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18.Leading experts on the Internet,technology and policy have shared the same opinion on what we can expect in the next decade when it comes to connectivity and its effects on society.
The Pew Research report asked thousands of experts and members of the public for opinions on"the most significant overall influences of our uses of the Internet on humanity"---and some had a rosier outlook than others.
"The smartest person in the world nowadays could well be stuck behind a plough in India or China,"said Hal,Google's chief economist."Enabling that person----and the millions like him or her---will have a strong effect on the development of the human race."
Early Internet pioneer David Hughes agreed:"When every person on this planet can communicate two-way with every other person on this planet,the power of nation-states to control every human inside its geographic boundaries may start to disappear."
Wearables (electronic equipment that people can wear ) could monitor more than just steps,predicted UC Berkeley's Aron Roberts---or do more than just monitor:"We may literally be able to adjust both medications and lifestyle changes on a day-by-day basis or even an hour-by-hour basis."
Microsoft Reaearch's Jonathan Grudin is more pessimistic(悲观):"By making so much activity visible,it exposes the gap between the way people behave and the way we think they ought to behave.Adjusting to this will be an unending,difficult task.
And the difference between the rich and the poor will have a new aspect:"Only the well-off (and well-educated) will know how to preserve their privacy,"warned one expert.
"Will the Internet make it possible for our entire civilization to fall down together,in one big awful step?Possibly,"admitted Harvard"s Doctor Searls.:"But the Internet has already made it possible for us to use one of our unique advantages----the ability to share knowledge---to a degree higher than ever before."

36.As for the influences of our uses of the Internet on humanity,some of the experts areB.
37.According to Hal,in the future,those who will influence the development of human race areB.
A.Google's economists
B.Chinese and Indian
C.The educated persons
D.World leading experts
38.People will be able to change their lifestyles at any time according toD.
A.The development of communication skills
B.The suggestions made by computer experts
C.The prediction made by the home computers
D.The data recorded by the computers worn on body
39.The underlined word"this"in paragraph 6refers toC.
A.The visible activities mentioned above
B.The way we thought they ought to behave
C.The way people really behave in life
D.The rule people ought to obey in life
40.Which of the following can best express the meaning of the last paragraphA?
A.Advantages and disadvantages of the Internet.
B.Development of the Internet and human beings.
C.Knowledge and civilization of human beings.
D.Possibilities of the Internet for the future users.

分析 本文是一篇科普说明文.互联网专家们认为在未来十年因特网将对人类社会产生深远的影响,其中印度人和中国人将通过因特网影响人类的发展,这种影响有不利的一面,也有积极的一面.

解答 36.B 观点态度题  根据第二段"…opinions on‘the most significant overall influences of our uses of the Internet on humanity'-and some had a rosier outlook than others."可知,专家们对因特网对人类影响的态度是积极的.故B项正确.
37.B 细节理解题 根据第三段"‘The smartest person in the world…in India or China…and the millions like him or her-will have a strong effect on the development of the human race.'"可知,Hal认为中国人和印度人将对人类的发展有极大的影响.故B项正确.
38.D 推理判断题 根据第五段"Wearables…could monitor more than just steps…adjust both medications and lifestyle changes on a daybyday basis…"可推知,人们可以通过穿在身上的记录了数据的电脑设备改变自己的生活方式.故D项正确.
39.C 指代判断题 根据上句中的"it exposes the gap between the way people behave and the way we think they ought to behave"以及本句内容可知,this代指上句中的"the way people behave".故C项正确.
40.A 段落大意题   根据该段第一句中"Will the Internet make it possible for our entire civilization to fall down together,in one big awful step?"可知,因特网有可能使我们的文明倒退;根据该段第二句"But the Internet has already made it possible for us to use one of our unique advantages-the ability to share knowledge-to a degree higher than ever before."可知,因特网使我们共享知识成为可能.故A项正确.

