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7.When she first taught poor children in India,they called her Mother Teresa.That is _________ she became later.(  )

分析 当她首次在印度教那些贫困孩子时,他们叫她Mother Teresa,那就是后来她想要成为的人.

解答 答案:A
分析句式可知,_________ she became later是表语从句,在从句中become后缺表语,所以用what.在名词性从句中,缺少主语、宾语和表语都需要用what引导.

点评 考察表语从句,考生在答题时需掌握该从句的特点,然后结合句子分析缺少什么成分.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

17.Surrounded by Brothers
I know it is wrong to envy(羡慕) your children.But when I see my son,Tonio and his younger brother Sam going down a slide together,one's arm around the other,I know I have missed something wonderful.
Not only did I never have a brother,but also I had no friendships like theirs.My sister was old enough to help take care of me,so she was more a mother than a playmate,and I was more a pest than a friend.A brother would have been wonderful,but it was not in the family planning.
Now I finally live with brothers,my sons,Tonio and Sam.I am watching them build the kind of relationship that I once dreamed about.They go to bed together.When one comes into our bed after a nightmare,my wife and I know that before morning his brother will follow.
Sam manages the world with more ease than his elder brother,whose frustrations often bring him to tears.With a sincere"Smile,Tonio,"Sam is the one who comforts him.Tonio,on the other hand,has stopped playing with boys at his age who don't like playing with Sam.They are always backing each other up.
I don't know what kind of relationship they will have when they grow up.Parents always want their children to have what they never could.I want them to have each other.So I imagine them going to the same college,marrying sisters and living on the same block.
That's why I was so worried the day Tonio started kindergarten.I felt that I would lose something too.As we headed for school that morning,both boys seemed relaxed,as if neither had any idea that the day was going to be different,that starting then,Tonio would be leaving behind his brother,his best friend,his right arm.
Tonio's first day was chaotic,with hundreds of children outside looking for their teachers.Before any of us could say goodbye,Tonio disappeared with his new classmates.He turned to wave and then was gone.It was so sudden.Sam even didn't see him go.Although parents had been asked to ease the craziness of the first day by staying out of the school,I lifted Sam up and took him to Tonio's classroom,looking for a glimpse of Tonio.Sam spotted him first.
My wife and I didn't head back home immediately,stopping instead at a coffee shop to treat Sam to hot chocolate.We even let him eat ice-cream with his fingers.Sam was still quiet,so I asked him if he missed his brother already.
He didn't answer.Instead he asked,"Daddy,is Tonio going to be gone forever?"
"No,Sammy,"I said,feeling happy about his sweet question."Not forever,just until three o'clock."
I sometimes think that the greatest thing I have ever done is to help create these brothers.And I didn't stop with them.We had another child,and for the third time in a row,it was a boy.It wasn't long before his brothers climbed into the crib(婴儿床) to play with him.I am surrounded by brothers.

66.What makes the author envy his sons?C
A.He has no friends like Sam and Tonio.
B.He has only one brother in his family.
C.He doesn't enjoy brotherhood as they do.
D.He doesn't have a good relation with his sister.
67.What does the underlined word"pest"in paragraph 2mean?B
A.a bad person     B.an annoying person      C.a good friend     D.a lovely brother
68.What can we learn about the two little brothers?D
A.Tonio often encouraged Sam when Sam burst into tears.
B.The two brothers went to the same kindergarten.
C.Neither of the brothers played with other children.
D.They supported each other in different ways.
69.The author was worried the day Tonio started his kindergarten,becauseA.
A.Tonio might not spend so much time with Sam
B.Tonio might not do well with his study
C.he was afraid he would lose Tonio forever.
D.he wanted Tonio to have what he didn't have
70.What does the title"Surrounded by Brothers"suggest?A
A.The author experienced brotherly love by raising his sons.
B.The author often plays with his sons whenever he has time.
C.Parents want their children to stay at home and play together.
D.The youngest son is always surrounded by his elder brothers.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

18.Do you mind my turning off the light?
_____________.Im reading a book.(  )
A.No,not at all.B.Of course not.
C.I'd rather you didn't.D.Yes,please.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

15.Zhanglin was ______in computer games during his last year in high school,otherwise he would have been a student at Beijing University.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

2.I have a rule for travel:Never carry a map.I prefer to ask for directions.Foreign visitors are often puzzled in Japan because most streets there don't have names.In Japan,people use landmarks in their directions instead of street names.For example,the Japanese will say to travelers,"Go straight down to the corner.Turn left at the big hotel and go past a fruit market.The post office is across from the bus stop."
    In the countryside of the American Midwest,usually there are not many landmarks.There are no mountains,so the land is very flat(平坦的).In many places there are no towns or buildings within miles.Instead of landmarks,people will tell you directions and distance.In Kansas or Iowa,for example,people will say,"Go north two miles.Turn east,and then go another mile."
People in Los Angeles,California,have no idea of distance on the map:They measure distance by means of time,not miles."How far away is the post office?"you ask."Oh,"they answer,"It's about five minutes from here."You say,"Yes,but how many miles away is it?"They don't know.
    People in Greece sometimes do not even try to give directions because visitors seldom understand the Greek language.Instead of giving you the direction,a Greek will often say,"Follow me."Then he'll lead you through the streets of the city to the post office.
     Sometimes a person doesn't know the answer to your question.What happens in this situation?A New Yorker might say,"Sorry,I have no idea."But in Yucatan,Mexico,no one answers,"I don't know."People in Yucatan think that"I don't know"is impolite.They usually give an answer,often a wrong one.A visitor can get very,very lost in Yucatan!
   One thing will help you everywhere-in Japan,in the United States,in Greece,in Mexico,or in any other place.You might not understand a person's words,but maybe you can understand his body language.He or she will usually turn and then point in the correct direction.Go in that direction,and you may find the post office!
41.The passage mainly tells us thatC.
A.never carry a map for travel
B.there are not many landmarks in the American Midwest
C.there are different ways to give directions in different parts of the world
D.New Yorkers often say,"I have no idea,"but people in Yucatan,Mexico,never say this.
42.The passage says,"In Japan,people use landmarks in their directions."The word"landmarks"meansD.
A.building names
B.street names
C.there are different ways to give directions in different parts of the world
D.buildings or places which are easily recognized
43.In which place do people tell distance by means of time?C
A.Japan       B.American Midwest      C.Los Angeles,California      D.Greece
44.In the passage,Bcountries are mentioned by the writer.
A.seven      B.four        C.eight        D.five
45.Which of the following is wrong?D
A.Travelers can learn about people's customs by asking questions about directions.
B.A person's body language can help you understand directions.
C.people in some places give directions in miles,but people in other places give directions by means of time.
D.People in different places always give directions in the same way:They use street names.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

12.Do you still remember the chicken farm        we visited three years ago?(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

19.--Where did you find your deskmate Tom?
--It is in the library_____he studied.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

It was not untilshe took off her dark glassed that I realized she was a famous film star.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:书面表达

3.参考词汇:不可避免的unavoidable 副产品by-product
以…为代价at the cost of/sacrifice …for …
Dear editor,
I am writing to tell you about the discussion we've had about the relationship between economic development and environmental protection.

