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            Ted wanted to have a strong body. In order to achieve that,he joined a gym and start to work out there. He visited to the gym every day and worked out there for at least two hour each time.However,one week later,she was almost unable to get up because a lot of pain in his body. Later,he hired the personal trainer. To his surprise,instead of ask him to work out every day,the man asked him to rest the follow day after he worked out each time. He was telling this could help him as his body needed time to recover after exercise. When we're working out,getting enough rest is real important.

51. ... and start to ...       start ¡ú started

52. ... visited to the ...     È¥µô to

53. ... two hour ...           hour ¡ú hours

54. ... she was almost...      she ¡ú he

55. ... because the pains ...  because ºó¼Ó of

56. ¡­the personal trainer ... the ¡ú a

57. ... instead of ask ...     ask ¡ú asking

58. ... the follow day ...     follow ¡ú following

59. He was telling ...         telling ¡ú told

60. ... real important...      real ¡ú really

ÌâÄ¿À´Ô´£º2016ÄêÓ¢ÓïÖܱ¨¸ß¶þÐÂ¿Î³Ì > µÚ27ÆÚ 2015-2016ѧÄê¸ß¶þпγÌ


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ÔĶÁÏÂÃæ¶ÌÎÄ£¬´Ó¶ÌÎĺó¸÷ÌâËù¸øµÄËĸöÑ¡Ïî(A¡¢B¡¢CºÍD) .ÖÐ,Ñ¡³ö¿ÉÒÔÌîÈë¿Õ°×´¦µÄ×î¼ÑÑ¡Ïî¡£

        Mexican President Vicente Fox was once invited to a university to give a lecture. A student asked him, ¡°In your experience in politics have you 21 ?¡±

        Fox said, ¡°No,never.¡±

        The students were (ÇáÉùµØЦ) 22 every politician always said so.

        Fox wasn¡¯t 23 . He said, ¡°In this society,perhaps it is very 24 to prove that T m an honest man, 25 you should believe that in this world there's 26,which is always around us. I want to tell you a 27 which means a lot to me.  .

        ¡°There was a father who was ready to dismantle(²ð³ý) the pavilion(ͤ×Ó) in the garden. His son said to him, ¡®Daddy,I want to 28 how you dismantle the pavilion,so can you not dismantle it 29 I come back from school?¡¯ His father 30 . However,after the boy 31 ,he asked some workers to dismantle the pavilion. After the boy returned from school,he found the old pavilion tiad 32 . Therefore,he said 33 to his father, 'Dad,you told me a lie/ His father was embarrassed and said, ¡®My boy,I was 34.'The father called in the workers again and had them rebuild a pavilion in the 35 of the old one. After the pavilion was rebuilt,he called in his son and said to the workers ,¡®Please dismantle it.¡¯

           ¡°I know the father. He was not rich,but he kept his 36. ¡±

         Hearing this,the students said ,¡°What,s the father's name? We hope to 37 him."

         Fox said, ¡°He has died,but his son is still 38.¡±             ¡°Then,where's  his son? He must be an honest man.¡±

         Fox said, ¡°His son is 39 here. It's me. I'd like to treat this country and everyone in it like my father 40 me.¡±

         A storm of applause thundered in the audience. 

         Dismantling and rebuilding a pavilion restored the boy's faith in honesty.

