精英家教网 > 高中英语 > 题目详情

My mother let go of me when I could not let go of her .In one last brave moment she was strong for me ,thus making me strong ,too.
I was in the kitchen when        called and told me to make a quick decision .They could only hold a place for my         until the next morning.
The thought of being        from my Alzheimer’s stricken (早老性痴呆)mother when she needed me most       me .Dad died when I was a teenager ,Mom and I had        many hard times together .Mom taught me to laugh my way through bad experiences and sing through     days .But in recent years , except for extremely        moments of consciousness , she’d become lost in her own private world .I knew that Mom needed       nursing and medical care ,yet the possibility of a complete stranger coming to her at night ,when she would      around like a sleepwalking child ,filled me with a feeling of      .
Two bitter days passed     we left for the nursing home .I hugged and kissed her with       tears ,I’d always planned the best golden years for Mom in her old age ,but now I was saying    .
Suddenly there was something shining in her     , a look of recognition .“Stop crying now”,she said firmly ,“Say goodbye and get going .Don’t     about me .”
I stood with     and stared into her face .“Mom!”I cried and reached out for her .But as quickly as my “real ”Mom had appeared ,she    again into her world of a little child .       ,at that very moment I realized the mother ,that familiar Mom who knew and understood ,who      and sang with me in hard times ,would always be there , giving me       when I needed it most .

A.the hospital B.the nursing home C.the kindergarten D.the school
A.Dad B.Mom C.brother D.husband
A.freed B.protected C.forbidden D.separated
A.relaxed B.comforted C.pained D.struck
A.braved B.feared C.escaped D.followed
A.unforgettable B.comfortable C.smooth D.tough
A.regular B.rare C.usual D.common
A.casual B.limited C.professional D.general
A.wander B.dream C.sleep D.look
A.love B.sacrifice C.warmth D.shame
A.before B.after C.until D.since
A.happy B.helpless C.thankful D.salty
A.hello B.goodnight C.goodbye D.thanks
A.hands B.mind C.voice D.eyes
A.worry B.wonder C.puzzle D.hesitate
A.satisfaction B.disappointment C.amazement D.recognition
A.disappeared B.broke C.returned D.left
A.Meanwhile B.Therefore C.Besides D.However
A.laughed B.cried C.talked D.cooked
A.confidence B.strength C.safety D.relief


【小题1】B名词短语辨析。A.医院;B.疗养院;C.幼儿园;D.学校。从下文Two bitter days passed___we left for the nursing home 可知此处指养老院给作者打来的电话,故答案选B。
【小题5】A动词辨析。A.勇敢面对;B.害怕;C.逃跑;D.跟随。从….laugh my way through bad experiences and sing through…..和前面提到的作者少年丧父可知母亲非常乐观、勇敢,母女一起共同面对了多年来的艰辛困苦,答案选A。。
【小题6】D形容词辨析。A.难忘的;B.舒服的;C.光滑的;D.困难的。从上文many hard times together 和through bad experiences可知此处应该是表示境况差的形容词,故答案选D。
【小题7】B形容词辨析。A.规律的;B.罕见的;C.通常的;D.普通的。从下文she’d become lost in her own private world 可知,母亲在患痴呆症后,很少有意识清醒的时候,故答案选B。
【小题9】A动词辨析。A.游荡,漫游;B.梦想;C.睡觉;D.看。从后句like a sleepwalking child 可知患痴呆症的母亲会像梦游的孩子一样到处走动,这也是老年性痴呆症常见的一种症状。答案选A。
【小题14】D名词辨析。A.手;B.心理;C.声音;D.眼睛。根据下文中a look of recognition可知此处是指母亲眼里有着闪光的东西,从下文叙述可知母亲此时清醒了片刻,目光不再混浊,故答案选D。
【小题15】A动词辨析。A.担心;B.想知道;C.迷惑;D.犹豫。从上句Stop crying now”,she said firmly ,“Say goodbye and get going .可知母亲在安慰作者,不让女儿为她担心,答案选A。
【小题17】C动词辨析。A.消失;B.打破;C.返回;D.离开。从下句into her world of a little child可知母亲在瞬间的清醒后又恢复到以前的糊涂状态,故答案选C。
【小题19】A动词辨析。A.笑;B.哭;C.交谈;D.做饭。根据上文Mom taught me to laugh my way可知此处是与上文的呼应,指在艰难岁月中与作者一同歌唱一同欢笑,故答案选A。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:完型填空

