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【题目】 Over the next decade, technology will decimate more jobs in many professions.

Some robots already cost less to operate than the salaries of the humans they replace, and they are getting cheaper. Boston Consulting Group predicts that, by 2025, the operating cost of a robot that does welding (焊接) will be less than $2 per hour, for example. That’s more affordable than the $25 per hour that a human welder earns today in America.

Uber and many other companies are working on developing cars and trucks that don’t need a driver in the driver’s seat. According to the American Trucking Associations, approximately 3 million truck drivers were employed in the United States in 2010, and 6. 8 million others were employed in other jobs relating to trucking activity. So roughly one of every 15 workers in the country is employed in the trucking business. We could be talking about millions of jobs disappearing in the early 2020s.

And then there is the “Gig Economy (零工经济)” that has some businesses moving toward part-time, on-demand employment. Uber has already done this to taxi drivers, and other technology companies are doing it to a wide range of jobs. A study by Intuit predicted that, by 2020, 40% of American workers will be self-employed, and that full-time jobs will be harder to find. We are talking about 60 million people in this category. The problem is that not only do such part-time workers lack reliable full-time jobs and sick pay, but they can’t enjoy health insurance and longer-term benefits.

The measures to be taken are to raise trade barriers. But closing the doors to foreign trade won’t bring jobs back. It will only slow the global economy and hurt American exports, shrinking the U. S. economy and accelerating job loss.

1The underlined word “decimate” in Paragraph 1 can be replaced by “______”.

A. make someone interested inB. equip someone for

C. wipe outD. bring back

2What will happen with technologies developing according to the text?

A. Robots will become smarter and smarter.

B. Uber’s labor cost will be lower and lower.

C. More and more truck drivers will be needed.

D. Taxi drivers can enjoy more health insurance.

3Which of the following is an advantage of a full-time job?

A. It may be flexible.

B. It may offer sick pay.

C. It is full of adventure.

D. It is always well-paid.

4Which of the following does the writer agree on?

A. Welcoming foreign trade.

B. Offering more part-time jobs.

C. Using fewer robots to stop job loss.

D. Developing more new technologies.

5What’s the writer’s main purpose in writing the text?

A. To show technology advances in our daily life.

B. To prove technologies cause low incomes.

C. To introduce what the Gig Economy is.

D. To warn the Gig Economy is coming.









1词义猜测题。根据第二段第一句“Some robots already cost less to operate than the salaries of the humans they replace, and they are getting cheaper.”可知机器人的成本比人力更便宜,未来很多公司会更多使用机器人。也就是说机器人会夺走很多人的工作。故C项正确。

2推理判断题。根据第三段第一句“Uber and many other companies are working on developing cars and trucks that don’t need a driver in the driver’s seat.”可知Uber公司开发了无人驾驶技术,会大大地减少雇佣司机的工资付出,公司的运营成本会越来越低。故B项正确。

3推理判断题。根据第四段最后一句“The problem is that not only do such part-time workers lack reliable full-time jobs and sick pay, but they can’t enjoy health insurance and longer-term benefits.”可知兼职工作的人无法享受生病工资,也就是说全职工作的人可以享受sick pay,这也是sick pay的优势。故B项正确。

4推理判断题。根据文章最后一句“But closing the doors to foreign trade won’t bring jobs back. It will only slow the global economy and hurt American exports, shrinking the U. S. economy and accelerating job loss.”可知作者认为关闭对外贸易并不能让工作机会回归,只会减缓全球经济发展并伤害美国的出口。由此可见作者支持对外贸易。故A项正确。

5推理判断题。根据文章前两段可知技术进步让公司使用更多的机器人,不再需要很多全职工人。再根据第四段第一句“And then there is the “Gig Economy (零工经济)” that has some businesses moving toward part-time, on-demand employment.”可知零工经济时代很快就会到来。故D项正确。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


When foreigners negotiate, or register in certain areas of China, they may be 1(surprise) at Chinese’s special fondness and preference for seals. To Chinese, seals are an art of deep cultural roots, 2 combines the essence of both calligraphy(书法) and sculpture and inspires generations to study, to appreciate and to collect.

It is believed that seals came out as early 3 8,000 years ago after our ancestors could make pottery wares(陶瓷)and had private property. They were assumed to make marks on 4(they) own possessions to prevent them from being stolen. When the first dynasty 5(found),the king began to use seals to empower(授权)and to show lordly credits. Only the king’s special seal was then called “Xi”, 6(represent) the highest authority. The first emperor of China, Qin Shi Huang, had his “Xi”7(make) out of the invaluable and beautiful jade “Heshi Bi”.

Then the local governments also needed seals for 8 same function. Meanwhile, private seals were carved in a variety of lucky 9(character)and vivid animal patterns.10(gradual). the sphragistics (印章学) came into being.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1What did the man want to do when his car got stuck in a no-parking area?

A. Leave the police a note. B. Call the police station.

C. Get someone to pull the car away.

2Why did the man go to the bank?

A. Because he had to pay the fine there.

B. Because he wanted to get small change.

C. Because he intended to call the traffic police.

3How did the man feel about the police officer’s final decision?

A. Angry. B. Sad. C. Happy.

4What was the police officer’s attitude to the letter from the man?

