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_______ to the top of the hill, and you can see the whole of the town.

A.GetB.To get
C.GettingD.Having got


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

The past ages of man have all been carefully labeled by anthropologists. Descriptions like ‘Palaeolithic Man’, ‘Neolithic Man’, etc., neatly sum up whole periods. When the time comes for anthropologists to turn their attention to the twentieth century, they will surely choose the label ‘Legless Man’. Histories of the time will go something like this: ‘in the twentieth century, people forgot how to use their legs. Men and women moved about in cars, buses and trains from a very early age. There were lifts and escalators in all large buildings to prevent people from walking. This situation was forced upon earth dwellers of that time because of miles each day. But the surprising thing is that they didn’t use their legs even when they went on holiday. They built cable railways, ski-lifts and roads to the top of every huge mountain. All the beauty spots on earth were ruined by the presence of large car parks.’

The future history books might also record that we were deprived of the use of our eyes. In our hurry to get from one place to another, we failed to see anything on the way. Air travel gives you a bird’s-eye view of the world—or even less if the wing of the aircraft happens to get in your way. When you travel by car or train a blurred (=not clear) image of the countryside constantly smears the windows. Car drivers, in particular, are forever obsessed with the urge to go on and on: they never want to stop. Is it the lure (引诱;诱惑) of the great motorways, or what? And as for sea travel, it hardly deserves mention. It is perfectly summed up in the words of the old song: ‘I joined the navy to see the world, and what did I see? I saw the sea.’ The typical twentieth-century traveler is the man who always says ‘I’ve been there. ’You mention the remotest, most evocative (引起记忆的) place-names in the world like El Dorado, Kabul, Irkutsk and someone is bound to say ‘I’ve been there’—meaning, ‘I drove through it at 100 miles an hour on the way to somewhere else.’

When you travel at high speeds, the present means nothing: you live mainly in the future because you spend most of your time looking forward to arriving at some other place. But actual arrival, when it is achieved, is meaningless. You want to move on again. By traveling like this, you suspend all experience; the present ceases to be a reality: you might just as well be dead. The traveler on foot, on the other hand, lives constantly in the present. For him traveling and arriving are one and the same thing: he arrives somewhere with every step he makes. He experiences the present moment with his eyes, his ears and the whole of his body. At the end of his journey he feels a delicious physical weariness. He knows that sound. Satisfying sleep will be his: the just reward of all true travellers.

Anthropologists label nowadays’ men ‘Legless’ because _________.

A. people forget how to use his legs.

B. people prefer cars, buses and trains.

C. lifts and escalators prevent people from walking.

D. there are a lot of transportation devices.

Travelling at high speed means _________.

A. people’s focus on the future       B. a pleasure

C. satisfying drivers’ great thrill      D. a necessity of life

Why does the author say ‘we are deprived of the use of our eyes’?

A. People won’t use their eyes.

B. In traveling at high speeds, eyes become useless.

C. People can’t see anything on his way of travel.

D. People want to sleep during travelling.

What is the purpose of the author in writing this passage?

A. Legs become weaker.

B. Modern means of transportation make the world a small place.

C. There is no need to use eyes.           D. The best way to travel is on foot.

What does ‘a bird’s-eye view’ mean?

A. See view with bird’s eyes.        B. A bird looks at a beautiful view.

C. It is a general view from a high position looking down.

D. A scenic place.


科目:高中英语 来源:2011-2012学年江西省白鹭洲中学高一下学期第二次月考英语试卷(带解析) 题型:填空题

【小题1】Did you d______ my message to your father?  
【小题2】The discussion f_____ on three main problems.   
【小题3】Suddenly it h____ me how difficult it was for a woman to get medical training at that time.  
【小题4】She ________(使相信) me that her father was innocent. 
【小题5】Mind your________(举止)!It’s bad manners to speak like that.
【小题6】It is________(考虑周到的) of you to call on your relatives from time to time.
【小题7】You should be modest as a________(专家) .
【小题8】Born into a poor family,Jonna has a h_____to get to the top of the society.
【小题9】The bad weather has________(减少)grain harvests in the last couple of years.
【小题10】It is not w_______ to discuss the question again and again. 