In a Chinese modern dance competition on TV one very unique couple won one of the top prizes.The lady,in her thirties,was a dancer who had ____ since she was a little girl.Later in life,she lost her entire left arm in an accident and fell into a state of ____ for a few years.
Someone then asked her to coach a children’s dancing group.From that point on,she realized that she could not ____ dancing.So,she started to do some of her old routines,but,having lost her arm,she had also lost her ___.It took a while before she could even make simple turns and spins without ____.
Then a few months later she ____ a man in his twenties who had lost a leg in an accident.She was determined to find him and ____ him to dance with her.He had never danced.And to dance with one leg...He said,“Are you ____ with me?No way!”
But,she didn’t ____,and he agreed to think about it.“I have nothing else to do anyway,” he thought.Then she started to ____ him dancing.The two ____ a few times because he had no concept of using muscle,how to ___ his body,and knew none of the ____ things about dancing.When she became ____ and lost patience with him,he would walk out.____,they came back together and started training ____.
They hired a choreographer(舞蹈指导) to ___ routines for them.She would fly high (held by him) with both arms (a sleeve for an arm) flying in the air.He could bend ____ by one leg with her leaning(倚靠) on him,etc.
When I watched this I didn’t ____ realize that she was missing an arm ___ I was focusing on the guy with only one leg.Really quite amazing!

A.operated B.played
C.advantage D.promise
A.heard ofB.searched for
C.came acrossD.waited for
A.require B.allow
A.carry onB.give up
C.settle downD.set off
A.broke up B.gave in
C.put offD.returned back
C.basic D.special
C.Generally D.Jokingly
A.because B.if


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:完型填空

How many of us can really ever thank our mothers for what they do for us? I am now 40 years old, so it's been a lot of years that I've had my mom's loving     and direction behind me pushing me gently when I need it.
When I was ill, mom would take care of me    . When I had a terrible dream, she would never    me  for stealing into her bed. When I graduated from college, she took      in me as I walked across that stage. When life would get me down, she would tell me that ,it's always dark     the down ,She's always been my greatest     keeping-me up when life tried to defeat me. She never told me that anything was impossible or that I set my goals too high. With a gentle guiding hand she got me back on the right:,   if I faltered (摇晃) .
A    thank you will never be enough for the kindness and love she has shown to us over the years. My mom     _ more than flowers, candy or other gifts. There isn't a gift in the world that could ever        my thanks for everything she has done for me over the years.

A.guidance B.respect C.criticism D.punishment  
A.regularly B.happily C.unconditionally D.occasionally 
A.turn to B.yell at C.hold up D.look after 
A.interest B.comfort C.pride D.pity 
A.after B.behind C.through D.before 
A.belief B.challenge C.concern D.support 
A.track B.attitude C.sense D.choice  
A.special B.worthwhile C.funny D.simple  
A.expects B.appreciates C.deserves D.receives. 
A.replace B.express C.contribute D.cover 


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:完型填空

Last year, for a nationwide teacher conference, I was asked to make a presentation about my classroom. I immediately        to offer to the conference photo collections and mementos (纪念物)that would prove how meaningful teachers’ work was in the world of classroom.
So, for weeks, I looked        the drawers, boxes, and cupboard, hoping to find just the right prints that would tell of the spirit of my school and my community. All through September, I sought photos of lessons activties and accounts I had put away        in my house. I asked my colleagues to help me find images or objects that would        our most famous community members. By mid-October, I had made a list of them. But, I had also found something       , something much more dear, and very rare.
I found photos of Craig, a high school senior, who gave up two weeks one summer to help little kids draw pictures at a camp. I found notes from Calvin whom I had taught for almost six years, and remembered how he always made sure every classmate felt accepted. I found a resume written by Carrie who        herself without the help of parents, and who took night class, and never        one. I found a copy of Macbeth in Portuguese, which belonged to an exchange student who read it first in her own       , before reading it in ours. Thus she could be sure she wasn’t missing anything important in the       . I found all my students, the students who had made me laugh, the students who had        me with their courage and kindness, the students who had        me to question what I knew of the world outside my own world, the students who had inspired me to expect more from them and from myself.
There I was, standing at my filing cupboard reviewing        —not those I had taught, but the many I had learned.
I came to teaching,        most teachers do, hoping to touch the hearts and minds of my students. What I never expected was how        they would touch mine.
Today I walk through the door of my classroom ready to teach, but also        to learn from the young people who are excited to teach me about them —their insights and interests, problems and anxieties, hopes and expectations.

