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4.Jennifer was halfway down the stairs when she turned and took one last look at her room.21A high school and going away to college was like the (22)C pause at the ending of a chapter in a good book,and she was  (23)Cto turn the page.
Jennifer went down the stairs to where her mother and father,(24)Aquiet,were waiting.She even felt a sense of guilt deep (25)B her when she admitted to herself how longingly she had  (26)D getting away from her home and starting a new life in the college.
They went out through the front door.Dad put the suitcases in the back of the  (27)C,and then came forward to hold the front door open."Sit in the (28)A,dear,"her mother suggested,touching her arm gently,and Jennifer noticed that her mother was (29)Bone of those sad-looking smiles.In fact,she was afraid her mother might even  (30)Dat the train station.
Her father pulled out of their driveway and Jennifer turned for one last look at the house.
They pulled up at the station then.The train was coming.There were last-minute questions,words of advice,and then (31)B.
"Well,I'm on my way.Don't worry about me,everything will be OK,"Jennifer said  (32)D.
When her father took the picture,she noticed her mother wasn't weepy at all-the smile on her face wasn't (33)Bsad-looking.
Through the window,Jennifer held  (34)Dwith her eyes as the train moved away slowly.They were standing close together,and somehow it (35)Dthe memory of that day when she was seven-when she had persuaded them to let her (36)Athe big Ferris wheel(摩天轮) all by herself.She had sat still in the (37)Cmiddle of the seat as she did just now in the car,feeling (38)B that even if she fell,even if the Ferris wheel itself fell,she had known they would catch her.
Suddenly she felt tears (39)D her eyes.She wiped her eyes one last time and found her parents out of (40)Awhen she looked back again.

26.A.looked up toB.got used toC.got bored withD.looked forward to
35.A.kept awayB.stuck toC.wiped offD.brought back

分析 文章讲述了Jennifer上大学时,父母送别的情景.看到父母的样子,Jennifer想起了小时候坐摩天轮的情景,父母给了她安全港,现在她要一个人面对未来的大学生活,这让她不由得泪流满面.

解答 答案:21.A 考查句意理解.文章后面说她将要上大学了,当然是高中毕业了.故选A.
22.C 考查句意理解.句意表达的是高中生活结束,大学生活将要开始,就像一般好书的一个章节告一段落.故选C.
23.C 考查短语搭配.be eager to渴望.故选C.
24.A 考查词义辨析.strangely奇怪地,badly糟糕地,normally正常地,definitely肯定地;句意表达的是她感受到一种很奇怪的安静的氛围.故选A.
25.B 考查句意理解.句意表达的是她的内心有一种愧疚感.故选B.
26.D 考查句意推断.前面说她感到一种对父母的愧疚感,这里说的是原因,因为她盼望离开家.故选D.
27.C 考查句意理解.送她去车站,当然是坐在车里.故选C.
28.A 考查语境暗示.后面说到父母带她坐摩天轮时,就是让她坐在中间,让她有安全感.故选A.
29.B 考查词义辨析.flashing闪,wearing穿戴,forcing迫使,shaping外形;句意表达的是脸上带着忧伤的表情.故选B.
30.D 考查句意推断.句意表达的是母亲不舍得我的离开,我真担心她会流泪.故选D.
31.B 考查句意推断.送别时当然会拥抱.故选B.
32.D 考查句意理解.loudly大声地,sadly忧伤地,impatiently不耐烦地,heartily坚定地;句意表达的是我劝父母别担心我,当然会语气坚定地说,好让父母放心.故选D.
33.B 考查句意理解.句意表达的是递进关系.故选B.
34.D 考查语境推理.句意指代的是父母,故选D.
35.D 考查短语辨析.kept away避开,stuck to坚持,wiped off擦去,bring back回忆起;句意表达的是眼前的情景让她回忆起小时候的事情.故选D.
36.A 考查句意理解.坐摩天轮,要用ride.故选A.
37.C 考查句意理解.小时候就像现在这样,坐在中间.故选C.
38.B 考查句意推断.因为父母给的安全感,所以她肯定自己是安全的.故选B.
39.D 考查句意理解.想起这些,我忍不住泪流满面.故选D.
40.A 考查句意推断.回头再看时,父母已经消失在视野里.故选A.

点评 英语完形填空测试,主要考查考生阅读能力和理解能力,解题时先要了解全文的结构和基本内容.要会运用自己学过的词汇和语法知识妥善地处理好每个单句,理解语义,还要处理好单句之间以及单句与全文之间的内在关系,充分把握上下文语境,切不可纠结知识点本身.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

10.It was so cold last night that they had to have the fire____ all night long.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:解答题

