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  Clive was climbing an old tree on Butter Hill. His father and Mr Drew were deeply absorbed in conversation not far away, which Clive could overhear.

  “…North Dakota, capital Bismarck,”said Clive's father.

  “Yes, and of South Dakota, it's Pierre. Delaware next, capital Dover, with a population of only 5000…”

  Clive listened, checking the names. When they got stuck on Indiana, he came down the tree and went across to them.

  “Let me see now,”Mr Drew was saying,“Indiana, Indiana…the capital must be Fort Wayne.”

  “No,”said the other,“I think it's Evansville.”

  “Indianapolis,”said Clive.“That's the easiest of all to remember.”

  Both the men laughed.“He's right, you know,”Mr Drew said. Clive's father agreed,“Yes, yes. Indiana, Indianapolis. Now Kansas…”

  Clive, who was thirteen then, was not very clever at school. But at that moment he felt rather proud of himself.

  Looking back now, after many years, Clive remembers some of the ways he learned geography. One thing he remembers clearly is the“test”that took place every other week. The teacher used to pin up a big map on the board China perhaps, or the United States, Australia or Europe…The map would have everything on it, except the names. The teacher, pointing with a long, wooden stick, began.

  “Ready? Fifty questions. Number 1--write the name of this river. Number 2--the name of this State. 3--its capital, here. 4--the name of this bay(海湾). 5…”

  Clive has quite forgotten whether he enjoyed learning geography or not. He didn't consider the rights or wrongs. Though he has never studied geography since he left school, he has never forgotten it. He is glad about the way he learned. The work might have been dull, unexciting; but if so, the dullness has given him a lifetime of interest, understanding and pleasure.

(1) The passage shows that the two men ________.

[  ]

A.gave Clive a regular test in geography

B.were themselves interested in geography

C.disliked some modern ways of teaching

D.discouraged Clive feeling of pride

(2) Indianapolis was the easiest of all to remember because ________.

[  ]

A.it is the capital of the state

B.it is larger than the other cities in the state

C.Clive had learned it so well

D.it repeats the name of the state

(3) The maps were suitable for their purpose be cause ________.

[  ]

A.they didn't give any names

B.they showed everything that the students had learnt

C.they made the test interesting

D.they made it easy to remember things

(4) Which of the following is true?

[  ]

A.Clive's geography was poor.

B.Clive's geography teacher didn't teach well.

C.Clive's teacher taught geography well.

D.Clive was proud of his cleverness.

(5) Now that he is grown up, Clive thinks that ________.

[  ]

A.learning which places are is not all that important

B.his geography lessons must have been enjoyable

C.he was lucky to have been taught in that way

D.unless the work is interesting you won't remember it



科目:高中英语 来源:英语教研室 题型:050

Who is Gogo?

Almost every pupil in Hong Kong, Japan, Taiwan and Thailand will tell you:Gogo is from outer space and is teaching children to speak and read English.

Gogo has visited Hong Kong, Taiwan, Japan, Thailand and Korea. Now he is in China’s mainland—“Gogo has Adventure with English has been published by Addison Wesley Longman China Ltd(AWL).

The six level English course, full of exciting stories, educates and delights children at the same time. Gogo learns English from his friends, Tony and Jenny. The children will learn along with Gogo, enjoying all the fun he produces. Gogo has a warm place in every young learner’s heart wherever he goes.

A presentation(介绍) about Gogo was given by Beijing AWL Information Center last November. All the pupils in Huijia School attended the presentation. A foreign teacher at Huijia later said,The children were attracted by Gogo after only a 45-minute presentation. They remember a song taught by Gogo seven weeks later. Parents often ask me how they can help their children learn English and now there’s a programme I can direct them to.

Clive Sawkins, Paul Price-Smiths and Gregg Schroeder worked closely at AWL to make sure that Gogo will become an easily recognized symbol(标志) of learning English wherever English is studied.Gogo is our baby, said Gregg.It is very easy to get children going with Gogo.

1.What is the passage mainly about?

A.Gogo visits Asian countries.?         B.Gogo receives high praise.

C.Children love to learn with Gogo.?     D.AWL introduces Gogo.

2.It can be learned from the passage that Gogo is     .

A.an English teacher?             B.an English boy

C.an English textbook?                D.a character in an English textbook

3.In what way is Gogo a great help to young learners?

