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11.A cruel person is often described as having the"courage and determination"of a scorpion (蝎子).Although the scorpion's poisonous tail is very frightening,it is nothing but a weapon for defense (防御).As for scorpion's life cycle,it is characterized by its own"scorpionism".
Most of the scorpions we see are unmarried"young men and women".Once they"get married",they have come to the end of their lives.
Male and female adult scorpions fall in love with each other at first sight.They hold each other with their forelegs and waltz slowly in circles.The courtship (求爱) dance will not stop until they feel quite satisfied.This is called the dance before marriage.
After that,the couple will find a quiet place as their mating room.When the mating is finished,the male lies in its place,offering its body for the female to feed on in its pregnancy (孕期).By the time the"husband"is eaten up,the female has hatched (孵出) out a mass of tiny baby scorpions which will soon break their mother's back as they are growing bigger and bigger.The babies feed on the dead body of their mother till they finish all of it.Then they will go in all directions to make their own living.
What kind parents!But it is very cruel to see wives eat husbands and children eat their mothers in turn.

35.According to the passage,a scorpion uses its tail toB.
A.attack other animals
B.protect itself
C.dance with other scorpions
D.feed its children
36.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?D
A.Most scorpions lead a busy life.
B.Scorpions like standing in a circle.
C.Scorpions express their love by singing.
D.Scorpions live independently when they grow up.
37.We can know from the passage that the author thinks the life cycle of scorpions isA.
38.We can infer from the passage thatD.
A.the male scorpion is more unselfish than the female one
B.the baby scorpions find food by themselves once they are born
C.the baby scorpions are crueller than their parents in order to survive
D.it's a survival rule for scorpions to feed on their husbands or mothers.

分析 一个残忍的人,经常被描述为具有"勇气和决心"的蝎子(蝎子).虽然蝎子的毒尾是非常可怕的,而它只是一个防御武器.蝎子的一生也是极其残酷的,到底是如何残酷的呢?请读读这篇文章寻找答案吧!

35.答案 B 细节理解题 根据Although the scorpion's poisonous tail is very frightening,it is nothing but a weapon for defense (防御).可知蝎子的尾巴是用来保护自己的,故答案为B
36.答案 D  细节理解题  根据文章二三段可知,平时看到的蝎子都是没有配偶的,当它们有了配偶基本上意味着它们的生命的终结,可以推知蝎子平时是独立生活,故答案为D
37.答案  A   写作态度题  根据But it is very cruel to see wives eat husbands and children eat their mothers in turn.可知作者认为蝎子的生命周期是残酷的,故答案为A
38.答案  D 推理判断题  根据The babies feed on the dead body of their mother till they finish all of it.Then they will go in all directions to make their own living.
What kind parents!可以推知,这是蝎子进化的结果,也是它们的生存法则,故答案为D

点评 1、要想做好科普英语阅读理解题,同学们就要注意平时多读科普知识类文章,学习科普知识,积累常见的科普词汇,从根本上提高科普英语的阅读能力.
2、要熟悉科普类文章的结构特点.科普类文章一般由标题(Head line),导语(Introduction),背景(Back ground),主体(Main body)和结尾(End)五部分构成.标题是文章中心思想高度而又精辟的概括,但根据历年的高考情况来看,这类阅读理解材料一般不给标题,而要同学们选择标题.导语一般位于整篇文章的首段.背景交待一个事实的起因.主体则对导语概括的事实进行详细叙述,这一部分命题往往最多,因此,阅读时,同学们要把这部分作为重点.结尾往往也是中心思想的概括,并与导语相呼应,命题者常在此要设计一道推理判断题.  


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

1.If you book the air tickets one month ______,you may save a lot of money.(  )
A.in advanceB.at presentC.on timeD.in time


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

2.John is no less hardworking than his sister,_______ he failed in the exam.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

19.My English teacher oftenassists me to improve/assists me in improving/assists me withmy English.(assist)


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

6.It is Iwho (that) am to blamefor the traffic accident that happened just now.(blame) 