A.decided B.managed C.preferred D.remembered 
A.at B.over C.for D.through 
A.anywhere B.everywhere C.somewhere D.nowhere 
A.recognize B.represent C.regard D.replace 
A.unknown B.familiar C.unexpected D.funny 
A.abandoned B.enjoyed C.relaxed D.supported 
A.changed B.missed C.took D.forgot 
A.language B.way C.voice D.mind 
A.translation B.paper C.expression D.copy 
A.trusted B.filled C.provided D.moved 
A.ordered B.consulted C.recommended D.challenged 
A.documents B.lessons C.essays D.classes 
A.as B.since C.even if D.now that 
A.carefully B.seriously C.powerfully D.slightly 
A.nervous B.eager C.confident D.lucky 


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:完型填空

One day, a well-known speaker was invited to give a lecture to an audience of 200. He started his lecture by       a $ 20 bill. He looked around the room, and asked, “Who would like this $20 bill?”      started going up.
He said, “I am going to       this $20 to one of you, but first, let me do this.” He crumpled up (揉皱) the 20-dollar bill. He then asked, “Who       wants it?” Still the hands were       in the air.
“Well”, he replied,“    I do this ?” And he dropped it on the       and started to step on it with his shoes. He picked it up. Now it was crumpled and       .
“Now, who wants it?” Still the hands went into the air.
“My friends, we have all learned a very       lesson. No matter what I did to the       , you still want it because it doesn’t decrease in     . It is still worth $20, with       we can buy what we need.
Many times in our lives, we are     , and trampled underfoot by the decision we      and the circumstances that come our way. We feel     we were worthless. But no matter what has happened or what may happen to us, you will never       your value. Dirty or clean, you are still priceless to those who do love you. The worth of our lives is determined not by       we do or who we know, but by who we are. You are      . Don’t ever forget it.”
If you       this lesson in mind, it will help you to       again when you fall. Each time it makes you grow much stronger.

A.holding upB.picking upC.keeping up D.bringing up
A.Chats B.Voices C.Hands D.Talks
A.pass B.give C.show D.lend
A.ever B.even C.alsoD.still
A.What forB.How come C.What about D.What if
A.floor B.desk C.shelf D.dustbin
A.usableB.smallC.dirty D.old
A.meaninglessB.amazingC.rare D.valuable
A.moneyB.paperC.book D.card
A.shapeB.value C.qualityD.size
A.whichB.what C.that D.whose
A.warned B.pushed C.droppedD.reminded
A.prefer B.receiveC.faceD.make
A.as thoughB.even thoughC.if onlyD.only if
A.take B.lose C.miss D.win
A.how B.what C.whereD.who
A.honest B.wiseC.youngD.special
A.keep B.forget C.impressD.leave
A.stand upB.put up C.take upD.jump up


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:完型填空

Standing on the top of a church tower not far from our home in Rome, Father said to me, "Look down, Elsa." I gathered all my         and looked down. I saw the crisscross(十字形)of twisting, turning streets         to the square in the centre of the village.
“See, my dear,” Father said gently. "There is more than one way to the square. Life is like that. If you can’t get where you want to go by one road, try      ."
Now I understood why I was there. Earlier that day I had begged my mother to do something about the       lunches that were served at school. But she       because she could not believe the lunches were so bad.
When I turned to Father for help, he would not      . Instead, he brought me to this high tower to give me a lesson. By the time we reached home, I had a(n)      .
At school the next day, I secretly       my lunch soup into a bottle and brought it home. Then I       the cook into serving it to Mother at dinner. The plan worked      . She swallowed one spoonful and sputtered(喷溅), "The cook must have gone mad!" Quickly I told her what I had done, and Mother stated firmly that she would       the matter of lunches at school the next day!
In the years that followed I often remembered the      Father taught me. I knew where I wanted to go in life — to be a fashion designer. And on the way to my first small success I found the road      .
I was busy getting ready to         my winter fashions. Then just 13 days before the presentation the sewing girls were called out on strike. I felt so depressed that I was         that we would have to cancel the presentation         show the clothes unfinished. Then it dawned on me. Why not show the clothes unfinished?
We worked hurriedly and the showing took place as       . Some coats had no sleeves; others had only one. Many of our clothes were only         made of heavy cotton cloth. But on these we pinned sketches and pieces of material. In this way we were able to show what colors and textures the clothes would have when they were finished. It was our        showing that caught the attention of the public, and         for the clothes poured in.
Father’s wise words had guided me once again. There is more than one way to the square always.

A.eachB.anotherC.noneD.the other
A.drank B.spatC.pouredD.flowed
A.get throughB.take upC.look intoD.make up
A.occupied B.smoothedC.blockedD.widened
A.apart fromB.or elseC.rather thanD.or rather
A.meaningfulB.commonC.ordinary D.unusual


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:完型填空

It was a busy morning about 8:30, when an elderly gentleman in his 80s came to the hospital. I heard him saying to the nurse that he was in a hurry for an appointment at 9:30. The nurse had him take a       in the waiting area,     him it would be at least 40 minutes      someone would be able to see him. I saw him     his watch and decided, since I was     busy ---my patient didn’t     at the appointed hour, I would examine his wound. While taking care of his wound, I asked him if he had another doctor’s appointment. The gentleman said no and told me that he      to go to the nursing home to eat breakfast with his     . He told me she had been       for a while and she had a special disease. I asked if she would be      if he was a bit late. He replied that she      knew who he was, and that she had not been able to     him for five years. I was      , and asked him, “And you     go every morning, even though she doesn’t know who you are?”  He smiled and said, “She doesn’t know me, but I know who she is.” I had to hold back      as he left.
Now I      that in marriages, true love is     of all that is.  The happiest people don’t      have the best of everything; They just      the best use of everything they have.      isn’t about how to live through the storm,  but how to dance in the rain.

