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2. They failed in all their attempts to climbing the mountain.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、 B、C和D) 中,选出最佳选项。



             For decades,scientists thought the Tandayapa Andean toad (蟾蜍) was extinct. But a group of researchers recently came upon two living Tandayapa Andean toads in the foggy forests of Ecuador (South America) .

             The rare,tiny brown toad was first discovered in 1970 in the Tandayapa Valley,located in Pichincha province in the northern part of Ecuador.

             After finding one toad,biologists spent weeks looking for more. But they did not find any,and the toad was declared extinct almost as soon as it was discovered.

             More than 40 years later,a team of scientists found not one,but two toads similar to the Tandayapa Andean. But these toads were not found in the same place. Instead,scientists found the twosome in the foggy forests of the neighboring Imbabura province.

            “At first sight I couldn’t identify the species 一 it wasn't even on my radar (雷达) , since they hadn’t been seen in …years ,” Ryan Lynch,the lead scientist,told National Geographic. aBut I knew that it was something very rare."

             On a return trip,biologists found many more specimens of the brown toad in the same area. Experts have declared that the species is not at all extinct.

             The Tandayapa toad develops differently from other toads. Most toad babies start life as tadpoles,which have gills (鳃) and live in water. But Tandayapa toad babies,called toadlets,develop on land. These toadlets skip the tadpole stage entirely.

              The Tandayapa's appearance is strange too. As toadlets,they are covered in patterns of copper and gold,with snaking white lines on their bellies. This pattern gets darker as the toads grow. By the time they become adults,they appear completely brown without a pattern and have white bumps (凸起) on their sides. Typical toads don't experience such extreme color and pattern changes.

              Although scientists are excited about the reappearance of the Tandayapa toad,they still worry about the species' survival. Humans have been clearing much of the. forest where the toads live.

However,environmental groups are working to get these forest areas protected. Many hope that the rediscovery of the tiny brown Tandayapa toad may help make their case.

1. The Tandayapa Andean toad discovered in 1970 .

   A. preferred living in pairs

   B. got used to the dry weather

   C. could be spotted everywhere in Ecuador

   D. was considered the only one of this species

2. Ryan Lynch discovered Tandayapa Andean toads .

   A. completely by chance

   B. with the help of his radar

   C. thanks to his return trip to Ecuador

   D. in the same place the first toad was found

3. The Tandayapa Andean toads experience color changes when .

   A. they are threatened

   B. the weather changes

   C. they are growing up

   D. their habitats change

4. What's the present situation of the Tandayapa Andean toads?

   A. They multiply rapidly.

   B. They’ re still in danger.

   C. They,re well protected.

   D. They grow bigger than before.

5. What would be the best title for the text?

   A. Living on land

   B. Lost in the forest

   C. Fighting for survival

   D. Back from extinction


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


                 Petrarch was a devoted classical scholar who is considered the “Father of Humanism,”a philosophy that helped set the stage for the Renaissance. Petrarch's writing includes well--known poems to Laura,his idealized love. His writing was also used to shape the modem Italian language.

                 Petrarch was bom on July 20 ,1304,in Italy. With his family,he moved to France as a child. In France,Petrarch studied law,as his father had wished. However,his interest was in literature,particularly that of ancient Greece and Rome. After his father's death in 1326,Petrarch left law to focus on the classics.

                 As Petrarch learned more about the classical period,he began to respect that time greatly and fight against the limitations of his own time. Though he felt that he lived "among varied and confusing storms,” Petrarch believed that humanity could once more reach the heights of past accomplishments. The belief he followed became known as humanism,and formed a bridge from the Middle Ages to the Renaissance.

                 Petrarch's other interest was writing. His first pieces were poems that he wrote after the death of his mother. He would go on to write sonnets(十四行诗) letters,histories and more. Petrarch's writing was greatly admired during his lifetime,and he was nameci Rome's poet laureate(桂冠诗人) in 1341. The work Petrarch held in highest regard was his Latin composition an epic poem (史

诗) about the Second Punic War. His vernacular (用方言写的) poems achieved greater fame , however,and would later be used to help create the modem Italian language.

                 As one of the world's first classical scholars , Petrarch uncovered vast stores of knowledge in the lost texts he discovered,while his philosophy of humanism helped encourage the intellectual growth and accomplishments of the Renaissance. Petrarch is remembered for his poems,sonnets and other writing.His vernacular writing was given everlasting fame when it was used—alongside;the works of Dante Alighieri and Giovanni i Boccaccio—as the foundation for the modern Italian language.

32. Petrarch studied law.

   A. at his father's request

   B. because he hated literature

   C. in the hope of changing his society

   D. because he was enthusiastic about it

33. What do we know about the time Petrarch lived in?

   A. It was peaceful and rich.

   B. It was worthy of respect.

   C. It was difficult and had many restrictions.

   D. It reached a new height of accompUshments.

34. What were Petrarch's greatest contributions to writing?

   A. He pioneered the sonnet writing.

   B. He was the first to write epic poems.

   C. He was named Rome's poet laureate.

   D. He helped shape the modem Italian language.

35. The last paragraph is written in a tone of.

   A. regret     B. praise

   C. calmness   D. sadness


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

5.  (不久之后) a large crowd had gathered outside the building.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

4. Roz is s and let you know what she's thinking.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

3. All those    (赞成这个计划的) ,please raise your hands.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

根据下面各句句意以及所给单词的首字母或汉语提示词,写出该单词的正确形式(每空一词) 。

1. Wearing seat belts in cars is (强制的) by law.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

3. My original question he did it at all has not been answered.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

5. The company provides cheap Internet access. (除此之外) ,it makes some software freely available.

