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66 David is nice. He (lend) his car to US last weekend.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

易读度★ ★ ☆

Dear Nancy,

    Thanks for your letter. It was great to read all your news. I was sorry to hear about Matthew's 36 . You said he had a broken leg in it,didn’t you? Is he out of hospital now? Send him our best wishes 37 a quick (康复) .

    Well,we have news for you,too — some good,38 not so good. Jim's grandmother left us last Sunday. We got a phone call at lunchtime,to say that she fell in the kitchen. 39,we didn't arrive in time to see her. I hope you 40 that she was ill for some time. We loved her. We will quite miss her.

    One piece of good news,41 ,is that Jim got a new job. Perhaps you remember him losing his job when the car factory closed? He went for a lot of interviews (面试) , 42 they all said he was too old.I mean,he’s only 45!Thankfully,a school phoned him yesterday to 43 him a job,training mechanics (机修工) .So he's really excited Another piece of good news is that Irene finally found an apartment to buy. I’m so happy for her!It's so 44 these days for young people to do that. Wish her good luck!

    That's all 45 news for today. It's time for me to cook dinner. Write soon!


() 36. A. stress   B. silence

   C. medicine   D. accident

() 37. A. for   B. behind

C. through   D. without

() 38. A. each   B. other  C. some   D. none

() 39. A. Easily   B. Differently

C. Unluckily   D. Unfairly

() 40. A. refuse   B. answer

C.expect   D. remember

() 41. A. still   B. again

C. almost   D. however

() 42. A. or   B. but C. so   D. until

() 43. A. lend   B. show C. offer   D. advise

() 44. A. hard   B. strange

C. traditional   D. dangerous

() 45. A. her   B. our C. his   D. your


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

3. 我一见到他,就告诉他这个消息。(as soon as) 


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

() 39. Every year swimming in rivers a lot of accidents.

   A. causes   B. develops

C. provides   D. raises 


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

() 80. —We lost the game and I feel so sad.

I believe you can do better next time.

   A. It's right   B. It's dangerous

   C. It's not a big deal   D. It's not a good idea


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

() 29. Dan,you were to work out the math problem. Can you tell me how?

   A. fair   B. nervous

C. clever   D. clear 


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

71. Kate was sweeping the floor when I came.


 Kate the floor when you came?


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

() 21. There’s alarm on Mark’s desk.

alarm goes off at 7 0’ clock every morning.

   A. the; An   B. the; The

C. an; An   D. an; The 


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


A 易读度★★☆

Surin lies in the southeast of Thailand. It is famous for its beautiful scenery (风景) and friendly people. For those who want to experience a much simpler way of life,Surin is the best choice (选择) .

Our volunteer teaching experience will give you a chance (机会) to help children through teaching. We’11 give you necessary training. Your workplace will be in a primary school in Surin. The school day starts at 8:30 a.m. and ends at 3:30 p.m. It means that you’11 have lots of free time in the evening to relax or enjoy the beautiful scenery there.

. Day 1 A?ive in Bangkok

A car will drive you to your hotel when you arrive at the airport(机场) .Have a rest and enjoy some of the city’ s most famous places.

. Day 2 Go to Surin Take a train to Surin,live in your volunteer home and then get all tfae information about the school and students.

. Day 3 Meet the students You will get the chance to meet your students and have a talk with them.

. Day 4—8 Teaching time: 8:30 a.m. 一 3:30 p.m.

Teach English in a Thai primary school and play games with students. You will learn about Thai life and children just as much as what you’ 11 teach. A truly interesting experience!

. Day 9 Free time in Sunn Relax during your free time by walking around Surin or visiting Cambodia near it.


() 51. What do we know about Surin from Paragraph 1 ?

   A. It is a place with few people.

   B. It is in the north of Thailand.

   C. The scenery there is beautiful.

   D. People there live a very busy life.

() 52. How will volunteers go to Surin from Bangkok?

   A. By plane. B. By train,

C. By car. D. By bus.

() 53. What will volunteers teach in the Thai .primary school?

   A. English. B. Math,

C. Geography. D. History.

() 54. Volunteers can visit Cambodia on Day.

A.3   B. 5   C. 7   D. 9

() 55. What is the material mainly about?

   A. A volunteering plan in Surin.

   B. Studying in Sunn.

   C. A traveling plan to Surin.

   D. Living in Surin.

