答 答案C.
A项"是的,介意,请关掉灯吧";B项"不介意,请不要关灯";D项"当然,你想怎样做就怎样";"Do you mind my doing…?和Would  you mind if I…?"的常见回答有:表示不介意"No,of course not./No,not at all./Certainly not./Go ahead,I don't mind./No,please do.等";表示介意时"I'm sorry…/I'm afraid…".根据上下文的语境可知,上文中表示"你介意我把灯关了吗",答句中回答"不介意,请关掉吧";"Goahead 表示同意或允许,意为"说吧,做吧"",故选C.

点评 本题考查情景交际.解答此类题目首先应该读懂句意,分析上下文语境和逻辑关系.其次对每个选项中的交际用语的适用情况要掌握,根据语境锁定正确答案.关键平时学习中要对交际用语多积累多总结反复记忆.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

14.---Is there anything I can do for you?
---I'm looking for a book,     written by Han Han.(  )
A.itB.thatC.oneD.the one


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:短文改错

15.At the gate,a guard prevented him from enter the school.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

12.-I haven't got my composition notebook yet,and I'm afraid that I am going to be out of luck.
-Don't worry.You __________ have it after Miss Liu shows it to your class.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

19.-Tom has been working for more than 9hours!
-He _________be very tired.(  )
A.willB.mustC.has toD.shall


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:短文改错

9.The summer holiday is coming.My classmates and I are talking about how to do during the holiday.We can chose between staying at home and take a trip.If we stay at home,it is comfortable but there is no need to spend money.But in that case,we will learn little about world.If we go on a trip abroad,we can broaden your view and gain knowledges we cannot get from books.Some classmates suggest we can go to places of interest nearby.I thought that it is a good idea.It does not cost many,yet we can still learn a lot.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

7.Samuel looked at his sister,Emily,and said,"I wouldn't have thought Everett would be a thief."Emily replied,"Whoa,we don't know that for sure."Samuel said,"But who else could it be?He was there,he had them in his hands,and now they are missing."
Samuel remembered two days ago when he had brought out his coin collection for Everett to see.At the end of that day,Samuel's mother asked him to take a note to Mr.Bates down the street,so he asked his friend,"Is it okay if I leave you for a few minutes?"Everett had said,"Go ahead.I'll clean up here,"pointing at the piles of coins on the floor.When Samuel had returned,he had done his homework,had eaten dinner,and had read for a while before bed.It was not until two days later that he realized the quarters were gone.
Emily said,"Why don't you just ask him?""Ask him what?Hey,Best Friend,did you steal my coin collection?"Samuel thought for a moment,deciding if that would be a good idea.The theft of his collection left him with a feeling of betrayal (背叛)."How could I have misjudged my friend?"
The next day Samuel went over to Everett's house.Everett was acting funny.In fact,Samuel thought Everett was acting like someone with a secret.Suddenly,Everett cried,"I can't stand it anymore!"and pulled something from underneath the chair."Go on-open it!I was going to wait until your birthday tomorrow,but I can't wait!"
Slowly,Samuel lifted the top of the box.Laid out in front of him were all of the quarters from his coin collection.Each quarter was in its own place in a new collection case.Each quarter shone like it was new.
Samuel felt heat rush over his neck and ears.He weakly said,"Thank you-this means…a great deal to me."He was thankful that Everett had cut him off before he said something bad.Everett was exactly the type of person he wanted as a friend!

