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2.Would you ever hug a stranger?There's actually a social activity of offering hugs to strangers in public places.It's known as the Free Hugs Campaign.The hugs are meant to be random(随机的) acts of kindness-selfless acts performed just to make others feel better.The person offering the hugs often makes a sign that reads"FREE HUGS",then holds it up in the street and waits for someone to ask for a hug.

The activity was started by Australian Juan Mann in 2004.Juan had been living in London for almost 10 years when he decided to return to Sydney after his girlfriend decided to leave him.On landing,he had nothing but his suitc ase.After about three months,an old friend invited him to a party.In an interview with WHO magazine,Juan said that while he was at the party,"…a completely random person I didn't know came up to me and gave me a hug.I felt like a king!It was the greatest thing that ever happened."Then,he had an idea.
On 30th June 2004,Juan made a sign with the words FREE HUGS and offered his first hugs in the center of the main shopping district in Sydney."For the first 15 minutes,people just stared right through me.But then a woman tapped me on the shoulder and told me she needed a hug as one of her relatives had passed away,"said Juan.
Things really took off after a FREE HUGS video was uploaded to YouTube.While in Sydney,Juan met an American musician,Shimon Moore,who filmed Juan giving away free hugs and later used what he had shot to make a music video for the song All the Same by his band The Sick Puppies.The video was later uploaded to YouTube,where it has been viewed over 70 million times.
As a result of the video,the Free Hugs activity became international and then developed to China,Italy,America,Switzerland,Norway,India,Portugal and the UK.An International Free Hugs Day was set on the first Saturday following 30th June as this was the date of the first time that Juan ever offered free hugs in Sydney.
52.What is the purpose of the Free Hugs Campaign?To show kindness to others and make them feel better
53.What gave Juan Mann the idea of offering free hugs?A stranger's hug which cheered him up
54.How did Shimon Moore help Juan's activity become well-known?By filming Juan's activity to make a music video and uploading it to YouTube.

分析 本文属于说明文阅读,作者通过这篇文章主要向我们描述了自由拥抱运动,拥抱是随机的只是为了让别人感觉更好,它是在陌生人的拥抱使胡安高兴起来后产生的主意.

解答 52.To show kindness to others and make them feel better.细节理解题.根据第一段"It's known as the Free Hugs Campaign.The hugs are meant to be random(随机的) acts of kindness-selfless acts performed just to make others feel better"可知善良无私的行为表现只是为了让别人感觉更好的行为;故填To show kindness to others and make them feel better.
53.A stranger's hug which cheered him up.细节理解题.根据第二段"a completely random person I didn't know came up to me and gave me a hug.I felt like a king!It was the greatest thing that ever happened."Then,he had an idea"可知陌生人的拥抱使他高兴起来给了Juan Mann提供免费拥抱的想法;故填A stranger's hug which cheered him up.
54.By filming Juan's activity to make a music video and uploading it to YouTube.细节理解题.根据第四段"Shimon Moore,who filmed Juan giving away free hugs and later used what he had shot to make a music video for the song All the Same by his band The Sick Puppies.The video was later uploaded to YouTube"可知通过拍摄胡安的活动做一个音乐视频并上传到YouTube帮助胡安的活动出名;故填By filming Juan's activity to make a music video and uploading it to YouTube.

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科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

5.I had been called to examine a ten-year-old dog (61)named (name) Belker.I examined Belker and found he was dying of cancer.I told the family I couldn't do anything.
Shane,a six-year-old in the family,seemed so calm,petting the old dog (62)for the last time.I wondered if he understood what was(63)going (go) on.Within a few minutes,Belker slipped peacefully away.
The little boy seemed to accept the fact without any difficulty(64)or confusion.We sat together for a while after(65)Belker's (Belker) death,wondering aloud about the sad fact that animal (66)lives (life) are shorter than human lives.
Shane,who had been listening quietly,said,"I know why."
We all turned to him.What came out of his mouth next surprised me (67)greatly (great).I'd never heard a(68)more (much) comforting explanation.It has changed the way I try and live.
"People are born so that they can learn how to live a good life-like loving everybody all the time and (69)being (be) nice,right?"The six-year-old continued,"Well,dogs already know(70)how to do that,so they don't have to stay as long."


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:短文改错

Music is the international language.The songs sung or playing by instruments are beautiful to people everywhere.Popular music in America is that every student likes.Students carry small radios with earphones,but listen to music before class,after class,and at lunch.There are other kinds music that are important to Americans.One is called folk music,it tells stories about common life of Americans.Another is called western or country music,started by cowboys whom would sing to the cows they were watching out.Today,any music about the love between a country boy and his girl friend are called western or country music.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

10.Almost everyone suffers from a headache (61)occasionally(occasional).But some people suffer from repeated,frequent headaches.
What is headache?What causes it?What can you done about a headache?What research is being done on headaches?The dictionary defines headache simply (62)as"a pain in the head".(63)Whatmost people mean by headache (64)is(be) a pain that lasts several minutes or hours.It covers the whole head,or one side of it,or perhaps the front or the back of the head.To add to the confusion about a definition,some people call tight feeling in the head a headache.
A headache is important because (65)itcan be the first warning of a serious condition which probably could be controlled (66)if/whendiscovered early.If a person (67)removes(remove) the warning,day after day,with a pain-killer,he may pass the point of easy control.
A headache is important also because it disturbs people,(68)preventing(prevent) them from living a happy life.The (69)employer/employee(employ) with a headache does less work.In a flash of temper he may upset his fellow (70)guys(guy) or customers,causing a direct or indirect loss to his organization.The mother with a headache suffers and disturbs the family.She upsets her husband and children.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

