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Summer Courses 2009

San Diego Seaside College is offering one and two-week English summer courses for high school students from all over the world who want to improve their English.Classes are offered at five levels,from basic to advanced.Students will be tested when they arrive and placed in the level appropriate to their language ability.Each class has a maximum of 14 students.

Tuition Fees(学费)

One.week Course(July 26一August 1):$310

Two.week Course(July 26一August 8):$620

The full payment must be received before the beginning of the courses.


We provide housing.including breakfast & dinner,7 days a week.

Single room:$250 per week

Twin room:$160 per person,per week

You should reserve your accommodations before May 15 and all the accommodation fees

must be paid in full before June 15.

How to Apply

Fill out an application form and send it to us at esc@sdc.edu.

Come to our college this summer and make yourself shine at English. 

1. The aim of the courses is to help the high school students    

  A.learn English                   B.attend college

  C.visit some high schools      D.travel to other countries

2.What are the tuition fees for the One-week Course?

  A.$ 160     B.$ 250     C.$ 310      D.$ 620

3.When must the accommodation fees be paid?

  A.Before May 15                   B.Before June 15

  C.Before July 26                   C.Before August 1

4.If you want to apply for the course, you should     

  A.choose a college            B.reserve a hotel room

  C.check with the teachers          D.fill out a form and email it



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解


Sydney is one of the world's biggest cities

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shops. It's all at Westfield Centrepoint.

Tel: 9231 9300.


This prize-winning living museum is where                                                                                                 Australia's history comes alive! Visit daily

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the Gold Rush days. A wonderful nightly

sound and light show,  " Blood on the

Southern Cross" tells the story of the

famous Eureka Uprising. Enjoy shopping

along  with real  life  character  and

entertainment. 4-star hotel and breakfast.

Tel: 5331 1944


Come and enjoy our delicious Cantonese

seafood right on the water's edge in the

historic fishing port of Williamstown with

views of the city centre across Port Phillip


Open 7 days a week

Lunch: Sunday to Friday

         11:00 am--2:00 pm

Dinner: Monday to Saturday

         5:00pm.--10: 30pm.

Tel: 9397 6270 or 9397 7799


Built by James and Grace Cook, parents of

Captain  James  Cook, Cook's  Cottage

stands proud in the Fitzroy Gardens as a

reminder of life in the eighteenth century,

and as a celebration and commemoration of

the life and travels of Captain James


Open 9:00 am —5:00 pm daily, and until

5,: 30 pm during the summer.

Information: 9419 4677.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

    When I was a child, I often dreamed of the time when I could leave home and escape to the city. We lived on a small farm and it was very difficult for us to know what was happening outside the small farm, especially in the winter when we were quite cut off from the outside world. As soon as I left school, I packed my bags and moved to the capital. However, I soon discovered that city life has its own problems, too.

    One big disadvantage is money. It costs so much to go out, not to mention basic needs like food and housing. Another disadvantage is pollution. I suffer from a disease that makes breathing very difficult and the air is so bad that I am afraid to go outside as I like, even in the summer. Then there is the problem of traveling round. Although I have a car, I seldom use it because of the traffic jams. One choice is to go by bicycle, but that can be quite dangerous.

    Of course there are advantages. First, there is so much to do in the city, whatever you taste in culture or entertainment. Besides, there are wonderful jobs and greater chances of moving to a more important job or position. Finally, if you like shopping, the variety (多样性) of goods is very surprising—and, what is more, shops are often only a short walk away.

Is life better then, in the city? Perhaps it is, when you are in your teens or twenties. However, as you get older, and especially if you have small children, the peace of the countryside may seem preferable. I certainly hope to move back there soon.

56. What was the writer always thinking about when he was a child?

   A. Staying on the farm.

   B. Moving to the countryside.

   C. Leaving home for the city.

   D. Running away from the school.

57. What can we learn from the text?

   A. The writer is very old now.                    B. The writer is in good health.

   C. The write prefers driving a car.                  D. The writer lives in the city now.

58. In the passage, the writer tries to __________.

   A. express his opinions about way of life      

   B. describe his life in the countryside

   C. show an interest in the outside world

   D. persuade the reader to live in the city

59. How is the passage mainly developed?

   A. By questioning.                                             B. By comparing.

   C. By listing examples.                                       D. By giving explanations.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Which do you enjoy___your summer holiday,taking a part-time job or staying at home?

