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3. Bill didn't finish the work because he had a terrible (head) .


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

          B  ★★★☆☆

    Social media users are hoping to make one student feel a little less lonely. Aron Anderson,a 10-year-old known as “Britain's loneliest schoolboy ,” made headlines last year for being the only student at Skerries Community School. While the school previously had a few other students,the kids had since left for secondary school,making last year Aron's first year as the only pupil there.

    After Reddit employer Jimmy got wind of Aron's story,the social media user called on followers to send Christmas cards to the 10-year-old to help show the boy he has friends across the Internet. “I really want to see a big smile on his face,” Jimmy wrote. “So please write a message in the card to show your support too!”

    The idea got praise and support from many kind people across the Internet. Jimmy reached out to the boy s school,informing them of the thoughtful plan. The moderator requested that people outside Scotland send postcards to Aron,so the boy could see where his ans come from. The Redditor also asked social media users to send the cards after December 7 so that the sweet messages would all arrive around the same time.

    Last year was ind?ed an adjustment (调整) for Aron,whose town has a population of 70. Aron’s best friends are now his dog,ducks,and sheep. Aron’s mother Denise Anderson is unsure how her son will deal with the (孤独) .Aron admits that going to school without other students can be strange at times; however,he says that h? sNhappy on the island. Hopefully,the cards will help remind him that he’s not so alone after all.

5. Why was Aron so lordly last year?

   A. He had no schoolmates at school.

   B. He was sent to a new school.

    C. He lived far away-from his family.

   D. He was not popular among friends.

6. According to the text,the cards to Aron .

   A. were paid by Jimmy

   B. mainly came from Scotland

    C. reached him about the same time   

    D. were refused at first by his school

7. How does Aron’s mother feel about her son’s school life?

   A. She is surprised at it.

   B. She is satisfied with it. 

   C. She is hopeful about it.

   D. She is concerned about it.

8. Which of the following can best describe Jimmy?

   A. Amusing and kind.

   B. Friendly and brave,

   C. Confident and careful.

   D. Warm-hearted and active.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   When the game of fistball (浮士 德球) was invented is not known. What is certain,however,is that its roots lie in southern Europe,perhaps in Italy. The earliest report of the game was written by Roman :Emperor Gordian III in the year 240. Rules for an Italian fistball were recorded by Antonius Scaiono in 1555.

   In the 16th century the game started to be played. However,it was seen less as a game of competitive nature and more as a game for.(贵族成员) to play for fun. In 1786,Johann Wolfgang von Goethe mentioned flstball games in his diary Italian Journey.

   It was only in 1870 that fistball was introduced to Germany by Georg Weber. The sport was soon seen as a gymnastic sport. Fistball first appeared in 1885 at the German Gymnastic Festival in Dresden. The play and scoring,however,differed greatly from those of flstball as it is known today.

   During this time the sport spread to the surrounding,mainly German-speaking,neighboring countries and German emigrants (R) also spread the sport to other continents,particularly in South America and West Africa. Fistball was first introduced to the United States in 1911 by high school teacher Christopher Carlton who had experienced it first-hand on a Slimmer vacation to Italy.

   At the 1913 German Gymnastics Festival in Leipzig,the first Gennan men' s championship was held. In 1921,the first women* s  fistball championship was held. Fistball,while still a game affiliated to the Gymnastics Association,began to grow independently. In 1927,almost 12,000 teams played organized fistball in Germany.

   In order to encourage the development of fistball,the International Fistball Association (IFA) was founded m 1960. The first IFA Men* s World Championship was held in Linz,Austria in 1968 with West Germany winning the gold. The first IFA Women,s World Championship was held in Buenos Aires,Argentina in 1994 with Germany winning the gold.

9. Fistball has its origins in.

   A. Austria   B. Germany

    C. South America   D. . southern Europe 

10. In the 16th century,fistball.

   A. was regarded as a gymnastic sport

   B. was first reported by Antonius Scaiono

    C. was played by nobles for enjoyment

   D. began to become popular with Germans

11. What is Paragraph 4 mainly about?

   A. The spreading of fistball.

   B. The vacation of a school teacher.

    C. The experiences of German emigrants.

   D. The popularity of fistball in West Africa.

12. The underlined part “affiliated to” in Paragraph 5 probably means .

   A. independent of   B. connected with 

    C. separated from   D. different from


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

The Speculator 

Michael Thoreau 

$ 29. 99 

   Author Michael Thoreau creates a one-of-a-kind 如《 (科幻惊险小说) that explores the dangerous results of grass fires,the damaging results it brings to families and the environment and its important lessons for all responsible citizens.

The Tree of Young Dreamers 

Frank Souse

$34. 99 

   DaSilva is the leader of a group of fUn and imaginative young people that live out their dreams in the big tree. When World War II broke out,they tried whatever tricks their young minds could think of to get into the army. Frank Sousa's second novel in The Tree Trilogy is The Tree of Lost Dreams. Later,Tree of,New Roots — ALL GREAT READS!

Freddy and Margewich

Adena Trevor

$31. 99  

   Freddy becomes famous for the delicious pancakes pancake(烙饼)that he makes. But the Wicked Witch — who has magical powers — takes him by force and orders him to make pancakes just for her. What will Freddy do now? Find out in Freddy and Margewich.

Anyone Can Be Successful

Come Inside and Find Out Now...

Ben Oxford 

$32. 25  

   Anyone Can Be Successful makes often complex ideas simple by presenting a great summary of . successM strategies to help anyone in school,work,or life. It helps them overcome difficulties and achieve goals set through in the good,bad and ugly times.

13. Which book concerns the environment?

   A. The Speculator.

   B. Freddy and Margewich. 

    C. Anyone Can Be Successful   

    D. The Tree of Young Dreamers.

14. Who wrote a fiction series on some young people?

   A. Michael Thoreau. 

    B. Adena Trevor.

    C. Frank Souse. 

    D. Ben Oxford

15. How much will you pay if you want to buy the book about a chef?

   A. $29.99.       B. $31.99.

    C. $32.25.       D. $34.99.

16. What type of writing is this text?

   A. An announcement.        B. An advertisement,

    C. An exhibition guide.      D. A news report.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

2. —How about r一 under the tree?

一That's a good idea. I'm also tired.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

3. You shouldn’t go outside,for you still (发烧)。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

3. I think the farmer shouldn’t (save) that snake.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

5. —More and more people are learning English now.

—Yeah,it’s because they saw the i of English.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

75. 在我答应之前,我必须仔细考虑一下。

I must before I can promise.