科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年陕西省师大附中高一上学期期中考试英语试卷(带解析) 题型:填空题

A. To be seen and noticed by the leaders
B. Learn and use new skills
C. Do what you should do
D. Get useful information and advice
E. Look for someone to guide you
F. Keep it in mind: work hard
Keep in mind that those who play a lot and hard can loose but those who play smart will always win the day. These tips when employed well will be your tickets to the top. The first thing you need to do is look at your performance. Are you doing what you are supposed to be doing? When you know what is expected, you will acquire a momentum that will lead you to the right direction. Otherwise, there is no need to do yourself and others when you are not delivering the right results.
The other tip that will make you stand out from the rest is hard work. You need to do extra and ask for more. The workload might be overwhelming but promotion only comes to those who are excellent or do things that are out of the ordinary or beyond expectation. You must employ extreme dedication to make sure that even as you ask for more, you do not compromise on the quality of work you deliver.
Another tip for promotion(晋升) is that the workplace is to have a presence. You must be seen at work not just by your colleagues(同事) but by leaders in your line of work. Take advantage of every chance to interact and know that people on top keep a keen eye looking out for those who stand out.
【小题4】 ___________
Do not be shy to accept new skills and look for more. Promotions only come to those who know that this is a dynamic world that smiles on those who are willing to use new skills. Devote yourself to doing things that are considered extra and do not be afraid of this. This will go a long way in making you the person for consideration when it comes to promotions in the workplace.
Another tip is to get information first hand from those who are on top. Talk to those who have been promoted in your organizations and seek advice. Remember, you do not have to learn through what they say but can learn through their character and how they do their stuff. Action will speak louder than words. However, you need to be aware that you are doing this to make yourself important and not to become another person. Often times, many workers seeking promotion will pretend to be something they are not.


科目:高中英语 来源:2013-2014学年甘肃省武威市凉州区高三第一次诊断考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完型填空

It was already late when we set out for the next town, ? ? ? according to the map was about fifteen miles away on the other side of the ? ?

There we felt? ? that we would find a bed ? the night. Darkness fell soon after we left the village, but luckily we met ? ? as we drove fast along the narrow winding road that ? ? ? the hills. As we climbed ? ? , it became colder and rain began to fall, ? ? it difficult at times to see the road. I asked John, my companion, to drive more ? ? .

After we had traveled for about twenty miles, there was still no sign of the town which was? ? on the map. We were beginning to get? ? ? . Then without warning the car stopped. A quick? ? showed that we had run out of petrol. Although we had little food with us, we decided to ? the night in the car.

Our meal was soon over. I tried to go to sleep at once, ? ? John, who was a? ? sleeper, got out of the car after a few minutes and went for a walk ? ? ? the hills. Soon he came back. From the top of the hill he had seen, in the valley below, the ? ? of the town we were looking for. We at once unloaded all our luggage and with a great effort, ? ? to push the car to the top of the hill. Then we went back to the luggage, loaded the car again and set off down the hill. ? less than a quarter of an hour we were in the town, where we found a ???? ? quite easily.

1.A. which???????? ????????????? B. it?????? ????????????? ????????????? ??? C. where??????????? D. that

2.A. rivers??? ????????????? ????????????? B. villages??????? ????????????? C. towns??????? ????????????? ????????????? D. hills

3.A. surprised?????? ????????????? B. sure?????? ????????????? ??? C. pleased???????? ????????????? D. afraid

4.A. at???????????? ????????????? B. in????????????? ????????????? C. through???????? ????????????? D. for

5.A. everybody????? ????????????? B. somebody????? ????????????? C. nobody?????? ????????????? ??? D. anybody

6.A. got to????????? ????????????? B. arrived??????????? C. led to???????? ????????????? ??? D. belonged to

