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He feels like that he has never been to such a place.




科目:高中英语 来源:黄冈兵法同步学案高二英语(下) 题型:050


  With a good shopping position and the right amount(数量)of money,any educated person ought to make a living out of a bookshop.It is not a difficult trade to learn and the large chain-stores can never force the small bookseller out of existence as they have done to the corner shop.But the hours of work are very long-I was only doing a part-time job,but my boss put in a seventy-hour week,besides regular journeys out of shopping hours to buy books.

  The real reason why I should not like to be back in the book trade for life,however,is that while I was in it I lost my love of books.A bookseller cannot always tell the truth about his books,and that gives him a dislike for them.There was a time when l really did love books-loved the sight and smell and feel of them-if they were fifty or more years old,that is.Nothing pleased me quite so much as to buy a bargain lot of them on sale for several pounds.There is a peculiar flavour(独特的味道)about the unexpected books you pick up in that kind of collection:little-known eighteenth-century poets,or out-of-date geography books.For occasional(偶尔的)reading-in your bath,for example,or late at night when you are too tired to go to bed-there is nothing as good as a very old picture story-book.

  But as soon as l went to work in the bookshop l stopped buying books.

  Seen in a mass,five or ten thousand at a time,books were dull and even a little tiresome.Nowadays I do buy one occasionally,but only if it is a book that I want to read and can't borrow.and I never buy rubbish.

1.According to the passage,________is one of the necessary conditions to run a bookshop.

[  ]

A.an educated shop-owner

B.a good position at a street corner

C.a regular journey out of the shop

D.the force of large chain-stores

2.The author should not like to be back as a bookseller for life because________.

[  ]

A.he hated his job of selling books

B.selling books was only a part-time job

C.the books in the shop gave him a dislike

D.he was unable to be honest about the books he sold

3.The books preferred by the author should be those________.

[  ]

A.stories making readers sleepless

B.valuable ones bought on sale

C.peculiar ones with great expectation

D.geography ones from the eighteenth century

4.The author will only buy new books________.

[  ]

A.if he feels dull and tired

B.after he gives up his job as a bookseller

C.which are interesting but hard to borrow

D.when he throws away old ones


科目:高中英语 来源:陕西省西安市2008年高三第二次质量检测试题、英语 题型:030

-Any plan for today, Jim?

-I was thinking of calling on Peter.  1  

-Does he know you’re coming?

-Yes,   2   as l wasn’t sure of the time.What are you going to do?

-1’m not sure yet.Maybe I can call up Dick and see what he is doing.


-I haven’t seen Jack since he got back from hospital.I'd like to find a chance to see him.

-Good idea.  4  , but the doctor has told him to wait a few more weeks before going back to work.

-Yes.Peter mid me on the phone yesterday that he had called on Jack a few days before and that


A.but l told him l’d phone first

B.I’ll drop in on him

C.Maybe we’ll go and see him

D.He feels well now

E.I haven't been to his house for a long time

F.Peter hasn’t a chance

G.Jack hoped to start work again soon


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

                               It was June 15, and in two days I would be turning thirty. 1 was insecure about entering a new decade of my life and feared that my best years were now behind me.

My daily routine included going to the gym for a workout before going to work. Every morning I would see my friend Nicholas at the gym. He was seventy - nine years old and in terrific shape. As I greeted Nicholas on this particular day, he noticed I wasn't full of my usual vitality and asked if there was anything wrong. I told him I was feeling anxious about turning thirty. I wondered how I would look back on my life once 1 reached Nicholas's age, so I asked him, “What was the best time of your life?”

Without hesitation, Nicholas replied, Well, Joe, this is my philosophical answer to your philosophical question:

"When I was a child in Austria and everything was taken care of for me and I was nurtured by my parents that was the best time of my life."

"When I was going to school and learning the things I know today, that was the best time of my life."

"When I got my first job and had responsibilities and got paid for my efforts, which was the best time of my life."

"When I met my wife and fell in love, which was the best time of my life."

"The Second World War came, and my wife and I had to flee Austria to save our lives. When we were together and safe on a ship bound for North America, which was the best time of my life. "

"When we came to Canada and started a family, which was the best time of my life."

"When I was a young father, watching my children grow up, that was the best time of my life."

"And now, Joe, 1 am seventy - nine years old. I have my health, l feel good and I am in love with my wife just as I was when we first met. This is the best time of my life."