A.He teaches them English through songs.

B.He teaches them English through adventure stories.

C.He helps them to remember English words.

D.He makes English lessons full of fun.

4.The underlined word them in the fifth paragraph refers to .

A. parents        B.children     C.teachers    D.textbooks

5.When Gregg said,Gogo is our baby,he really meant .

A.Gogo belongs to AWL?         B.Gogo needs improvement

C.Gogo is lovely?                D.Gogo is very young



科目:高中英语 来源:全优设计必修四英语人教版 人教版 题型:050


  Clive was climbing an old tree on Butter Hill.His father and Mr Drew were deeply absorbed in conversation not far away, which Clive could overhear.

  “…North Dakota, capital Bismarck,” said Clive’s father.

  “Yes, and of South Dakota, it’s Pierre.Delaware next, capital Dover, with a population of only 5000…”

  Clive listened, checking the names.When they got stuck on Indiana, he came down the tree and went across to them.

  “Let me see now,” Mr Drew was saying, “Indiana, Indiana…the capital must be Fort Wayne.”

  “No,” said the other, “I think it’s Evansville.”

  “Indianapolis,” said Clive.“That’s the easiest of all to remember.”

  Both the men laughed.“He’s right, you know,” Mr Drew said.Clive’s father agreed, “Yes, yes.Indiana, Indianapolis.Now Kansas…”

  Clive, who was thirteen then, was not very clever at school.But at that moment he felt rather proud of himself.

  Looking back now, after many years, Clive remembers some of the ways he learned geography.One thing he remembers clearly is the “test” that took place every other week.The teacher used to pin up a big map on the board-China perhaps, or the United States, Australia or Europe…The map would have everything on it, except the names.The teacher, pointing with a long, wooden stick, began.

  “Ready? Fifty questions.Number 1-write the name of this river.Number 2-the name of this State.3-its capital, here.4-the name of this bay(海湾).5…”

  Clive has quite forgotten whether he enjoyed learning geography or not.He didn’t consider the rights or wrongs.Though he has never studied geography since he left school, he has never forgotten it.He is glad about the way he learned.The work might have been dull, unexciting; but if so, the dullness has given him a lifetime of interest, understanding and pleasure.


The passage shows that the two men ________.

[  ]


gave Clive a regular test in geography


were themselves interested in geography


disliked some modern ways of teaching


discouraged Clive feeling of pride


Indianapolis was the easiest of all to remember because ________.

[  ]


it is the capital of the state


it is larger than the other cities in the state


Clive had learned it so well


it repeats the name of the state


The maps were suitable for their purpose because ________.

[  ]


they didn’t give any names


they showed everything that the students had learnt


they made the test interesting


they made it easy to remember things


Which of the following is true?

[  ]


Clive’s geography was poor.


Clive’s geography teacher didn’t teach well.


Clive’s teacher taught geography well.


Clive was proud of his cleverness.


Now that he is grown up, Clive thinks that ________.

[  ]


learning which places are is not all that important


his geography lessons must have been enjoyable


he was lucky to have been taught in that way


unless the work is interesting you won’t remember it


科目:高中英语 来源:江西省玉山一中2011届高三上学期第三次月考英语试题 题型:050


  Dogs, like people and monkeys, seem to have a sense of fairness.

  In the reward experiments, Friederike Range experimented with dogs that understood the command“paw”, to place their paw in her hand.The dogs were asked to shake hands and each could see what reward the other received.When one dog got a reward and the other didn't, the unrewarded animal stopped playing.When both got a reward all was well.Range said she wasn't surprised at the dogs' reaction, since wolves are known to cooperate with one another and appear to be sensitive to each other.Modern dogs are descended from wolves.Next, she said, will be experiments to test how dogs and wolves work together.“Among other questions, we will study how differences in emotions(情绪)influence cooperative(合作的)abilities,”she said.

  But the dogs didn't seem to care whether the reward was sausage or bread.One possibility, they said, is that daily training with their owners overrides(比……优先)a preference.And the dogs never rejected the food, something that primates had done when they thought the reward was unfair.

  Clive Wynne, a professor in the University of Florida, isn't so sure the experiment measures the animals' reaction to fairness, which means that individuals are responding negatively to being treated less well.But the researchers didn't do a control test that had been done in monkey studies, in which a preferred reward was visible but not given to anyone.In that case the monkeys went on strike because they could see the better reward but got something lesser.In dogs, he noted, the quality of reward didn't seem to matter, so the test only worked when they got no reward at all.However, Wynne added, there is“no doubt in my mind that dogs are very, very sensitive to what people are doing and are very smart.”