7.A. taller????????? ????????????? B. faster???? ????????????? ??????? C. lower??????????? ????????????? D. higher

8.A. getting???????? ????????????? B. thinking???? ????????????? ????????????? C. causing?????? ????????????? ??? D. making

9.A. certainly??????? ????????????? B. slowly????? ????????????? ????????????? C. carefully????? ????????????? ??? D. surely

10.A. set?????? ????????????? ??? B. marked????????? ????????????? C. built????????? ????????????? D. drawn

11.A. worried?????? ????????????? B. excited??? ????????????? ????????????? C. cold???????? ????????????? ????????????? D. warm

12.A. attention?????? ????????????? B. operation??? ????????????? ????????????? C. examination??? ????????????? D. information

13.A. live?????????? ????????????? B. spend??????? ????????????? ????????????? C. spare?????????? ????????????? D. stay

14.A. since????????? ????????????? B. though?????? ????????????? ????????????? C. so?????????? ????????????? ????????????? D. but

15.A. poor????????????? ??????? B. fast??????????? ????????????? C. quick????? ????????????? ?? ????????????? D. heavy

16.A. across???????? ????????????? B. through????? ????????????? ????????????? C. down???????? ????????????? ??? D. up

17.A. map??????? ????????????? B. lights?????????? ????????????? C. bus????????? ????????????? ????????????? D. situation

18.A. ought???????? ????????????? B. tried??? ???? ????????????? ????????????? C. managed??? ????????????? ????????????? D. succeeded

19.A. For?????????? ????????????? B. In?????????? ????????????? ????????????? C. Since???????? ????????????? ??? D. At

20.A. hotel??? ????????????? ??? B. friend?????? ????????????? ????????????? C. policeman??????? ????????????? D. cinema?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????



科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年山东省泰安市高三12月质检英语试卷(解析版) 题型:其他题

阅读下面的短文, 请根据短文后的要求答题(请注意问题后的字数要求)

Let me tell you about five of the enemies we face from within.The first enemy that you’ve got to destroy before it destroys you is indifference.What a tragic disease this is! “Ho-hum,let it slide. I’ll just drift along.” Here’s one problem with drifting:you can’t drift your way to the top of the mountain.

The second enemy we face is indecision(优柔寡断). Indecision is the thief of opportunity and enterprise.It will steal your chances for a better future.Take a sword to this enemy.

The third enemy inside is doubt.Sure,there’s room for healthy skepticism.You can’t believe everything.But you also can’t let doubt take over.Many people doubt the past, doubt the future,doubt each other,doubt the government,doubt the possibilities and doubt the opportunities.               , they doubt themselves.I’m telling you,doubt will destroy your life and your chances of success.It will empty both your bank account and your heart.Doubt is all enemy.Get rid of it.

The fourth enemy within is worry.We’ve all got to worry some.Just don’t let it conquer you.Instead, let it alarm you.Worry can be useful.If you step off the curb (路边) in New York City and a taxi is coming,you’ve got to worry.But you can’t let worry loose like a mad dog that drives you into a small coffer.Here’s what you’ve got to do with your worries:drive them into a small corner. Whatever is out to get you,you’ve got to get it.Whatever is pushing on you, you’ve got to push back.   

The fifth enemy is overcaution. It is the timid (胆小的) approach to life.Timidity is not a virtue;it’s all illness.If you let it go,it’ll conquer you.Timid people don’t get promoted.They don’t advance and grow and become powerful in the marketplace.You’ve got to avoid overcaution.       

1.What’s the best title for this passage? (Within 8 words)   

2.List three enemies inside that might prevent you from getting promoted.(Within 5 words)

3.Fill in the blank in Paragraph 3 with proper words or phrases.(Within 5 words)

4.Which sentence in the text is the closest in meaning to the following one?

However,you shouldn’t be forced into a small room by the worry beyond control.

5.Translate the underlined sentence in Paragraph 4 into Chinese.