点评 科普类阅读理解题主要考查考生对书面语篇的整体领悟能力和接受及处理具体信息的能力.试题的取材,密切联系当前我国和世界经济、科技等方面的变化,有关数据的来源真实可信.因此科普知识类文章是每年的必考题.分析历年的科普类文章我们不难发现以下特点:


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

8.In the evening,usually I look at some documents I bring back from the office _________ I can be ready for the next day's work.(  )
A.even ifB.untilC.soD.so that


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:信息匹配

9.How to Teach Kids to Respect Others
When teaching kids to respect others,you must know how to respect others yourself.(36)BYou must know how to,and consistently use the skill.In this way your teaching will become more effective.
So,the very first and most important tool in teaching kids to respect others is to respect others yourself.Always show respect to people,and always show respect to the kids you're trying to teach.(37)D.There is no need to conduct your life by keeping company with people who are disrespectful to you or your family.There are plenty of people in the world.Sometimes you may become emotional,angry or upset over the words or actions of others.It can be difficult to avoid,but if you want to teach kids to respect others,you must respect others as well.
Children learn by example.Children will automatically do what they are taught,but teaching doesn't come through words alone.(38)G.
Another important factor to keep in mind is to listen carefully to what they say.You've had children,so now it's your job to raise them the best you can.(39)ADo not yell.Do not roll your eyes and never hit them.If you engage in any of this type of behavior with your children,they will learn that this behavior is acceptable.
Always make children feel like they are the most important thing in the world to you.(40)E
Nothing is more important than giving your children undivided(全部的) attention when they need it.So make them feel like they are No.1 and they will learn so much just to respect others.They will learn compassion,listening skills,and how to choose friends who are good for them.

A.When your children speak,listen carefully.
B.This is the key to teaching anyone anything.
C.Giving them a reward can help them behave well.
D.If people are disrespectful to you,simply walk away.
E.When children feel like you care,they will learn how to care as well.
F.Parents can find pleasure from turning their children into responsible adults.
G.They watch how adults around them act and they learn to act that way as well.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:完形填空

6.Years ago I had the opportunity to meet a girl who strengthened my understanding of the power of belief.She was (21)Dthe most powerful individual I had ever met.I met Chris for the first time while taking the Dale Carnegie(22)Bin California.
Our class had already been going for quite some time when(23)D,supported by metal crutches(拐杖),(24)Cherself in.Chris had cerebral palsy(脑瘫).She had much(25)Ain communicating with others.This was not due to(26)Aof desire,but because most of her twentyone years of life she had been kept in a room with no more than Elvis records and tapes to (27)Bher.No one had taken the time to assist her in developing the ability to(28)C.It was Bonnie,her present caretaker,who(29)Athere was much more to Chris than anyone else could see.
When asked by the instructor what her goal(30)Bthe twelveweek course was,Chris struggled to respond and became frustrated and(31)Cin the process.For most of her(32)D,nobody would listen to her.The only way she knew to get someone to(33)Cwas through temper outbursts(发脾气).With Bonnie as her interpreter,Chris conveyed that her(34)Bwas to be able to stand by herself in front of fortyfive people and tell us about herself.
On the twelfth week,Chris stood in front of the room and(35)Dwith us,in her own words,what her life had been like.It was one of the most beautiful and enlightening experiences I had ever(36)CThough as a girl who had in many ways been(37)B,she believed that she could(38)Bmore in her life and she did.And she also had the love and support of fortyfive friends,who,just weeks before,had been(39)Astrangers.
What we all witnessed through Chris'courage is that life is(40)Dmoment by moment,based on our beliefs,which are relevant to both our personal and professional direction and have the power to make our wildest dreams come true.
37.A.found outB.thrown awayC.brought upD.held out


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

13.Have you ever noticed what happens to an idea once you express it?Just talking about it or writing it down causes you to make it clear in your own mind.How can you use this to increase your brain power?Start writing.
   By putting thoughts into words,you are telling yourself the logic (逻辑) behind what you think,feel,or only partly understand.Often,explaining a thought is the process of understanding.In other words,you increase your brain power by exercising your"explain power."
   Try this experiment.Explain how you'll increase your brain power,even if you have no idea right now.Just start with anything,and create an explanation.For example,start with"I'll learn chess,"or"I'll read an article on the mind every week."Explain how that will help.You'll be surprised how often this becomes a workable plan,and if you actually do this,you'll have a better understanding of your brain from now.
    Another benefit of writing is that it helps you remember.Many,if not most,highly productive people are always taking notes.You can try keeping it all in your head,but if you keep a journal of your ideas the next time you're working on a big project,you'll probably have more success.
   Want to understand a topic?Write a book about it.That's an extreme example,but if you are learning something new,write a letter to a friend about it,and you will understand it better.Want to invent something?Write an explanation of the problem,why you want to solve it,and why it is worth solving,and you're half-way there.
   Writers don't always write because they clearly understand something beforehand.Often,they write about something because they want to understand it.You can do the same.Writing will help bring you to an understanding.Give it a try.
68.What would be the best title for the text?B
A.A Way on How to Write
B.Increase Your Brain Power through Writing.
C.How to Start Your Writing
D.Brain Power Helps Improve Your Writing.
69.According to the text,writing can help you a lot in the following ways EXCEPTC
A.the increase of your brain power         
B.the ability to remember
C.the development of your interest in study  
D.the better understanding of a topic
70.The underlined sentence"you're half-way there"in the fifth paragraph implies
A.you are already successful              
B.you still need to work hard
C.writing can help you walk half way       
D.You have been on the way to success
71.What's the main purpose of the writer writing the text?A
A.To advise readers to start their writing
B.To explain the importance of writing
C.To persuade readers to become writers
D.To increase readers'brain power.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

