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Gallery Policies
for Visitors to National Gallery of Art, Washington
Visitors must present all carried items for inspection upon entry. After inspection, all bags, backpacks, umbrellas, parcels, and other things as determined by security officers must left at the checkrooms, free of charge, close to each entrance. All oversized bags, backpacks and luggage must be left at the checkrooms near the 4th Street entrance of either the East or West Building. These items will have to be x-rayed before being accepted items of value, such as laptop computers, cameras, and fur coats, may not be left in the checkrooms but may be carried into the galleries.
We regret that we do not have enough space for visitor items larger than 17×26 inches into the Gallery or its checkrooms.
Additional security procedures and checks may be taken according to the decision of the Gallery.
For the safety of the artworks and other visitors, nothing may be carried on a visitor’s back. Soft front baby carriers are allowed, but children may not be carried on shoulders or in a child carrier worn on the back. Pushchairs are available free of charge near each checkroom.
Smoking is prohibited. Food and drink are not permitted outside the food service areas. Unopened bottled water may be carried only in a visitor’s bag. Cell phones may not be used in the galleries.
Animals, other than service animals, are not permitted in the Gallery.
Skateboarding is prohibited.
Picture-taking (including video for personal use is permitted except in special exhibitions and where specifically prohibited. Tripods (三角架) are not allowed.
Please do not touch the works of art.

  1. 1.

    When people come to visit the Gallery, they should ____________.

    1. A.
      leave all their carried items at the checkrooms
    2. B.
      have all their carried items x-rayed at the entrance
    3. C.
      take all their carried items with them without inspection
    4. D.
      have all their carried items inspected at the entrance
  2. 2.

    What does the Gallery feel sorry for?

    1. A.
      Visitors have to keep their valuable items in the checkrooms.
    2. B.
      The size of visitor items allowed into the Gallery is limited.
    3. C.
      It cannot keep oversized visitor items due to limited space.
    4. D.
      Visitor items over 17×26 inches must go through additional checks.
  3. 3.

    Parents with small children visiting the Gallery _____________.

    1. A.
      can carry their children in soft front child carriers
    2. B.
      can carry their children on their shoulders
    3. C.
      can carry their children in child carriers worn on the back
    4. D.
      ought to pay if they want to use pushchairs for their children
  4. 4.

    Visiting photographers should make sure that __________.

    1. A.
      pictures and videos are allowed for personal use anywhere in the Gallery
    2. B.
      pictures and videos can be taken in some places for personal use
    3. C.
      picture-taking and videoing are totally forbidden in the Gallery
    4. D.
      tripods are allowed except in some special exhibitions
3.考查学生的细节理解能力,根据文章第四段第二句soft front baby carries是可以被允许进入的,其他几项均表述错误。所以此题正确答案为A项。

科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

It’s summer movie time again.And heroes are ready to try their strength and magic on the silver screen.Check out our list of four films that look most promising to young audience.

Harry potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban 
Release Date:  June 4 
Story: It’s the summer before Harry Potter’s third year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.A shadow is hanging over Hogwarts.A dangerous murderer, Sirius Black, has escaped the Wizards’ Prison.And he broke out to fulfill one task to kill Harry Potter.


Around the World in 80 Days 
Release Date:  June 16 
Story: This version of the classic novel set in 1872 focuses on Passepartout ( Hong Kong actor Jackie Chan), a Chinese thief who seeks refuge with a strange London adventurer, Phileas Fogg.Passepartout uses his martial arts skills to defend Fogg from danger as he travels around the world in 80 days to win a bet.


Spider- Man 2
Release Date: June 30 
Story :Peter Parker is still coming to terms with his dual (双重的) identity as the crime superhero Spider-Man.He wants to reveal his secret identity to Mary Jane: meanwhile, his aunt May has fallen on hard times.A new villain(坏人) , Dr Otto Octavius, has appeared to cause more troubles.


King Arther 
Release Date: July 7
Story: King Arthur is presented as a clever ruler who manages to unite all the knights(骑士) in Britain after the fall of the Roman Empire.Under the guidance of Merlin and the beautiful, brave Guinevere, Arthur will struggle to realize his dreams

  1. 1.

    According to the passage, if you want to see a film whose leading actor is Jackie Chan, you will see the film on _____.

    1. A.
      June 4
    2. B.
      June 16
    3. C.
      June 30
    4. D.
      July 7
  2. 2.

    In Spider Man 2, Aunt May’s trouble is caused by_____.

    1. A.
      Peter Parker
    2. B.
      Mary Jane
    3. C.
      Dr.Otto Octavius
    4. D.
  3. 3.

    Which of the following films is set in ancient Britain?

    1. A.
      Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban.
    2. B.
      Around the world in 80 Days.
    3. C.
      Spider-Man 2
    4. D.
      King Arthur


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:单选题

-- remember you were a talented pianist at college. Can you play the piano for me?