21. A. failed   B. lied   C. feared   D. dreamed

22. A. if   B. once   C. because   D. although

23. A. angry   B. careful G. excited   D. shy

24. A. simple   B. hard   C. useful   D. possible

25. A. and   B. or   C. so   D. but

26. A. selflessness   B. knowledge   A. power   D. honesty

27. A. method   B. book   C. story   D. view

28. A. show   B. prove   C. see   D. discuss

29. A. until   B. unless   C. after   D. for

30. A. apologized   B. agreed   A. changed   D. succeeded

31. A. forgot   B. refused   C. left   D. arrived

32. A. finished   B. disappeared   C. shined   D. improved

33. A. proudly   B. impolitely  C. patiently   D. unhappily

34. A. wrong   B. tired   C. satisfied   D. clear

35. A. middle   B. shape   C. face   D. interest

36. A. record   B. secret  C. promise   D. appointment

37. A. help   B. attract G. criticize   D. know

38. A. brave   B. alive   C. bright   D. alone

39. A. standing   B. travelling   C. running   D. regretting

40. A. trained   B. needed   C. treated   D. praised


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          The Snowman is one of my all-time favorite pieces of animation (¶¯»­Æ¬) . Directed by Dianne Jackson and produced by Jonathan Coates,this film is truly filled with wonder. The music by Howard Blake,Walking in the Air,stays with me for days every time I watch this film. Based on the best-selling book by Raymond Briggs,this animation is true to the original story and one you can share with your family during the holiday season.

          In The Snowman,a young boy called James wakes up one morning and finds snow on the ground. Jle quickly gets dressed and runs outside. He then builds a huge snowman. He gives it eyes,a nose,a scarf and a hat. He. even gives it a big smiley face. After building the entire snowman by himself,it is time for James to go to bed. When he wakes up again he notices that the snowman has moved a little,so he runs downstairs and out of the door. He then notices the snowman is glowing,moves some more and then totally comes to life. The snowman and James introduce themselves to each other and become great friends. The rest,of the film shows the two flying around with so much^ fun and adventure throughout the day.

            The book,The Snowman,was adapted for the screen in 1982. It was (ÌáÃû) for an Academy Award for best animated short film. The scenes of the animation are just amazing,bringing to life so many memories from the days of mowe ÒÔ(µçÓ°¶ÌƬ) .The Silence in the film,meaning that there is no dialogue,makes it even more beautiful and old-fashioned.

            I recommend this film to children aged 2 to 6. Parents will enjoy not having to worry if it is appropriate or not. I give the film 5 out of 5 stars.

1. The original story for the animation came from.

   A. Howard Blake      B. Dianne Jackson

   C. Raymond Briggs    D. Jonathan Coates

2. What is the animation mainly about?

   A. A snowman's winter adventures.

   B. A boy's happy time during the holiday.

   C. A boy's worries about losing a snowman.

   D. A boy's happy time with a living snowman,

3. From Paragraph 3 ,we know that the animation .

   A. is a pioneer animated short film

   B. has won an Academy Award

   C. begins with funny dialogues

   D. has very beautiful scenes

4. According to the text,the author.

   A. thinks highly of The Snowman

   B. doesn't enjoy Walking in the Air

   C. used to play with snow when he was young

   D. recommends kids to read the book about James


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          Do you think we can understand people's characters from the way they write? Many people would disagree with the idea. However,some business leaders and a group called ¡°graphologists(±Ê¼£Ñ§¼Ò)¡±believe our personalities are revealed in our handwriting.

           Graphology is a term used to describe the practice of analyzing people's  handwriting to determine what kind of personalities they have. It's  thought that certain letter formations and patterns in wnting reveal personality types.

           Many organizations in France invite graphologists to help with the selection of employees. Applicants are required to submit a handwritten letter so that graphologists can determine if they have the right personality for the job. Handwriting that is big and carefully planned is thought to indicate that the writer is outgoing and confident. Thus,jobs that require such a personality would be given to people with this type of handwriting. People with plain handwriting who use small letters would be thought to be shy and thus not suitable for the job.

           The slant(Çãб) of a person's handwritjng is ajso thought to reveal something about his character. Writing with a slant to the right¡¢vShows that the person thinks about the future,while writing with a slant to the left reveals a tendency to be stuck in the past. A person whose letters are round rather than (ÓÐÀâ½ÇµÄ) would be thought to be friendly.