10.I have never heard about a"Fashion Week"outside of New York,London or Milan.But then one just happens to turn up in Bishkek in Kyrgyzstan.Actually,I'm ignorant of all those countries in Central Asia,whose names are always ending in"stan."For decades,even centuries,Central Asia has been out of focus,a blank on the map of empires.Just as the introduction from Turusbek Mamashov,from the Tourism agency of the president of the Kyrgyz Republic,says,"Throughout this Fashion Week project,we need to create a revolution in the minds of our people,preparing the country for the international tourism market.It is an opportunity as well as an investment."What he says is right.If you just give it a glimpse (一瞥),you'll find out that the flavor (风情) of the Silk Road is still there.
As part of the route for Silk Road traders and migrating tribes through its epic(史诗的) history,Kyrgyzstan,like other Central Asian countries,is a vast place of desert,grassland and mountain ranges.It is not widely known that Kyrgyzstan is the Tang Dynasty poet Li Bai's birthplace.
Bishkek,the place holding Fashion Week,is the capital and industrial center of independent Kyrgyzstan.It is a relaxed,handsome place with wide streets and large amounts of greenery.Especially in the autumn of November,the yellow leaves falling everywhere make the whole city a legend in fall.The mountains are just at its rear,in that case a unique scene of picturesque beauty is composed by snow-white peaks,lakes and the urban Landscape.
Today,Ala-Too Square is the center of the poetic places worth seeing in Bishkek.The"White House,"the seat of the Kyrgyzstan Government,is just at the west of the square.Behind this is Panfilov Park,a great place to head for a national holiday.The State Museum of Fine Arts is opposite,which is also called the Gapar Aitiev Museum of Applied Arts,featuring Kyrgyz jewelry,rugs and works by local artists.
One of the joys besides the scenery is the openness of the people.Bishkek is a city without a big population but mainly good-natured people from many races,47percent are Russian and about a third are Kyrgyz.Most travelers vote Kyrgyzstan as the most appealing,accessible and welcoming of the former Soviet Central Asian republics.It is written by a tourist that Kyrgyzstan is the country Russians most desperately want to keep:hills always covered with grass and wild flowers.Kyrgyz men always ride a horse wearing a photogenic hat.

72.According to the passage,Kyrgyzstan used to beB.
A.an international fashion centre
B.an important part of Silk Road
C.the focus of the world
D.a vast desert land in Central Asia
73.The Fashion Week in Bishkek is supposed toC.
A.start a revolution in Kyrgyzstan
B.attract foreign investment to Kyrgyzstan
C.promote tourism in Kyrgyzstan
D.celebrate the independence of Kyrgyzstan
74.Which of the statements is NOT ture according to the passage?A
A.Bishkek is a crowded modern city surrounded by mountain ranges.
B.Panfilov Park is a popular destination for local people during holidays.
C.The majority of the population in Bishkek are Russian and Kyrgyz.
D.The famous poet Li Bai is thought to have been born in Kyrgyzstan.
75.What is the most important message the author wants to convey in the passage?D
A.Reflections and thoughts on the glorious history of the Silk Road.
B.Feelings about the ongoing Fashion Week project in Bishkek.
C.The geographic features and imposing history of Kyrgyzstan.
D.The natural and cultural characteristics and attractions in Kyrgyzstan.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

7.When to go to see the movie THE BABYSITTERS CLUB_________ yet.(  )
A.are not decidedB.was not decided
C.has not been decidedD.have not decided


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

8.-I'll have nothing to wear to work on Monday ______ I pick up my clothes at dry cleaners'.
-Then you'd better hurry.It closes at noon on Sundays.(  )

