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Word came   I was wanted at the office.

  A.which    B.why    C.that    D.whether



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Word came that the government must control the spread of this disease.

“Our job,”said the 26 officer,“is to spray the wall of every house in every town and village in the malaria parts of Mexico.You may be 27 to learn that there are about ninety-nine thousand 28 villages and towns.Some are big places like the capital city, 29 are single houses deep in the forest or upon the mountaintops.The men working with our program say that most of these people 30 within districts which are 31 enough for the mala ria-carrying mosquitoes to live in and spread the disease.That 32 that we must plan to spray the bricks of 33 three million houses once or twice a year for five years.”

“We have 34 everything very carefully,”said the officer 35 .“Our advance guards have drawn 36 of some forty thousand parts of the country for 37 by the spray teams.Each house in the malaria districts has been given a special 38 so that we can work in order.The United States has given us cars and trucks to carry the spray teams and their 39 .”

“The malaria program has been 40 with the people in this country.Everyone wants to 41 .The Defense Department is helping us plan the 42 of men and supplies.The Education Department has printed sheets in Spanish to explain 43 malaria is spread.Resistance is a problem.It was in the neighboring country—the United States that such resistance to spray was first 44 .Take the 45 of the housefly and D.D.T. At fist D.D.T. killed them off.Now it won’t hurt a fly.”

“What worries people is the danger that the mosquitoes may become resistant,”said the officer at last.

26.A.education              B.wealth                       C.health                       D.medicine

27.A.surprised                     B.excited                      C.doubtful                    D.happy

28.A.united                  B.developing                C.similar                      D.separate

29.A.other                    B.some                         C.the others                  D.the few

30.A.sleep                    B.live                           C.stand                         D.sit

31.A.cold                            B.hot                           C.bright                       D.warm

32.A.saves                    B.expresses                   C.means                       D.is

33.A.nearly                  B.mostly                      C.finally                       D.only

34.A.read                            B.learnt                        C.written                      D.studied

35.A.mentioned            B.remembered                     C.started                       D.continued

36.A.pictures                B.places                       C.maps                         D.bus-lines

37.A.store                    B.use                           C.share                         D.show

38.A.name                    B.sign                          C.number                            D.attention

39.A.tools                    B.clothes                      C.families                     D.guns

40.A.familiar                B.friendly                     C.strict                         D.popular

41.A.work                    B.run                           C.stop                          D.help

42.A.movement            B.program                    C.action                       D.equipment

43.A.why                            B.how                          C.what                         D.that

44.A.proved                 B.killed                        C.thought                            D.discussed

45.A.event                    B.matter                       C.fact                           D.case


科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年广西大学附属中学高一上学期期末考试英语试卷(带解析) 题型:完型填空

Sneaker is a kind of shoe worn by many people all over the world. Some say that the word “sneaker” is another word for tennis shoe,   36   no one really knows where the word came from.   37  say it came from the old English verb “sneak”, which  38   moving silently and quickly. The only thing we are   39  is that when you put on a pair of sneakers, you   40   light-hearted, light-footed and ready to play.
Sneakers of some kind are used by   41   who play tennis, basketball, and other sports. New design has been made   42   for people who run slowly. But perhaps sneakers are   43   used by children in the United States. In fact American children of  44   ages would much rather play in sneakers than anything else, except perhaps  45   at all.
  New York City once held a poetry contest (诗歌比赛) for children. The subject was only “sneaker”. Thousands of children sent in their  46   and praised the sneakers they love. One prize winner called  47   poem “The Sneaker and the World Peace”. “When everyone is wearing sneakers,” she said, “it will be impossible to   48 .”
American school children can be seen every day   49  sneakers of all colours. They put them on in the morning and take them off  50 . Sneakers are  51  washed. In fact the older and dirtier they are, the  52  loveable they are. When their sneakers wear out (穿破), children hate to throw them off. How do you explain the closeness between  53  ? Perhaps another young   54  in the New York Poetry Contest said it best. “A shoe is just a shoe,” he said. “But a sneaker is a   55 .”

