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6.Whale Wars
    As I was looking through the channels I came upon something called Whale Wars.What a bunch of stupid people.I really don't believe these people are thinking straight.I know they are not thinking straight because one of the questions the captain asks of all new members or those who want to be members is this:Are you willing to die for a whale?One more time,just in ease you were not paying attention.Are you willing to die for a whale?No,I am not willing to die for a whale-are yon crazy?I don't mind jumping in there to help out on a cause,but to die for a whale or even any kind of animal is beyond my understanding.These people believe strongly enough in this cause to say"Yes,yes,I will die for a whale".The countries involved in the whaling industry do this because it is a way to make a living and support their families.The last thing they need is to have a bunch of stupid people trying to disable their ship.
    A lot of the organizations out there say that whaling has to be stopped immediately without question.However,disabling these fishing boats will only stop the so-called problem temporarily.
  The point is this:It is so very easy for people to say stop the whaling!OK,you stop the whaling.What is your answer for an alternative to whaling?I'm waiting.How do you want these people to support their families and help fuel the economy in which they live?A lot of people want the whaling to stop,but they have little or nothing to offer as an alternative for them.You cannot just say stop something and then that is the end of the problem.
  Yes,I am picking on the"save the planet"people again.I will continue to do so until they can come up with better ideas on how to save the planet without putting people and what they own in harm's way.Destroying another person's things and putting them in a possible life or death situation is not the answer.
  Until whaling countries can figure something else out to cure this so-called problem,there really isn't a lot that can be done.Until this happens,I say raise the anchor,set the main sail and WHALE AWAY!
57.Where did the writer probably learn about Whale Wars?A
B.On the radio.
C.In a magazine
D.In the newspaper.
58.Which of the following statements would the writer agree with?C
A.Saving whales is the most important thing in the world.
B.People must fight for something no matter what it costs.
C.Human lives are much more valuable than animals'.
D.Stupid people will do anything to become famous.
59.What does the writer care most about?A
A.Protecting whalers and their families.
B.Stopping whales from hurting people.
C.Criticizing the"save the planet"people.
D.Setting up an organization for whale protection.
60.The writer is againstD.
A.environmental experts
B.environmental workers
C.environmental officials
D.environmental protesters.

分析 本文讲述作者在没有安排好捕鲸者们的工作和生活之前反对禁止捕鲸.

57   A   细节题. 根据文章第一 段 As I was looking through the channels I came upon something called Whale Wars. 可知我是从一些电视频道上看到的捕鲸的事情,故选A.
58   C   细节题. 根据文章第三 段How do you want these people to support their families and help fuel the economy in which they live?可知作者更看重的人类的生存,故选C.
59    A   细节题. 根据文章第最后一 段Until whaling countries can figure something else out to cure this so-called problem,there really isn't a lot that can be done. 可知作者更在乎捕鲸者和他们的家庭,故选A.
60    D    细节题. 根据文章最后一 段 Until this happens,I say raise the anchor,set the main sail and WHALE AWAY!可知只要问题解决了,作者将赞同禁止捕鲸,因此作者的观点与环保抗议者的观点是相违背的,故选D.

点评 考察学生的细节理解和推理判断能力,做细节理解题时一定要找到文章中的原句,和题干进行比较,再做出正确的选择.在做推理判断题不要以个人的主观想象代替文章的事实,要根据文章事实进行合乎逻辑的推理判断.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

16._____ for a signature photo if you see Justin Bieber backstage after the concert.(  )
A.AskB.AskingC.To askD.Asked


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

17.This Mother's Day will be the 8th year I have spent without my own mother.She passed away less than a month before Mother's Day in the year 2000.She had been ill for almost two years,and I didn't cry when she died,or at her funeral,but on that first Mother's Day without her.On that day,I realized that this person I loved and depended on was gone forever.
She still lives in family memories,in the thoughts of her friends and co-workers,in the values she had instilled(灌输) in her children,and in the lovely flower gardens that she had so carefully tended.
She loved her gladioli and irises.Each fall she would dig the bulbs out of the soil and carefully wrap them in paper.The bulbs would be stored until the following spring when they would be replanted.It seemed like a lot of effort to me,but each year her flower garden was more glorious than the year before.She put the same hard work into caring for her family,instilling in her children a sense of justice and fair play,compassion,and strong moral values so that we blossomed.
Share anecdotes about your mother's life at your Mother's Day party.Too often,we avoid speaking of those loved ones who have passed away,fearful that we will unearth sad feelings.It doesn't have to be that way.Sharing fond memories and stories of the life we shared with her can be a healing process that binds(捆绑)the family together.
My mother passed away when her oldest grandchild was only eight years old.Children will enjoy sharing pictures and stories of the grandmother they may have never known or have little memory of.Sharing anecdotes to pass on to the next generation will give children a feeling of family history and continuity,and may be one of the best ways to honor our mothers and grandmothers who have gone before us.