-- Sorry, I        the piano for years.

  1. A.
    don't play
  2. B.
    wasn't playing
  3. C.
    haven't played
  4. D.
    hadn't played


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Common sense would tell us that physically active children may be more likely to become active and healthy adults.
In the United States, elementary and middle schools are advised to give students two and a half hours of physical activity a week. That is what the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the American Heart Association recommend. They say high schools should provide about four hours of physical activity each week.
Yet many schools across the country have reduced their physical education programs. Just this week, a study reported that life expectancy has fallen or is no longer increasing in some parts of the United States. The situation is worst among poor people in the southern states, and especially women. Public health researchers say it is largely the result of increases in fatness, smoking and high blood pressure. They also blame differences in health services around the country.
In 2006, a study found that only four percent of primary schools provided daily physical education all year for all grades. This was true of eight percent of middle schools and two percent of high schools. The study also found that twenty-two percent of all schools did not require students to take any P.E.
Charlene Burgeson , a health expert says one problem for P.E. teachers is that schools are under pressure to put more time into academic subjects. Also, parents may agree that children need exercise in school. Yet many parents today still have bad memories of being chosen last for teams because teachers favored the good athletes in class.
But experts say P.E. classes have changed. They say the goal has moved away from competition and toward personal performance, as a way to build a lifetime of activity. These days, teachers often lead activities like weight training and yoga.
Some parents like the idea of avoiding competitive sports in P.E. class. Yet others surely dislike that idea. In the end, schools may find themselves in a no-win situation.

  1. 1.

    The underlined word “expectancy” in Paragraph 3 probably means “       ”                            

    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
  2. 2.

    According to the passage which of the following may not lead to poor health?

    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
      High blood pressure.
    4. D.
      Health service
  3. 3.

    What can be inferred after you read this passage?

    1. A.
      Physical activities are becoming more and more popular in American schools.
    2. B.
      All the schools provided daily physical education all year for all students.
    3. C.
      Parents think children need physical education for their bad memories.
    4. D.
      Students spent less time on physical education for academic pressure.
  4. 4.

    What is the main idea about this passage?

    1. A.
      P.E. is the most important subject for all students.
    2. B.
      P.E has changed its goal for some reasons in America.
    3. C.
      It introduces us the present situation of P.E in American schools and its cause.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

A year ago August, Dave Fuss lost his job driving a truck for a small company in west Michigan. His wife, Gerrie, was still working in the local school cafeteria, but work for Dave was scarce, and the price of everything was rising. The Fusses were at risk of joining the millions of Americans who have lost their homes in recent years. Then Dave and Gerrie received a timely gift—$7,000,a legacy from their neighbors Ish and Arlene Hatch, who died in an accident . “It really made a difference when we were going under financially.” says Dave. 
But the Fusses weren’t the only folks in Alto and the neighboring town of Lowell to receive unexpected legacy from the Hatches. Dozens of other families were touched by the Hatches’ generosity. In some cases, it was a few thousand dollars ; in others, it was more than $100,000.
It surprised nearly everyone that the Hatches had so much money, more than $3 million—they were am elderly couple who lived in an old house on what was left of the family farm . 
Children of the Great Depression, Ish and Arlene were known for their habit of saving, They thrived own comparison shopping and  would routinely go from store to store, checking prices before making a new purchase .
Through the years, the Hatches paid for local children to attend summer camp when their parents couldn’t afford it. “Ish and Arlene never asked you needed anything,” says their friend Sand Van Weelden, “They could see things they could do go make you happier, and they would do them.
Even more extraordinary was that the Hatches had their farmland distributed. It was the Hatches’ wish that their legacy—a legacy of kindness as much as one of dollars and cent —should enrich the whole community and last for generations to come.
Neighbors helping neighbors ——that was Ish and Arlene Hatch’s story.

  1. 1.

    According go the text, the Fusses___________.

    1. A.
      were employed by a truck company
    2. B.
      were in financial difficulty
    3. C.
      worked in a school cafeteria
    4. D.
      lost their home
  2. 2.

    Which of the following is true of the Hatches?

    1. A.
      They had their children during the Great Depression
    2. B.
      They left the family farm to live in an old house
    3. C.
      They gave away their possessions to their neighbors
    4. D.
      They helped their neighbors to find jobs
  3. 3.

    Why would the Hatches routinely go from store to store?

    1. A.
      They decided to open a store
    2. B.
      They wanted to save money
    3. C.
      They couldn’t afford expensive things
    4. D.
      They wanted to buy gifts for local kids
  4. 4.

    According to Sand Van Weelden, the Hatches were ___________.

    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
  5. 5.

    What can we learn from the text?

    1. A.
      The community of Alto was poor
    2. B.
      The summer camp was attractive to the parents
    3. C.
      Sandy Van Weelden got a legacy form the Hatches
    4. D.
      The Hatches would like the neighbors to follow their example


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:单选题

— I need to advertise for a second-hand mountain bike.

