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Isn’t it cool to surf (冲浪) in summer? You catch a wave and enjoy the ride. Surfing is not only our favorite sport, though. A group of penguins (企鹅) enjoy the sport as much as we do. And they show their excitement and skills in the new animated film —Surf`s Up, which came out on June 6, in the US.

    Cody loves the sport. Cody’s idol (偶像) is Big Z, a great penguin surfing king. Cody doesn’t like his brother and his mother who are not supportive. He really wants to get away. Cody believes that winning a surfing competition will bring him admiration and respect. When Mikey Abromowitz, a talent scout (侦察员), comes to Antarctica to look for talented penguins for a surfing competition, Cody’s really excited, but during his show there are no waves and he doesn’t make it. But he knows he can’t give up. He runs after Mikey’s whale and begs until Mikey agrees to take him.

    There Cody meets Lani, the island’s beautiful lifeguard, as well as his main rival (对手), the surfing champion Evans. The cocky Evans shows no respect for Big Z, which makes Cody angry. For this, he challenges Evans to a surfing match, only to suffer a terrible defeat.

    Lani takes Cody to the island doctor. As they spend time together, Cody realizes that this doctor is really Big Z himself. When he learns this, Cody begs him to train him and make him a better surfer.

    Cody begins to find his own way. Cody improves his skills with the help of Big Z and discovers that a true winner isn’t always the one who comes in first.

1.The passage mainly tells us ______.

A. that winning can bring you good luck and respect

B. how a penguin can be a good surfer

C. about a new animated film —Surf`s Up

D. about the life of a teenage penguin called Cody

2.Which of the following statements about Big Z is NOT true?

A. He is a great penguin surfing king.

B. He doesn’t help Cody with surfing although Cody begs him.

C. He works as a doctor after he leaves surfing.

D. He is loved by the teenage penguin Cody.

3.The underlined part “doesn’t make it” in Paragraph 2 probably means “_______”.

A. feels very sad                     B. can’t breathe freely

C. is not successful             D. can’t continue surfing

4.Which of the following statements about Cody is NOT true?

A. He likes surfing and lives in Antarctica.

B. He thinks winning will win him the respect of others at first.

C. He gets along well with his brother and his mother.

D. He is defeated by Evans in a surfing match.










1.C主旨大意题。文章以设问的方式引出话题“the new animated film —Surf`s Up, which came out on June 6, in the US.”然后介绍了电影的内容情节,所以本文内容就是介绍这部电影,故C选项正确。

2.B细节理解题。从文章末段Cody improves his skills with the help of Big Z可知B选项内容错误,所以B选项正确。

3.C词义猜测题。从上文there are no waves可知冲浪运动没有浪头,没办法展示技能技巧,而且下文的转折But he knows he can’t give up. 暗含的意思是也他没有取得成功,所以C选项正确。

4.C细节理解题。从文章第二段Cody doesn’t like his brother and his mother who are not supportive.可知C选项内容错误,故正确答案为C。




科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

13. It is the first time that you have come to China, _____?

A. haven’t you            B. isn’t it

C. hasn’t it              D. aren’t you


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Listen! His family must be quarrelling, ____?

A、mustn’t it  B、isn’t it         C、aren’t they         D、needn’t they


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

The restaurant must be crowded from ________number of cars parked in front of it,________?

A.a;isn’t it                    B.the;isn’t it                 C.the;mustn’t it             D.a;mustn’t it


科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年四川省高二上学期期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Listen! His family must be quarreling, _____?

A.mustn’t it.

B.isn’t it.

C.aren’t they.

D.needn’t they.



科目:高中英语 来源:江西省赣州十一县(市)2009-2010学年度高一下学期期中联考(英语) 题型:单项填空

Listen! His family must be quarrelling, ____?

A.mustn’t it

B.isn’t it

C.aren’t they

D.needn’t they


