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11.Trapped on the 37th Floor
Melinda Skaar wasn't expecting any phone calls.Skaar was working late in her office at the First Interstate bank of California.By 10:45that night she was almost ready    to go home when the phone rang.
Picking it up,she heard a guard shouting."There is a fire!Get out of there!"
Skaar didn't panic.She figured that it was just a small fire.Her office building was    huge.There were 62floors and her desk was on the 37thfloor.
Skaar called out to office mate Stephen Oksas,who also stayed late to work.But when they got to the hallway,they were met by a cloud of black smoke.Rushing back,Skaar shut the door and filled the space at the bottom of the door with her jacket to keep the smoke out.
Then they called 911.Before they could call their families,however,the line went    dead.That meant that they were completely cut off from the outside world.All they could    do was wait and hope someone would come to rescue them.
Minutes ticked by.Smoke began to float into the office.Soon it became hard for them to breathe.
Looking around,Skaar noticed a small workroom.It seemed to have cleaner air.So    they crowded there.That helped for a while,but in time even the workroom was filled with deadly smoke.
Hopeless,they tried to break the windows,but the glass was not breakable.Everything they threw at just bounced back.
Defeated,they struggled back to the workroom.They felt weak and dizzy.Soon Skaar found Oksas had passed out.
As Skaar and Oksas lay near death,rescuers were rushing to find them.At last,at about 4a.m.,firefighters found them.
Skaar and Oksas knew they were lucky to be alive."Sunday is my birthday,"Skaar told a reporter.She would be turning 29.But she knew she had already got the best present possible-the gift of life.

24.What did Skaar and Oksas do when they were stopped by the fire?C
A.They called their families.    
B.They waited where they were.
C.They rushed back and shut the door.
D.They tried to run down the stairs.
25.The first sentence of the passage is to  A.
A.get the reader's attention    
B.introduce Skaar and Oksas
C.explain the cause of the event
D.tell the background information.
26.The following helped Skaar and Oksas survive the fire EXCEPT  B.
A.calling 911for help
B.breaking the windows to get some fresh air
C.crowding in a small workroom for clean air
D.shutting the door and keeping the smoke out with a jacket
27.What can we conc1ude from Skaar's action in the fire?C
A.She is cleverer than Oksas.
B.She was trained as a firefighter.
C.She remained calm in the face of danger.
D.She had had the experience of being caught in fire.

分析 文章叙述了两个女孩由于大火被困在36层的大楼内,面对危险她们临危不惧,终于安然脱险,幸免于难的故事.

解答 24.答案 C  细节理解题.根据文章Rushingback,Skaar shutthe door and filled the space at the bottom of the door with her jacket to keepthe smoke out.当他们被火截断了,他们冲回头,关上门.所以答案选择C.
25.答案 A  细节理解题.根据文章首句,她表示不再期待任何的电话.让读者很好奇,目的就是吸引读者.
26.答案  B 细节理解题.根据文章Hopeless,they tried to break the windows,but the glass was not breakable.Everything they threw at justbounced back.可知,他并没有打碎窗玻璃.
27.答案 C 细节理解题.在面对火灾,Skaar的一系列处理方式表现出他是一个临危不惧,镇定的人.所以答案选择C.

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科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