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

16.She was a very capable student.She did not have a single day of absence last year; all the teachers knew this and encouraged her many times in front of others.
Kids used to say,"She must have a strong body and that's why she never gets sick.What are we supposed to do when we constantly get sick?"They did not know that Yassi had type two Diabetes and sometimes became unconscious.
One early morning when her sugar level dropped and her mum wanted to take her to the doctor,she said,"The doctor doesn't know how to teach me Geometry (几何学)!The most he will do is to give me an IV drip (输液) to make me feel better.By the way,Mr.Mirsadeghi had mentioned that people with the highest score in the year of their university entrance examination only had one day of absence; I don't want to use my only day off for something stupid!"
When teachers used to ask Yassi,"Do you feel bad when you get a low grade?"Yassi would reply,"Is it possible to be happy when a person works hard and does not get a good result?At these times I tell myself,in the future when I open the biggest factory in Iran,if I'm going to fall short with handling such minor issues,how am I supposed to deal with all the other problems such as consumer market rejection of my products?!How can I solve the production difficulties of this product?"
Yassi is a living example of a person with a vision for a grand future,who does not allow minor problems of today to deter her from achieving her dreams.
On a regular day when I met with Yassi,I noticed she was not like her usual self as she looked troubled.So I asked her"Has something happened?"to which she replied"No",but I said,"I think something has definitely happened."Yassi then said,"I have a small personal problem that will soon be resolved."
After insisting for some time to find out her problem,she only then told me that her father was unconscious.Just before tears rushed to her eyes as she went out of the room,I felt that I lost some credibility as a considerate teacher.
Yassi returned to the room after freshening up,clearing her throat and then said in a strange manner,"Please don't be concerned,Mr.Mirsadeghi,if it is meant to be he will remain in my life and I will make him proud with my grades.And should it be God's will to take him,then I have to work twice as hard to achieve the highest grades and shine brighter than those of my age!"
67.Yassi refused to go to the doctor becauseB.
A.she was afraid of an IV drip
B.she wouldn't miss her class
C.she considered it unnecessary
D.she didn't want to annoy her teacher
68.The underlined word"deter"in Paragraph 5means"D".
69.Yassi seemed to believe thatB.
A.what people lose today can be regained tomorrow
B.what people do now is sure to affect their future
C.what people dream can surely come true
D.what people need are considerate teachers
70.Which can be the proper title for the passage?D
A.Minor problems make a difference
B.Childhood poverty leads to success
C.Good education means a bright future   
D.Diligent and belief fuel the dream.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

2.Imagine shopping in another country and spotting a beautiful scarf.The salesperson tells you the price,(32)but it's more than you want to buy.What do you do?
The answer depends largely on what part of the world you are in.Are you visiting Southeast Asia,the Middle East,Latin America or Africa?In these places,prices often are not set in stone.In fact,customers (33)are expected(expect) to bargain before agreeing to a price.
On the other hand,in North America,Europe and Australia,bargaining is rare and often not allowed.The price (34)listed(list) on a price tag cannot be changed.
Large stores and malls usually don't allow bargaining.On the other hand,outdoor stalls and flea markets,even in Western countries,usually allow bargaining.When in doubt,consult a guidebook---or (35)better(good) yet,a local friend.
(36)Although/Though/Whilebargaining custom vary,a few rules of etiquette apply in most cultures.First,avoid wasting people's time.If you don't intend to make a purchase,don't start bargaining.While bargaining,it is OK to walk away.But once you agree to a price,you (37)must buy the item.
Even in countries (38)that/which don't allow bargaining,you may find plentiful opportunities to save money.Many stores sell old items on clearance.Others offer discount cards to regular customers.Some of these can function as credit cards (39)within/in the store,and a few can even be used elsewhere.
(40)Wherever you go,understanding local customs can help you find good prices.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

19.____Mark Zuckerberg runs the world's biggest social network-Facebook,he is a very private person(  )
A.Now thatB.Even thoughC.So long asD.In case


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

20.Doctors'moonlighting is becoming popular in hospitals around China.It has not only raised a lot of heated discussions in the media,but also caught the attention of the central government in Beijing.
On December 26,a spokesman of the Ministry of Health stressed that the ministry was firmly against doctors'moonlighting,while strict regulations should be applied to doctors taking part-time jobs,the Xinhua News Agency reported.
Last year,the Ministry sent out a notice to a variety of health organizations to speed up the reform of their personnel (人事) system.According to the notice,medical organizations can hire medical experts as part-time doctors but such activities should take place under the hospital's management and regulations(规定).
As for moonlighting--meaning that the doctor provides medical service without the permission of the original hospital--such activity goes against China's Practicing Doctor Law,Xinhua reported.
In China,doctors used to be controlled by hospitals and they could work for only one hospital.However,as China's medical personnel system reform developed,it has been recognized that medical human resources,just like human resources in other areas,should be shared by the whole society.But on the other hand,doctors'taking part-time jobs should follow the relative regulations applied in the medical field.
First of all,they should follow relative government laws and regulations.They should also follow the rules and regulations set by the medical organizations they work for.In addition,they should pay taxes for their income from the part-time jobs.What matters most is that they should first finish their regular jobs as required and be responsible for patients to ensure qualified and safe medical treatment.
67.What is the greatest difference between moonlighting and taking part-time jobs?C
A.Doctors can earn more money by moonlighting than by taking part-time jobs.
B.Doctors pay fewer taxes for the money made by moonlighting than by taking
part-time jobs.
C.Taking part-time jobs is permitted by hospitals while moonlighting is-against
the present regulations.
D.Doctor's part-time jobs,instead of moonlighting,are encouraged by health organizations.
68.From this passage we know that doctors are allowed to  nowadays.B
A.only work for one hospital        
B.work for more than one hospital
C.work any time when they are free   
D.be out of control of hospitals
69.The passage is taken most probably fromD.
A.a notice sent out by the Ministry of Health 
B.regulations made by health organizations
C.China's Practicing Doctor Law
D.a magazine or a newspaper
70.According to the passage,we have got to know thatC.
A.all doctors around China prefer moonlighting to part-time jobs
B.moonlighting has been permitted by China's practicing Doctor Law
C.taxes should be paid for the money doctors get from their part-time jobs
D.strict management policies have been adopted to direct the moonlighting.

