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4.______with any common sense is able to make the appropriate decision and do whatever suits the occasion best.(  )
A.Those whoB.WhoeverC.AnyoneD.Whomever

分析 任何有常识的人都可以做出恰当的决定,做适合时宜的事情.

解答 答案:C
分析句式可知,is able to make…是句子谓语部分,所以主语用单数形式.with…为主语定语部分,所以答案为C.

点评 考察人称代词,考生在答题时需对句子结构分析来确定答案.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

9.At the beginning of my 8:00 a.m.class one Monday at UNLV(拉斯维加斯内华达大学),I cheerfully asked my students how their weekend had been.One young man said that his weekend had not been very good.The young man then proceeded to ask me why I always seemed to be so cheerful.
His question reminded me of something I'd read somewhere before:"Every morning when you get up,you have a choice about how you want to approach life that day,"I said to the young man."I choose to be cheerful."
"Let me give you an example,"I continued."In addition to teaching here at UNLV,I also teach out at the community college in Henderson,about seventeen miles down the freeway from where I live.One day a few weeks ago I drove to Henderson.I exited the freeway and turned onto College Drive.But just then my car died.I tried to start it again,but the engine wouldn't turn over.So I put my flashers on,took my books,and marched down the road to the college."
"As soon as I got there,I called AAA(美国汽车协会) and asked them to send a tow truck (拖车).The secretary in the Provost's office asked me what had happened.'This is my lucky day',I replied,smiling."
"Your car breaks down and today is your lucky day?"She was puzzled,"What do you mean?"
"I live seventeen miles from here".I replied."My car could have broken down anywhere along the freeway.It didn't.Instead,it broke down in the perfect place:off the freeway,within walking distance of here.I'm still able to teach my class,and I've been able to arrange for the tow truck to meet me after class.If my car was meant to break down today,it couldn't have been arranged in a more convenient fashion."
51.According to the passage,if one wants to be cheerful,he shouldD.
A.have a good time every day         
B.be interested in his job.
C.earn a lot of money by working hard  
D.choose to be cheerful every day.
52.The underlined phrase"turn over"means"B"
A.roll back                       
B.start to work    
C.stop suddenly                
D.move around
53.From the passage we can infer that the author's car broke downC
A.near NULV                    
B.along the freeway
C.near the community college       
D.near her home
54.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A
A.The author taught not only at UNLV but also at a community college.
B.That was the author's lucky day because she liked walking.
C.The author hoped that the car would break down often.
D.The young man was not cheerful because he was poor at his lessons.
55.What would probably happen after the author told her story?C
A.The students would ask her to tell another story.
B.The students would still wonder how to be cheerful.
C.The students would be touched and try to be cheerful.
D.The students would doubt whether the story was true.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:完形填空

10..For many people,the holidays are about helping the unfortunate.(36)Cthan buy presents for each other,a group of friends in a snowboard (滑雪板) group like to go to their(37)Dhomeless shelters and give people there a day to (38)A.They begin preparing at the start of the snow season by (39)D people who come to the mountain to (40)Cclothing like jackets,boots,gloves and hats.Then the group(41)D the shelters to distribute (分发) the things.Jay,18,one of the(42)C,says"We tell them,‘Now you guys are coming with us and we're going to teach you how to(43)Aor snowboard all day for free.'It's wonderful to know that we are able to take the pressure in their lives(44)C their minds for one day."
For this group,working together to help the homeless makes their relation(45)B.They feel like part of each other's lives in a (46)Dway.
It may sound no wonder until you try it,but doing something of charity can really help you (47)Cbetter about giving.That's because it benefits the(48)Aas well as the receiver-you're left with a feeling of belonging and being connected.(49)Dto help an organization or group that fits with your(50)Band the things you believe in.If you love children,buy a present for a child in need.(51)Aanimals are your thing,talk to your local animal shelters-many distribute pet food to low-income pet(52)Dover the holidays.If you(53)C   your grandparents and would like to spend time with the elderly,(54)Bout at a nursing home over the holidays.Or share a special skill.If you're good with your (55)C,you can help build or paint housing for people in need.
You don't have to wait for chance to help.By using whatever you have,you can make the world a better place to live in.
39.A.ca lling offB.calling onC.calling inD.calling for