1.You watch a sad film and get caught up in your emotions.You cry your eyes out at the dramatic plot-you feel sad for the characters if they suffer,or happy for them when they are successful.It is only when the movie is over that you realize that what you were watching is not real.
But why couldn't you accept that when you were so absorbed in the movie?It was reported in Science Daily this week that scientists at Case Western Reserve University,US,discovered that people simply cannot think emotionally and logically at the same time.
It has long been known that something different goes on in our brain when we use logic,rather than responding to something emotionally.Thinking logically is a step-by-step process,in which people make decisions through reasoning and find answers rationally.When we think emotionally,or empathize (有同感),we look at things from someone else's point of view and try to feel their pain.
Now scientists have found that thinking logically and emotionally are like the two ends of a seesaw (跷跷板)-when we're busy empathizing,the part of the brain used for cold,hard analysis is  suppressed.And it's also true the other way round.
To come to this conclusion,scientists gathered 45people-men and women-to take brain scans as they solved different kinds of puzzles.Some of the puzzles were tough and involved math and physics and others were social problems that required participants to put themselves in other people's shoes.
Scientists found that when participants were doing a math problem,the region in their brain that is associated with logical thinking lit up,and when asked to make emotional decisions,the region for emotional thinking lit up.But the most interesting part is that when asked to solve problems that required both logical and emotional responses,the participants always used one of the regions at a time while the other one went dark.
"Empathetic and analytic thinking are…mutually (相互之间地) exclusive (排斥的) in the brain,"said Anthony Jack,leader of the study."You don't have to favor one,but cycle efficiently between them,and employ the right network at the right time."
However,people sometimes ended up using the wrong one.This explains why some people are good at solving complex math problems but have poor social skills.And why even the smartest people get taken in by fake but touching stories.
41.Why does the author mention watching movies at the beginning of the passage B?
A.To show that we are easily moved by things that are not real.
B.To show that sometimes we only use emotional thinking.
C.To introduce the research based on this kind of experiences.
D.To prove emotional thinking is powerful.
42.Scientists at Case Western Reserve University,US,proved C through their recent tests.
A.logical thinking works differently from emotional thinking
B.logical thinking is much more efficient than emotional thinking
C.logical thinking and emotional thinking take turns to function independently
D.logical thinking and emotional thinking could work together
43.The underlined word"suppressed"in Paragraph 4means C.
A.starting to react actively
B.being completely damaged
C.to prevent something from working effectively
D.obtaining an opposite function
44.We can conclude from the last two paragraphs that  B.
A.people have to frequently switch between different types of thinking
B.adopting the wrong thinking mode could have bad results
C.people could only either have excellent logical thinking or emotional thinking
D.people who think logically could easily be controlled
45.What could be the best title for the passage A?
A.Your Heart vs Your Mind                   B.Your Emotions
C.Logical Thinking           D.Movies and Feelings.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

2.I was in a rush as always,but this time it was for an important date I just couldn't be late for!I found myself at a checkout couter behind an elderly woman seemingly in no hurry as she paid for her groceries.A PhD student with not a lot of money,I had hurried into the store to pick up some flowers.I was in a huge rush,thinking of my upcoming evening.I did not want to be late for this date.
We were in Boston,a place not always known for small conversation between strangers.The woman stopped unloading her basket and looked up at me.She smiled.It was a nice smile---warm and reassuring----and I returned her gift by smiling back.
"Must be a special lady,whoever it is that will be getting those beautiful flowers,"she said.
"Yes,she's special,"I said,and then to my embarrassment,the words kept coming out.
"It's only our second date,but somehow I am just having the feeling she's‘the one'.Jokingly,I added,"The only problem is that I can't figure out why she'd want to date a guy like me."
"Well,I think she's very lucky to have a boyfriend who brings her such lovely flowers and who is obviously in love with her,"the woman said.""My husband used to bring me flowers every week-even when times were tough and we didn't have much money.Those were incredible(难以置信的) days; he was very romantic and-of course-I miss him since he's passed away."
I paid for my flowers as she was gathering up her groceries.There was no doubt in my mind as I walked up to her.I touched her on the shoulder and said,"You were right,you know.These flowers are indeed for a very special lady."I handed her the flowers and thanked her for such a nice conversation.
It took her a moment to realize that I was giving her the flowers I had just bught."You have a wonderful evening,"I said.I left her with a big smile and my heart warmed as I saw her smelling the beautiful flowers.
I remember being slightly late for my date that night and telling my girlfriend the above story.A couple of years later,when I finally worked up the courage to ask her to marry me,she told me that this story had helped to seal it for her-that was the night that I won her heart.
60.Why was the writer in a hurry that day?A
A.He was to meet his girlfriend
B.He had to go back to school soon.
C.He was delayed by an elderly lady
D.He had to pick up some groceries.
61.What does the underlined phrase"her gift"(Paragraph 2)refer to?B
A.Her words
B.Her smile
C.Her flowers
D.her politeness.
62.Why did the writer give his flowers to the elderly lady?C
A.She told him a nice story
B.She allowed him to pay first
C.She gave him encouragement
D.She liked flowers very much.
63.What can you learn from the story?C
A.Flowers are important for a date
B.Small talk is helpful.
C.Love and kindness are rewarding
D.Elderly people deserve respecting.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

