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1.We could see lights  (在远处).


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


     When I was just 16 ,my father decided to turn an old guesthouse into a hotel,and he experimented with everything. None of us had ever worked in a hotel before,but my dad was sure of what guests would like to see.

     For a month that summer,I served as a waitress(女服务员) at breakfast and dinner,which gave me the middle of the day free for studying. Like all the others,I did what the instructions said and treated the guests as though they were special visitors in my own home.

     I soon learned how to deal with the most daunting person in the kitchen the cook,Gordon. He had a great ability to-become very angry for no clear reason. I avoided him as much as possible and always took the dishes with a frozen expression on my face which was turned into a sweet smile in the space between kitchen and dining room. 、

   Breakfast waitressing was,I found,more enjoyable than the dinner service. The guests came wandering into the dining room,looking with appreciation at the view of the sea and islands through the dining room window. It was funny how differently people behaved in the evenings,dressed up and talking with louder,colder voices,not always returning my smile. However,that all changed when Dad created a special role for me.

    It began with a few common cakes for the guests’ packed lunches and progressed to fancy cakes for afternoon teas. This led to the climax(高 潮) :a nightly show known as Lucy's Sweet Trolley. Every evening,I carried the most amazing collection of cakes and other desserts. Most were things I had invented myself and I had cooked all of them. Some — Jacobite Grenades,Mocha Genghis Khan and Goat' s Milk Bavarios to name a few — were really strange. It was Dad's idea that I should dress smartly and stop at each table and recite the name of each dish.

21. What did the people working at the hotel have in common?

   A. They all understood the guests’ expectations.

   B. They all studied at the middle of the day.

   C. They all had enough experience.

   D. They all followed the rules.

22. What does the underlined word “daunting” in Paragraph 3 mean?

   A. Careful.         B. Nervous.

   C. Interesting.      D. Frightening.

23. Why did Lucy enjoy serving breakfasts more than dinners?

   A. The guests were friendlier.

   B. There were more types of food to satisfy the guests.

   C. The dining room was quieter.

   D. The guests dressed up for the beginning of a new day.

24. What was special about the food on Lucy's Sweet Trolley?

   A. It was based on traditional dishes.

   B. It contained a number of new creations.

   C. It was made following her father' s instructions.

   D. It was prepared along with the food for lunches.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(八;) ,并在其下面写出该加的词。

删除:把多余的词用斜线(\) 划掉。



2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起) 不计分。

    Our class recently went on the. school trip to an adventure centre. It is locating not too far away from the school. It only took us two hours get there by bus. There were twenty of ourselves and we spend five days there on a sailing course. The activities were good organised but safety standards were high. We enjoyed the courses although the weather was bad. Each student was given a lot of personal attention,who helped them to develop their confidence. I believe this course was good for all the students,and I think the school should organise a more similar trip next year.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


 Martin: We' re doing our presentation to the seminar (研讨会) group next Monday. 1.(Can / May) you email its   members right away?

Linda: 2. (Must / Should) I do it now?

Martin: Well,wc 3. (must have told /should have told) them earlier really.

Linda: Oh,all right then.


Neil: I've had an email about Martin and Linda's presentation on Monday.

Ellie: That's strange,I haven’t. Do you think I 4. (must / ought to) call them?

Neil: No,you 5. (mustn't / don't have to) . It's probably not connected with your research area.


Neil: Hi,Martin. V ve come a bit early in case you

wanted help to get the room ready. But I see I 6. (needn,t bother / needn’t have bothered) . You’ve got everything organised.

Martin: Isn’ t Ellie with you?

Neil: No,she didn't get an email from you,so we

thought the presentation wasn't relevant to her work.

Martin: Oh,dear. Linda 7. (must send /must have sent) the email to the wrong address.

Neil: Where is she now? She 8. (must /should) be here.

Martin: I don't know. She 9. (must have forgotten / should have forgotten) we’ re doing this presentation. She's  so unreliable.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

5. My son was a quiet and (温和的) man who liked sports and enjoyed life.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

II. 用适当的介词填空。 

1. My sister has a great gift  languages.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

5. You have no idea  worried your mother was.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

6. The price includes morning coffee, (自助餐) lunch,and afternoon tea.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

2. The movie was made to remember his grandfather.

The movie was made   his grandfather.