India is the world's largest market for gold jewellery.In much of Asia,the Middle East and India,around two-thirds of the jewellery purchased is used as a way of saving money as well as being worn as a decorative item.The use of jewellery as a way of saving money is often important in rural areas where finding a bank is difficult or even impossible.People buy gold because its value stays strong even when the value of money goes down.
Gold jewellery has often been a woman's only valuable possession,and in some families this is still true.A woman's gold can therefore be her only protection against personal misfortune.Today,all around the world,sales of gold jewellery have grown by over 20% per year,because everyone is confident that gold won't lose its value.Demand for gold is so high that gold mines cannot supply enough.
Gold's function as a decoration,as jewellery,has been evident for thousands of years.Since the earliest times,the beauty and richness of gold,along with the fact that it does not change its colour,has meant that it has always been the favourite metal of jewellers.The earliest gold jewellery dates from the Sumerian civilisation that was at its most powerful around 6,000years ago.In the Middle Ages,ancient people attempted to make gold from other metals.They used gold in medicines designed to fight old age and prolong life.
Gold also performs important functions in many aspects of everyday life.It does not react when it comes into contact with other substances and this,along with other unique properties,makes it useful in medicine and many other areas that we consider essential to our modern lives.
During heart surgery,gold-covered"stent"are put into blocked arteries to help the flow of blood.These gadgets need to be carefully positioned.Gold is ideal for this because it shows up clearly on X-rays and can easily be located by doctors.A pacemaker,a device inserted in the body to keep the heartbeat regular,also contains gold.Gold is used in all of these applications because of its high level of reliability.Gold also helps doctors to deliver precise doses of powerful drugs to the parts of the body where they are required.
Gold has many other applications in modern life as it conducts electricity very efficiently.The standard touch-tone telephone contains 33contacts made from gold.Air-bag systems fitted in more than 30million cars around the world rely on gold-coated electrical contacts.And every time you touch a key on your computer it strikes a gold circuit that sends your command to the computer's microprocessor.In fact,you have probably never realised how much gold there is in your everyday life.

(Note:Answer the questions or complete the statements in NO MORE THAN TEN WORDS.)
78.Compared with money,people prefers gold because ofits stroger value than money.
79.Gold were used in medicines because ancient people believed it couldfight old age and prolong life.
80.Why can gold be used in pacemaker?Because it has a high level of reliability
81.What makes the application of gold in electronic products possible?It is because it conducts electricity very efficiently.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:书面表达


With the rapid development of the mobile service,With the rapid development of the mobile service,more and more people are using WeChat in their daily life.Seeing her friend and neighors have circles of friends and chat anywhere and anytiem,my mother bought a new cell phone and wanted to do that as others.But she had no idea how to do that.Noticing that,I showed her how to do it.When I was not at home,she still got confused.(高分句型一) So I drew some pictures about the mobile,even each step for her.Day by day,she could operate it very smoothly.On watching her bright face when she chatted on WeChat or showed it to her neighbors,I felt satified because I could finally to something for my mother.(高分句型二).


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

19.Recently,South Korean star PSY's‘Gangnam style"video has been popular on the Internet.It has become most people's favorite music.
In fact,the song has set the Guinness World Record for the most popular video in the history of the Internet.More than two million people have said"like"since the song was on the Internet on July 15.
PSY"s special dance moves and funny horse riding style have attracted many people.Although many people do not understand the language,the video has become the talk of the Internet.The song has come to first place in the music charts(排行榜) in 31countries,including the United States,the United Kingdom,and Canada.
"I just sang for my South Korean fans.I have never expected it to be popular in other countries,"PSY told the reporters on a concert.The song was so popular that a few of South Korean's politicians showed PSY's moves to attract supporters.
"The song came out in mid-July.It sings about the rich life of South Korea-especially Gangnam in Soeoul,where a lot of rich people live.
Millions of people have watched the video.Many stars,such as Katy Perry,Robbie Williams and Nelly Furtado said that they love the song.These stars performed part of the song at a recent concert.
Riding high on the success of"Gangnam Style",PSY was signed by Scooter Braun to Braun's Schoolboy Records,a label distributed by Universal Republic.
PSY has written many hit songs of varying styles for different singers.Prior to"Gangnam Style"his most famous composition perhaps was Lee Seung Gi's debut(首次亮相) song"Because You Are My Woman".

36.What makes PSY's"Gangnam Style"the famous music of millions of people?C
A.The song has set the Guinness World Record.
B.The song has come to first place in the music chart.
C.They like the dance moves and the horse riding style.
D.They don't understand the words of the song.
37.Why did some of South Korea's politicians show PSY"s moves?B
A.They wanted to tell people that they were also fond of music.
B.They wanted people to support them.
C.They were PSY's fans.
D.They liked PSY's dancing style.
38.What's"Gangnam Style"about?B
A.The way of horse riding.B.The rich life of people of Gangnam in Seoul.
C.The Guinness World Record.D.The love of stars.
39.What is the best title of the passage?B
A.Life of the Music Star PSY
B."Gangnam Styly"--Most people's favorite Music
C.PSY's Famous Compositions
D.Meaning of"Gangnam Style"