A.to spend                    B.spending             C.being spend                      D.spend


科目:高中英语 来源:辽宁省本溪一中2009-2010学年高二下学期3月月考试题(英语) 题型:完型填空

My wife and I moved into our home nine years ago. We16 a lot of time and 17  in the yard to get it looking the way it does today. We live on a corner, and the entire side of the yard is surrounded by a professionally built rock wall.
We did the best to cultivate(耕种) it and called this area our rock garden. 18   We had found flowers and plants, Denise or I will plant them, just to bring some 19 to the area.
Last summer I found a tiny little  plant that I could not immediately
20. I was sure that we didn’t plant it. We decided to let it 21 to grow until we could  22  what it was.
Weeks passed, and as I made my way back to the 23  plant, it appeared to be a sunflower. I 24 to nurture(培育) it and weed around it. As I picked up rocks from the area to get to the 25, I noticed something 26 . The sunflower had not started to grow from where I first saw the stalks(茎)appear. 27  it had begun under a big rock and grown under and around it to 28 the sun.
That's when I realized that if a tiny little sunflower wouldn't let a big rock stand in its way when growing up, then we have the29 to do the same.  30 we believe in ourselves, like that little sunflower, we can
31 the type of nourishment(营养)and growth. We need to believe in
32,  knowing that we have the ability to 33 our desires. If you stand all like the sunflower and are 34 of who and what you are, then the environment will begin to 35 you. You will find a way to go under or around your obstacles( 障碍)in order to reach your goals.
16. A. took         B. spent        C. cost         D. pay
17. A. strength     B. energy       C. power        D. force
18. A. However      B. When       C. Whenever     D. Whatever
19. A. weed         B. color        C. water        D. soil
20. A. classify      B. accept       C. clarify      D. identify
21. A. remain       B. prevent      C. continue     D. leave
22. A. figure out    B. hold out      C. stand out    D. try out
23. A. endangered   B. convenient    C. mysterious   D. enormous
24. A. refused      B. decided      C. adapted      D. proposed
25. A. seeds        B. stalks        C. rocks        D. weeds
26. A. unusual      B. common       C. fantastic    D. unnatural
27. A. Casually     B. Basically      C. Actually     D. Strangely
28. A. enlarge      B. expand       C. reach        D. spread
29. A. chance       B. choice       C. power        D. ability
30. A. What if      B. As far as      C. Only if      D. As long as
31. A. inspire      B. attain         C. lose         D. refuse
32. A. ourselves    B. yourselves     C. themselves   D. myself
33. A. preserve     B. comfort        C. achieve      D. suggest
34. A. ashamed      B. pride         C. proud        D. ambitious
35. A. ensure       B. support       C. satisfy      D. protect             


科目:高中英语 来源:安徽省灵璧一中2010届高三第三次月考 题型:完型填空

Few countries will admit officially that they employ spies. _36_, from time to time a spy is caught and the public sometimes gets a glimpse (一瞥) of what is going on behind _37_ scenes. Spies are rarely _38_ these days. They are frequently tried and imprisoned. If a(n) _39_ is important enough, he is sometimes _40_ to an enemy country in exchange for an equally important spy whom the enemy had caught. Few people have the _41_ to witness such exchanges, for they are carried out in _42_
One cold _43_ morning last year, a small blue car stopped on a _44_ in a provincial town in northern Germany. _45_ men dressed in heavy black coats got out and stood on the bridge. 46_ they waited there, they kept on looking over the side. Fifteen minutes later, a motor-boat sailed past and _47_ the river-bank. Three men got_48_ the boat and looked up at the bridge. The men on the bridge _49_ walked down the stone steps leading to the _50_. No words were spoken when they _51_ the men from the boat. After a while, the _52_ moved off and three men _53_ the bridge. Now only two of them were _54_ black coats. The third was dressed in a light grey jacket. Anyone who had been watching the_55_ might not realized that two master spies had been exchanged on that cold winter morning.
36. A.As a result        B. Moreover     C. Therefore     D. However
37. A.political            B. war             C. personal      D. civil
38. A.caught            B. shot           C. praised       D. broadcast
39. A.leader             B. official       C. spy           D. judge
40. A.handed back          B. given out        C. held on        D. turn down
41. A.opportunity            B. pace          C. increase      D. performance
42. A.order               B. public          C. advance       D. secret
43. A.spring                 B. summer      C. autumn          D. winter
44. A.road                B. boat           C. railway          D. bridge
45. A.Kind                  B. Tall          C. Three          D. Old
46. A.While               B. In case         C. Before             D. Because
47. A.destroyed               B. drew up         C. sent away       D. set up
48. A.onto            B. over to        C. out of       D. opposite
49. A.silently           B. loudly            C. surprisedly     D. curiously
50. A.office            B. road           C. tree          D. river-bank
51. A.killed              B. met             C. saved         D. punished
52. A.car                B. bus              C. train             D. boat
53. A.left from            B. returned to      C. jumped off       D. died on
54. A.making             B. mending        C. wearing       D. tearing
55. A.film                 B. novel          C. river         D. scene