What will dogs probably do when they think the test is unfair?

[  ]


They will place their paw in your hand.


They will stop playing.


They will see what reward the other received.


They will reject the food.


What does the underlined word“primates”in the third paragraph refer to?

[  ]


People and monkeys.


People and dogs.


Dog and wolves.


Sausage and bread.


Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?

[  ]


Monkeys don't care whether the reward was sausage or bread.


Monkeys will reject the reward when they think it is unfair.


Dogs and wolves work together well because dogs are descended from wolves.


Monkeys have cooperative abilities more than any other animal.


In which part of a newspaper do you think we can find this passage?

[  ]










科目:高中英语 来源:福建省福州三中2012届高三校模拟英语试题 题型:050



  LOS ANGELES,Feb 12-Whitney Houston, whose amazing voice lifted her to the top of the pop music world but whose personal decline was fueled by years of drug use, died on Saturday afternoon in a Beverly Hills hotel room.She was 48.

  The pop superstar died on the eve of the Grammy Awards in Los Angeles at the same hotel where her lifelong friend, record master Clive Davis, was holding an annual pre-event party featuring scores of music industry celebrities.

  A dramatic scene unfolded at the Beverly Hilton hotel as guests arriving for the party expressed shock at her death, while reporters poured into the hotel, fans gathered outside to light candles in her memory and helicopters hovered overhead.

  Beverly Hills police said they were called to the Beverly Hilton at around 3∶43 p.m.PST, and fire department personnel who were already at the location responded immediately.Houston was in her fourth-floor room but was unresponsive to CPR, and she was pronounced dead at 3∶55 p.m.

  "She has been positively identified by friends and family (who) were with her at the hotel, and next of kin(最近的血亲) have already been informed," Lieutenant Mark Rosen told reporters.Police said there were no obvious signs of criminal intention.

  Los Angeles County coroners(验尸官) removed Houston's body from the hotel after midnight through a backdoor to avoid the crush of media set up to cover her shocking death.

  Typically, coroners conduct an examination within a day or two, at which point they might release some information about the death.If drugs or alcohol are involved, however, an official cause of death would not be released until after toxicology(毒理学) tests, which could take six to eight weeks.

  Tributes(赞词) poured in from around the world for a singer whose remarkable vocal power and range produced some of the most memorable music of her generation, including her signature hit, "I Will Always Love You."

  "I don't have to mask my emotion in front of a room full of so many dear friends," Davis told a grief-stricken crowd at his gala dinner and party just hours after Houston's death."I am personally beaten down by the loss of someone who has meant so much to me for so many years."

  Neil Portnow, president of the Recording Academy, which runs the Grammys, told the audience at Davis's party that Jennifer Hudson would sing a tribute to Houston at Sunday night's Grammy Awards.“We will do something appropriate tomorrow, and nothing could be more appropriate than having Jennifer Hudson sing on stage for Whitney," Portnow said.” In our community, we celebrate things…let's celebrate Whitney Houston."


We can learn from the first paragraph that ________

[  ]


Whitney Houston died suddenly because of drug use.


Whitney Houston had little potential in the pop music world.


Whitney Houston's profession was affected by drug use


Whitney Houston's fame grew as she won the Grammy Awards


According to the passage, at the most, how long will people be waiting to find out the cause of Houston's death?

[  ]


For two days.


For a week.


For six weeks.


For two months.


Which of the following describes how people responded to Houston's death?

[  ]


Reporters crowded to a backdoor of the hotel to cover Houston's death.


Fans insisted the police find out the cause of Houston's death immediately.


Policemen tried to prevent the news of Houston's death from being spread.


Firemen rushed to the very hotel where Houston died without any delay.


What Neil Portnow said at Davis's party implies that ________

[  ]


Houston was a singer of great influence in the pop world


Jennifer Hudson is likely to replace Houston in singing one day


The Grammys are of little significance without Houston


Singing Houston's songs is a good way to keep her memory alive


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Sir Clive Sinclair was ______ chairman of British Mensa for many years, which was ______ society for bright people.

A.the; /       B.a; the     C./; the     D./; a