A.taking offB.fixingC.looking atD.winding
A.turn upB.show offC.come onD.go away
A.so farB.neitherC.no longerD.already


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:完型填空

A true apology is more than just acknowledgement of a mistake. It’s recognition that something you’ve said or done has damaged a relationship—and that you care enough about that relationship to want it ____ .
It’s never ____ to acknowledge you are in the wrong. Being human, we all need the art of apology. Look back and think how ____ you’ve judged roughly, said ____ things, pushed yurself ahead at the expense of a friend. Some deep thought lets us know that when ____ a small mistake has been made, your ____ will stay out of balance until the mistake is acknowledged and your regret is ____.
I remember a doctor friend, telling me about a man who came to him with ____ illnesses: headache, insomnia, stomachaches and so on. No physical ____ could be found. Finally the doctor said to the man, “____ you tell me what’s on your conscience, I can’t help you.”
After a short silence, the man told the doctor that he ____ all the money that his father gave to his brother, who was ____. His father had died, so only he himself knew the matter. The doctor made the man write to his brother making an ____ and enclosing a ____. In the post office, the man dropped the letter into the mail box. As the letter disappeared, the man burst into tears. “Thank you, doctor,” he said, “I think I’m all right now.” And he ____.

A.built B.formed C.repaired D.damaged
A.difficult B.easy C.foolish D.shy
A.long B.often C.much D.soon
A.unusual B.harmful C.worthless D.unkind
A.hardly B.even C.only D.such
A.sense B.brain C.weight D.feeling
A.apologized B.explained C.offered D.expressed
A.strange B.fatal C.various D.dangerous
A.sign B.injury C.cause D.symptom
A.Whenever B.Unless C.Suppose D.Although
A.neglected B.accepted C.seized D.wasted
A.mad B.lost C.abroad D.dead
A.order B.excuse C.agreement D.apology
A.note B.card C.check D.photo
A.should B.did C.had D.was


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:完型填空

In a world where comparisons happen non-stop, it is difficult to look outside yourself and to ever be   36  with who you are. There’s always someone who’s a bit   37 . The only solution is to reach   38  and measure against what Warren Buffett calls your own inner yardstick. There is no more   39  measure for comparison than who your were yesterday, last week or last decade, when you were at your   40 .
Nothing useful ever comes from comparison to others. Either you see yourself as better than someone and you get   41 , or you see someone else as better than you and you feel like all your hard work is for   42 . It is a fool’s game. Not one of us is exactly   43 . The only direct and honest comparison is   44  yourself. Everything else is apples to oranges.
My opinion is that you are only   45  to compare yourself to someone else if their life  46  is the same as your own. Good luck finding that   47 . And one thing is for sure. No matter how hard you work and how dedicated you are, there will always be someone who can run a little faster, jump a little higher, score a little better or look a little nicer in a swimsuit. And if there’s not, you can   48  someone is coming up fast   49  you. So how can you always win in life? Become your best   50 .
Having an image of your most recent past limits is the perfect thing to   51  you to the next level. If you ran 7 flights of stairs yesterday, then do 8 today. Who   52  if the guy next to you did 15? It doesn’t make a bit of   53 . You are a more   54  person today than you were yesterday. Your own   55  is all you need.

A.patient B.strict C.content D.concerned
A.stronger B.better C.lazier D.wiser
A.inside B.out C.for D.up
A.accurate B.useful C.careful D.powerful
A.end B.best C.convenience D.side
A.satisfied B.busy C.inspired D.lazy
A.nothing B.fun C.sure D.success
A.equal B.unique C.alike D.common
A.within B.by C.for D.of
A.instructed B.allowed C.directed D.suggested
A.situation B.position C.occasion D.accommodation
A.game B.match C.friend D.enemy
A.conclude B.bet C.announce D.declare
A.before B.beside C.below D.behind
A.assistant B.competitor C.coach D.teacher
A.contribute B.expose C.push D.devote
A.cares B.says C.wonders D.asks
A.effort B.sense C.difference D.change
A.successful B.happy C.lucky D.fit
A.benefit B.progress C.habit D.result