— _______?David just plans to sell his present one.

  1. A.
    Why bother
  2. B.
    Why not
  3. C.
    So what
  4. D.
    What for


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:完形填空

About one year ago, a couple with three children moved into the apartment next door to me. I never heard any noise from the children, but I often heard the parents1 shouting at the kids, not in a nice tone, but in a (n)2 one.
We often3 in the hallway. I always greeted them,4 the only answer I ever got was a “hello” from the eight-year-old girl. I usually5 to see my doctor and one day when I returned they were just6 their apartment and the little girl was7 the outside door open for the others. I8 in the car doing9 things because I wasn’t eager to be snubbed (冷落) again. Finally I got out of my car and walked towards the door. The parents were telling her to10 to get into the car, but the little girl was still holding the door,11 me! I hurried although I was still in pain from my injury.
I forgot to tell her how12 I was for her kindness. I wrote a note saying how much her act of kindness had13 an old man’s heart.
The next day there was a (n)14 on my door and it was the little girl and her father. She was quite15 of her behavior and thanked me. Then I noticed her mother was there, too. Her parents16 me, too.
Now when we meet in the hall way we always greet each other, in a friendly17 .
Last night there was a heavy snow. I looked out at my car and18 how I was going to keep my doctor’s19 because I could only walk for a short time. This morning when I opened the front door, all the snow was removed.
Isn’t it20 that the small kind act of an 8-year-old girl can change so many things for the better? It is said that good tings come from small acts.

  1. 1.
    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
  2. 2.
    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
  3. 3.
    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
  4. 4.
    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
  5. 5.
    1. A.
      went out
    2. B.
      set out
    3. C.
      took out
    4. D.
      gave out
  6. 6.
    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
  7. 7.
    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
  8. 8.
    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
  9. 9.
    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
  10. 10.
    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
  11. 11.
    1. A.
      hunting for
    2. B.
      asking for
    3. C.
      waiting for
    4. D.
      calling for
  12. 12.
    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
  13. 13.
    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
  14. 14.
    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
  15. 15.
    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
  16. 16.
    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
  17. 17.
    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
  18. 18.
    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
  19. 19.
    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
  20. 20.
    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:单选题

—Hurry up! There's a bus coming!

—Why run? There will be ________ one in two or three minutes.

  1. A.
  2. B.
  3. C.
    the other
  4. D.
    any other


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Every family with kids has seen its share of arguments, shouting and complaining. It turns out that all those conflicts serve an important purpose in the development of children . Saying “no” followed by a bad temper, just may be an unavoidable part of growing up. And that’s a good thing. These are the first steps toward independence. Even young children have to challenge their parents sometimes. Studies have shown the following:
·Although stressful, conflicts are beneficial for children.
·Learning to manage conflicts is necessary for a child’s development.
·Conflicts during the preschool years occur because children desire even more attention than parents can or should give.  http://wx.jtyjy.com/
If you understand why conflicts occur, it can minimize the conflicts between you and your children. Conflict is a child’s attempt to develop a sense of self and how he or she learns to express his or her needs and ideas. Parents develop and drive this independence by putting children to the outside world both formally and informally.
Conflicts can grow out of a difference of opinion or might just be a way to blow off steam(发脾气) . In rare situations, constant conflicts between parents and children can indicate a deeper emotional problem. Consult your doctor if this seems to be your situation.
It’s important to offer your child choices, which should be determined by age and developmental level. The more responsible a child is, the more choices he or she gets in reward. You can threaten your child with punishment, but often offering a choice will better improve angry situations. Consequences and rewards should have some meaning to your child.
Often a child’s adverse(敌对的)reaction when he or she hears the word “no” can be avoided by giving the child an explanation as to why you have refused his or her request.

  1. 1.

    Why does the author think conflicts are good?

    1. A.
      It’s a sign that children are trying to be independent.
    2. B.
      Children can learn to control the bad temper.
    3. C.
      This can develop a better way of communication.
    4. D.
      It can improve the relationship between parents and children.
  2. 2.

    A 3-year-old boy challenges his parents angrily, according to studies, because he may          .

    1. A.
      feel being overlooked by his parents.
    2. B.
      get tired of being looked after by his parents.
    3. C.
      want to stay with his parents at any time.
    4. D.
      be blamed by his parents for his faults.
  3. 3.

    In most cases , the conflicts between parents and their children      .

    1. A.
      lead to more misunderstandings                           
    2. B.
      don’t hurt feelings
    3. C.
      are highly valued by parents                                
    4. D.
      involve visiting doctors
  4. 4.

    What can be concluded from the passage?

    1. A.
      Children understand what their parents think of clearly.
    2. B.
      Children enjoy giving their opinions by conflicting with their parents.
    3. C.
      Most parents would rather punish their children than reward them.
    4. D.
      Communication can reduce conflicts between parents and children.

