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Hoorah!I have escaped the Czech (捷克) Republic! I am now wearing light clothing and sunglasses, although the latter are superfluous today, as it is cool and overcast with cloud and it has rained slightly.

The city of Qatar (卡塔尔) is flat and sandy with few trees ― mostly palms. You can see construction everywhere, new streets with hotels and apartment blocks in Venice theme. It’s a mix of super modern and traditional building styles. Everything looks new including the vehicles. There are many huge roundabouts; no traffic rules or at least no one obeys any. The huge 4-storey shopping mall in fantastic style has an ice rink (溜冰场) on the ground floor. Thousands of people walk round the waterfront after dark.

    Qataris are very religious and there are calls to prayers regularly. Qatari men are dressed in all sorts of traditional clothing plus western dresses. You can easily find imported labour from South Asian countries, poorly paid and discriminated against. I am told that Qataris don’t hide their racist attitudes.

Women are always wonderful sights. Some are in all sorts of black clothing with face uncovered; some totally enveloped; lots wearing western dresses. Best sight so far: a woman in a mall completely wrapped in black including gloves, not even an eye shown ― wearing glasses on the outside of her veil (面纱), using a cell phone while fingering a dress.

I am living with my employers ― a New Zealand couple, and another teacher named Wayne, all about my age. We share one apartment. I have a large room with a bathroom attached: it is a little run-down but very comfortable. The only rather annoying thing is that I have to use the laptop on my bed as there is no desk and chair in here. As soon as it is clear that I will be staying I will make a change to all this. I haven’t lived with other people for many years and have been used to living alone so it will be interesting to see how this works.


49. The best title for this passage is ________.

A. The New Life with My Employers            B. General Observation of Qataris

C. My Adventure in the Czech Republic        D. My First Impressions of Qatar

50. The underlined part in paragraph one can be explained as ________.

     A. it will be a fine day later                      B. light clothing is helpless with cold

C. sunglasses appear fantastic                 D. sunglasses become unnecessary

51. In the author’s eyes, Qatar is a ________.

      A. rich western industrialized country             B. backward agricultural country

C. modern society with religious tradition        D. nation closed to the outside world

52. It is true that the author is ________.                 

A. pleased with her present living condition      B. missing her days in the Czech Republic

C. not certain how long she will be staying      D. worried about her relation with her boss


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

For all the dinner table, a glass of milk seems to be a constant , at least it was when I was growing up.It was widely believed that milk was integral in building strong bones and teeth. There’s no doubt that dairy products(乳制品), and milk in particular, are high in protein and calcium, and most milk products are supplemented with Vitamin D and A.

While it’s well known that our bones need calcium, some studies suggest that high calcium intake doesn’t necessarily lower a person’s risk for fractures(骨折).A Harvard study found that people who drank two or more glasses of milk had no greater protection from breaking a bone than those who drank a glass or less a week.

There’s no doubt that we need calcium. Some anti-dairy supporters claim that dairy can lead to heart disease. Much of this claim is based on high fat and high dairy products, like cheeses and creams, which may indeed contribute to cardiovascular problems.Some studies have linked high milk intakes with a risk of prostate cancer; this seems to be caused by high-fat dairy products, not dairy in general.

Although milk was always regarded as one of the most important thing we need for our bones, yet least promoted, factors involved in strengthening bones. Perhaps we should think of dairy as less like a nutrient and more like a food. If you like it, eat it.If not, find some others.Because some claims may not be completely true, when I eat a cream, I’m not thinking about calcium, protein, or any such thing. I’m thinking delicious.


57.Which of the following is TRUE on the milk?

A.The more milk you drink, the more risk for fractures you might be.

B.The more milk you drink, the less risk for fractures you might be.

C.The less milk you drink, the less risk for fractures you might be.

D.There is no link between them.

58.Some anti-dairy supporters claim that dairy can lead to except______.

A.cardiovascular problems                      B.heart disease

C.prostate cancer                                   D.stomach cancer

59.What’s the author’s attitude towards milk?

A.He doesn’t like milk any more

B.He used to drink milk as a child.

C.He regards milk as a nutrient.

D.He always cares about calcium, protein when he eats something.

60.We can learn from the text that_____

A.All the claims are not completely true .

B.High milk intakes can lead to cancer.

C.It’s necessary for you to reduce milk intakes.

D.Give up milk for your health.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Having taken our seats, ___ .

A. the professor began the lecture  

B. the lecture began in no time

C. we were attracted by the lecturer immediately

D. the bell announced the beginning of the lecture


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

 Faced with the economic slowdown, we have decided to ________ government spending.

A. take out of             B. get away with         C. break away from     D. cut down on


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

________! We first got a flat tire, and now my cell phone is dead.

A. For what              B. What’s up          C. Guess what          D. What’s on


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Mr. Taylor doesn’t care _______ he behaves in public. He’s just got no shame!

A. what                 B. how                    C. that                      D. whether


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

I feel quite upset ― my teacher _______ me when I speak English in class.

A. is always correcting                                 B. has always corrected

C. will always be correcting                          D. always corrected


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Happiness is infectious, researchers reported on Thursday. The more happy people you know, the more likely you are yourself to be happy. And getting connected to happy people improves a person’s own happiness. Researchers have been analyzing a collection of facts from tracking sheets(跟踪调查卷)dating back to 1971, following births, marriages, deaths, and divorces. Volunteers also listed the information of their closest friends, co-workers, and neighbors.

They assessed (评估) happiness with a simple, four-question test. “People are asked how often during the past week, one, I enjoyed life, two, I was happy, three, I felt hopeful about the future, and four, I felt that I was just as good as other people,” Fowler said. The 60 percent of people who scored highly on all four questions were regarded as happy, while the rest were considered unhappy.

People with the most social connections ― friends, spouses (配偶), neighbors, relatives ― were also the happiest, the data showed. “Each additional happy person makes you happier,” Christakis said.

And happiness is more infectious than unhappiness, they discovered. If a social contact is happy, it increases the possibility that you are happy by 15 percent. A friend of a friend, or the friend of a spouse or a sibling (兄弟姐妹), if they are happy, increases your chances by 10 percent. A happy third-degree friend ― the friend of a friend of a friend ― increases a person’s chances of being happy by 6 percent. But every extra unhappy friend increases the possibility that you’ll be unhappy by only 7 percent.

The finding is interesting and useful. Among other benefits, happiness has been shown to have an important effect on reduced death rate, pain reduction, and improved heart function. So better understanding of how happiness spreads can help us learn how to promote a healthier society. Other data suggested having extra $5,000 increases a person’s chances of becoming happier by about 2 percent. A happy friend is worth about $40,000.


53. What’s the meaning of the underlined word “infectious”?

A. Bringing trouble to society.                B. Spreading from one to another.

C. Passing diseases to others.                D. Affecting one’s own family. 

54. According to the research, if you want to be happy, you’d better have more _______.

A. neighbor communication                  B. social connections    

C. siblings’ support                           D. relatives’ relations

55. Which of the following contributes most to your happiness?

A. A happy third-degree friend.                

B. A complaining close friend of yours.

C. A happy friend of your brother’s.                

D. A happy colleague you see every day.

56. The finding of the research mainly shows _______.

A. happiness can always be bought with money.      

B. a happy friend is worth more than a happy spouse

C. the spread of happiness can lead to a healthier society 

D. happiness can cure most of the terrible diseases


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Please write your composition ______ line to leave space for the teacher’s correction.

  A. one another        B. every other      C. any other            D. each other