19.When Cole was born,he was blind,which made his father Frankie Moran's heart sank.When Frankie Moran first saw his son,he could not imagine ever sharing his love of music with the boy.
But Cole was not deaf.He quickly showed an interest in music.Mr.Moran is a singer and songwriter.He says his son liked to be nearby when he was making music at home.
When he was just one year old,Cole started playing notes(音符) of simple songs on a toy piano."That is about the same time we discovered he had perfect sense of pitch(音高).Because when he would miss a note and hit the wrong notes in a song like‘Twinkle,Twinkle Little Star,'he would go back and find that note.So that's how we realized he knew what he was hearing."
Cole Moran is now 12years old.Cole plays music every day.He records his performances and listens back to the sound.
Cole's choice of instrument since he was four has been the harmonica(口琴),which he often plays with his dad.Last year,the father and son won second place at a Fiddler's Convention in their hometown.
The 12-year-old released his first CD recently.His mother,Jenny Moran,was excited."It is wonderful that he has something that he can do for the rest of his life that he will always enjoy."
Cole attends Maryland School for the Blind in Baltimore.There will be lots of time for music when classes end for the summer break.Frankie Moran says he and Cole plan to do a series of Blind Wind performances around the country.

4.When Cole was born,Frank Moran felt D.
5.From Paragraph 3,we can infer that     C.
A.Cole was extremely good at playing the piano at the age of one.
B.Twinkle,Twinkle Little Star was Cole's favorite song.
C.Cole had a talent for music when he was little.
D.Cole always made lots of mistakes when playing Twinkle,Twinkle Little Star.
6.Which of the following statement is True according to the text?C
A.Mr.Moran is a singer and play writer.
B.Mr.Moran has been playing the Harmonica since Cole was born.
C.Cole's mother was happy for him when he released his first CD.
D.Mr.Moran and Cole have done a series of Blind Wind performances.
7.Which of the following can be the best title for the text?D
A.Never Judge a Person by His Appearance.
B.Every Man Has His Faults (缺点)
C.Failure Is the Mother of Success
D.Blind Boy Defines (明确) His Life With Music.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

6.The writer Margaret Mitchell is best known for writing Gone with the Wind,first published in 1936.Her book and the movie based on it,tell a story of love and survival during the American Civil War.Visitors to the Margaret Mitchell House in Atlanta,Georgia,can go where she lived when she started composing the story and learn more about her life.
Our first stop at the Margaret Mitchell House is an exhibit area telling about the writer's life.She was born in Atlanta in 1900.She started writing stories when she was a child.She started working as a reporter for the Atlanta Journal newspaper in 1922.One photograph of Ms.Mitchell,called Peggy,shows her talking to a group of young college boys.She was only about one and a half meters tall.The young men tower over her,but she seems very happy and sure of herself.The tour guide explains:"Now in this picture Peggy is interviewing some boys from Georgia Tech,asking them such questions as"Would you really marry a woman who works?"And today it'd be"Would you marry one who doesn't?"
The Margaret Mitchell House is a building that once contained several apartments.Now we enter the first floor apartment where Ms.Mitchell lived with her husband,John Marsh.They made fun of the small apartment by calling it"The Dump".
Around 1926,Margaret Mitchell had stopped working as a reporter and was at home healing after an injury.Her husband brought her books to read from the library.She read so many books that he bought her a typewriter and said it was time for her to write her own book.Our guide says Gone with the Wind became a huge success.Margaret Mitchell received the Pulitzer Prize for the book.In 1939the film version was released.It won ten Academy Awards,including Best Picture.