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:解答题

9.Thomas Adams first tried to change chicle(树胶)into rubber products,before making a chewing gum(口香糖).Thomas Adams attempted to make toys,masks,rain boots,and bicycle tires out of the chicle from Mexican trees,but every experiment failed.Consequently Mr Thomas Adams intended to throw the remaining into the East River.
     It happened that before this was done,Thomas Adams went into a drugstore where he saw a little girl come in to ask for a chewing gum for one penny.So an idea struck him that perhaps they could use the chicle he wanted to throw away as chewing gums.After the child had left the store,Mr.Thomas Adams asked the druggist what kind of chewing gum the little girl had bought.He was told that it was made of paraffin wax(固体石蜡).When he asked the man if he would be willing to try an entirely different kind of gum,the druggist agreed.
    When Mr.Thomas Adams arrived home,he spoke to his son,Tom Junior,about his idea.Tom Junior was very much impressed,and suggested that they make up a few boxes of chicle chewing g-am and give it a name and a label.Shortly after,he opened the world,s first chewing gum factory.It was made of pure chicle without any flavor.It was wrapped in various colored tissue papers.The price of the box was one dollar.On the coyer of the box was a picture of City Hall,New York,in color.Thomas Adams sold Tutti-Fruttiwith the slogan"Adams'New York Gum No.1".The firm was the nation's most prosperous chewing gum company by the end of the century:it built a monopoly(专卖)in l899 by combining with the six largest and best-known chewing gum manufacturers in the United States and Canada,and achieved great success as the  maker of Chiclets,the brand of chewing gum.
   In l888,a Thomas Adams'chewing gum became the first to be sold in a vending machine.The machines were located in a New York City subway station.

56.The underlined word"Tutti-Frutti"in Paragraph 4 refers tochewing gum (no more than 3 words)
57.Why did Thomas Adams intend to throw the remaining chicle into the East River?(no more than 10 words)He failed to change chicle into other rubber products
58.How did Thomas Adams get the idea of using chicle as chewing gums?(no more than l2 words)Seeing a girl buy a chewing gum he got an inspiration
59.What was Tom Junior L reaction when he heard what his father said?(no more than 10 Words)He was excited and gave his father some advive.
60.What do you think of Thomas Adams?Please give your reasons.(no more than 20 words)good at trying a new way.he succeeded in making a chewing gun and develping his company.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

16.My interests include football,bowling and surfing the web _____ studying my favorite subjects.(  )
A.instead ofB.as well asC.less thanD.rather than


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

13.The club welcomes all new membersregardless of (不管) age.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

14.If I asked you to sit down and remember a list of phone numbers or a series of facts,how would you go about it?There's a fair chance that you'd be doing it wrong.
One of the interesting things about the mind is that even though we all have one,we don't have perfect insight (洞察力) into how to get the best from it.This is partly because of flaws (缺陷) in our ability to think about our own thinking.Studying this self-reflective thought process exposes human beings'mental blind spots.
One area where these blind spots are particularly large is learning.We're actually surprisingly bad at having insight into how we learn best.
Researchers Jeffrey Karpicke and Henry Roediger III made an experiment,where they asked college students to learn pairs of Swahili and English words.So,for example,they had to learn that if they were given the Swahili word"mashua"the correct response was"boat".They could have used the sort of facts you might get on a high-school quiz,but the use of Swahili meant that there was little chance their participants could use any background knowledge to help them learn.After the pairs had all been learnt,there would be a final test a week later.
Now if many of us were revising this list we might study the list,test ourselves and then repeat this cycle,dropping items we got right.This makes studying and testing quicker and allows us to focus our effort on the things we haven't yet learnt.It's a plan that seems to make perfect sense,but it's a plan that is disastrous if we really want to learn properly.
Karpicke and Roediger asked students to prepare for a test in various ways,and compared their success-for example,one group kept testing themselves on all items without dropping what they were getting right,while another group stopped testing themselves on their correct answers.On the final exam differences between the groups were dramatic.While dropping items from study didn't have much of an effect,the people who dropped items from testing performed relatively poorly.
It seems the effective way to learn is to practice getting items back from memory,not trying to consolidate (巩固) them in there by further study.Moreover,dropping items entirely from your revision,which is the advice given by many study guides,is wrong.You can stop studying them if you've learnt them,but you should keep testing what you've learnt if you want to remember them at the time of the final exam.
So the evidence has a moral for teachers:there's more to testing than finding out what students know-tests can also help us remember.
63.According to the passage,we often fail to remember facts becauseD.
A.we ignore our weakness in memorizing things
B.we don't understand well what we are learning
C.we don't know where our metal blind spots are
D.we take improper ways to memorize for good ones
64.The researchers'experiment was intended toB.
A.confirm we don't know how to learn effectively
B.find out how we can consolidate our knowledge better
C.distinguish effects of memory in learning different languages
D.prove the importance of background knowledge in memorizing
65.What does the author believe leads to a good memory?A
A.Constant measure of your knowledge.
B.Frequent revision of what you learn.
C.Firm abandonment of what you're poor at.
D.Strong desire for grasping new knowledge.
66.The proper title for the passage isC.
A.An experiment on memory
B.A concept of human memory
C.A way to improve your memory
D.A discovery of a mental blind spot.