Though graphology is widely used,it is not supported by scientific evidence. The reason it seems to work is that the personality descriptions revealed are highly generalized. It is much like a horoscope(Õ¼ÐÇÊõ) or palm reading,which describes personalities using very general terms. And people tend to notice the parts of the description that are true while ignoring the parts that are not true.

5. Applicants* handwriting is analyzed mainly to find out whether they .

   A. have the ability to handle the job

   B. can devote themselves to the job

   C. were good students in the past

   D. have big plans for the future

6. Which of the following about graphology is mentioned in the text?

   A. The size and angle of letters.

   B. The space between letters or words.

   C. The scientific evidence of graphology.

   D. The speed and pressure of the writing.

7. What do we know about a person by his handwriting according to the text?

   A. A person who writes round letters is silent.

   B. Angular writing shows someone is easy-going.

   C. A person who has a right slant in his writing is future-oriented.

   D. Large writing shows someone likes to live in the past.

8. The text is mainly about .

   A. what helps graphologists analyze handwriting

   B. what people's  handwriting reveals about them

   C. how graphology is used to predict people's future

   D. how we can improve our handwriting with practice


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          I want to go to grm/wfl¼Í sc/wo/ (ÑÐÈßÉúÔº) £¬but it seems really expensive. What's the best way to pay for it?


Pick a school you know you can afford

       A big part of your decision will depend on the graduate programs available to you. I had thousands of dollars in student loan debt freim being an w/2°ìrgradwafe (±¾¿ÆÉú) at New York University when I made the decision to go to graduate school for journalism. So I searched for a program that wouldn¡¯t  cost a lot. Looking back,I'm  glad I chose to go to the City University of New York,a public school,because I graduated with almost no debt at all.

Exhaust scholarships and grants before you take out loans 

       You probably remember hearing this when you applied to college,but there's a huge number of scholarships available,some of which don't get a lot of applicants. Search for professional organizations focusing on the field you* re interested in,for example,and see if they offer graduate scholarships.

Borrow only the amount you need 

       When you* re accepted to graduate school,you 11  get a financial aid award letter,which will include federal and private loans to cover the cost that scholarships and grants won,t. But you don't need to take the full amount of loans your school offers you. Reduce the amount of loans you take on io the smallest by graduating on time,so you don't have to borrow additional money,and by paying the interest on your federal loans while you* re in school.

Pick the right student loan repayment strategy 

      When it's  time to pay back your graduate school loans,there are lots of ways to make your monthly bills manageable. If you have federal loans,you can choose from six repayment plans,some of which tie your monthly payments to your income. If you don't earn enough to afford the 10-year standard repayment plan,you can pay up to 10% of your income on income-based repayment or the Pay As You Earn plan instead.

13. The author mentioned his experience mainly to show that it's  important to .

   A. go to a public school

   B. choose a good university

   C. graduate without any debt

   D. pick an affordable graduate school

14. What does the underlined part ¡°Exhaust scholarships and grants¡± in the text mean?

   A. Use all scholarships and grants.

   B. Apply for all scholarships and grants.

   C. Leam.about all scholarships and grants.

   D. Apply for the biggest scholarship or grant.

15. In the author's  opinion,graduate school students should .

   A. avoid some extra expense

   B. cover all costs with scholarships

   C. avoid getting too high loans

   D. choose federal loans instead of private ones

16. What is mainly suggested in the last paragraph?

   A. Finding a well-paid job. 

   B. Paying back your loans wisely.

   C. Paying off your loans in ten years.

   D. Refusing the Pay As You Earn plan.


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He ran he won the race.


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() 26. Ò»Jean,I really like that skirt,but it doesn¡¯t.

¡ªDon¡¯t be upset. Maybe we can find a better one.

   A. fit   B. win C. matter   D. appear


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68. The high walls give the garden (protect) from the wind


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75. Õâ¸ö¹ú¼ÒÈË¿ÚÏ¡ÉÙ¡£

This country .

