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3.Each food we eat tastes different,and there are untold numbers of different tastes.Still,all flavors are based on just four basic tastes:sweet,bitter,salty,and sour.Some food experts argue there is a fifth basic taste called umami(a Japanese word that can be translated roughly as"tasty"or"savory"),but this theory remains controversial.Regardless of whether there are four or five basic tastes,the number is small.
How can so few basic tastes give rise to the enormous number of flavors we experience?This is possible because the basic tastes combine in different proportions.Compare this to colors.There are only three basic colors-yellow,red,and blue-but when mixed in different ways and proportions,these three basic colors are sufficient to create the vast array of colors that we see every day.
Apart from being influenced by different combinations of the basic tastes,the experience of taste is also enriched by other sensations,such as odor and temperature.These functions together produce what we recognize as unique tastes.In fact,what we perceive as taste often involves smell more than the taste experienced through the tongue.This is why foods with strong tastes often seem bland to people who,due to a stuffy nose,cannot smell them.For example,cinnamon tastes quite mild to people who cannot enjoy its fragrant smell.The same is true of drinks,like hot coffee or tea,which taste best when they can be smelled as well as tasted.
What can also contribute to the sensation of taste is our ability to feel pain.The reason why hot,spicy foods like chili peppers are tasty is that they affect the lingual nociceptors.Nociceptors are small areas on the surface of the body that help protect us against injury.Nociceptors on the skin warn us of potential damage to the body.When we are pricked with a needle,for example,nociceptors represent that sensation as pain.A special kind of nociceptor called a lingual nociceptor is found on the tongue and,along with the other senses,helps us enjoy certain foods.

42.Which sentence best summarizes the main idea of the passage?B
A.New tastes can be created in laboratories.
B.Taste is a combination of different factors.
C.Solid foods have a stronger taste than drinks.
D.Taste is more important than smell for food.
43.Which word has the closest meaning to the phrase"give rise to"in Paragraph 2?D
A.lift              B.count             C.remove          D.produce
44.What does the author imply about cinnamon?B
A.It can relieve a stuffy nose.
B.It can have a very strong taste.
C.It should be kept in a cool place.
D.It tastes better in a large quantities.
45.What are"lingual nociceptors"?C
A.Foods that tastes hot and spicy like chili peppers.
B.Substances in a food that improve its flavor.
C.Areas on the tongue that sense spicy foods.
D.Small connections between the nose and the mouth.

分析 本文属于说明文阅读,作者通过这篇文章主要向我们描述了口味是不同因素的结合,天气温度,基本的口味的不同组合,感受疼痛的能力等都会影响味觉.

解答 42.B.主旨大意题.通读全文,可知文章主要讲了口味是不同因素的结合,天气温度,基本的口味的不同组合,感受疼痛的能力等都会影响味觉;故选B.
43.D.词义猜测题.根据第二段:How can so few basic tastes give rise to the enormous number of flavors we experience这么少的基本口味怎么会引起我们体验到的大量口味呢;可知意为引起;故选D.
44.B.推理判断题.根据倒数第二段:For example,cinnamon tastes quite mild to people who cannot enjoy its fragrant smell可知它可以有很强的味道;故选B.
45.C.细节理解题.根据最后一段:The reason why hot,spicy foods like chili peppers are tasty is that they affect the lingual nociceptors.Nociceptors are small areas on the surface of the body that help protect us against injury可知舌头上有辛辣食物的区域就是语言伤害;故选C.

