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【题目】New research brings some good news for lovers of spicy(辛辣的) foods, after finding that eating hot red chili peppers might help to extend lifespan(寿命).

Consuming hot red chili peppers might reduce death risk, say Chopan and Littenberg from the research team. In hot peppers, such as Mexico peppers, the strong flavor comes from a compound(复合物), which does not exist in sweet peppers or onions. Studies have suggested that this compound can offer a welth of health benefits.

A study of more than 16,000 people in the United States revealed that individuals who consumed red chili peppers had a lower risk of death from all causes over an average of 18 years than those who did not eat the spicy food. Compared with participants who did not consume hot red chili peppers, those who did were found to be at 13 percent reduced risk of all-cause death.

For example, a recent study reported by Medical News Today, found that the compound might have the potential to stop breast cancer, while an earlier study linked the compound to a reduced risk of digest system cancers. Still, the available data suggested that hot red chili pepper consumption was most strongly associated with a reduced risk of death from heart disease.

While the researchers are unable to identify the concrete compound by which red chili peppers might extend lifepan, the team says that it is likely due to the compound that is effectively against obesity(肥胖症).

Overall, the team says that these latest findings support those of the 2015 study, linking spicy food intake to reduced risk of death by showing “a significant decrease in death associated with hot red chili pepper consumption.” However, Chopan and Littenberg note that the earlier study was only conducted in Chinese adults, so the now research makes these findings more credible.

1What can be inferred from the passage?

A. The study only goes for American people.

B. Red chili pepper can all-cause disease.

C. The compound protects people against obesity.

D. Onion consuming can reduce death risk.

2What is the finding of the new research mainly about?

A. Hot red chili pepper lovers develop no cancers.

B. Hot red chili peppers help control breast illness.

C. Hot red chili peppers decrease heart disease.

D. Hot red chili pepper intake may increase lifespan.

3Which of the following has the closest meaning to the underlined word “credible”?

A. Convincing. B. Practical. C. Encouraging. D. Attractive.






1C细节理解题。根据倒数第二段the team says that it is likely due to the compound that is effectively against obesity(肥胖症).可知,这种化合物能有效对抗人体肥胖。故选C。

2D细节理解题。根据第一段New research brings some good news for lovers of spicy(辛辣的) foods, after finding that eating hot red chili peppers might help to extend lifespan(寿命).可知,这项新的研究主要是关于吃红辣椒可能有助于延长寿命的。故选D。

3A词意猜测题。根据最后一段These latest findings support those of the 2015 study However, Chopan and Littenberg note that the earlier study was only conducted in Chinese adults, so the now research makes these findings more credible.可知,这项研究早期只在中国的成年人身上进行过。而现在又有了最新的发现支持这样研究,所以现在的研究使这些发现更可信了。故选A。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1Where will the woman stay during her trip?

A. At a friend’s. B. At a university dormitory. C. At a hotel.

2About how long will the woman be in the country?

A. More than four days B. One or two days. C. Three of four days.

3What things are in the woman’s luggage?

A. Clothing, computer and books.

B. Books, gifts and computer.

C. CD player, clothing and books.

4What other information can we learn about woman?

A. Her parents are on the same trip.

B. She was born in that country.

C. She enjoys traveling to different countries.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】When you live in a seasonal environment, you can learn that both outdoor and indoor activities have their place. As the seasons ______, so does your mood. Certain activities become more or less attractive,______ the weather and the length of the day.

Spring is a time of the year when the world starts to ______ from its winter sleep. During this season, I enjoy going on long walks through parks and watching the world come ______.

Many consider summer to be the top of the year. The city comes into full swing ______ the weather becomes warmer and warmer. During the summer, I prefer to spend the daytime anywhere that is air-conditioned. This ______ include the library, a shopping center or a movie theater. I often enjoy spending the ______ evenings sitting on the wide balcony of my house and having drinks with my friends.

Fall, with the,______ of the leaves and the summer heat gradually ______, is probably another ______ time to go on long walks during the day. I love to be ______ during fall and see the life of the city returning to its hibernation (冬眠). Another ______ to go outside during autumn is to ______ the last days of warmth until the next year.

Winter ______ the shortening of days and cooler weather. Outdoor activities tend to become less ______ and sinking down on the sofa with a good book becomes my ______ activity. It is not enjoyable to spend time outside if it is too ______. I only choose to go outside when I want to go skiing.

So, my ______ to spend time indoors or outdoors is vastly dependent on the ______. Different seasons ______ different activities and therefore it is Impossible to choose whether I would spend all of my spare time indoors or outdoors.

1A. end B. change C. begin D. arrive

2A. resulting in B. consisting of C. referring to D. depending on

3A. shake B. circle C. awaken D. wave

4A. open B. alive C. still D. real

5A. as B. if C. or D. unless

6A. should B. need C. can D. must

7A. dry B. rainy C. warm D. freezing

8A. growing B. turning C. existing D. darkening

9A. increasing B. burning C. developing D. disappearing

10A. busy B. extra C. informal D. excellent

11A. back B. alone C. outside D. ahead

12A. rule B. reason C. excuse D. question

13A. enjoy B. share C. count D. miss

14A. loses B. finds C. brings D. begs

15A. helpful B. normal C. expensive D. attractive

16A. social B. favorite C. last D. creative

17A. hot B. cold C. wet D. bright

18A. dream B. duty C. decision D. secret

19A. life B. feelings C. season D. activities

20A. give up B. believe in C. come to D. call for


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】If your child is being bullied(欺负), there are ways to help him or her deal with it on a day-to-day basis and lessen its lasting effect.

