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【题目】 One of the most exciting parts of senior year is deciding where your class will go on your senior trip. It’s a time when you get to relax and celebrate getting through the past thirteen years with your class. Many schools use money their class has saved over the years and organization of the trip is done with the student union and teachers. If your school doesn’t organize class trips, you can gather your closest friends and take a trip.

Los Angeles

Los Angeles, California is the center of the entertainment industry. In Los Angeles enjoy Universal Studios amusement park and Hollywood Walk of Fame for entertainment.

Orlando, Florida

Orlando, Florida is a great location to go for your senior trip. It is the home of Walt Disney World, where thrill seekers can enjoy the roller-coasters and other rides. Others may want to enjoy the environment and Disney atmosphere, which is enjoyable for adults and children alike.

Salt Lake City

For a colder trip, spend the days skiing and take the evening to curl up (蜷作一团) in front of a fire and socialize in the mountains of Utah. Try different restaurants in the area or visit local attractions for a change of pace. Most ski popular holiday centers close for the season in mid-April so if this is a choice, plan for the trip in March or earlier.

New York City

New York City, the Big Apple, is a great location for students that attend countryside schools. Students that live in farm country without the noise of a large city will enjoy the action that is happening continuously, no matter what time of day or night. Students can visit well-known areas such as the Statue of Liberty and Central Park, along with visiting some museums. There are multiple hotels and restaurants to suit any tastes.

1What’s the purpose of the author in writing the text?

A.To recommend good trips for seniors in high school.

B.To introduce some famous American cities to readers.

C.To remind students to prepare graduation celebration.

D.To encourage schools to organize short holiday trips.

2Los Angeles and Orlando have a lot in common with ________.

A.fine food

B.thrilling scenery

C.history museums

D.entertainment industry

3You can go to ________ if you prefer winter snow.

A.Los Angeles

B.Orlando, Florida

C.Salt Lake City

D.New York City

4New York City is best-known as ________.

A.home to Apple company

B.the land of fruit

C.the center of amusement parks

D.a sleepless city








1推理判断题。根据第一段第一句One of the most exciting parts of senior year is deciding where your class will go on your senior trip.(高中生活最开心的事之一是决定毕业旅行去哪里。很多学校都会使用班费去旅行。),再根据第一段最后一句If your school doesn’t organize class trips, you can gather your closest friends and take a trip.(如果学校不组织的话,还可以和自己的好朋友去旅行。)可知,后文中介绍了几个受欢迎的地点。由此可知,本文推荐了非常适合高中毕业旅行的地点。故选A

2细节理解题。根据第二段中Universal Studios amusement park and Hollywood Walk of Fame for entertainment(在洛杉矶可以去环球影城游乐园和好莱坞星光大道),第三段中It is the home of Walt Disney World…(在奥兰多可以去迪士尼世界。)可知,这几个地方都有非常受欢迎的游乐园。故选D

3细节理解题。Salt Lake City盐湖城部分提到For a colder trip, spend the days skiing and take the evening to curl up (蜷作一团) in front of a fire and socialize in the mountains of Utah.(在犹他州可以享受一场寒冷的旅行,白天滑雪,晚上蜷缩在篝火前。)可知,盐湖城更适合喜欢雪的人去旅行。故选C

4推理判断题。根据最后一段前两句New York City, the Big Apple, is a great location for students that attend countryside schools. Students that live in farm country without the noise of a large city will enjoy the action that is happening continuously, no matter what time of day or night.(纽约对于来自农村学校的学生是一个非常好的地方。因为生活在没有噪音的农村学校的学生可以感受到无论白天还是黑夜都在不断变化的纽约。)可知,纽约是一个非常有活力的不夜城。故选D


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】A few weeks ago I was at the comer store, and there stood an old lady in front of me in line. She seemed very ______ when the cashier asked her to pay $ 38.00. She had about $ 5.00 in her wallet, and she began to ______. The cashier became very ______, telling her that she cannot buy these ______ because she didn’t have enough money. So, I told the cashier not to ______ it, and that I would ______ the difference. The cashier gave me a funny look,______ I really felt for this woman.

Anyway, I paid for my groceries and ______ the store. When I got outside, I saw the lady standing there. I asked her what was ______. She said that she could not remember where she lived, and she began to cry again. I said some names of the ______ around the area but she had no clue (线索). Just then, a car ______ and a woman jumped out of the car. It was this lady’s daughter. I ______ that her mother couldn’t find her way home. The daughter told me that she had Alzheimer’s disease (阿尔茨海默病) and that she had been ______ off a lot lately. Then the daughter ______ that her mother had 3 - bags of groceries and wondered ______ she got the money to pay for them. I was not ______ if I should tell her that I paid for them, but I did.

The daughter wanted to pay me back, but I ______. The daughter said “Thank you” and I said “Good bye”.

I felt so ______ and happy right through the day, because making others feel ______ makes me feel good. I know that if this ______ happened again, I would do the same thing.

1A. excited B. puzzled C. disappointed D. convinced

2A. cry B. bargain C. argue D. interrupt

3A. unfair B. uncomfortable C. impatient D. impossible

4A. diets B. programmes C. details D. items

5A. ask for B. worry about C. charge D. order

6A. make B. judge C. pay D. measure

7A. so B. and C. therefore D. but

8A. entered B. searched C. left D. closed

9A. wrong B. matter C. happened D. problem

10A. goods B. streets C. suggestions D. solutions

11A. drove out B. pulled down C. drove off D. pulled up

12A. responded B. explained C. described D. recommended

13A. travelling B. racing C. wandering D. wondering

14A. watched B. noticed C. collected D. returned

15A. why B. where C. when D. whether

16A. doubtful B. urgent C. jealous D. sure

17A. refused B. appreciated C. denied D. ignored

18A. anxious B. pleased C. interested D. relaxed

19A. well B. content C. good D. proud

20A. situation B. condition C. surrounding D. experience


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1I studied some Japanese at college, but I’m afraid that I’ve e_________ forgotten it now.

