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On this __________, however, it had slowed down considerably.


科目:高中英语 来源:2014届安徽省高二上学期10月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

There is a lot of misunderstanding about studying. Most students have not been taught the principles behind really effective working. Imagine a graph showing the amount a person learns against the number of hours he works in a day. If he doesn’t do any work, he learns nothing (point 0). If he does an hour’s work he learns a certain amount (point 1). If he does two hours’ work he learns about twice as much (point 2). If he does more work he’ll learn still more (point 3). However, if he tries to do twenty-three and a half hours’ work in a day, he will be so tired that he’ll hardly remember anything: what he learns will be very little (point 4). If he did less work he’d learn more (point 5).

Now whatever the exact shape of the graph’s curve(曲线), made by joining these points, it must have a high point. Point “X” is the very maximum anyone can learn in the day. And this represents the optimum(最适度), the best, amount of work to do. It is the best possible compromise between adequate time at the books and fatigue(劳累). Fatigue is an absolutely real thing; one can’t escape it or ignore it. If you try to ignore it and press yourself to work past the optimum, you will only get on this downward slope and achieve less than the best – and then become very tired and lose your power of concentration.

The skill in being a student consists of getting one’s daily study as near the optimum point as possible. I cannot tell you what the optimum is. It differs with the type of work, it differs from person to person, and even in the same person it varies from week to week. You must try to find your own. Every day you study, bear this principle of the optimum in mind. When you feel yourself getting fatigued, if you find yourself reading the same paragraph over and over again and not taking it in, that’s a pretty good sign you’ve reached your highest point for the day and should stop. Most ordinary students find their optimum at five hours a day. Yours may be a little more or a little less – but if you get in five hours’ good work a day, you will be doing well.

Now, what are you doing with yourself when you aren’t working? Before examinations some students do nothing at all except sit in a chair and worry. Here is another misunderstanding. People often think that the mind works like the body; it does not. If one wanted to save one’s physical energy in order to cut the maximum amount of firewood, one would lie flat on a bed and rest when one wasn’t chopping. But the mind cannot rest. Even in sleep you dream, even if you forget your dreams. The mind is always turning. It gets its relaxation only by variety. That is what makes the mind rest.

When you’ve finished your optimum number of hours you must stop. You must not then sit around in the chair thinking about the work – that only tires without any learning. You must get out and do something. It doesn’t matter what – anything so long as you are actively doing something else but work.

1.According to the passage, _______.

A.the longer you study every day, the more you will learn

B.you’ll achieve better learning results if you work three hours every day

C.the less work you do, the better you will learn

D.your work efficiency will decrease once you exceed a certain point of work

2.Fatigue can result in ________.

A.loss of memory

B.a need for relaxation

C.a lot of anxiety

D.loss of concentration

3.The passage tells us that a person’s optimum number of working hours _______.

A.follows a regular pattern with each individual

B.changes regularly from week to week

C.can be partly determined by the sort of work he is doing

D.should be determined before he gets too tired

4.The only way the mind can relax is by ________.

A.doing a variety of things in turn

B.not thinking about anything

C.turning continuously

D.getting oneself in a state of fatigue

5.After you have reached the optimum point of study in a day, you should ________.

A.lie in bed and rest

B.do something else actively

C.do some physical labor

D.stop thinking about your studies



科目:高中英语 来源:河南省焦作市2009-2010学年度高一下学期必修三水平测试英语试卷 题型:单项填空

. She _____ on this essay for twenty minutes but she has written only about a hundred words.

A.will be working


C.has been working

D.will have worked



科目:高中英语 来源:河南省2009-2010学年度高二下学期期中考试英语试卷 题型:完型填空


My first job was at a local diner, where I worked for seven years and learned so many lessons, especially from a fellow waitress.

Helen was in her 60s and had extraordinary self-respect, something I was really lacking. I looked up to Helen 41  she was doing what she loved---  42  people--and nobody did it  43  . She always made everyone, customers and co-workers,   44   and feel good.

Being a waitress changed my life. One of my 45 customers was Fred Hasbrook. He always ate an omelet, and when I saw him 46 , I tried to have it on his table as soon as he sat down.

Thanks to the newfound confidence I 47 from Helen, I dreamed of having my own 48 .But when I called my parents to ask for a loan (贷款), they said, "We just don't have the  49 ."

The next day, Fred saw me and asked, "What's up? You're not smiling today”. I 50 my dream with him and said, "Fred, I know I can do more if somebody would just have 51  in me."

Before long he handed me checks totaling $ 50,000--along with a  52  that read, "The only collateral(抵押) on this loan is my trust in your  53  as a person. Good people with a dream should have the 54 to realize that dream."