A.AllB.SomeC.PeopleD.The others
A.appearsB.remains C.meansD.wants
A.excited aboutB.sure ofC.surprised atD.pleased with
A.thinkB.feel C.considerD.suggest
A.lovelyB.specially C.livelyD.cheaply
A.some shoesB.no shoesC.no childrenD.some sneakers
A.dressingB.wearingC.putting onD.having
A.the next dayB.at noonC.at bedtimeD.in the evening
A.sneakers and other shoesB.boys and girls
C.children and sneakersD.winners and sneakers


科目:高中英语 来源:2015届广西大学附属中学高一上学期期末考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完型填空

Sneaker is a kind of shoe worn by many people all over the world. Some say that the word “sneaker” is another word for tennis shoe,   36   no one really knows where the word came from.   37  say it came from the old English verb “sneak”, which  38   moving silently and quickly. The only thing we are   39  is that when you put on a pair of sneakers, you   40   light-hearted, light-footed and ready to play.

Sneakers of some kind are used by   41   who play tennis, basketball, and other sports. New design has been made   42   for people who run slowly. But perhaps sneakers are   43   used by children in the United States. In fact American children of  44   ages would much rather play in sneakers than anything else, except perhaps  45   at all.

  New York City once held a poetry contest (诗歌比赛) for children. The subject was only “sneaker”. Thousands of children sent in their  46   and praised the sneakers they love. One prize winner called  47   poem “The Sneaker and the World Peace”. “When everyone is wearing sneakers,” she said, “it will be impossible to   48 .”

American school children can be seen every day   49  sneakers of all colours. They put them on in the morning and take them off  50 . Sneakers are  51  washed. In fact the older and dirtier they are, the  52  loveable they are. When their sneakers wear out (穿破), children hate to throw them off. How do you explain the closeness between  53  ? Perhaps another young   54  in the New York Poetry Contest said it best. “A shoe is just a shoe,” he said. “But a sneaker is a   55 .”

1.                A.however        B.but            C.or   D.and


2.                A.All            B.Some          C.People   D.The others


3.                A.appears        B.remains         C.means    D.wants


4.                A.excited about    B.sure of         C.surprised at   D.pleased with


5.                A.think           B.feel            C.consider  D.suggest


6.                A.men           B.women         C.those D.these


7.                A.lovely          B.specially        C.lively D.cheaply


8.                A.only           B.greatly         C.hardly    D.finally


9.                A.all             B.some           C.little D.old


10.               A.some shoes     B.no shoes        C.no children D.some sneakers


11.               A.photos         B.compositions    C.poems    D.drawings


12.               A.her            B.his            C.its    D.their


13.               A.explain         B.guide          C.hate  D.love


14.               A.dressing        B.wearing        C.putting on D.having


15.               A.the next day     B.at noon         C.at bedtime D.in the evening


16.               A.forever        B.always         C.seldom    D.sometimes


17.               A.much          B.many          C.most  D.more


18.                                A.sneakers and other shoes   B.boys and girls

C.children and sneakers               D.winners and sneakers


19.               A.girl            B.man           C.woman    D.winner


20.               A.sneaker        B.friend          C.poem D.shoe




科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

阅读下@各小题,根据括号内的汉语提示,用句末括号内的英语单词完成句子,并将 答案写在答题卡上的相应题号后。

71. ______,yet he needs the dignity that we normal people own. (as)


72. He hurried to the airport to meet his favorite film star, only ______ that she had left, (inform)


73. What if we ______ with us? (take)


74. The clever student, once ______,dropped out of China's top universities twice. (addict)


75. To our anger, die restroom in that park charged us tourists , but we ______ it. (access)

让我们愤怒的是,那个公园的厕所收了我们游客的费,但我们本应该有权免费使 用的。

76. After Paul's fourth error ,word came ______  in no time, (fire)


77. You are welcome to drop in at my place whenever ______ ( convenient)


78. It was only when all the Evidences had been shown to him ______. ( admit)


79. You are such a lover of iphones, so I believe that ______ Steve Jobs' death, ( rnourn)


80. By law, ______, the vice-president will be in charge. (absence)

依照宪法,总统不在期间,副总统将负起责任。 第二节:短文写作(共1题;满分30分)