2I s_________ from a bad cold the other day. It took me days to get rid of it.

3Mary got very unhappy, for other friends i_________ her at the party.

4He got a job in a foreign company after g____________ from university.

5I am d____________ to finish the work ahead of time.

6The role of the railways declined in the ___________(运输) system.

7_________(事实上), English is not so hard to learn if you put your heart into it.

8Can you think of ways to _________(说服) him to give up the plan

9Every year natural’s _________(灾难)can cause heavy loss to the world.

10Without__________(), modern life would be very different.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】I hear that Amy is trying to lose weight by taking weight-loss pills.

In my opinion, looking good is important, but , staying healthy is far more important.

A.after allB.in allC.at allD.above all


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:



2对于怎么解决我的问题,我的同事提出来很多建设性建议。(as to )

3她的演讲非常有趣,观众忍不住时不时发出笑声。(cannot help

4生态保护对人类的福祈和未来至关重要,也孕育着世界发展的历史性机遇。(bring about )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Forget Cyclists, Pedestrians are Real Danger

We are having a debate about this topic. Here are some letters from our readers.

Yes, many cyclists behave dangerously. Many drivers are disrespectful of cyclists But pedestrians are probably the worse offenders.

People of all ages happily walk along the pavement with eyes and hands glued to the mobile phone, quite unaware of what is going on around them. They may even do the same thing while crossing a road at a pedestrian crossing or elsewhere. The rest of us have to evade (避让) them or just stand still to wait for the unavoidable collision.

The real problem is that some pedestrians seem to be, at least for the moment, in worlds of their own that are, to them, much more important than the welfare of others.

——Michael Horan

I loved the letter from Bob Brooks about cyclists (Viewpoints, May 29). I am afraid they seem to think they own the roads.

I was walking across Altrincharn Road one morning when a cyclist went round me and on being asked what he was doing he shouted at me.

The government built a cycle lane on the road but it is hardly used.

The police do nothing. What a laugh they are!

The cyclists should all have to be made to use the cycle lanes and wear helmets, fluorescent (发荧光的)jacket and tights at night and in the morning. They should pay some sort of tax and be fined for not wearing them.

——Carol Harvey

Cyclists jump on and off pavements (which are meant for pedestrians), ride at speed along the pavements, and think they have a special right to go through traffic lights when they are on red.

I was almost knocked down recently by a cyclist riding on the pavement when there was a cycle lane right next to him.

Other road users, including horse riders, manage to obey the rules so why not cyclists?

It’s about time they had to be registered and insured, so when they do hit a pedestrian or a vehicle, or cause an accident, at least they can be traced and there might be an opportunity to claim.


Write to Viewpoints of the newspaper.

1Michael Horan wrote the letter mainly to show that ________.

A.drivers should be polite to cyclists

B.road accidents can actually be avoided

C.some pedestrians are a threat to road safety

D.walking while using phones hum one’s eyes

2Carol Harvey suggests that cyclists should ________.

A.be provided with enough roads

B.be asked to ride on their own lanes

C.be made to pay less tax for cycling

D.be fined for laughing at policemen

3The underline word “they” in the third letter refers to ________.



4The three letters present viewpoints on ________.

A.real sources of road danger

B.ways to improve road facilities

C.measures to punish road offences

D.increased awareness of road rules


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】美国某中学举办英语寒假训练营,开设以下课程 cooking, swimming, giving first aidplaying football / basketball。假定你是李华,请你写封申请信,报名参加其中一门课程的学习。







Dear Sir/Madam,





科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】How to Be a Pleasant Person

We all would love to be appreciated for the positive emotions that are exhibited around our surroundings. Little do we know that it is not a hard task at all. 1

Be modest. Understand that we all are humans. You might be rich or poor, black or white, short or tall etc. But above all we are all humans, which means we are all emotional beings. So treat others the way you would like to be treated.

2 By offering a seat to an elderly person or throwing the football back to the young child, the inner self-satisfaction you get is priceless. Once you do so, you will feel good about yourself.

Don’t regret. We all are reasonable beings and it is very human to do unreasonable things at times. However, it does not mean that we should regret what we did in the past. Every experience is a lesson which teaches you what to do and what not to do in future. 3

Forgive and forget. Always living in the past will only make one painful on the inside, which will reflect on the outside. 4 By doing so, your heart becomes light.

Be grateful. Thank God and the Universe for yourself, your parents, your friends, your clothes, jobs, food, home etc. And every small thing makes a difference. 5 It will make you appreciate life.

A. Be helpful.

B. Be inspired.

C. So be proud that you have learnt a lesson on your own.

D. The following steps will help you to be a pleasant person.

E. To have a pleasant emotion around you, it is better to let go.

F. If possible, express your gratefulness for something every day.

G. Throw flowers at others if you wish flowers to be thrown at you.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1What does the man say about the woman's car?

A.It needs a new engine.

B.The wheels need to be replaced.

C.Something is wrong with the brakes.

2Why can’t the man get the car back to the woman this afternoon?

A.He wants to see a show.

B.He has to work on other cars first.

C.He doesn’t have the parts he needs.

3What does the man suggest the woman do?

A.Take the bus.

B.Drive her car carefully.

C.Bring her car back in the morning.