41.From Paragraph 1-3,we know thatA.
A.Samuel's coins were missing              
B.Everett had stolen Samuel's coins
C.Samuel has a bad memory                
D.Everett lives down the street
42.The word"misjudged"in Paragraph 3meansB.
A.agreed with                              
B.been wrong about
C.cared about                              
D.been troubled by
43.What kind of person is Everett?C
A.He makes quick decisions.
B.He is not an honest boy.
C.He enjoys surprising his friends.
D.He is helpful.
44.The story wants to tell us thatA.
A.trust is an important part of friendship
B.special interests make life more colorful
C.advice from family members can solve problems
D.friends enjoy giving surprising gifts to each other.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

4.Stress for a teenager is as real a problem as stress for an adult.Therefore,it's important to understand the causes of stress in teenagers.
When parents change their jobs or if the family decides to move to a different place,the child has to change schools,find new friends,adapt to the new social circle and fit into new groups.It is always difficult for children to adapt to such changes,which can be a serious cause of stress in their life.
Academic difficulties,such as inability to understand a certain subject can cause stress.Not every child has the ability to understand every  subject.Some kids need extra help besides school work to grasp a few concepts.Poor academic performance is often laughed at and is looked down upon by both teachers and peers.In such cases,it can make the child feel isolated,neglected and hurt.All of this,put together,can add to stress,which many times worsens grades.
Extra curricular activities (课外活动) such as playing a sport,or attending art classes can weigh heavily on your child's mind.Balancing school and extra curricular activities does seem like a burden when you have to be outstanding at both.When the pressures from both the ends get unmanageable,teenagers tend to get tired and annoyed.Tiredness sets in,leading to stress related issues such as lack of concentration in school.
These are the common causes of stress in teenagers,which can be noticed through signs such as poor memory,anxiety,negative and pessimistic attitude.If the signs of teenage stress go unrecognized for a long time,it can make the child emotionally out of balance.And next step,if this happens,it is necessary for parents to know how to deal with stress.

78.What does the passage mainly talk about?The cause of stress in teenagers.
79.Poor academic performance causes stress for children because it tendsto be laughed at and looked down upon by both teachers andpeers.
80.How can parents know that their teenagers are under stress?
They can know that if their childrenshow signs such as poor memory,anxiety,negative and pessimistic attitude
81.The common causes of stress in teenagers introduced by the author are:
changing school places,academic difficulties and extra curricular activities.
(Note:Answer the questions or complete the statements in NO MORE THAN THIRTEEN WORDS)


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

5.What is politeness?This sounds like a simple question.In daily life,we often make judgments about what is polite and what is not polite.For example,to offer your seat to the elderly on a bus is considered polite behavior,and to interrupt when someone is talking is considered impolite; to greet someone the first time you meet him in the morning is polite and to stand up to reach for the dish you want at a dinner table is impolite.So politeness can first of all be regarded as a phenomenon,an observable social phenomenon.
What I would like to propose is that as an observable social phenomenon,politeness is something superficial,but to account for what is understood at the surface,we should dig into the depth where different cultural values are rooted.
When being complimented (赞美),an English-speaking person would readily accept the compliment by saying something like"Thank you"to show his appreciation of the praise,but a Chinese speaker would try to deny the truth of the compliment.They both think they are behaving properly.Yet neither of them would think the other is being polite.The English speaker is being polite to the extent that by accepting and showing appreciation of the compliment,and he avoids hurting the positive face of the person who makes it; the Chinese speaker is showing modesty by Denigrating(贬低) himself,ignoring the fact of the compliment paid to him.As has been mentioned,self-denigration has been at the core of the Chinese understanding of politeness for over two thousand years.The Chinese,in order to show modesty,will go to such lengths as to underrate what he himself has achieved and deny the truth of a complimentary remark.

29.According to the first paragraph,politeness can be briefly described asD
A.proper social phenomena             
B.being modest
C.showing appreciation               
D.an observable social phenomenon
30.In the author's opinion,the nature of politeness lies inC.
A.something superficial
B.what is understood at the surface
C.different cultural values
D.the root of different thoughts
31.Which of the following is TRUE?C
A.Chinese speakers dislike being complimented.
B.English-speaking people are reluctant to accept compliment.
C.Chinese tend to show politeness and modesty by denying the truth of praise.
D.Chinese people think highly of British politeness while English people think poorly of  Chinese politeness.
32.What's the author's attitude towards Chinese politeness?A