17.On September 19,Alibaba went public on the New York Stock Exchange.It shows that Ma Yun has done his business (61)successfully(successful).A short Chinese man seems(62)to be (be )the tallest man in the world right now.Ma used to be an English teacher.So far,he has become the(63)richest(rich)man on the Chinese mainland.
Ma was born in Hangzhou and grew up as a happy kid.(64)Atthe age of twelve,he found that English was very(65)interesting(interest).Every morning he got up at 5a.m.,and then ran to a hotel near the West Lake (66)wherehe could communicate with foreign (67)tourists(tour)in English.He did it for nine years.The experience made him become a fantastic English speaker and also(68)opened(open)his eyes to the wide world.During a trip to the US in 1995,Ma was shown to the Internet for the first time.(69)Seeing(see) the chance,Ma returned to China and set up a website without knowing much about computers.Four years later,Ma set up Alibaba in Hangzhou.People called him"Crazy Jack Ma".(70)However,fifteen years later,Alibaba has developed into the world's largest e-commerce company.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

7.So quickly_______is a possibility today may be a reality tomorrow.(  )
A.are science and technology advancing that
B.science and technology advancing are that
C.are science and technology advancing that what
D.science and technology are advancing what that


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

14.Yuppies are young people who earn a lot of money and live in(61)a style that is too expensive for most people.If you are invited to a yuppie dinner party,don't be surprised (62)if/when you are offered freshly-cooked insects as a first course.While the idea of eating fried insects fills most of us with horror,insect-eating is becoming highly (63)fashionable(fashion).For example,in the media industry,successful executives (64)are seen(see) to eat fried or boiled insects from time to time while working at their desks.These safe-to-eat insects can be found and ordered on the Internet.And young people are logging on to exotic food websites (65)and ordering samples of prepared insects to serve at their dinner parties.Although the idea of eating insects is probably (66)disgusting(disgust) to most of us,(67)few67few people would claim that pigs,chickens and some kinds of seafood we often eat are examples of great beauty.One day insects could be marketed and sold(68)as a food item in supermarkets.According to their fans,they are not only (69)high in protein and low in fat,but also very tasty.But until our attitudes to food change fundamentally,it seems (70)that insect-eaters will remain a few.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

2.Art of living
Aristotle once wrote that"happiness is a state of activity".In other words,whether you are seeking lifelong satisfaction (33)ora few moments of good cheer,you have got to move forward.We've surveyed the experts and found four steps to take toward a sunny disposition(性格):
Over a 30-year period,University of Illinois researchers asked nearly 12,000people (34)howincome,education,political participation,volunteer activities,and close relationships affected their happiness.Reported Newsweek's Sharon Begley on the findings,"The highest level of happiness (35)is fond(find) with the most stable,longest,and most contented relationships."
Singing aloud,talking to a stranger,raising your hand:All may increase a feeling of well-being,according to a study from Wake Forest University.Participants tracked their moods for two weeks and reported feeling happier when they were (36)more outgoing(outgoing).
The editors of forbes.com gave¥5 or¥20 randomly to 46 strangers.Half the group was told to spend money on (37)themselves,while the other half was told to spend it on others.Those who'd shared the wealth felt much happier at the end of the day than those who'd spent it on themselves.There was no difference in happiness between those who spent¥5 or¥0,suggesting that it's not how much money you spend,but how you spend it,(38)thatcan boost (提升) the spirit.
Studies from the University of Pennsylvania's Positive Psychology Center show (39)thatnegative-minded people who wrote down three good things that happened to them each day for six months reported an (40)improved(improve) outlook.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

3.Green is an important color in nature.It is the color of grass and the leaves on trees.It is also the color of most growing plants.
Sometimes,the word green means young,fresh and growing.Sometimes,it describes something that is not yet ripe(成熟的) or finished.
For example,a greenhorn is someone who has no experience,who is new to a situation.In the 15th century,a greenhorn was a young cow or ox whose horns(角) had not yet developed.A century or so later,a greenhorn was a soldier who had not yet had any experience in battle.By the 18th century,a greenhorn had the meaning it has today---a person who is new in a job.
About 100years ago,greenhorn was a popular expression in the American west.Old-timers used it to describe a man who had just arrived from one of the big cities back east.The greenhorn lacked the skills he would need to live in the west.
Someone who has the ability to grow plants well is said to have a green thumb.The expression comes from the early 1900s.A person with a green thumb seems to have a magic touch that makes plants grow quickly and well.You might say that the woman next door has a green thumb if her garden continues to grow long after your plants have died.
Green is also the color used to describe the powerful emotion,jealousy(嫉妒).The green-eyed monster is not a frightening creature from outer space.It is an expression used about four hundred years ago by British writer William Shakespeare in his play"Othello."
It describes the unpleasant feeling a person has when someone has something he wants.A young man may suffer from the green-eyed monster if his girlfriend begins going out with someone else.Or,that green-eyed monster may affect your friend if you get a pay raise and she does not.
In most places in the world,a green light is a signal to move ahead.A green light on a traffic signal means your car can continue on.In everyday speech,a green light means approval to continue with a project.

25.If a person was a greenhorn,he mightD.
A.be good at growing plants           B.get along well with others
C.be a soldier in the 16th century    D.have no experience in doing something
26.When you have trouble in growing flowers,you can ask for help fromA.
A.a green thumb   B.a green light
C.a greenhorn     D.a green-eyed monster
27.If a girl refuses your invitation to a dance party but accepting another gentleman's,you mayD.
A.need to buy a green light           B.have to get a green thumb
C.show them your greenhorn            D.be affected by the green-eyed monster
28.What is the passage mainly about?C
A.The origin of the word"green".
B.Some expressions concerning green.
C.The story of a green-eyed monster.
D.Some ways of how to use words properly.

