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 近来中国很多地方都在建主题公园,这引起人们的议论。你和同学们也有自己的观点,并且进行了讨论。现在你以李华的名义给某英语报社写一篇报道,  简单介邵讨论的情况和 结果,并表明自己的观点。词数120左右。要点如下:



1. 不应该建主题公园

2. 占用太多的土地和钱,是一种浪费

3. 很多主题公园不好玩,不能吸引游客

1. 可以建

2. 能为人们提供娱乐休闲的场所

3. 是保护文化遗产的一种方式


entertainment娱乐leisure休闲cultural heritage文化遗产preserve保护

 写作支招―) 写作定性

此为正反观点对比型文章。要写出"discussion",至少要有三处观点对比,六处细节。一般采用一般现在时。表述"你校同学"观点时用第三人称,表达自己的意见用第一人称。文章可分为四段。第一段点题:讨论的话题。第二、三段正文:报告两派的不同观点。第三段收尾:"我"的观点。二) 难点突破


divide, be against, be for,a waste of,cover, tourism resorts, preserve, cultural relics, scenery,local,a place of interest


点出讨论的话题:运用most of及while表明两种观点相互对立。

Recently we had a discussion about the topic ... Most of them think that it is a good idea to ...,while some of them don't...


There are/ seem to be three reasons for this. First, ...Second, ...Third, 


The reason why they don't think it is a good idea to study abroad at an early age is that these students can't get used to the foreign environment quickly and easily.

They also believe that spending too much time on PC games will do great harm to their health.


Fm on the side of the first group/second group. The reasons are as follow.


When it comes to ...当说到 ............

Opinions are divided on...关于..... 的意见不尽相同。

The issue has caused wide public concern.这个问题巳经引起了广泛的关注。For my part,I agree with the former/latter opinion for the following reasons...


No one can deny the fact that...没有人可以否认.....

There is no denying that...没有人可以否认.....

There is no doubt that...毫无疑问的是……

The reason why I ... is that.................... 的原因是……

An investigation shows that...一项调查显示....

In fact,we have to admit that...事实上,我们不得不承认......

There is a general discussion/debate these days over...当前关于...... 有大量讨论/争论。

 Dear Editor,

I,m writing to tell you about the discussion we've had about whether theme parks should be built in China.

Opinions are divided on the question. About 60% of my classmates are against the idea of building theme parks in China. The reason why they don't think it is a good idea to build so many theme parks in China is that it is a waste of mon?ey. A theme park may cover a large area,which is also a waste. Moreover, there is no need to build more new theme parks because so many have already been built in China. Most of the existing theme parks are not interesting enough to attract tourists.

On the other hand,the rest40% hold the idea that more theme parks should be built. The reason is that theme parks can provide people with good places for their entertainment and leisure time. There is no denying that it is also a good way to build theme parks to protect and preserve some Chinese cultural relics. Not only can people enjoy the beautiful scenery and have a good time in a theme park,but also they can learn much about the local culture, history there.

I'm on the side of the first group. The rea?sons are as follow. The money for the theme parks should be invested into other more important fields, such as education and scientific research. We should make good use of the vast land to develop agriculture or to build more houses for people.

Sincerely yours, Li Hua

题目来源:2015高中英语丢分题每周一练高一下 > Unit 5 Theme parks


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

9.This factory uses        to make machines, (date)



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

9.     (tire) of the long     (bore) film,they went out of the theatre.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

 Life in an American high school is an interesting and exciting learning ex?perience. High school in America is not just a place for studying some sub?jects. It is also an important social centre,where students can develop other in?terests and talents.

  The high school course is divided into four years. School usually starts at about 8:00 am,and ends at about 3:00 pm. There's no class on Saturday. Students have lunch at the school cafeteria (食堂) ,where they can choose from a variety of good things to eat and drink. After lunch they can play sports,talk to friends or simply relax. The lunch break lasts about an hour.

  When the school day ends,some students go home,but many still stay at school for after-school activities. There are many activities to take part in and clubs to join. With the headmaster's agreement,students can start any kind of club that is educational and fun!

  American high school students like to be "popular". This means being a good student,being active in the community and being well-liked by others. Popular students are elected to take part in Student Union. Every year in June there are prizes for the best athletes.

  Most American high school students have a part-time job during the school year and a full-time job during the summer. Parents encourage their children to work because it's part of growing up and becoming responsible and Independent.

  Most high schools have a job list to help students find work. Teenagers are fond of their jobs!

1. According to the passage,American high school students     .

   A. only learn some subjects at school

   B. study subjects and attend social activities

   C. must study and have meals at school

   D. should go home at 3 :00 pm every day

2. Parents encourage their children to work because they want them to     .

   A. become responsible and independent

   B. be active in the community

   C. earn some pocket money by themselves

   D. develop other interests and talents

3. According to Paragraph 4, "a popular student" means     .

   A. a student who is elected chairman in Student Union

   B. a student who is both the best student and the best athlete

   C. a student who is active in the community and well-loved by others

   D. a student who is unwilling to help others but good at studying

4. The best title for this passage is     .

   A. American high school principles

   B. American popular students

   C. High school life in America

   D. School subjects in America


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

2.The living room is clean and tidy,with a dining table already     (lay) for a meal to be cooked.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

2.We are working        a number of local companies to raise money for the homeless, (association)



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

2.I'm not going there again. ―They        a cup of coffee, (charge)

我再也不到那儿去了---- 杯咖啡就要了我一英镑。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

5. At the start of the class,our teacher first talked about what we had learn- ed in the p     class. .


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

2. The next train won't arrive until 10:00 am.    (换句话说) ,we will have to wait for two hours.