12.The book Gone with the Wind wasC.
A.first published on a newspaper 
B.awarded ten Academy Awards
C.written in"The Dump"
D.adapted from a movie
13.The underlined phrase"tower over"in Paragraph 2is closest in meaning to
A.be very pleased with 
B.be much taller than
C.show great respect for 
D.show little interest in
14.We can know about Margaret Mitchell from the passage thatB.
A.her height made her marriage unhappy 
B.her interest in writing continued as an adult  
C.writing stopped her working as a reporter  
D.her life was full of hardship and sadness
15.Which is the best title for the passage?D
A.Gone with the Wind:A Huge Success. 
B.Margaret Mitchell:A Great Female Writer.
C.An Introduction of the Margaret Mitchell House. 
D.A Trip to Know Margaret Mitchell.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

16.In 1974,the price of petrol in Britain rose by 120percent; cars became expensive to run and train and bus fares increased.People who hadn't used a bicycle since they were children decided that they would buy bicycles.They discovered that cycling could be enjoyable and cheap.
Bicycle sales had been falling for many years but suddenly everything changed.In 1975,British people spent more than one million on bicycles.Bicycle traffic increased by 11percent.
Bicycle fans compare the cost of running a car with the cost of running a bicycle.They also say bicycle-riding is a good form of exercise.In towns bicycles can often be faster than cars or buses.The bicyclists can ride through traffic jams and at the end of his journey he doesn't have to look for a parking space.Cycling through the countryside is a real pleasure; the cyclist has time to see things that the motorist,driving at over 100kilometers an hour,never sees.
But in the cities,cycling can be dangerous.You need good concentration(专心)and strong nerves,especially when a truck or a bus is trying to pass you.Since cycling became popular again,there has been an increase in the number of accidents.
Cyclists say the answer to the problem is to separate bicycles from other traffic.Stevenage,a new town near London,has a system of"bikeways",where only bicycles are allowed to travel.However,in most towns,cyclists say,the needs of the bicycle riders are overlooked.Cyclists have formed into"action groups"in many towns in Britain.They want to persuade local councils-who are in charge of the roads and traffic in their areas-to make sure there are safe facilities(设施)for cyclists.Or,they say,interest in cycling will die.

12.Today the Britain want to ride bikes becauseB.
A.trains and buses are too crowded
B.the cost of riding bikes is much cheaper than that of taking trains or buses
C.there are a lot of thieves on the trains or in the buses
D.the traffic accidents easily happen while people go to work by train or by bus
13.What is special about traffic in Britain today?A
A.More and more people ride bikes.
B.More and more people like to take trains.
C.Taking trains is much safer than taking buses.
D.No people like to take buses.
14.The main reason for so many people's riding bikes in England is thatA.
A.bike-riding does good to people
B.a bike is easy to take care of
C.a bike is much cheaper than a car
D.there is no need of a parking place for a bike
15.Riding bikes has many strong points,but when it becomes popularD.
A.a lot of bikes will be crowded in the public places
B.a lot of bus-drivers and trainmen are out of work
C.fewer and fewer people will take a train
D.there will easily be more and more traffic accidents.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

3.Perhaps you're someone who lined up all of your dolls,action figures,and stuffed animals in front of a mini-chalkboard when you were a kid.You read to them and taught them how to solve math problems.Maybe when older,you became an after-school tutor and thought,"Hey,I'd like to do that full-time."
The inspiration to become a teacher hits some people when they're young while others become teachers later in life.Whether you want to study to be a teacher right out of high school or you change from another career into teaching,the best teachers share a few things in common.Of course,teachers have to have at least an undergraduate degree,and many districts require teachers to earn a graduate teaching degree.Many school districts have begun requiring a master's degree.However,on top of education,good teachers also display some common characteristics that help to inspire and motivate their students.
Some teachers prefer to teach in a very structured style while others prefer assigning group work,encouraging class discussions,and letting students do independent projects.Both types of teachers can be very well-organized as long as they have a reason for what they do and they've carefully planned their lessons.If you're good at making material not only fun but memorable and if you can present it in a brief way,then you probably have the organizational skills to become a teacher.
Great teachers know the subjects that they teach inside and out.They can explain the history,current developments,and future trends of the subjects.Also,they understand the basic theories of their fields.Elementary school teachers need to have command of various subjects,while middle school and high school teachers usually focus on a single subject area and they develop in-depth knowledge of that subject.
If you decide to become a teacher,you should commit to learning everything that you can while in high school and college.You also should develop good study habits that allow you to remember information about your field.
31.The underlined part"do that"in Paragraph 1 can be replaced by"A":
A.work as a teacher    
B.solve math problems  
C.work as a tutor 
D.take care of kids
32.The passage tells us that the basic requirement of being a teacher isB
A.an inspiration in an early age     
B.an undergraduate degree
C.a graduate teaching degree             
D.an experience of top education
33.What does Paragraph 3 mainly talk about?D
A.Different teachers'hobbies
B.Different types of teachers.
C.Teachers'well-planned lessons
D.Teachers'organizational skills.
34.According to the passage,a person who wants to become a teacher shouldC.
A.be able to explain the history of different subjects
B.be clear about the future trend of teachers
C.make good preparations in schools and colleges
D.have a command of many kinds of subjects
35.Which is the best title for the passage?B
A.The Inspiration To Become A Teacher     
B.What It Takes To Be A Good Teacher
C.The Future Of A Good Teacher           
D.College Courses For Teachers.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:信息匹配