点评 考察学生的细节理解和推理判断能力,做细节理解题时一定要找到文章中的原句,和题干进行比较,再做出正确的选择.在做推理判断题不要以个人的主观想象代替文章的事实,要根据文章事实进行合乎逻辑的推理判断.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

16.对---失去兴趣lose interest in.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

14.Four common bad habits combined-smoking,drinking too much,inactivity and poor diet-can age you by 12years,sobering new research suggests.
The findings are from a study that tracked nearly 5,000British adults for 20years,and they highlight yet another reason to adopt a healthier lifestyle.
Overall,300people studied had all four unhealthy behaviors.Among them,90died during the study,or 30percent.Among the 400healthiest people with none of the four habits,8percent of them died.
The risky behaviors were:smoking tobacco; downing more than three alcoholic drinks per day for men and more than two daily for women; getting less than two hours of physical activity per week; and eating fruits and vegetables fewer than three times daily.
These habits combined substantially increased the risk of death and made people who engaged in them seem 12years older than people in the healthiest group,said lead researcher Elisabeth Kvaavik of the University of Oslo.
The healthiest group included never-smokers and those who had quit; teetotalers,women who had fewer than two drinks daily and men who had fewer than three; those who got at least two hours of physical activity weekly; and those who ate fruits and vegetables at least three times daily.
"You don't need to be extreme"to be in the healthy category,Kvaavik said."These behaviors add up,so together it's quite good.It should be possible for most people to manage to do it."
The US government generally recommends at least 4cups of fruits or vegetables daily for adults,depending on age and activity level,and about 2hours of exercise weekly.

60.What problem may you have,if you smoke often and eat few fruits and vegetables?C
A.You would have difficulty in walking.   B.You would feel tired,lack of energy.
C.You may look older than you really are. D.You may face the risk of death of cancer.
61.How many of the 400healthiest people with none of the four habits died?A
A.32.      B.24.            C.56.            D.120.
62.What does this text mainly talk about?B
A.Suggestions to smokers.        
B.The results of four bad life habits.
C.The findings of a new research.         
D.The recommends from the US government.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

11.As computers become all the more popular in China,Chinese people are increasingly depending on computer keyboards to input Chinese characters.But if they use the computer too much,they may end up forgetting the exact strokes (笔画) of each Chinese character when writing on paper.Experts suggest people,especially students,write by hand more.
Do you write by hand more or type more?In Beijing,students start using a computer as early as primary school.And computer dependence is more widely spread among university students.Almost all their assignment and essays are typed on a computer.
All the students interviewed say they usually use a computer.
It's faster and easier to correct if using a computer.And that's why computers are being applied more and more often to modern education.But when people are taking stock in computers increasingly,problems appear.
"When I'm writing with a pen,I find I often can't remember how to write a character,though I feel I'm familiar with it."
"I'm not in the mood to write when faced with a pen and paper."
Many students don't feel this is something to worry about.Now that it's more convenient and efficient to write on a computer,why bother to handwrite?
Many educators think differently.Shi Liwei,headmaster of a famous primary school in the capital said,"Chinese characters enjoy both practical and aesthetic (审美的) value.But those characters typed with computer keyboards only maintain their practical value.All the artistic beauty of the characters is lost.And handwriting contains the writer's emotion.Through one's handwriting,people can get to know one's thinking and personality.Beautiful writing will give people a better first impression of them."
To encourage students to handwrite more,many primary schools in Beijing have made writing classes compulsory(必修的)and in universities,some professors are asking students to turn in their homework and essays written by hand.

60.The underlined expression"taking stock in"in paragraph 4probably meansB.
A.getting bored with    B.getting dependent on
C.becoming crazy about  D.getting curious about
61.The students interviewed prefer to write using a computer mainly becauseD.
A.computers have become a trend and fashion in China
B.they are usually asked to e-mail their homework and essays
C.they find it not easy to remember how to write a character
D.they can correct the mistakes they make quickly and conveniently
62.Which of the following statement is NOT true of the advantage of handwriting?C
A.Handwriting contains the writer's emotions.
B.Chinese characters enjoy both practical and aesthetic value.
C.Handwriting can impress people well and build one's self-confidence.
D.The writer's thinking and personality are shown in his or her handwriting.
63.Which of the following can best serve as the title of the passage?A
A.To Type or to Handwrite.
B.The Importance of Handwriting and Typing.
C.Writing by Computer Will Replace Writing by Hand.
D.Practical and Aesthetic Value of Chinese Characters.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