66.What does the underlined words"passed away"( in Paragraph 1)mean?A
A.died        B.continued       C.started       D.lasted
67.On the first Mother's Day after mum died the author realizedC.
A.mum had been dead for a long time    B.mum had suffered a lot from the illness
C.it was true that mum had been dead   D.it was impossible to depend on mum
68.From the third paragraph we can infer that mumD.
A.loved her gladioli and irises            B.showed kindness to all her children
C.taught the children to plant patiently   D.had a good influence on the author
69.At the Mother's Day party people don't mention their lost mums only becauseA.
A.they are simply afraid of causing sad feelings
B.they have forgotten their mums completely
C.they don't love their mums any longer
D.they think their mums have passed away
70.In order to show honor to our mothers and grandmothers we canB.
A.spend the Mother's Day with our children
B.share the stories of them with the children
C.hold the Mother's Day party every year
D.plant beautiful flowers in the family garden.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

14.If I don't _____ for that job,bang goes my holiday in France.(  )
A.get payB.get paidC.get to payD.get paying


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

1.I arrived late one night on a business trip,so I decided to have dinner in the hotel I stayed in.As I was finishing my meal,an elderly couple came in.They were holding hands and had lovely smiles on their faces.They sat three tables from me.I was amazed at the love they showed for each other.It stuck me because it was shortly after ending a 20-year marriage and I still had pain in my heart.
My waiter was also their waiter.As I paid my bill,I asked what their bill was.He told me,and I gave him $40 to pay their bill.He asked if I knew them and I told him"No,I just wanted to repay them for the love that they were showing to each other,"and then I left.
The next day I entered the restaurant again.After I had been seated,the waiter who served me the night before told me that the strangest thing happened after I left the restaurant.When the elderly couple went to pay for their meal,they were told that it had been paid.The waiter just told them what I said.They were amazed.They looked around,asked for the bill of two young couples who were seated together,paid their bill and left.
I smiled and ordered my meal.About 45 minutes later,I finished my meal and was about to head out,but my waiter was nowhere to be found.I explained to the hostess that I needed to pay for my meal and hurry to the airport.She smiled and explained that I would not have to pay,because she felt she should pay for my bill because of the joy brought to the faces of the elderly couple and the amazement of the young couples.
When I told her that they didn't have to do that,she said with a smile"Love creates Love."
56.From the first paragraph we know the writer must feelC.
A.pleased          B.worried          C.sad          D.nervous
57.The elderly couple paid the bill of the two young couples because theyB.
A.knew the two young couples
B.were happy to pass the love they got
C.were always ready to help poor people
D.wanted to invite the young people to the meal
58.The writer's purpose of writing the passage is toD.
A.suggest true love never dies
B.share an interesting experience
C.encourage us to help people in need
D.prove a show of love really makes a difference.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

