     I like music very much, especially pop songs. Every evening then I am doing homework and at
weekends when I at home, I always play some of my favorite songs on my tape recorder. The familiar
patterns of notes attracts me into the colorfully world of music. Now and then I stopped to follow the
songs. Sometimes, my mother comes in, asking me to fix my attention to my homework. She does not
like the pop music. Like most grown-ups, she enjoys folk songs, because the peaceful music reminds
her of their beautiful life when she was young. It is a truth which people of different age understand music
differently and enjoy different kinds of music.
     I like music very much, especially pop songs. Every evening then I am doing homework and at
                                                                                           1. when
weekends when I¡Ä at home, I always play some of my favorite songs on my tape recorder. The familiar
                       2.  am
patterns of notes attracts me into the colorfully world of music. Now and then I stopped to follow the
                         3. attract              4. colorful                                                    5.  stop
 songs. Sometimes, my mother comes in, asking me to fix my attention to my homework. She does not
                                                                          6. on
like the pop music. Like most grown-ups, she enjoys folk songs, because the peaceful music reminds
7. È¥µô
her of their beautiful life when she was young. It is a truth which people of different age understand music
      8. her                                                                       9. that                         10. ages
differently and enjoy different kinds of music.

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I was used to feel sleepy in class and couldn¡¯t focus on the lessons the teachers give£®As a result, not only did I do bad in my studies, but also my health went from bad to worse, about which I was often scolded by my parents£®I was also annoying about my situation£®About half a year ago, followed the head teacher¡¯s advice, I began to participate in some sport activities and kept on playing basketball for 45 minutes and so every day till today£®Now my health has been greatly improved, so at the same time, I¡¯ve made good progress in all my lessons£®Physical exercise has changed me into an entire new person!


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¡¡¡¡Today I visited the Smiths£­my first visit to an America family£®They live in an small town£®It were very kind of them to meet me at the railway station and drove me to their home£®The Smiths did his best to make me feel at home£®They offered me with coffee and other drinks£®We have a good time together£®They wanted to know everything about China but asked lots of question£®In fact, they are planning visit China next year£®


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My dentist hadjust pulled out one ofmy tooth and had told me to rest for while£®My mouth was full with cotton-wool£®He knew I collected bird eggs and asks me whether my collection was growing£®He thcn asked me a lot ofother question£®In answer to these questions£¬I could neither nod or make strange noises£®Meanwhile£¬my tongue was busy search out the hole where the tooth had been£®1 suddenly felt very worried£¬so couldn¡¯t say everything£®When the dentist at last removed the cotton¡£wool£¬1 was able to tell him of that he had pulled out the wrong tooth£®


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My grandfather and I enjoy fishing.

One Sunday morning we go fishing at a lake. We took ours fishing poles and headed for the lake. As soon as we arrived, so we dropped the lines into the water. Before waiting for half an hour, I was beginning to get impatiently. I wanted to give up, and my grandfather told me to wait a little longer. Finally, there were a sudden pull at the pole and fish was caught. Within the next few minute, my grandfather also caught a fish.

Felt hungry, we built a fire by the lake and barbecued the fish. It was delicious.



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My car just wouldn¡¯t move any farther. It was complete dead, and I was a few

miles away from anywhere in that cold, wet night. I decided walk around a little before

accepting I¡¯d have to spend the night in the car. Maybe I can find a telephone. Actually,

I didn¡¯t have to walk far before I found the small house standing in a field with a light

shone from the sitting room. I knocked at the door and was delighting when a pleasant

old man opened the door but listened to my story carefully. He said he had no

telephone, and it wasn¡¯t any within walking distance, but the old man who offered to

go to repair my car.


