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Only after he was taken to the teachers’ office did he admit ______ the window.

A. break B. breaking

C. broken D. to break



试题分析:考查固定搭配。句意:被带到老师办公室之后,他才承认打破了窗户。only+状语或状语从句放句首时,主句用部分倒装,即把be动词/do/can/will/have等提到主语之前;admit doing sth承认做某事,故选B。



科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年浙江杭州求是高级中学高二上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单词拼写


1.At this moment, we are involved in a hot a___________ about whether to go by sea or by air.

2.In the job market, you need to sell yourself to the employers by c_____________ them that you have the knowledge, skill and experience they need.

3.“Keep quiet. Tom is sleeping. ” she w___________ to me when I hurried into the room.

4.Children are curious and they will o_____________ everything around them and ask why.

5.C___________ with the present job, he refused the offer from a large company.

6.It rained so heavily . T____________, the football match was put off.

7.The television programme is designed to educate and not merely to e___________ its audience.

8.The soldier was seriously injured, but finally s____________ to his feet.

9.He is a little boy, but he b___________ as if he were an adult.

10.I love all the songs Eason sings but I enjoy this song p_____________.


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年温州市高一上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Liu Hulan was so brave that she showed no signs of _____ to the enemy even under torture(拷问) .

A. giving in B. giving up

C. giving out D. giving off


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年天津宝坻四校高一11月联考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

At the meeting they discussed three different _________ to the study of mathematics.

A. approaches B. means

C. methods D. ways


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年天津宝坻四校高一11月联考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

We had a long way to go, and the snowstorm ________ our difficulties.

A. referred to B. added to

C. belonged to D. turned to


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年天津宝坻四校高二11月联考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

For centuries, the body’s blood has been linked closely with the emotions. People who show no human emotions or feelings, are said to be cold-blooded killer. For example, the police are searching for a cold-blooded killer. He seems to kill for no reason, and no emotion, as if taking someone’s life as nothing.

Cold can affect other parts of the body. The expression “get cold feet” has nothing to do with cold or your feet. The expression means being afraid to do something you have decided to do. For example, you agree to be president of an organization. But then you learn that all the other officers have resigned, and all the work of the organization will be your responsibility. You are likely to get cold feet about being president when you understand the situation.

The expression “give someone the cold shoulder” probably comes from the physical act of turning your back toward someone, instead of speaking to him face to face. You may give a cold shoulder to a friend who has not kept a promise he made to you. Or, to someone who has lied about you to others.

A cold fish is not a fish. It is a person. But it is a person who is unfriendly, unemotional and shows no love or warmth. A cold fish does not offer much of himself to anyone. Someone who is a cold fish could be cold-hearted. Now a cold-hearted person is someone who has no sympathy. Several popular songs in recent years were about cold-hearted men or cold-hearted women who, without feelings, broke the hearts of their lovers.

Out in the cold means not getting something that everybody else got. A person might say that everybody but him got a pay raise--he was left out in the cold. And it is not a pleasant place to be.

1.There are _____ expressions related to cold that are mentioned in the passage.

A. 3 B. 4 C. 6 D. 7

2.When you refuse to speak to a man and treat him in a distant way, you may express by “_________”.

A. I give him the cold shoulder

B. I think he is a cold-blooded man

C. I think he is a cold fish

D. I’m likely to get cold feet

3.If Sue shows absolutely no reaction to those awful pictures of starving children in Africa, you will say _________.

A. she is a cold-blooded killer

B. she gets cold feet

C. she is a cold fish

D. she is out in the cold

4.We can use the expression “__________” to describe a man who abandons or hurts his lover without mercy.

A. cold-blooded B. cold shoulder

C. cold feet D. cold-hearted

5.The topic of this passage is about _________.

A. the relationship between cold and our body

B. some expressions about friendship

C. some expressions connected with cold

D. how cold weather comes into being


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年天津宝坻四校高二11月联考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

--How about your trip to Italy?

--Oh, ________ the fine weather, we enjoyed ourselves indeed.

A. but for B. thanks to

C. in spite of D. in favor of


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年山东淄博市高二上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

The player is under good treatment and the ________ are that he will recover from his injury in time for the next game.

A. opportunities B. occasions

C. chances D. conditions


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年内蒙古巴彦淖尔市高二10月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Having never met with such a _____ problem, he felt _____ and didn’t know how to solve it.

A. puzzling; puzzled B. puzzled; puzzling

C. puzzling; puzzling D. puzzled; puzzled