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

7.There are many American expressions about insects.
Bees are known as very hard workers.So you might say you were as busy as a bee if you spent your weekend cleaning your house.In fact,you might say your house was a beehive of activity if your whole family was helping you clean.You also might say you made a beeline for something if you went there right away.When we go to see a movie,my friend always makes a beeline for the place where they sell popcorn.If something was the best of its kind,you might say it was the bee's knees.Now,we admit that we do not know how this expression developed.In fact,we do not even know if bees have knees!If your friend cannot stop talking about something because she thinks it is important,you might say she has a bee in her bonnet.If someone asks you a personal question,and you would like not to tell him or her,you might say,"That is none of your beeswax."
Butterflies are beautiful insects,but you would not want to have butterflies in your stomach.That means to be nervous about having to do something,like speaking in front of a crowd.You would also not want to have ants in your pants.That is,to be restless and unable to sit still.
If a friend keeps asking you to do something you do not want to do,you might ask him to leave you alone or"stop bugging me".A friend also might tell you again and again to do something.If so,you might say he put a bug in your ear.If you were reading a book in your warm bed on a cold winter's day,you might say you were snug as a bug in a rug.And,if you wish someone good night,you might say,"sleep tight-don't let the bed bugs bite."
24.When you describe a wonderful bike of your friend,you can sayB.
A.it makes a beeline          
B.it is the bee's knees
C.it is a beehive of activity  
D.it has a bee in its bonnet
25.The underlined phrase in Paragraph 2means"A".
A.has nothing to do with you   
B.draws your attention
C.goes wrong               
D.is the bee's knees
26.In the text,butterflies and ants are used toC.
A.speak highly of a beautiful person
B.describe a person without confidence
C.stand for bad effects on a person
D.comfort a person in a bad mood
27.What can we learn from the last paragraph?A
A.The word"bug"can be a noun or a verb.
B.Bug is a kind of good insects for man.
C.Bugs live mainly in human's ears.
D.A bug in a rug is very danger.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

The Key to solving the problem is to get the support of the government.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

9.Does your local town have a nickname?If so,what does it say about the area and the people who live there?Many cities are recognized across the world by  their unofficial names.New York is the Big Apple,London is the Big Smoke,and Los Angeles is famously called La La Land.
Now,as part of English Language Day on Wednesd ay,two British organizations,the English Project and Ordnance Survey,are launching (发起)  an interactive project which aims to identify the nicknames which people use in their daily lives for the places which they like or dislike.
"The name that people create for a place forms a connection with feelings,"explains Winchester University's Professor Bill Lucas,a patron (赞助者) of the English Project.
"So Basingstoke becomes Amazingstoke; Swindon is known as Swindump and Padstow,hometown of chef Rick Stein,is nicknamed Padstein."
Basingstoke is a town in central England.The local nickname,Amazingstoke,shows the love that locals seem to have for the area.Swindon,on the other hand,is sometimes called Swindump,showing that some people think it's a dump(垃圾堆).Stanford Le Hope in Essex is called Stanford No Hope by locals.
And Padstow in Cornwall is so closely connected with the local famous person Rick Stein that it's become known as Padstein.
Since launching the online survey last week,the creators have already received 3000 altemative titles for places and landmarls.
As well as creating what promises to be a fascinating resource of nicknames,there is a practical side to the project."With the huge variety of place nicknames that exist,we could never hope to collect them all ourselves,"says Glen Hart,Ordnance Survey's head of research."But the information from the project could prove vital.Organizations like the emergency services rely on our information when responding to 999calls,so by having the most complete set of nicknames we could help the emergency services quickly locate the
right place,and maybe even save lives."

60.What is the passage mainly about?C
A.Some stories about nicknames for places.
B.Activities launched by two British organizations.
C.A survey of nicknames for places.
D.The attractiveness of place nicknames.
61. Unlike the town Basingstoke,Swindon is a place thatD
A.has a long history
B.attracts a lot of tourists
C.has few people living there
D.seems unpleasant to some people
62.According to the passage,people's response to the project isA
63. What does Glen Hart think of the project?C
A.It proves that most nicknames are interesting.
B.It may help increase the number of nicknames.
C.It is very helpful to emergency services.
D.It has helped prevent deaths from happening.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

16.Don't you just love ice skating every winter?I am sure that since winter is approaching,your skates are set to come out,just waiting to be used.Impress your friends with your new trick on how to ice-skate backwards with the help of these tips.
Stand straight
The first thing that you need to do is,stand straight.(36)G,if you feel that you are falling backwards.Don't worry; this happens to all.
Confidence is what you need
The most important step while learning how to skate backwards,is having enough confidence in yourself and in what you are doing.How can you achieve this?By practice.One of the important ice skating tips and techniques is that if you feel that you are losing your balance,then scissor(做剪式运动)your skates.(37)C.
Maintain speed
Try sculling(滑)with one skate while rolling in a straight line with the other.(38)A.Now bring the skate which you are using to scull,and then again,repeat the same process.Make sure that you put most of your weight on the skate which is moving straight and not the one with which you are sculling.
Now,try the same thing using the other foot.
Once you are confident that you can scull with either foot,the next thing that you have to do is increase your speed.Try some of your own tricks now.Scull with either foot or with both at the same time.
Scull and be aware
While you keep one foot straight,keep sculling with the other.You can do that with both feet at the same time.(40)F,but don't get so involved that you don't see where you are going.If you are not watching your back,you might just bang against something or someone.

