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1. 我不喜欢肥皂剧, 尤其是韩国的.(particular)
2. 据估计, 已有9万人死于四川地震.(estimate)
3. 最后我想要说我在这里过得有多愉快.
4. 午饭后我们开始认真讨论这个问题.(get down to)
5. Before we can accept the firm's offer we must consult with the workers.

1.I don't like soap operas,in particular,the South Korea ones.
2.It is estimated that the big earthquake has caused 90,000 deaths in Sichuan.
3.In conclusion,I'd like to say how much I've enjoyed staying here.
4.After lunch we got down to discussing the problem.

科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1. “Did you write your diary?” Tom asked Mary.

  Tom asked Mary ___________ she ___________  ___________ her diary.

2. The boy was punished because he was late for school. His bicycle was broken.

The boy ___________ bicycle was broken was punished ___________  ___________being late for school.

3. 就是他坚决要求她去劝说玛丽努力学习吗?

Was it he ___________ insisted ___________ ___________Mary to study hard?

4. 这是他第一次嘲笑别人,所以我们都感到很震惊。

  It was the first time that he ___________ ___________at others, so we felt ___________.

5. 即使我不喜欢他对我说话的方式,但为了提高英语口语,我还是充分利用时间与他交流。

___________  ___________I don’t like the way___________ he speaks, I make full use of time to ___________ ___________ him in English.


科目:高中英语 来源:2014届山东省济南外国语学校高一第一学期期中考试英语试题 题型:其他题


1.    我更喜欢和我有些共同之处的人。

I’d prefer someone who I ______ something _____  _______  with.

2.    自从大学毕业后他就失去了老同学的音讯。

He has _______  ________  of his old classmates since graduation from college.

3.    坚持你已经制定的计划,你最终会成功的。

________  _______ the plan you’ve made and you’ll succeed in the end.

4.    正当开车下班回家的时候,我发现自己被困在交通阻塞中了。

While I was driving home from work, I found that I ______  ________  ______ the traffic jam.

5.    我们的钱马上就用光了,所以不得不推迟家庭旅行计划。

We are _________  _______  _____ money so we have to put off our family travel plan.

6.    昨晚一伙劫匪闯入他家,偷走了一大笔钱和他的信用卡。

A bunch of robbers ________  ______ his house last night and stole a large sum of money and his credit card.

7.    成千上万座建筑物在汶川地震中沦为废墟。

Thousands of buildings _______  ______  _______ in Wenchuan Earthquake.

8.    麦克不是故意打碎窗户,这纯属意外。

Mike didn’t break the window _______  ________; it was completely an accident.



科目:高中英语 来源:2013届度广东惠阳高级中学高一第一学期期末英语卷(二) 题型:其他题


A: 关系代/副词填空.

1. Do you remember the day ________ we first met?

2.I’m not interested in all ________ you have said and did.

3. This is the reason _______ he didn’t come to school.

4. I don’t like such novels _______ you read.

5. Those ______ want to go camping raise your hands ,please.


6. 每天有大量的作业要做,大家都很累。(so...that)

7. 尽管他非常忙,他还是乐于(be willing to)助人。

8. 我不喜欢你的说话方式。(定语从句)

9. 你知道这河流被污染(pollute)的原因吗?(定语从句)

10. 正如我们所知,一些学生在考试中作弊(cheat)。(定语从句)




科目:高中英语 来源:同步题 题型:翻译题

1. 为什么不出去和我一起看电影呢?(Why not…)
2. 我写这封信和你最近的求职有关。(in connection with)
3. 昨天我们在举行运动会的时候,我碰巧遇上了初中的一个同学。(by chance)
4. 你讲的课非常受欢迎,大家都很喜欢。(come across)
5. 直到音乐会开始了,他的女朋友才来。(not until)

