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The pianist began to play and the girl in red began to sing ____the music.

A. with     B. along     C. through     D. to



sing to the music意为“伴随着音乐而唱”。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

—Did you meet the pianist at the station??

—No,he__________by the time I__________there.?

A.had left;got

B.has left;reached?

C.was leaving;got

D.left;had got


科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年云南芒市中学高二上学期期中考试英语试卷(带解析) 题型:单选题

We’re talking about the piano and the pianist __________ were in the concert we attended last night.



科目:高中英语 来源:陕西省2010届高三下学期第二次模拟考试 题型:阅读理解

Every once in a while, it is necessary to take a step back in order to take a long, hard look at where we are in our lives. At this point, it is good to ask yourself a bunch of critical questions. Have you so far accomplished all of your goals in life ? If so, you have not accomplished your goals in life, then perhaps you have made the mistake of setting too many goals or trying to accomplish them at an unnaturally fast pace.
It is necessary to set reasonable, intelligent goals in order to succeed in life. Do not be unrealistic because life is not a fairy tale. But you should try to recognize what you want,when attempting to visualize(形象化) or otherwise express what your goals in life are.
In order for a goal to sufficiently motivate you, it needs to be a major one. The bigger your goals are, then the more motivated you will need to be to work towards accomplishing them. If you want, you are a beginner, then no doubt mastering those tough songs is a very intelligent and realistic goal to set. But if that is your only goal as a pianist achieved. This is why it is necessary to constantly stop and re-evaluate our goals so that we are aware of what they are, and thus stay motivated.
49. From the passage, if your goals have all been achieved, you should then ______.
A. ask yourself some serious questions    B. take a hard look at your success
C. set some other intelligent goals        D. stretch yourself to relax
50. By saying “life is not a fairy tale”, the author suggests that you should ________ .
A. set as big a goal as possible             B. try hard to realize your dream
C. make your goals practical         D. abandon all your ambitions
51. To perform several Beethoven pieces well is a goal that _______.
A. is not suitable for the pianist         B. is appropriate for a beginner
C. stops you from growing as a pianist   D. is very easy to achieve
52. What is the best title for the passage ?
A. Set Intelligent Goals for Yourself     B. Try to Accomplish Your Goals
C. Get Yourself More Motivated      D. Goals Help You to Succeed


科目:高中英语 来源:2014届山西省高三上学期第一次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完型填空


I was in the fifth grade in a small town in Utah. At the start of the school year, my friends and I saw a(n)      face. It was clear from the start that the newcomer, Ruth, would not be _____ in our social circle.

Her father lived in a neighborhood that was far from fashionable. Every day, she wore the _____ dress and too-big blue sneakers.

There were lots of ____ in our school on Christmas Eve every year. Most people in town ____ the school’s Christmas programmes. While other classes sang songs and performed skits, the ____ was reserved for fifth--graders. The starring roles were Mary and Joseph. One day before Christmas, my friends and I listened ____ as our teacher, Mr. Russon, read from his list. Finally, he said, “Joseph will be ____ by Timothy.”

I was ____ ,but at once tense again. Which of the popular girls would perform with me? “And the ____ of Mary goes to …Ruth.” Ruth? As far as we knew, she hadn’t ____ tried out. If Ruth was going to be Mary, we decided, we’d make this the ____ Christmas play ever.

_____, Ruth had always practiced her song while the rest of us were doing ____ . Her voice cracked as she tried to get a(n) ___ . We laughed harder than ever. Our music teacher     the pianist. We were the worst group of fifth-graders ever, the teacher told us. This year there would be      play!

Christmas Eve arrived. Students and people crowded the hall. Finally the time ____ for the fifth-grade performance. To our ____ , Mr. Russon said, “One of the fifth-graders will sing a solo.” The curtain opened, and there stood Ruth. She wore a white dress. Her face ___ as she began to sing. A beautiful voice rang through the hall.

1.A. unchanging         B. friendly                   C. serious           D. unfamiliar

2.A. protected           B. included                 C. surrounded      D. blamed

3.A. formal                  B. same                 C. modern                 D. beautiful

4.A. courses               B. songs                 C. programmes              D. speeches

5.A. attended             B. discussed         C. compared                  D. disliked

6.A. song                     B. dance                 C. story                         D. play

7.A. anxiously   B. curiously                 C. proudly                   D. patiently

8.A. replaced             B. rescued                  C. played                D. punished

9.A. surprised            B. disappointed          C. interested              D. delighted

10.A. part          B. name                       C. honor                 D. money

11.A. already              B. still                           C. never                      D. even

12.A. worst                 B. best                         C. longest           D. easiest

13.A. Besides             B. However                 C. Therefore               D. Still

14.A. everything        B. nothing          C. something         D. anything

15.A. break                 B. apology                   C. breath                D. chance

16.A. encouraged     B. showed                   C. lost                     D. stopped

17.A. no         B. more         C. another        D. such

18.A. passed               B. came                  C. saved                   D. wasted

19.A. surprise            B. enjoyment        C. regret                       D. disappointment    

20.A. woke up            B. lit up                   C. rose  up                  D. cheered up



科目:高中英语 来源:2014届河北邯郸馆陶第一中学高三上期第一次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单词拼写

第一节  单词拼写(共10小题,每小题2分,满分20分)

1.The factory            (遭受)severe damage in the fire last year.

2.Do             (确切地)as the teacher says.

3.I’m afraid I              (不同意)with you.

4.The pianist listened to our             (请求,要求) that he play in public again

5.Now she is planning our             (时间表)for the trip.

6.The house             (爆发) into flames when I was sleeping..

7.We had a good.             (风景) of the town from the top of the hill.

8.The old lady needs a few feather             (枕头)to make herself comfortable.

9.While a person is asleep,a part of his brain is still           (积极的)

10.He offered guidance to poor black people on their           (法律的)problems.