If your child tells you about a bully, focus on offering comfort and support, no matter how upset you are. Kids are not willing to tell adults about bullying because they feel embarrassed and ashamed. 1

Sometimes kids feel like it’s their own fault. 2 Some kids are afraid that if the bully finds out that they have told others, it will get worse. Others are worried that their parents won’t believe them or do anything about it.

3 Remind your child that he or she isn’t alone. Emphasize that it’s the bully who is behaving badly — not your child. Comfort your child and say that you will find out what to do about it together.

Take it seriously if you hear that the bullying will get worse if the bully finds out that your child has told someone. 4 But in most cases, teachers are the best ones to contact first. If you’ve tried that and still want to speak to the bullying child’s parents, it’s best to do so in a context where a school official, such as a teacher, can mediate.

5 Find out about the laws in your community. In certain cases, if you have serious concerns about your child’s safety, you may need to contact legal authorities.

A. Praise your child for being brave enough to talk about it.

B. They also worry that their parents will be disappointed.

C. Many kids don’t tell anyone because they feel ashamed.

D. They think that if they acted differently it wouldn’t be happening.

E. A bully can turn something into a serious thing for kids.

F. Many countries have bullying laws and pocilies.

G. Sometimes it’s useful to find the bully’s parents.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1How long did it take to build the Golden Gate Bridge?

A. Three years. B. Four years. C. Seven years.

2What must you bring with you if you decide to visit the Bridge?

A. A camera. B. A bike. C. A jacket.

3How many bridges are longer than the Bridge?

A. Four. B. Eight. C. Twelve.

4What is true about the Bridge according to the speaker?

A. It's not worth visiting now.

B. It's still a famous attraction in the world.

C. It's the oldest bridge of its kind in the world.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】More expressways ______ in Sichuan soon to promote the local economy.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】My fiance (未婚夫) and I were excited about shopping for our first home. But our funds were1and none of the houses in our price range seemed satisfactory.
One agent2a house in particular. Although her description sounded wonderful, the price was3our range, so we declined. But she kept urging us to have a look4.
We finally did and it was5at first sight. It was Our Home, small and charming, overlooking a quiet lake. Walking through the rooms and talking with the owners, a nice elderly couple, we felt the warmth and6of the marriage within that home. As perfect as it was, the price remained too high for us. But every day, we would sit by the lake, looking at the house and dreaming of7it would be like to live there.
Days later, we made a(n)8—far below the asking price. Surprisingly, they didn’t9us. They renewed their offer10It was also much more than we could afford, but far11than the original asking price.
The next day, we got a12message that another buyer had offered a much higher price. Even so, we decided to talk with the13directly. We made our final offer, which14was thousands of dollars less than the other buyer’s bid. We knew it,15we had to try.
“Sold!” said the owner. Then he16: He’d seen us sitting by the lake all those times; he knew how much we loved the place and that we’d17the years of work they had put into their home; he realized he would take a18by selling it to us, but it was worthwhile; we were the people they wanted to live there. He told us to consider the19in the price “an early wedding present。“
That’s how we found our home and how I learned that when people are20they are not strangers, only friends we haven’t yet met.
(1)A.needed B.limited C.enough D.large
(2)A.recommended B.decorated C.sold D.rented
(3)A.below B.within C.beyond D.between
(4)A.at least B.at most C.at times D.at hand
(5)A.relief B.concern C.love D.curiosity
(6)A.pride B.happiness C.challenge D.desire
(7)A.which B.why C.that D.what
(8)A.effort B.offer C.promise D.profit
(9)A.come across B.look after C.depend on D.laugh at
(10)A.instead B.indeed C.aside D.apart
(11)A.worse B.better C.less D.higher
(12)A.relaxing B.disappointing C.pleasant D.regular
(13)A.agents B.buyers C.managers D.owners
(14)A.already B.still C.generally D.ever
(15)A.so B.or C.for D.but
(16)A.apologized B.complained C.criticized D.explained
(17)A.check B.analyze C.appreciate D.ignore
(18)A.loss B.risk C.chance D.lead
(19)A.increase B.difference C.interest D.average
(20)A.kind B.polite C.smart D.energetic


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1Why is the woman so tired?

A. She exercises too much.

B. She has a lot to do at work.

C. She watches TV late at night.

2What does the woman eat for lunch?

A. Nothing. B. A pizza. C. A sandwich.

3What does the man advise the woman do to?

A. Go to bed earlier.

B. Work more hours.

C. Eat a good meal every day.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

1. .If she had been aware that the mushroom were poisonous, she _______________________them for dinner.(pick)
2.____________________the beef being cooked on the stove,the mother pictured the whole family having meals together.(look)
3.The director,____________________a dorm-room in the Film Academy, has already make four films.(share)
4.Into the complete silence of the waiting class_____________________, “Good morning,children.”(come)
5._____________________will not make any difference to our arrangements.(say)
6.We must act as quickly as possible now. Just tell us ____________________the task or not.(undertake).
7.The professor was delighted to find that two thirds of the project ____________________by the students independently.(finish)
8._____________________that they found the long lost sword of the Ming Dynasty .(be)
9.______________________to only a few people here,his reputation abroad is very great.(know).
10.Many bad habits can be especially difficult to cure because they are likely ____________________at a very young age.(from).