46. When Joe's 30th birthday is drawing near, he feels               .

A. excited             B. frightened          C. worried              D. eager

47. Joe usually goes to the gym to            .

A. take exercise                     B. begin his work

C. see his friend Nicholas             D. do his part -time job

48. What does the underlined word vitality in the second paragraph mean?

A. strength                         B. Power to survive

C. Happiness                       D. Energy and enthusiasm

49. What is the right order of the following events?

a. Fell in love                b. Grew up in Austria       c. Settled in Canada

d. Escape from his country     e. Got salaries

A. b a e d c             B. b e a d c          C. a b e d c            D. b c a d e

50. The purpose of the passage is to                   .

A. tell the reader about Joe's experience             

B. tell the story of his friend Nicholas.

C. tell people not to worry about their ages.

D. tell people to take an optimistic attitude toward life.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

It was June 15, and in two days I would be turning thirty. 1 was insecure about entering a new decade of my life and feared that my best years were now behind me.
My daily routine included going to the gym for a workout before going to work. Every morning I would see my friend Nicholas at the gym. He was seventy - nine years old and in terrific shape. As I greeted Nicholas on this particular day, he noticed I wasn't full of my usual vitality and asked if there was anything wrong. I told him I was feeling anxious about turning thirty. I wondered how I would look back on my life once 1 reached Nicholas's age, so I asked him, “What was the best time of your life?”
Without hesitation, Nicholas replied, Well, Joe, this is my philosophical answer to your philosophical question:
"When I was a child in Austria and everything was taken care of for me and I was nurtured by my parents that was the best time of my life."
"When I was going to school and learning the things I know today, that was the best time of my life."
"When I got my first job and had responsibilities and got paid for my efforts, which was the best time of my life."
"When I met my wife and fell in love, which was the best time of my life."
"The Second World War came, and my wife and I had to flee Austria to save our lives. When we were together and safe on a ship bound for North America, which was the best time of my life. "
"When we came to Canada and started a family, which was the best time of my life."
"When I was a young father, watching my children grow up, that was the best time of my life."
"And now, Joe, 1 am seventy - nine years old. I have my health, l feel good and I am in love with my wife just as I was when we first met. This is the best time of my life."

  1. 1.

    When Joe's 30th birthday is drawing near, he feels               .

    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
  2. 2.

    Joe usually goes to the gym to            .

    1. A.
      take exercise                    
    2. B.
      begin his work
    3. C.
      see his friend Nicholas            
    4. D.
      do his part -time job
  3. 3.

    What does the underlined word vitality in the second paragraph mean?

    1. A.
    2. B.
      Power to survive
    3. C.
    4. D.
      Energy and enthusiasm
  4. 4.

    What is the right order of the following events?
    a. Fell in love                b. Grew up in Austria       c. Settled in Canada
    d. Escape from his country     e. Got salaries

    1. A.
      b a e d c            
    2. B.
      b e a d c         
    3. C.
      a b e d c           
    4. D.
      b c a d e
  5. 5.

    The purpose of the passage is to                   .

    1. A.
      tell the reader about Joe's experience             
    2. B.
      tell the story of his friend Nicholas.
    3. C.
      tell people not to worry about their ages.
    4. D.
      tell people to take an optimistic attitude toward life.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

It was June 15, and in two days I would be turning thirty. 1 was insecure about entering a new decade of my life and feared that my best years were now behind me.

My daily routine included going to the gym for a workout before going to work. Every morning I would see my friend Nicholas at the gym. He was seventy - nine years old and in terrific shape. As I greeted Nicholas on this particular day, he noticed I wasn't full of my usual vitality and asked if there was anything wrong. I told him I was feeling anxious about turning thirty. I wondered how I would look back on my life once 1 reached Nicholas's age, so I asked him, “What was the best time of your life?”

Without hesitation, Nicholas replied, Well, Joe, this is my philosophical answer to your philosophical question:

"When I was a child in Austria and everything was taken care of for me and I was nurtured by my parents that was the best time of my life."

"When I was going to school and learning the things I know today, that was the best time of my life."

"When I got my first job and had responsibilities and got paid for my efforts, which was the best time of my life."

"When I met my wife and fell in love, which was the best time of my life."

"The Second World War came, and my wife and I had to flee Austria to save our lives. When we were together and safe on a ship bound for North America, which was the best time of my life. "

"When we came to Canada and started a family, which was the best time of my life."

"When I was a young father, watching my children grow up, that was the best time of my life."

"And now, Joe, 1 am seventy - nine years old. I have my health, l feel good and I am in love with my wife just as I was when we first met. This is the best time of my life."

1. When Joe's 30th birthday is drawing near, he feels        .

A. excited       B. frightened     C. worried       D. eager

2. Joe usually goes to the gym to      .

A. take exercise           B. begin his work

C. see his friend Nicholas       D. do his part -time job

3. What does the underlined word vitality in the second paragraph mean?

A. strength             B. Power to survive

C. Happiness            D. Energy and enthusiasm

4. What is the right order of the following events?

a. Fell in love        b. Grew up in Austria    c. Settled in Canada

d. Escape from his country   e. Got salaries

A. b a e d c       B. b e a d c     C. a b e d c      D. b c a d e

5. The purpose of the passage is to          .

A. tell the reader about Joe's experience      

B. tell the story of his friend Nicholas.

C. tell people not to worry about their ages.

D. tell people to take an optimistic attitude toward life.