11.Reading Oliver James'Affluenza,I thought about what often happens at home.  My 12-year-old daughter is in tears."I have to take a test tomorrow.I don't understand any of it,"she cries out.After shouting and shutting her door,she calms down enough to go through her notes.The following day I ask her how the test went and she just says"OK.I got a nine".
"Wow,well done!"I say,before she finishes with"But I never get a ten!"
    According to James,this obsession with getting top marks has been a bad development,which encourages people to think of education in terms of work and money.To test this,I asked my daughter why she was so worried about her tests.She looked at me as if I was thick."Well,if I don't get good grades,I won't get into university.Then I probably won't get a good job and I won't be able to afford nice things like a ear and stuff."
    I was quite surprised,because I don't consider myself a pushy parent.But James suggests  showing any interest in grades sends the message that what is important is results and it leaves students feeling failures even if they are very bright.He points to the Danish system(体制)of  education as a better model.Creating happy citizens who have good social skills is seen as more important than high achievements at school or the needs of business.
    For me.I cannot remember the last time I had to work out the area of a circle,recite a  Shakespeare poem or grammar rules,yet I have lived a happy life.What I really needed to learn at school was how to make polite conversations,or how to avoid getting into debt or how to develop good personality.
    This is in fact similar to what Oliver James really has in mind.And he is looking for schools
where students are encouraged to find and follow their own interests,something more like Tongjon.Tongjon has been developed in some Korean private schools.It is quite different from the more rigid system of learning things by heart that is used in Korea,and indeed in many other school systems around the world.
  As the Russian poet Pushkin said,"Inspiration(灵感) is needed in geometry(几何学) just as much as in poetry",and inspiration does not come from endlessly revising for tests or getting worried about them.
62.What does the writer probably think of his/her daughter?D
A.She sets herself a goal too high to reach.
B.She should be more polite to her parents.
C.She is hard-working but not very bright.
D.She takes her grades much too seriously.
63.what dose the underlined word"obsession"in Paragraph 3 mean?D
A.A plan and unavoidable fact
B.A satisfied and very proud state
C.A practical and widely-used way
D.A fixed and often unreasonable idea
64.What can we infer from the passage?B
A.Social skills are as important as high grades.
B.Interest in grades can shake self-confidence.
C.The writer regrets not having studied hard at school.
D.Danish educational system is for very smart students.
65.The writer wants to tell us thatA.
A.learning happily is the key to self-development
B.top marks may be helpful to increase one'S interest
C.tests should be improved to give children inspiration
D.education should meet one's needs for work and money.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

18.You don't exactly have to jump on the next plane in order to see Venice while it's stillaround,but scientists are warning that only a miracle--or more advanced engineering than exists today--can save one of the world's most fabled (神话般的) cities of art and architecture,especially in view of global warming and the possibilities of ocean levels rising 6meters.The most recent reports indicate that Venice is sinking faster than had been predicted.The gloomiest forecast is that the waters of the Adriatic Sea could destroy Venice within this century,especially if global warming causes waters to rise even faster.What a catastrophe that would be.Surely there is no more absurd monument to the foolishness of mankind than Venice,a fantasy city on the sea.
Once you arrive and are amazed by all the architectural wonders and riches of Venice,its
vivid colors of sienna,Roman old,and ruby peach,you may think that reports of tide damage are overblown.But once you experience your first flood and see for yourself how close the sea is to sweeping over Venice,you'll most likely change your mind.
Pollution,uncontrolled tides (潮水),and just plain old age are eating away daily the
treasures of this cherished city of art.As the debate rages about how to save Venice,with no real solution in sight,the waters just keep rising.
Why did those"insane (神志不 清的)"Venetians build on such swampy islands and not on
dry land,of which there was plenty centuries ago?
In an effort to flee the barbarians.(野蛮人),Venetians left dry dock and drifted out to a group of low islands in the lagoon (泻湖).For a long time,Venice did avoid foreign armies'intent on invading,burning,and plundering.Eventually,Napoleon and his forces arrived;however,they were never to destroy Venice.
Foreign visitors have conquered Venire in ways most invading armies did not.Some 10million people visit Venire every year--and that's only counting the visitors who actually spend the night.Since Venice is known as an expensive city and has only a limited number of accommodations,there are countless day-trippers rushing in every day,all summer long.

54.The passage covers the following aspects about.Venire EXCEPTC
A.geography        B.history         C.traffic             D.culture
55.Which of the following can be the greatest threat to Venice?A
A.Constant global warming.
B.Unbelievable crowds of visitors.
C.Unbearable accommodation prices.
D.Foreign countries'powerful invasion.
56.What can we infer about Venice from this passage?B
A.It will eventually be destroyed by waters of the Adriatic sea.
B.It has been a wealthy andartistic city throughout the history.
C.Foreign visitors have broughtmore damage to it than foreign armies have.
D.The ancient Venetians were foolish enough to build it in such a place.
57.By writing this passage,the author actually means toB
A.advise tourists to remove Venice from their tour lists
B.introduce to tourists some unique informs,tion about Venice
C.warn tourists oftbe possible dangers wben visiting venice
D.appeal to tourists to protect Venice by reducing their visits.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

15.In the following years,I will buy______________ your house.(  )
A.as bigger asB.twice as big asC.as big as twiceD.so big


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

16.Young people _____ never forget that good health is an important part of happiness.(  )