A.That is,keep pushing yourself backwards with an outwards stroke(滑动)
B.While going backwards,just get used to the feeling of moving backwards
C.Keep practicing this till you are confident about it
D.Increase your speed now
E.One must be brave enough to learn to ice-skate backwards
F.Concentrate on what you are doing
G.Just put your chin up and slightly bend your knees.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

13.Want a glance of the future of health care?Take a look at the way the various networks of people about patient care are being connected to one another,and how this new connectivity is being exploited to deliver medicine to the patient-no matter where he or she may be.
Online doctors offering advice based on normal symptoms(症状) are the most obvious example.Increasingly,however,remote diagnosis(远程诊断) will be based on real physiological data(生理数据) from the actual patient.A group from the University of Kentucky has shown that by using personal data assistance plus a mobile phone,it is perfectly practical to send a patient's important signs over the telephone.With this kind of equipment,the cry asking whether there was a doctor in the house could well be a thing of the past.
Other medical technology groups are working on applying telemedicine to rural(countryside) care.And at least one team wants to use telemedicine as a tool for disaster need-especially after earthquakes.On the whole,the trend is towards providing global access to medical data and experts'opinions.
But there is one problem.Bandwidth(宽带) is the limiting factor for sending complex(复杂的) medical pictures around the world-CT photos being one of the biggest bandwidth users.Communication satellites may be able to deal with the short-term needs during disasters such as earthquakes or wars.But medicine is looking towards both the second-generation Internet and third-generation mobile phones for the future of remote medical service.
Doctors have met to discuss computer-based tools for medical diagnosis,training and telemedicine.With the falling price of broadband communications,the new technologies should start a new time when telemedicine and the sharing of medical information,experts'opinions and diagnosis are common.
59.The writer chiefly talks aboutA
A.the use of telemedicine                 
B.the on-lined doctors
C.medical care and treatment        
D.communication improvement
60.The basis of remote diagnosis will beC.
A.personal data assistance 
B.some words of a patient
C.real physiological information
D.medical pictures from the Internet
61.Which of the following statements is true according to the text?D
A.Patients don't need doctors in hospitals any more.
B.It is impossible to send a patient's signs over the telephone.
C.Many teams use telemedicine dealing with disasters now.
D.Broadband communications will become cheaper in the future.
62.The"problem"in the fourth paragraph refers to the fact thatA.
A.bandwidth isn't big enough to send complex medical pictures
B.the second-generation of Internet has not become popular yet
C.communication satellites can only deal with short-term needs
D.there is not enough equipment for spreading the medical care.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

14.Facebook is the world's biggest social networkingsite.People are being tricked into Facebook with the promise of a fun,freeservice without realizing they're paying for it by giving up loads of personal information.
Most Facebook users don't realize this is happening.Even if they know what the company is up to,they still have no idea what they're paying for Facebook because people don't really know what their personal data is worth.
The biggest problem,however,is that the company keeps changing the rules.Early you could keep everything private.That was the greatthing about Facebook-You could create your own little private network.Last year,the company changed its privacy rules so that many things-your city,your photo,your friends'names-were set,by default (默认),to be shared with everyone on the Internet.
According to Facebook's vice-president Elliot Schrage,the company is simply making changes to improve its service,and if people don't share information,they have a"less satisfying experience".
Some critics(批评家) think this is more about Facebook looking to make more money.In original business model,which involved selling ads and putting them in the side of the pages totally,who wants to look at ads when they're online connecting with their friends?
The privacy issue has already landed Facebook in hot water in Washington.In April,Senator Charles Schumer called on Facebook to change its privacy policy.He also urged(催促) the Federal Trade Commission to set guidelines for social networking sites."I think the senator rightly communicated that we had not been clear about what the new products were and how people could choose to use them or not to use them,"Schrage admits.
I suspect that whatever Facebook has done so far to invade our privacy,it's only the beginning,which is why I'm considering cancelling(取消)my account.Facebook is a handy site,but I'm upset by the idea that my information is in the hands of people I don't know.That's too high a price to pay.
28.What do we learn about Facebook from the first paragraph?D
A.It is a website that sends messages to users who want to get married
B.It earns money by putting on advertisements
C.It provides loads of personal information to its users
D.It makes money by selling its users'personal data
29.What does the author say about most Facebook users?D
A.They are unwilling to give up their personal information
B.They care very little about their personal information
C.They don't identify themselves when using the website
D.They don't know their personal data enriches Facebook
30.Why does Facebook make changes to its rules according to Elliot Schrage?B
A.To obey the Federal guidelines
B.To provide better service to its users
C.To improve its users'connection
D.To expand its business
31.Why does the author plan to cancel his Facebook account?A
A.He doesn't want his personal data badly used
B.He finds many of its users untrustworthy
C.He is dissatisfied with its present service
D.He is upset by its frequent rule changes.