I took the checks to Merrill Lynch, where the money was provided for me. I 55 working at the diner, making 56 for the restaurant I would open. My plans failed, 57 , and I lost the money.

Later I decided to apply for a job at Merrill Lynch. Even though I had no experience, I was  58 and ended up becoming a pretty good agent.  59 I paid back Fred the $ 50,000, plus 14 percent annual interest. Five years later, I was able to 60 my own firm.

41. A. because          B. though                C. while                  D. unless

42. A. helping          B. respecting             C. serving                  D. praising

43. A. faster           B. better                 C. harder                 D. later

44. A. drink            B. digest                C. smile                  D. sing

45. A. regular          B. favorite              C. tough                         D. fresh

46. A. eating           B. greeting              C. ordering                D coming

47. A. found out        B. picked up            C. got back                D. took away

48. A. restaurant        B. confidence            C. house                  D. work

49. A. choice           B. way                  C. idea                   D. money

50. A. exchanged               B. discussed               C. shared                 D. analyzed

51. A. patience           B. pride                     C. faith                        D. interest

52. A. letter            B. sign                  C. notice                  D. note

53. A. honesty          B. responsibility         C. devotion              D. motivation

54. A. ability            B. luck                       C. time                 D. chance

55. A. loved                   B. practiced             C. continued           D. enjoyed

56. A. adjustments      B. plans                C. decisions             D. suggestions

57. A. instead                  B. therefore             C. though               D. meanwhile

58. A. hired             B. rejected              C. encouraged           D. determined

59. A. Fortunately       B. Excitedly             C. Personally                  D. Eventually

60. A. design            B. open                C. restart                  D. expand



科目:高中英语 来源:山西省2009----2010学年度高二下学期期中考试(英语) 题型:单词拼写



76.Many children s________ to death in Africa because of the lack of food.

77.Can you r________me some new books on this subject?

78.The medicare cost is e________ to be one billion dollars.

79.F________causes a rolling ball to stop finally.

80.There is a general a________that smoking is harmful.

81.I asked the photographer to e________ the picture to fit in with the big frame.

82.A d________ man will stop at nothing to get what he wants.

83.He is always very p________. He is never late.

84.Golf has gained p________ among the wealthy in my country.

85.In order not to let water through, the company will come up with a new technique for w______walls.



科目:高中英语 来源:四川省2009-2010学年高一下学期期中考试试题(英语) 题型:阅读理解


In Vietnam(越南), Tet-trung-Thu, or Mid- autumn Festival, is one of the most popular holidays. It is held on the 15th day of the 8th month in lunar calendar

Vietnamese families plan their activities around their children on this special day. In a Vietnamese story, parents were working so hard to prepare for the harvest that they left the childen playing by themselves.  To make up for the lost time, parents would use the Aid-Autumn Festival as a chance to show their love and than for their children.

      As a result, the Mid- autumn Festival is also called the Children’s Festival.  In the USA, this tradition continues in many Vietnamese- American families.  Tet-trung-Thu, activities are often centered on Children and education.  Parents buy lanterns for their children so that they can take part in a lantern parade at dawn.  Lanterns mean brightness, while the parade means success in school.  Vietnamese markets sell different kinds of lanterns, but the most popular children’s lantern is the star lantern. Other children’s activities includes arts and crafts(手工艺) in which children make face mas and lanterns.  Children also perform traditional Vietnamese dances for grown-ups and take part in contests for prizes and scholarships. Unicorn(麒麟) dancers are also very popular at Tet-trung-Thu festivities.

      Like the Chinese, Vietnamese parents tell their children folk stories and serve moon-cakes and other special treats under the bright moon. A favorite folk story is about a carp(鲤鱼) that wanted to bee a dragon.  The carp worked hard and finally changed itself into a dragon. Parents use this story to encourage their children to work hard so that they can bee whatever they want to be.

1. The Tet-trung-Thu Festival is held ________.

A. in China and other Asian countries.           B. in Vietnamese-American families.

C. all over the world, except Vietnam.            D. Across the United States.

2.In Both Vietnam and China, on Mid-autumn Festival people would ___________.

A. eat moon-cakes       B. buy lanterns for children.

C. take part in contests.   D. buy a carp

3.What is the center of the Mid-Autumn festival in Vietnam?

  A. Family get-together.                           B. Children on education.

  C. Relaxation and fun in the middle of the year.

  D. parents having more time with their children.

4.According to the passage, parents tell their children folk stories, because __________.

A. children like listening to folk stories in the evening.

B. parents want to show their love for their children.

C. parents want to teach the children to work hard.

D. parents want to make up for the lost time.