18.Tourism has the power to bring jobs and economic development to popular destination(目的地),but how should travelers decide where to spend their money?Are some countries more deserving of visitors'dollars than others?
That't the idea behind the 10-destination list put together by San Francisco-based non-profit Ethical(有道德的)Traveler,which,since 2006,has published an annual guide to the World's Best Ethical Destinations in the developing world.
"Instead of publishing countries for doing bad things,"said Jeff Greenwald,executive director of Ethical Traveler,"we're trying to offer a favor,rewarding countries in the developing world that are really trying to do the right thing."
So which countries are the most ethical?For 2013,the winners are Barbados,Cape Verde,Costa Rica,Ghana,Latvia,Lithuania,Mauritius,Palau,Samoa and Uruguay.
Those 10countries scored highest in three main areas:social welfare,environmental protection and human rights.
Greenwald explained that countries must have a good tourism infrastructure(基础建设)to make the list,but the non-profit Ethical Traveler also uses the list to promote(提倡)some under-visited places that can be a role model for other countries in their region.For example,Latvia earned high marks for improving its environmental efforts and strong human rights record,and the country's parks and nature reserves make for a great off-the-beaten-path ecotourism trip.
In addition to just visiting these countries,travelers should aim to spend their money in locally-owned business,Greenwald said,to ensure their financial support stays in the country they're visiting.However,that requires a well-maneged tourism infrastructure.While one could argue those poor places need the money even more,tourism can put pressure on countries that face such challenges.
Erica Avrami,research and education director at the World Monuments Fund(WMF) said that a list of ethical destinations is"a wonderful idea",the idea of being ethical goes both ways."There's also a certain responsibility on the part of the traveler to make sure their own footprint is as minimal as possible,"she said.

72.The passage mainly aims toA.
A.promote ethical destinations
B.encourage ecotourism trips
C.speed up the development of tourism
D.discuss which countries are ethical destinations
73.According to the fifth paragraph Latvia can make the list partially for its
A.good tourism infrastructure          B.regular ecotourism trip
C.strong human rights record           D.good social welfares
74.According to the passage,which of the following is TRUE?D
A.Tourism fails to help develop local economy and provide jobs.
B.All the destinations should equally share the money spent by visitors.
C.Ethical Traveler punishes the developing countries for doing wrong things.
D.Ethical Traveler rewards the developing countries for doing the right thing.
75.In the eyes of Erica Avrami,B.
A.being ethical is not actually a wonderful idea
B.being ethical depends on both travelers and destinations
C.travelers are advised to travel as far as possible
D.travelers should leave as much footprint as possible.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:解答题

8.A son in many developing countries means insurance,who will inherit his father's property and help support the family.However,to parents,a daughter is just another expense.Her place is in the home,not in the world of men.A girl can't help but feel inferior when everything around her tells her that she is worth less than a boy.Her future is,to some extent,shaped as soon as her family limits her opportunities and treat her as second-rater,which explain why women in developing countries perform much worse than men both in study and career.
Deep discrimination (歧视)against women creates a firm force that keeps girls from living up to their full potential.It also leaves them victims to severe physical and emotional harm.These"servants of the household"come to accept that life will never be any different.What's most harmful,it results not only in millions of individual tragedies,but also in the lost potential for the entire country.Studies show there is a direct link between a country's attitude toward women and its social and economic progress.The status of women is central to the health of a society.If one part suffers,so does the whole.
To deal with the situation,many women turn to education.Educated women are essential to ending sex discrimination,starting by reducing the poverty The most basic skills in literacy and Maths open up opportunities for better-paying jobs for women.Uneducated women in rural areas of Zambia,for instance,are twice as likely to live in poverty as those who have had eight or more years of education.
Women who have had some schooling are more likely to get married later,survive childbirth,have fewer and healthier children,and make sure their own children complete school.Understanding the importance of hygiene (卫生)and nutrition,they are more likely to stay in physical wellness.
Nevertheless,the comprehensive change for a society speaks for the more far-reaching meaning of women education.As women get the opportunity to go to school and obtain higher-level jobs,they gain status in their communities,which translates into the power to influence their families and societies.Such power may,together with other forces of outside interference,make even bigger changes possible and gradually lighten up women's fates in these countries.
(Note:Answer the questions or complete the statements in NO MORE THAN TEN WORDS.)
81.What two facts make a woman achieve less than men in developing countries?
Her family limiting her opportunities and treating her as second-rater
82.The most severe result of discrimination against women isthe lost potential for the entire country
83.Why are educated women in developing countries more likely to remain healthy?
Because they understand the importance of hygiene and nutrition
84.High social position at home helps women to have the ability toinfluence their families and societies.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