A. He felt it foolish that the man made up such a story. B. He believed the man came across many misfortunes. C. He took pity on the unlucky man who had a bad day.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Balancing work and school is not an easy task for me. My first term in college has come and gone and I’ve had to balance a job there, too. I want to cut one loose. Honestly, many times I thought I wanted to drop out of school and just do my job because I needed the money. For a long while I made myself believe that school was getting in the way of my job and money. Not only was I trying to do work and school, but also I was trying to have a social life. Many times I thought that there were not enough hours in the day but I wasn’t managing my time right. Hanging out with friends may have been wonderful but it wasn’t putting money in my pocket or knowledge in my brain. Friends would have to wait. I was back on the see-saw (跷跷板) of balancing work and school.

Scheduling and planning became the key to my success. Setting deadlines and meeting them were important to my college experience. Planning was going well and I felt ready to try and throw a social life back there. I tried to make plans with friends that didn’t conflict with my deadlines. That was actually harder than I thought. So once again my social life had to be put on hold (搁置). My friends were very understanding and encouraged me to do my work. The extra motivation really proved helpful in the end. Some friends would joke that I was all work and no play but sometimes that’s what has to happen to get work done.

As the last term came to an end I can say I learned a lot about college life. Planning is necessary for organization. Drawing up a list of all things I had to do at the beginning of the week and actually completing them made me feel good. Not only have I learned something new about organization, but also I acquired a new tool that I can take everywhere with me and use effectively.

1The author wanted to drop out of school because .

A. he wanted to earn money

B. he wasn’t good at managing his time

C. he wanted to live an active social life

D. he couldn’t do well in his studies

2Why did the author stop hanging out with his friends?

A. He had to wait for them. B. It was a waste of time.

C. He didn’t need a social life. D. They didn’t understand him.

3How did the author succeed in balancing work and school?

A. By putting his studies first. B. By making plans with his friends.

C. By following his friends’ advice. D. By sticking to his schedule.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Who is Jack probably talking with?

A. His mother. B. His teacher. C. His dentist.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:







The old saying “The early bird catches the worm” show us the importance of planning, working hard and trying constant. To achieve outstanding results, people must plan ahead of and work diligently to overcome all kind of difficulties.

That has been my own experience, either. When I first started at high school, I seldom passed my exams, so I never prepared well. Later, my teacher, Mr. Black, advised me plan everything in advance. She asked me to study hard as well. After a year of putting his advice onto practice, I can now easily pass all my exams.

There are no shortcuts to succeed.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Ever walked to the shops only to find, once there, you've completely forgotten what you went for? Or struggled to remember the name of an old friend? For years we've accepted that a forgetful brain is as much a part of ageing as wrinkles and grey hair. But now a new book suggests that we've got it all wrong.

According to The Secret Life of the Grown-up Brain, by science writer Barbara Strauch, when it comes to the important things, our brains actually get better with age. In fact, she argues that some studies have found that our brain hits its peak between our 40s and 60s— much later than previously thought.

Furthermore, rather than losing many brain cells as we age, we retain (保留)them, and even produce new ones well into middle age. For years it’s been assumed that brain, much like the body, declines with age. But the longest, largest study into what happens to people as they age suggests otherwise.

This continuing research has followed 6,000 people since 1956, testing them every seven years. It has found that on average, participants performed better on cognitive (认知的)tests in their 40s and 50s than they had done in their 20s. Specifically, older people did better on tests of vocabulary, verbal memory (how many words you can remember) and problem solving.

Where they performed less well was number ability and perceptual speed-how fast you can push a button when ordered. However, with more complex tasks such as problem-solving and language, we are at our best at middle age and beyond. In short, researchers are now coming up with scientific proof that we do get wiser with age.

Neuroscientists are also finding that we are happier with ageing. A recent US study found older people were much better at controlling and balancing their emotions. It is thought that when we’re younger we need to focus more on the negative aspects of life in order to learn about the possible dangers in the world, but as we get older we’ve learned our lessons and are sub-consciously aware that we have less time left in life: therefore, it becomes more important for us to be happy.

1Barbara Strauch probably agrees that ______.

A. people’s brains work best between their 40s and 60s

B. the young are better at handling important things

C. ageing leads to the decline of the function of the brain

D. wrinkles and grey hair are the only symbols of ageing

2The continuing research has found older people perform better on _____ .

A. number ability B. vocabulary tests

C. perceptual speed D. body balance

3People are happier with age because ______.

A. they know how to share feelings

B. they learn to value the time left

C. they cannot focus on negative aspects

D. they do not realize the possible dangers

4What is the main idea of the passage?

A. People get more forgetful with age. B. People get wiser with age.

C. People get happier with age. D. People get more self-aware with age.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Why is the woman disappointed about the restaurant?

A. The price is unacceptable. B. The waiter is unfriendly. C. The service is slow.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1What does the woman think of Mark Twain’s biography?

A. Informative. B. Adventurous. C. Boring.

2Which place inspired the fictional town in Mark Twain’s book?

A. New Orleans. B. Hannibal. C. New York City.

3What happened to Mark Twain in 1859?

A. He met Horace. B. He left his hometown. C. He became a steamboat pilot.

4How did Mark Twain get his pen name?

A. It was given by his father. B. It came from his job. C. It was suggested by Pilot Horace.