20.61.Not everything you see is what it appears to be.C
62.He who loses freedom loses all.A
63.Misfortune tests true friendship.B
64.Union gives strength.F
65.Precious things are for those that can prize them.D
A wolf was almost dead with hunger.A housedog saw him,and asked,"Friend,your irregular life will soon ruin you".Why don't you work steadily as I do,and get your food regularly?""I would have no objection,"said the wolf,"if I could only get a place.""I will help you,"said the dog."Come with me to my master,and you shall share my work."So the wolf and the dog went to the town together.On the way the wolf saw that there was no hair around the dog's neck.He felt quite surprised,and asked him why it was like that?"Oh,it is nothing,"said the dog."Every night my master puts a collar around my neck and chains me up.You will soon get used to it.""Is that the only reason?"said the wolf."Then good-bye to you,my friend.I would rather be free."
Two men were traveling together,when a bear suddenly met them on their path.One of them climbed up quickly into a tree and concealed himself in the branches.The other,seeing that he must be attacked,fell flat on the ground,and when the Bear came up and felt him with his snout,and smelt him all over,he held his breath,and feigned the appearance of death as much as he could.The Bear soon left him,for it is said he will not touch a dead body.When he was quite gone,the other Traveler descended from the tree,and jocularly inquired of his friend what it was the Bear had whispered in his ear."He gave me this advice,"his companion replied."Never travel with a friend who deserts you at the approach of danger."
A prince had some monkeys trained to dance.Being naturally good at learning,they showed themselves excellent pupils,and in their rich clothes and masks,they danced as well as any of the courtiers.Their performance was often repeated with great applause,till on one occasion a courtier,bent on mischief,took from his pocket a handful of nuts and threw them upon the stage.The monkeys at the sight of the nuts forgot their dancing and became (as indeed they were) monkeys instead of actors.Pulling off their masks and tearing their robes,they fought with one another for the nuts.The dancing spectacle thus came to an end in the laughter and ridicule of the audience.
A cock was once strutting up and down the farmyard among the hens when suddenly he noticed something shining in the straw."Ho!ho!"said he,"that's for me,"and soon rooted it out from beneath the straw.It turned out to be a pearl that by some chance had been lost in the yard."You may be a treasure,"signed the cock,"to man,but for me I would rather have a single barley-corn."
Lion was awakened from sleep by a Mouse running over his face.Rising up in anger,he caught him and was about to kill him,when the Mouse piteously entreated,saying:"If you would only spare my life,I would be sure to repay your kindness."The Lion laughed and let him go.It happened shortly after this that the Lion was caught by some hunters,who bound him by strong ropes to the ground.The Mouse,recognizing his roar,came up,and gnawed the rope with his teeth,and setting him free,exclaimed:"You ridiculed the idea of my ever being able to help you,not expecting to receive from me any repayment of your favour; but now you know that it is possible for even a Mouse to confer benefits on a Lion."
An old man on the point of death summoned his sons around him to give them some parting advice.He ordered his servants to bring in a bunch of sticks,and said to his eldest son:"Break it."The son tried hard,but with all his efforts was unable to break the bundle.The other sons also tried,but none of them was successful."Untie it,"said the father,"and each of you take a stick."When they had done so,he called out to them:"Now,break,"and each stick was easily broken.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

1.Sheapplied(申请)to three universities but wasn't accepted by any of them.