15.The Mississippi
         The Mississippi is a great river whose relationship with man goes way back beyond its discovery in the 16th century.The River Indians used it as a highway and as a source of food,and it was they who gave it its name-"misi"meaning"great"and"sipi"meaning"water".When the length of its branch,the Missouri,is added to it,the Mississippi becomes greater(71)C..From the source of the Missouri to the tip of the delta (三角洲),it is 2,480 miles long.
         Great rivers are likely to suffer floods.In 1927 the Mississippi flooded 26 thousand acres,sweeping away farms,towns,everything in its path.In 1938 its floods drowned or killed 200 people and made millions homeless.Today the river has largely been controlled.(72)B.
         Industries have spread down some of the waterways of the delta,but otherwise the delta is a remote place,the homeland of a little colony of French Canadians that the British drove out of Nova Scotia in the 18th century.They still speak French,mixed with English,Indian,Spanish and Negro idioms.They keep to themselves,fanning the rich soil of the delta.(73)G.
        (74)D.Pioneers who first reached its banks wondered not only where it went,but what lay beyond.In 1764 the French founded a city on the right bank of the river,and named it after their king,Louis XV.This city,named St.Louis,became the jumping-off place for the adventurous men and women who opened up the Great Plains,and the way to the Far West.
         Some 40 years earlier,at the beginning of the 18th century,the French had founded another city just above the Mississippi delta,New Orleans.(75)A.New Orleans is one of the great ports of the world,and one of the greatest terminals for both sea and river traffic.

A.It was the Mississippi that made the city what it is
B.Levees,high banks built of earth,hold back the flood waters
C.Therefore,as we know,it's the third longest river in the world
D.It is known that the"Great Water"has also been a frontier river
E.However,they paddled up and down the Mississippi in their boats to seek their fortune
F.The"Great Water"always remains a thread,for the streets of the city are below the level of the river
G. They call themselves Cajuns,who have actually been leading fairly primitive lives and  preserving their own traditions.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

12.She hoped to get a job on the local newspaper and eventuallyworked for"The Times".


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

13.It was raining lightly when I (61)arrived (arrive) in Yangshuo just before dawn.But I didn't care.A few hours9 62 )before/earlier,I'd been at home in Hong Kong,with( 63).its (it) choking(窒息的) fog.Here,the air was clean and fresh,even with the rain.
I'd skipped nearby Guilin,a dream place for tourists seeking the limestone mountain tops and dark waters of the Li River (64)that/which are pictured by artists in so many Chinese (65 )paintings(painting).Instead,I'd go straight to Yangshuo.For those who fly to Guilin,it's only an hour away (66)by car and offers all the scenery of the better-known city.
Yangshuo (67)is (be) really beautiful.A study of travelers( 68 )conducted (conduct) by the website Trip Advisor considers Yangshuo as one of the top 10destinations in the world.And the town is fast becoming a popular weekend destination for people in Asia.Abercrombie & Kent,a travel company in Hong Kong,says it (69)regularly(regular) arranges quick holidays here for people (70 )living (live) in Shanghai and Hong Kong.

